Studies in the Scriptures
Zion's Watch Tower
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Isaiah was one of the grandest of the Lord's prophets. Not only is his message couched in kindly, sympathetic terms, but it is most comprehensive, including, with the rebukes and exhortations appropriate to his own day and nation, sublime glimpses of the glorious future which the Lord in his own due time will bring to pass for the blessing not only of Israel, but of all the families of the earth. The prophecy of Isaiah and what he saw and foresaw, was prepared during a period of about forty years. R3451:3
There were three distinct climaxes to the complete fulfillment of Isaiah's message: (1) It was about 170 years from the time of his vision and the last year of King Uzziah, before Judah was carried captive to Babylon, from which only a remnant returned 70 years later. (2) The vision and the message were about 800 years before the final rejection of Israel by Messiah at his first advent, when only a remnant was accepted into the Gospel age. (3) Isaiah's vision and message were about 2,650 years before the rejection or nominal spiritual Israel, preparatory to gathering out of the "Israelites indeed," which shall rule and bless all the families of the earth. In harmony with the above suggestions, it will be found that Isaiah's prophecies repeatedly mingle and commingle the events of his day with the events of our day. R2372:3
Isaiah typified the sanctified, who have throughout this age said, "Lord, here am I, send me." The message of this Isaiah class has been unpopular, to this day. R4787:6
Some claim that not more than the first 28 chapters of
Isaiah are really the writings of that prophet; that the remainder of the book bearing his name has distinctive peculiarities indicating that they were written by two or three other parties. We reply to this "Higher Criticism" that it is altogether too high-that it takes the standpoint of unbelief and therefore not the standpoint proper for the child of God. The truly higher criticism would reason that as the olden-time prophets generally used scribes, to whom they dictated, so probably had Isaiah; and that as Isaiah's prophecy covered a number of years, he probably had several scribes, and while each scribe may have had his own peculiarities, the same God who was able and willing to give a revelation of his will through his prophet, Isaiah, was willing and able to overrule the scribes provided, so that the revelation should reach his people as he designed to give it. R1418:2
Isaiah 1
Isaiah 1:1
Vision of Isaiah
-- Probably dictated to several scribes, over a number of years. R1418:2
Some fulfilled within 250 years of his vision, some apply to our day. R2372:5
Including rebukes and exhortations of his own day, and sublime glimpses of the glorious future. R3451.3
Isaiah, like Ezekiel and John the Revelator, seems to represent the living saints, who see "visions of God." R530:4*
Son of Amoz
-- Isaiah was related to the royal family. R2379:2
-- It is supposed that Isaiah was his tutor. R2379:2
Kings of Judah
-- Isaiah's prophecy was prepared during about 40 years. R3451:3
Isaiah 1:2
Hear, O heavens
-- Powers of spiritual control. A318
Give ear, O earth
-- Society. A318
The LORD hath spoken
-- Not the wisdom or exhortation of Isaiah, but the Lord's message through the prophet. R3451:3
Brought up
-- Lifted high in greatness. R3451:6
From an obscure beginning the Lord brought Israel forward to the most prominent place in world history. R3451:6
-- In natural Israel, likewise in nominal spiritual Israel. R3452:1
-- Israel's course was wrong, ungrateful and sinful; but no worse than the other nations. R3451:6
It is not surprising that the Lord will not permit such to return to his table. R1900:4
Isaiah 1:3
The ox knoweth
-- We ought to be able to know our God and recognize his supervision in our affairs in this Harvest time, and see the dawning Millennium. R4044:1
The brute recognizes an obligation to the one who cares for him. R3452:2
His master's crib
-- The ox and ass know enough to return again and again to the place where they have been fed, thus owing more discretion than those who forsake the Lord's table to prove the dishes offered on unclean tables. R1900:2, R4044:2
Doth not know
-- Their Creator and Redeemer--in the sense of being fully acquainted with his character. R3312:6
The masses of Christendom are too busy with their own plans and schemes. R3452:2
Some know not the Lord as their owner, but still "belong to" various sects, parties and denominations. R4044:1
Illustrated by an elder instructing (or cautioning) his Ecclesia to avoid use of the six volumes of Scripture Studies and other Present Truth literature. R4044:4
Whoever manifests such a spirit should be firmly, kindly dealt with, to the intent that the flock might be preserved from such a pernicious spirit, and that the leader himself might be recovered from the snare of the Adversary. R4044:5
Doth not consider
-- Reflect, think, study, ponder. R3312:3
Many whom the Lord has favored, both in natural and spiritual Israel, do not exhibit the wisdom of even the brute beast. R4044:1
Israel heeded not the light, nor the warning, as here foretold. R2036:2
Readily forget where they got their previous food. R3786:4
Increased activity in the professed Christian church has taken more of a business than a pious turn, emphasizing more the forms of godliness than cultivating vital power, more to worldly than spiritual prosperity. R2146:1*
The Bible is a religion of faith, but faith based on reasonable evidences. R3312:3
Isaiah 1:5
Stricken any more?
-- What would be the use of any more stripes or chastisements? What hope would there be of effecting a reformation? R3452:2
Is sick
-- As a result of all tables being filled with vomit, rejected doctrines. R3963:1
Isaiah 1:6
Foot even unto the head
-- Probably referred to the people as a whole and to their land, desolated from the north and south. R3452:2
Is no soundness
-- The fall of Adam has worked ruin to mankind. R5977:6; CR209:2*
"There is none righteous, no not one." (Rom. 3:10) E252
Putrefying sores
-- Mental and physical. E252
Isaiah 1:7
Country is desolate
-- Looking into the future desolation came about a century later. R3452:3, 2
Applied to Christendom, Evolutionists and other enemies of the truth are laying waste the heritage of the Lord's people. R3452:3
Isaiah 1:8
Daughter of Zion
-- The nation of Israel, typical of nominal spiritual Zion. R1648:3; D23
As a cottage
-- A temporary structure; unsafe, unsatisfactory-picturing the condition of the Jewish nation, and foretelling the deplorable condition of Christendom. R3452:3; D558
Isaiah 1:9
Had left unto us
-- During Israel's double of disfavor. OV75:4
Small remnant
-- The majority stumbling because of pride and hardness of heart. B215
The rest of Israel will have missed the honor, offered to them first, of constituting the spiritual Bride of Christ. OV96:2
Similarly, also at the second advent of Christ, only a remnant will be found of Israelites indeed, while the majority will be rejected. R3452:5
Have been as Sodom
-- Implied hopelessness as respected the kingdom opportunities of Jewish and Gospel ages, but not as respects the future. R3452:5
Isaiah 1:13
Vain ablations
-- In the churches there is a great deal of formalism-fine church edifices, grand organs, trained choirs, gymnasia, "smokers," culinary departments, etc. R5696:4
Isaiah 1:14
Appointed feasts
-- The Lord will not recognize and accept such service. R5696:4
Isaiah 1:15
I will not hear
-- "God heareth not sinners." (John 9:31) R2024:1
Isaiah 1:16
Wash you
-- Does not mean a washing away of literal sin which they could not effect, which was only figuratively done on the Day of Atonement, and will only be actually accomplished by the Lord Jesus' work. R3452:6
Make you clean
-- An exhortation to reform, like the words of John the Baptist and Jesus in the Jewish Harvest. R3452:6
Spiritual Israel has real cleansing in the better sacrifice of Christ. R3453:1
Cease to do evil
-- We shall not be able to effect this transformation in ourselves except so far as we have a right will and a pure heart, an honest endeavor for righteousness. R4840:4
Although our wills are in opposition to sin of every kind, having imperfect bodies, we cannot hope to be absolutely free from sin. R3453:1
Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do well
-- The Lord desires that we realize our wrong condition and turn therefrom to the best of our ability. R4840:4
Perfection must be our aim, and in our hearts it must be continually the criterion-but we cannot live up fully to this grand standard. R3453:1
Seek judgment
-- Always be on the side of right and justice, desiring to do justice to all with whom you have dealings. R3453:2
Relieve the oppressed
-- Be of generous spirit, willing and anxious to lift some of the burdens from the groaning creation to the extent of your ability. R3453:2
Judge the fatherless
-- See that those not capable of looking after their own interest do not suffer at your hand. R3453:2
Plead for the widow
-- Feel a sympathy for the helpless and plead their cause with others. R3453:2
Isaiah 1:18
Let us reason
-- Reason is the noblest faculty of the human mind, the prominent mark of the divine likeness in humanity, making man capable of communion with God. R1565:3
Man is invited to use his reasoning faculties in the study of God's Word. A20
God thus recognizes his image, even in fallen man. A174
Verses 18 to 20 apply especially to natural Israel, though an application is also possible to spiritual Israel. R3453:5
Inviting the faithful to consider, to search, to prove. R3312:3
Appealing neither to prejudices nor to passions. A58
Indicating that God's Word is reasonable. Q747:4
So that our faith in his plan might be a reasonable faith and that we might be able to give to our fellowmen a reason for the hope that is in us. (1 Pet. 3:15) R1565:3
A faith without reason honors not God, nor is it worthy of an intelligent being. Faith without reason is merely groveling superstition. R883:3*
The two extremes of underrating and overrating human reason are both fraught with evil consequences. R1566:6
The Lord is pleased to have those who are in harmony with him know the equity, the justice, of all his dealings. R3947:1
We can reason together with God when we take the voice of his Son and reject the voices of the "Dark Ages." R3795:3
As originally created, man was in his Creator's mental likeness: Justice, Mercy, Love in man were the same in kind as in God; so much so that they could and did, ever since the fall, reason together on these subjects. R525:3
Nominal Christians, avoiding thought on religious subjects, have not their "senses exercised by reason of use" and are, at best, only babes in Christ. (Heb. 5:13, 14) R2890:5
Heathen religions, and to some extent nominal Christendom, seek to restrain the intellect and appeal chiefly to the passions, prejudices and fears. R2890:5
I will make it clear and plain to you, God says. R689:6
-- We are not to reason without him and his Word. SM24:2; CR334:3
The Lord never reasons with any except those who have faith in him and trust in his promises. R3947:1
Sins be as scarlet
-- The Lord used crimson and scarlet as indicative of the most flagrant sins. CR414:2
A fact recognized by some Jews on the great Day of Atonement. C255*
As white as snow
-- The merit of the great Atonement sacrifices covers all blemishes and makes absolutely clean. R3453:6
If a scarlet, or crimson, object is viewed through a red glass in the light it appears white; so when we come where God will view our sins through the blood of Christ they are accounted as white. R13:4
Evidencing the full and complete forgiveness of all who are truly repentant and who desire to draw nigh to God through Christ. Q832:4
The word "white" is from the same root as the word "frankincense." R84:5*
Red like crimson
-- Deep red-a fast color. R689:6
Isaiah 1:19
If ye
-- The obedient in the Millennial age. R1649:5; A67; HG538:2
Good of the land
-- All promises made to Israel were of temporal good, with no mention of heavenly hopes. R1358:4
To the natural man this would mean earthly good things, and to the spiritual Israelites heavenly good things. R3453:6
Isaiah 1:20
Ye shall be devoured
-- If spiritual Israelites refuse to walk in harmony with the Lord's direction and rebel against him, they will bring upon themselves the Second Death. R3454:1
Isaiah 1:25
Purge away thy dross
-- A refining process, applicable to spiritual as well as fleshly Israel. R1944:3
Isaiah 1:26
Restore thy judges
-- The Ancient Worthies, in full authority as prophets or teachers, under the supervision of Immanuel's heavenly Kingdom. R4201:4, R4320:5; A294; CR141:6; OV321:5, OV88:3
As at the first
-- Implies that this was, in many respects, a favorable time for the Israelites. R3102:5, R5645:6
The rule of the judges was superior to that of the kings. R4201:4
Eventually the whole world will be under heavenly rule, with incorruptible earthly judges enforcing the divine law. R3216:5, R5646:5
The Millennial blessings will begin with Israel. OV88:3
And thy counsellors
-- The lawgivers, as at the first, will be the greater than Moses-The Christ, Head and Body. R4201:4
City of righteousness
-- The Christ complete constitutes the New Jerusalem. R238:2*
Isaiah 1:28
The destruction
-- There surely will be some lost, as well as some saved. R3083:2
Of the sinners
-- The wilful sinners. R3083:3
Isaiah 2
Isaiah 2:1
Judah and Jerusalem
-- Natural Israel. By the time this prophecy will have begun to be fulfilled, spiritual Israel will be beyond the veil. SM736:1
Isaiah's prophecies repeatedly mingle and commingle the events of his day with the events of our day; intruding the Messianic Millennial Kingdom into the prophecies which specially relate to natural Israel. R2372:5
Isaiah 2:2
In the last days
-- When the last member of the elect Church of Christ shall have passed beyond the veil. SM730:2, R735:T, R362:3
That the mountain
-- The Kingdom. C235; D628; E44; R1914:2, R5990:1
Of the LORD'S house
-- Of the house of Jehovah. E44
"Whose house are we." (Heb. 3:6) R269:2
Messiah's Kingdom, represented on earth by Israel, as the divine channel of blessing, with the Ancient Worthies, as princes in all the earth. SM730:1, SM731:1, SM732:2, SM733:1
-- Now being established permanently; when the first resurrection is complete. R172:1, R3175:5, R5990:1
In the top of
-- Overruling other kingdoms. D628, E44
It will be the chief mountain or Kingdom. R4990:1
The place of power. R269:2
Superseding. R5990:1
The Temple was permanently established, not only in Jerusalem, but in the top of the mountain. R172:1
Not only true of the spiritual Kingdom, but including also an earthly Kingdom of "Israelites indeed" headed by the resurrected Ancient Worthies. SM732:2
As a "city set on a hill that cannot be hid." (Matt. 5:14) R338:5, R421:6
The mountains
-- All earthly kingdoms. D628; E44; R5990:1, R4990:1; SM732:2
Shall be exalted
-- This exaltation began in April, 1878. C235; R5990:2
Above the hills
-- The smaller governments of earth. R5575:4, R5990:1
Republics. D628
The highest peaks. D628
All nations
-- This Kingdom will intervene between the divine government and mankind because the fallen race is unable to meet the requirements of the divine law. R5181:2
Shall flow unto it
-- As the world shall come to appreciate the new order of things, all nations shall flow up to it. SM734:T, SM735:T The whole world will send to the wonderful "princes" to have them extend everywhere their government, their yoke of righteousness, seen to be so beneficial to Israel. D628
The New covenant will be inaugurated with natural Israel and gradually the whole world will become attached to Israel as part of Abraham's earthly seed. CR485:2
Isaiah 2:3
Many people
-- The world in general. R5428:5; SM735:1; OV85:1; Q60:7
Instead of the Lord's empire being a typical one over the little nation of Israel, it will be the antitypical one, as King over all the earth. R2550:3
Shall go and say
-- When disturbed by the commotions and trouble of the Epiphania, the Apokalupsis of the King in the pouring out of the seven last plagues. R2957:1, R2975:4, R3869:1
Come ye
-- They will be completely disgusted with Satan's ruling, and his deceptions, and glad to submit to the reign of Christ. R1233:4
Let us go up
-- In the time of trouble, and subsequently. R5655:6, R517:4*; Q637:3
Let us submit to the new Kingdom of God. R269:2
All nations will be desiring salvation and the blessings of restitution. R5655:6, R5000:2, R4796:1
Seeing God's blessings coming to the nation of Israel, the others will want a share also. Q170:8, Q205:T, Q210:T When the iron rod shall have accomplished the work of destruction, then will the hand that smote be turned to heal, and the people will return to the Lord and he shall heal them. A256
As, similarly, representatives of many nations came to hear Solomon. R2053:1
Let us seek protection and render obedience to the Kingdom of the Lord. R687:1
Mountain of the LORD
-- Kingdom of Jehovah. A297; E44; SM735:1
To the house
-- Temple. SM735:1
The God of Jacob
-- The New covenant will be made only with Israel. The only way other nations can receive a share of restitution favors will be by becoming Israelites. R4575:4
The world, weak and awe-struck by the time of trouble, will begin to take notice of Israel's rising again to national life and the blessings bestowed upon them. R4555:3
They will say, he has done for the Jew first, but he will also do for us. R4840:5
He will teach us
-- As well as the Jews. R4796:4, R4575:5
As a counsellor. (Isa. 9:6) R1747:4
After the time of trouble, they will be glad to forsake their own ways and come into harmony with God. R269:3, R5428:5
Walk In his paths
-- "All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth." (Psa 25:10) R2334:6
"They shall return even to the Lord, and he shall be entreated of them and shall heal them." (Isa. 19:22) A256
Present temptations to evil will be removed when Satan shall be bound. R542:4*
Not until they do this will the Mediator recognize them. R5428:5; Q60:7
Led forth from sin along the grand highway to perfection. R1024:4
The Gentiles, seeing how the Lord blesses the Jews for so doing, will want similar blessings. Q206:2
Those who fail to do this will have tribulation that they may learn righteousness. R4729:2
For out of Zion
-- The spiritual phase of the Kingdom, the glorified Christ, Head and Body. A297, C293; D628; CR156:6, CR157:2; R4555:3, R4575:4, R5000:2
The true Zionism of the past eighteen centuries has been of the heavenly kind. CR156:6
Go forth the law
-- As soon as the last member of the Church is glorified, for correction in righteousness of the world's affairs. CR157:1, 3, CR156:6; R4542:5
Now we persuade, urge, entreat men to come to the Lord; then it will be different. R4542:5
Word of the LORD
-- Divine messages, through the "princes." (Psa 45:16) CR157:2; D620, R3869:2, R5583:4
From Jerusalem
-- The seat of the earthly phase of the Kingdom in the hands of the "princess" A297, C293; D629; SM735:1; R4071:6, R5293:4, R5000:2; OV96:3
Jerusalem will become the capital city of the world. Q790:2
The Ancient Worthies will constitute the earthly Jerusalem, the capital of the new dispensation. CRI57:2
The re-established fleshly Israel. C293; R4575:4, R1341:2
Fleshly Israel, recovered from blindness, shall be used as a medium through which the streams of salvation, issuing from glorified, spiritual Israel, shall flow to all the families of the earth. C293
These two phases of the Kingdom will be in communication and co-operation through the Millennium. R4071:6
From Israel, under the New covenant, through Israel's Mediator, a way of approach to God will be opened up for all the Gentiles. OV96:3, OV85:1
The earthly phase of the Kingdom will be essentially Israelitish. R286:6
The nation that will not go up to Jerusalem will have no blessings. (Zech. 14:17-19) R4819:5
Isaiah 2:4
He shall judge
-- Previously-in the great time of trouble. D628, D629
Rewarding and punishing justly. SM735:1
And shall rebuke
-- By his judgments. R1469:6
And they shall
-- As a result of the Lord's rebukes and subsequently his law and word. D629
The connecting verses show that the conditions of peace referred to will not be established until after the Kingdom of the Lord is set up on the earth. Q812:2
Beat their swords
-- After they have been brought to a condition of willingness. R269:2
Into plowshares
-- We Christians have not gotten them to do so. R5061:3
Learn war any more
-- Under Messiah's Kingdom wars will cease forever. R5760:3; OV318:5
"Prepare war" (Joel 3:9, 10) is the prophecy that applies now. R353:2*
Isaiah 2:5
O house of Jacob
-- Natural Israel. A300, SM736:1
Walk in the light
-- Truth. Those most prompt to respond will get the greater blessing. A20; SM736:1
Isaiah 2:6
Thou hast forsaken
-- Verses 6 to 10 give some reasons why God's favor has been, for a time, withdrawn from Israel. SM736:2
Isaiah 2:7
Full of horses
-- Doctrinal hobbies. C316
Of their chariots
-- Worldly organizations. C316
Isaiah 2:8
Is full of idols
-- The idolatry of money, covetousness, etc. B139; R1836:1
Isaiah 2:11
Shall be humbled
-- They will not be boasting then. OV420:3
Pride is a great obstacle, hindering approach to truth and righteousness. The Almighty is not sufficiently reverenced. SM737:1
Haughtiness of men
-- The wisdom of the learned will prove futile in the time of trouble. SM737:1
Shall be bowed down
-- Nevertheless his judgment will be for the world's deliverance, for he wounds to heal. R1869:3
The LORD alone
-- The result will be the glory of the Lord and the humbling of human pride. SM737:1
Exalted in that day
-- In the time of trouble. B139
The thousand-year day in which Messiah is to be King over all the earth. PD3/8
The Day now begun. OV420:3
When men give up the contest, God will exalt himself and fully set up his government. R1213:6*
Isaiah 2:12
Upon every one
-- Heavy upon every proud one. SM737:2
Isaiah 2:13
Cedars of Lebanon
-- The ecclesiastically great. SM737:2
The oaks of Bashan
-- The politically strong. SM737:2
Isaiah 2:14
The high mountains
-- The kingdoms of this world. SM737:2
All the hills
-- The smaller princedoms. SM737:2
Isaiah 2:15
High tower
-- Human organization. SM737:2
Every fenced wall
-- Symbol of civil power. D40
Isaiah 2:16
Ships of Tarshish
-- Possibly a reference to the destruction of the Spanish navy in the Spanish-American war. R2506:5*
Isaiah 2:17
The LORD alone
-- God must be first under the new order of things. SM738:T
Isaiah 2:18
And the Idols
-- The idolatry of money, covetousness, etc. B139; R1836:1
Isaiah 2:19
And they shall go
-- Realizing their inability to cope with the mighty, pent-up forces with which they will have to deal when the terrible crisis arrives. D148
Holes of the rocks
-- Represent attempted protection of human organizations, insurance companies, secret societies, etc. SM738:1
Caves of the earth
-- Fortresses of society Free Masonry, Odd Fellowship, Trade Unions, Guilds, Trusts and all societies, secular and ecclesiastical. B139
When he ariseth
-- Assumes authority, takes command. "At that time shall Michael stand up." (Dan. 12:1) B14 7
To shake terribly
-- So that it may be removed. D55; SM738:2
None of the shelters of society will be able to protect from the trouble which is coming. SM738:1
The earth
-- The present social order. D55
Isaiah 2:20
In that day
-- In the time of trouble. D149, R2506:6
Now so very close at hand-"even at the door." (Matt. 24:33) D148
Isaiah 2:21
Fear of the LORD
-- Fear of his judgments which, in a natural way, will produce the great time of trouble. B140
Shake terribly
-- "Until all the foundations of the earth (the foundations of society-the hitherto established principles of law and order) are moved." (Psa. 82:5) D55
And to destroy its corruptions. B140
Present civilization will be destroyed because the Lord has something far better for the world. OV420:3
Isaiah 2:22
Cease ye from man
-- It is time for the Lord's people to recognize the Lord as their only King and Director. R3217:3
Isaiah 3
Isaiah 3:1
Whole stay of bread
-- During the Gospel age the poor Jews have been famishing. They have been without any communication with God. R5031:6; Q269:7
Isaiah 4
Isaiah 4:1
In that day
-- An expression usually referring to the closing period of the Gospel age with its time of trouble and general church and world confusion. CR409:1
Seven women
-- The complete nominal church, Babylon the great and all her daughters. R295:2; Q851:2; CR413:2
None of them has his approval. CR408:3
Take hold of one man
-- Christ Jesus. Q851:2; R295:2; CR413:3
Eat our own bread
-- Which the world supplies. R295:2
Made with the leaven of false doctrine. R5111:4
For the doctrines of Christ they care nothing. CR413:3
Our own apparel
-- The filthy rags of their own righteousness. R295:2
For any thought of redemption and covering of sins through Christ they care nothing. CR413:3
Called by thy name
-- They assume the name Christ, and call their organizations, Christian churches. R295:2; Q851:2; R413:3
Away our reproach
-- That we are not the true Church, because of worldliness. R295:3; Q851:2
Isaiah 4:4
Daughters of Zion
-- Spiritual Israel. R1648:3; D23
Judgment ... burning
-- The double cleansing process. R3568:5*
Isaiah 4:6
A tabernacle
-- Wherever there are one or more consecrated hearts there is a dwelling place of God. R2080:3
From the heat
-- Where the heart may rest its burdens and find refreshment. R2080:3
From storm
-- From the storms of life. R2080:3
Isaiah 5
Isaiah 5:1
Song of my beloved
-- A parable, or story, of Jehovah. R4794:3
A vineyard
-- The Jewish nation. "A certain man planted a vineyard and set a hedge about it." (Mark 12:1) R1982:2, R2904:1
Palestine. R4257:1
Figure of Jewish and Christian systems, both the houses of Israel. R1896:1
Isaiah 5:2
He fenced It
-- With the Law and the prophets. R4794:3, R1795:3
The spiritual promises with which he surrounds the Church. R4795:4
The special supervision and fatherly guardianship of God, the ministration of his faithful servants. to separate them from ungodly, surrounding nations and to protect them from their influence. R1795:3
Gathered out the stones
-- Removed the difficulties. R4794:3, R4795:4
The choicest vine
-- Referring specially to the leaders of the Jewish people. R2904:1
The richest promises of the Messianic Kingdom. R4794:3
The care with which the Lord planted his Church with heavenly, spiritual promises. R4795:4
And built a tower
-- A watch tower, representing the prophets. R1795:6, R4794:3
A watch tower of grace and truth established by the apostles. R4795:4
Made a winepress
-- The various advantages conferred upon Israel which should have caused an overflow of precious fruitage. R1795:3
Bring forth grapes
-- Mature fruits of character, especially that of unselfish love. E206; R4794:1, 1795:6
God looked for choice fruitage from such a favorably situated vineyard as Israel, but in vain. R4794:3
Wild grapes
-- Israel's fruitage was not in harmony with the promises God had planted, and this condition prevailed until the time of Jesus. R4794:3
Similarly, in the Harvest for spiritual Israel, the great nominal mass will be found unworthy. R4795:4
Isaiah 5:3
Men of Judah
-- Isaiah was not writing to the ten tribes, but to the two tribes of Judah, seeking to warn them by the experiences of their sister nation. R3892:5
Isaiah 5:4
Could have been done more
-- It was not for lack of attention on God's part, but perversity of the vine which had degenerated into a "strange vine." (Jer. 2:21) R1896:2
Wild grapes
-- As natural Israel failed to be ready to accept Jesus at his first advent, so spiritual Israel will fail to be ready to receive him as the Messiah at the establishment of his Kingdom. R4795:4
Isaiah 5:5
Do to my vineyard
-- Temporarily abandoned, the vineyard of Israel will be restored during the Messianic reign. R4795:2
Take away the hedge
-- Applies since the day of John the Baptist, the last of the prophets. R4794:6
Trodden down
--The Gentile nations have ravaged this vineyard. R4794:6
Isaiah 5:6
Lay It waste
-- Had some application to the 70 years of desolation of Israel, with larger fulfilment at our Lord's first advent when he declared their house left desolate because of their wrong condition of heart and rejection of Christ. (Matt. 23:38) R4257:1
No rain
-- It has been laid waste. No care has been taken for it. R4794:6
Symbol of truth. B256
No rain of divine blessing, comfort, encouragement has come upon the Jewish people in all these more than eighteen centuries. R4794:6
Isaiah 5:7
House of Israel
-- Natural Israel types Christendom which is also called the Lord's vineyard. R5112:1
For judgment
-- Justice. R2904:2, R4795:1, R5112:1
Behold oppression
-- Contrary to the Law, of unselfish love for the neighbor as for one's self. R4795:1
Those with the greatest knowledge of righteousness took advantage of their more ignorant brethren. R2904:2
For righteousness
-- Jehovah knew they could not keep the Law perfectly, but did expect heart endeavors. R4795:1
Equity. R5112:1
Behold a cry
-- Because of the landlordism of verse 8. R5112;1
Of distress, from the oppressed. R5112:1, R2904:2
So it is throughout the length and breadth of Christendom. R1896:2
Isaiah 5:8
-- Verses 8 to 23 treat the reasons the Lord was displeased with Israel and rejected them. R4257:1
Especially in the time of trouble. R2904:3
Unto them
-- Natural Israel and nominal spiritual Israel, Babylon. R2904:3
Join house to house
-- The religious organizations, corporations and individuals are all engaged in this business of acquiring wealth. R1896:2
Landlordism. In the future, "they shall no more build and another inhabit" (Isa. 65:22); perhaps signifying that in the future, houses will be built for the owner's occupancy, not rented. R2904:2
Illustrated in the Morgan-Rockefeller-Hill Trust "syndicating the world," seeking to acquire control of the world's interests in various lines, such as steel. R2804:3*
Lay field to field
-- Amass wealth and control land and machinery and all sources of wealth and power. R2904:3
There be no place
-- For the poor to occupy. R2904:2
Placed alone
-- The sin of selfishness, avarice, indicates a lack of the spirit of the Lord. R4795:2, R4257:1, R5112:1
Isaiah 5:9
In mine ears
-- In my hearing. R5112:2
The cry of the oppressed comes up into the ears of the Lord of armies who declares "woe." (See Jas. 5:1-6) R1896:2
Shall be desolate
-- Ruins will come on the great estates. R4795:4
Mansions uninhabited and fields unfruitful. R4257:2
The time of trouble will be upon all. R5112:2
Great and fair
-- Houses and families. R5112:2
The time of trouble will be especially against the great who live in earthly palaces. R2904:3
Without Inhabitant
-- In the time of trouble the finest residences will be deserted for safety's sake, or their occupants destroyed. R2904:3
Isaiah 5:10
Shall yield
-- When the time of trouble has fully come, so that "There is no hire for man or beast" (Zech. 8:10), the returns from large holdings will be so poor as to lead to serious results. R2904:5, R4795:4
Shortage of crops will have much to do with the trouble. R5112:2
One bath
-- Equals only eight gallons. R2804:6*
An ephah
-- But a tenth of an homer (or about one bushel). R2804:6*
Isaiah 5:11
Woe unto them
-- Symbolic prophecy concerning both the houses of Israel, after the flesh and spiritual. R1896:1
Many of the rich indulged themselves in intoxicating liquors, music, revelry, etc., to their own injury and the neglect of their responsibilities toward God. R5112:3
Strong drink
-- Any indulgence of alcoholic spirits is dangerous. R4256:3
Reference here is not to literal wine, but to the intoxicating spirit of the world. R1444:1, R1896:2, R3892:3, R2904:2
Symbol of false doctrines. D614; R4257:6
Continue until night
-- All day long give themselves up to the intoxicating spirit of the world. R1896:3
Till wine inflame them!
-- Controlling the will and bringing it into slavery, rendering it almost powerless. R3893:1
Isaiah 5:12
The harp
-- Money-making, feasting, music and pleasure-seeking absorb the attention of the great and influential. R4257:2, R1896:3
And pipe
-- Pipe organ. R2904:6
They regard not
-- The majority of the rich, like the majority of the poor, are selfish to the core. R5112:4
The minds of those given up to self-indulgence and enslaved to sin are distracted , turned to unworthy and ignoble subjects that have a degrading influence upon them. R3893:2
"God is not in all their thoughts." (Psa. 10:4) R3893:2
The work
-- The plan. R1896:3, R2409:6
Humanity in general. God would have the prosperous concentrate their powers, not upon the aggregation of wealth, but on generous schemes for the blessing and uplifting of the race. R5112:5
Neither consider
-- Their wealth gave them time, for which they are also responsible. R5112:3
Isaiah 5:13
Therefore my people
-- Those professing to be my people, Christians. R1896:3
Into captivity
-- To ambitious leaders who have usurped authority over them and made void the Word of God. R1896:3
Have no knowledge
-- Of the Lord's plan. R2905:1
Not being in the attitude of heart and mind in which God could teach and lead them. R1896:3
Their honourable men
-- Clergy, bishops and popes. R1896:3
Are famished
-- From lack of proper ideals and nourishment from the prophecies. R4257:3
Similar conditions apply now in Christendom. The people are hungry and thirsty for spiritual food and drink. R4257:3
"I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the Lord." (Amos 8:11) R1896:3, R5113:4
Dried up with thirst
-- For explanations and consistency which their teachers cannot satisfy. R2904:6
Isaiah 5:14
Therefore hell
-- Sheol, oblivion. Israel, having completely lost prestige having become as though dead. E369; R1896:3, R2599:5, R4257:4
Not the hell of eternal torment. R5113:4
-- The gratification of the fallen flesh has greatly enlarged the tomb-many more die prematurely. R3893:3
During the time of trouble the grave will specialty enlarge to take into it the octopus system of Babylon with its many arms-financial, political, social and religious. R2905:1
The time of trouble approaching will mean the loss of much life. "Unless those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved." (Matt. 24:22) R5113:4
He that rejoiceth
-- Thousands shall fall, including those who have once rejoiced in faith. R4257:4
Descend into It
-- Increase of death rate in the poor classes of Israelites. R4257:4
The hopes of many in spiritual Israel are going down into oblivion-faith is perishing among the people. R4257:4
The great systems of Christendom shall go into oblivion. R1896:4
Isaiah 5:15
The mean man
-- Who now selfishly exalts himself, regardless of others. R1896:4
Shall be humbled
-- In the great leveling processes of the Day of the Lord. R1896:4
Isaiah 5:16
Exalted In judgment
-- This will be the outcome of the time of trouble. R1896:4
Sanctified in righteousness
-- Bring in righteousness, cause it to predominate. R3893:4
Isaiah 5:17
Of the fat ones
-- Of the rich. R1896:5
Shall strangers eat
-- The Lord will espouse the cause of the poor and needy. R1896:5
The goodly portion, spiritual favors, were bestowed upon us, Gentiles, aliens. R3893:4
Isaiah 5:18
-- In the present life. An expression of sympathy, not a threat of future tribulation. R3893:4 The "woe" time will be the great time of trouble. R3894:2
Unto them
-- Especially to the prominent ones (teachers) of Babylon. R2905:1
Cords of vanity
-- Self-conceit, supposing that they are hastening the Lord's work. R2905:1
Falsehood, in carrying forward their inequitable schemes. R4257:4
And sin
-- Especially lying and hypocrisy. R1896:5
With a cart rope
-- The poor groaning creation is as a slave bound to sin by a "cart rope;" it is so strong that he cannot break it. R3893:5
Isaiah 5:19
That say
-- "If there be a God, and if he have the power, would he not long ago have exerted it? May we not, therefore, go onward in the way of sin with impunity?" R3893:5
By their conduct. R1896:5
Let him
-- The Lord. R1896:5
Make speed
-- Thus, in unbelief, they scoff at the truth now due. R1896:5
That we may see It
-- The fact that the Lord has been lifting the veil of ignorance from the world and permitting greater blessings is influencing many to turn to Evolution and conclude that man did not fall. R3893:5
Draw nigh and come
-- They claim to be in full accord with the Lord and ready for his Kingdom if he had one, or if it ever will come. R4257:5
Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them
-- Satan and his associates and servants. E189; F199
Especially the clergy. R3894:1
Not that the founders of the counterfeit systems intentionally organized them for the purpose Of misleading the people of God. F199
That call evil good
-- Calling God's good "evil" and God's righteousness "sin." R1800:4
Sin is a terrible malady, and it is as improper to call it a blessing as cholera or smallpox. R849:4
As do they who say that the evil in men is the working of God in him. R1778:2, R1269:1, R848:2
Considering the evils of our time as nothing, as really good in comparison with the past. R3893:6
Thus making it easy to do evil and difficult to do good. E189
The have called the evil things which they practice good. R4257:5
As some who conclude that they are as much saved and as much loved as the saints, while they are yet in their sins and rebellion against God. R1253:5
"Let no man say, when he is tempted, I am tempted of God; for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." (Jas. 1:13) R1269:1
And good evil
-- Imputing evil to God, whose work is perfect. R1778:2, R1269:1
Calling truth and equity nonsensical. R4257:5
The good of the past they are disposed to reckon as evil, imperfect. R3893:6
Darkness for light
-- Teaching Evolution and eternal torment as gospel. R3015:2, R2905:2
Satan's favorite method of operating. R5183:6, R5053:4
Is it any wonder that "my people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hos. 4:6) R2693:4
Light for darkness
-- False teachers warn the people against the truth, as poison. R2905:4
Bitter for sweet
-- Truth is sweet. R4257:5
Sweet for bitter
-- Error-that which Babylon calls gospel is bad tidings. R4257:5, R2905:2
The bitter dose of eternal torment is misnamed sweet, heavenly truth. R2905:4
Isaiah 5:21
Them that are wise
-- "The wisdom of this world is foolishness with God." (1 Cor. 3:19) R1896:5
And prudent
-- A wisdom and prudence which is of the earth earthy, sensual, devilish. R4257:5
Isaiah 5:22
Woe unto them
-- In the time of trouble now near at hand. R3894:2
Mighty to drink wine
-- Greedily imbibe the spirit of the world while still professing to be God's people. R1896:5
Men of strength
-- Of intellect and influence. R1896:5
Special condemnation to those who are the public leaders and promulgators of false doctrines. R1444:4
Mingle strong drink
-- Mingle the world's ideas and doctrines and customs with a little of the truth, perverted and misused and so associated with error as not to be understood. R1896:6
Isaiah 5:23
-- Clergy of Christendom, in their funeral orations. R3894:1, R2905:5
Justify the wicked
-- Preach them into heaven. R2905:4
Defend the wicked, erroneous, God-dishonoring creeds; thus perverting the truth. R3894:2, R1896:6
For reward
-- For increased influence in the family or denomination. R2905:4
For popular approval, denominational standing, the honor of men, financial emoluments, social interest. R1896:6, R3894:2
And take away
-- To say all manner of evil against them falsely- or, at least, to imply evil. R2905:4
The righteousness
-- Misrepresent those who hold the truth. R1896:6, R2905:4
Of the righteous
-- Of those who come out of Babylon. R2905:4
Isaiah 5:24
-- Verses 24 to 30 show the mighty power which caused the fall of the Jewish polity and describe the great time of trouble now impending. R4257:1, R2905:5
Isaiah 5:25
The hills
-- The governments. D551
Isaiah 5:26
And he
-- Possibly the concluding verses refer particularly to the United States. R2327:5
Isaiah 5:27
Nor stumble
-- The Millennial age "highway of holiness," free from stumbling stones. (Isa. 35:8, 9) R3026:5
Isaiah 5:28
Like a whirlwind
-- Symbol of the time of trouble. D528; R1896:6
Isaiah 5:30
Roaring of the sea
-- The freedom possessed in the United States is, in the estimation of many of the potentates of Europe, like the raging of anarchy. R2327:6
Unto the land
-- The social structure. R2327:6
In the heavens
-- In the nominal church. R2327:6
Isaiah 6
Isaiah 6:1
In the year
-- When Isaiah was commissioned to announce the fall of Israel. R2379:2
I saw Isaiah, representing the living saints. R530:4
The vision was given to Isaiah to encourage him and to lead him to volunteer to be the bearer of a new and difficult message. R2371:1
Present Truth, now provided by our present Lord, affords his faithful a waking vision of the Lord's glory never conceived of before through the eye of faith. R2372:4
The Lord
-- Adonai, Jesus, "The Messenger of the Covenant." (Mal. 3:1) E48
Upon a throne
-- Representing the majesty of God, his greatness and glory. R2371:1
The vision is a prophecy of the future establishment of the Kingdom of God during the Millennium. R2371:2
Instead of the Holy and Most Holy and their furnishings. R4787:2
High and lifted up
-- The representative of Jehovah might well be saluted with praise in the name of the Father whom he represented. E48
In the light of his glory, the majesty and tinsel grandeur of earthly kings will be veriest dross. R2371:2
His train
-- Of followers. R4787:2
The temple
-- The Christ. T70
The Temple at Jerusalem, otherwise called the house of Jehovah, was the scene of the vision. R4787:2
Isaiah 6:2
The seraphims
-- Supporting, or carrying the throne or chariot of Jehovah, as in Ezek. 1:5-16 and Ezek. 10:1-21. R529:6*
On either side of him, as representing the divine attributes, stood the four seraphim. R4787:2
Always connected with the immediate presence or Throne of God. R529:6*
Fundamental attributes of God: Power, Wisdom, Justice and Love. R529:6*, R2372:4
Isaiah 6:3
Cried unto another
-- Two of the seraphim. R4787:2
Holy, holy, holy
-- Repeating the word has an intensifying effect, signifying superlatively holy, most holy. R2371:2
Indicating that all of God's attributes are in perfect harmony. R530:4*, R2372:4
Is the LORD
-- Jehovah, represented by "The Messenger." E48
The whole earth
-- Had Israel accepted Jesus as the King of glory at his first advent, the Kingdom would have been established forthwith with them. R4787:2
Full of his glory
-- "The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord." (Hab. 2:14) B99
Only from the prophetic standpoint, for it has never yet been true. The earth is now full of sin, violence and every evil work. R2371:2
Isaiah 6:4
The posts of the door
-- The Jewish nation, the doorway to this glory. R4787:3
-- The shaking of anything, in a typical sense, represents its instability, its removal. The Jewish nation was removed from its favored position. R4787:3
Indicating the unreadiness of the world to receive the message. R4787:3
Filled with smoke
-- An obscuring haze filled the Temple, dimming the glory indicating an unpreparedness for the glory of the Lord. R4787:2
Isaiah 6:5
Woe is me!
-- Lamenting his own unholiness, imperfection and unworthiness. R2371:3
Those who see the divine glories, majesty and perfection most distinctly feel their own blemishes, shortcomings and unworthiness more than do others. R2371:3
Whoever has a deep humility of heart, knowing of his own demerits and of God's perfection, can be blessed in the divine service. R2371:3
I am undone
-- This was the effect of Jesus' teaching upon the holy ones of Israel who received his message. They humbled themselves before the Lord, acknowledging their unfitness to be teachers. R4787:5
Of unclean lips
-- The Jewish nation, and all others, were imperfect; and any message they would carry would be imperfect. R4787:5
Have seen the King
-- Jehovah, represented by the "Messenger." (Mal. 3:1) E48
Jehovah, the King above all kings, ultimately to be revealed to the whole world. R2371:1
Just such a view and message is now granted to the Lord's servants who see the divine character of wisdom, justice, love and power as never before. R2372:4
Isaiah 6:6
A live coal
-- Enkindling the Gospel age invitation, "Present your bodies living sacrifices." (Rom. 12:1) R4787:6
The altar
-- Of sacrifice. R4787:6
Isaiah 6:7
Touched thy lips
-- You, Isaiah, shall be granted powers of speech and words beyond your natural ability, inspired by the Lord. R2371:4
Some today have the opportunity of being mouthpieces of God by being touched with an antitypical coal-the consecration of the great sacrifice. R2372:4
When the hot coal touches our lips, we are ready to answer, "Send me." R530:4*
The saintly ones during this Gospel age have had the required blessing upon their lips. R4787:5
Iniquity is taken away
-- The message of Rom. 12:1 has not only taught a cleansing from sin, but a service to God. R4787:6
Isaiah 6:8
Voice of the Lord
-- Adonai, the "Messenger," Christ. (Mal. 3:1) E48
Whom shall I send
-- God has sent the invitation to sacrifice to all who have an ear to hear. R4787:6
Here am I
-- The sanctified, typical of God's holy people. R4787:6
Send me
-- All soldiers of the cross must be volunteers-none will be drafted. R2371:5
These pray that the Lord will grant them a privilege of doing all that their talents will fit them to do in his service. R2371:5
Isaiah 6:9
And he said
-- Quoted by the Lord Jesus and the Apostle Paul as further applicable to Israel at the first advent to the sending of salvation to the Gentiles. (Matt. 13:13-17; John 1:12; Acts 28:16-31; Rom 11:5-11) R2371:6, R1435:3*, R1742:1
Since natural Israel is a type of nominal spiritual Israel, we find a somewhat similar message due to the spiritual house now in the end of this age. R2371:6
Understand not
-- The message of this Isaiah class would be unpopular, resented, not favorably received. R2372:1, R4787:6
"That seeing they may see and not perceive; and hearing they may hear and not understand." (Mark 4:12) R1742:1
For delivering this message, tradition says Isaiah was sawn asunder. R2371:6
Isaiah 6:10
Make the heart
-- "Declare fat the heart of this people, its ears heavy, its eyes dazzled, etc." (Young's translation) R530:5*
Isaiah 6:11
How long?
-- Israel's experiences are used as the measuring line to show when the completion of the Church will be accomplished. R4787:6
Isaiah 6:12
Removed men
-- Not long after, the ten tribes were carried away into captivity; Judah's share in the captivity coming about 150 years later. R2371:6
Isaiah 6:13
Holy seed
-- The Ancient Worthies, the earthly representatives of Messiah's Kingdom. R4788:1
To these princes will be gathered the faithful, loyal, holy of the Jews. R4788.4
Isaiah 7
Isaiah 7:2
With the wind
-- Ruach, invisible power. E174
Isaiah 7:14
A sign
-- Christ strikingly fulfilled this prediction. R350:1*
Bear a son
-- Its partial fulfillment (8:3 and 8:8) is no argument against its application to Mary. (Matt. 1:23) R436:2
Call his name Immanuel
-- Is it objected that Mary's son was called Jesus and not Immanuel? Many names, as well as many offices, are his. The church in general has recognized him by the name Immanuel for 1800 years. R436:4
Isa. 9:6, 7 seems to be a continuation of this prophecy. R452:3
This expression is used in a prayer offered by the Jews at their wailing place in Jerusalem. C277
Isaiah 7:15
Butter and honey
-- Representing good and evil, but not evil deeds. R444:1*
Shall he eat
-- There were many ways he ate, or experienced evil; Lazarus' death caused him to sorrow and the hard-heartedness of the Jews caused him to "groan in spirit." (John 11:33) R444:1*
Refuse the evil
-- Jesus felt the evils of sin without sinning. He suffered on account of others. R444:1*
Isaiah 8
Isaiah 8:3
I went
-- The prophet represented Jehovah. R436:4
The prophetess
-- Representing the virgin Mary. R436:4
Bare a son
-- The typical fulfillment of Isa. 7:14, R436:2
-- Representing Jesus. R436:4
Isaiah 8:9
Associate yourselves
-- Unite. R1079:5
Religiously, financially and politically. R1385:1
New schemes are being formed to unite the people behind denominational fences on other than doctrinal lines. R1546:2
The clergy desire union at any cost. R1548:4
A union would give prestige to indefensible doctrines and greater political power, leading ultimately to the suppression of truth as unsettling to peace. R3372:2
Speaking more of religious unity than of Christian unity-with Jesus taking his place in the companionship of Guatama, Confucius and Zoroaster. R1546:6*
A false Christian, or religious, union. R1874:3
It is the tares that are to be bundled, gathered together for a great trouble time. R5443:2, R3877:4
The spectacle of Christendom today is unique-on the one hand the natural tendency of disintegrating elements is conspicuous; while, on the other, the artificial tendency to unity is very pronounced. R1548:2
Of far countries
-- Heathen. R1548:5
Gird yourselves
-- Bind yourselves together for mutual protection. R1875:2; D239
Broken in pieces
-- The seeming successful union will be of short duration. R1079:5
For the Scriptures indicate most distinctly that the trouble of this "Day of Wrath" will be anarchy." every man's hand against his neighbor." OV59:6
Such ecumenical assemblages as the World Parliament of Religions, rightly viewed, are another manifestation of the faithlessness of Christendom. D238
Isaiah 8:10
Counsel together
-- Kings and rulers who have banded themselves together to oppose the execution of God's plan. R1385:2
Speak the word
-- For unity. D239
Shall not stand
-- The very nature of an organization of such heterogeneous elements must be self-destruction. R1874:3
Isaiah 8:12
Say ye not
-- The Lord's faithful, consecrated people are warned against having any part in any church federation. R3877:1, R5443:2, R1741:4, R1754:4, R4611:1, R4747:1
The work now is not organization, but division, as it was in the Jewish Harvest. D610; R1743:5
The forming of a commune of believers is opposed to the purpose and methods of this Gospel age. God's people should not shut themselves up in convents, cloisters or communities. R1862:6; D480
Church federation or confederacy is quite a different thing from the Church's oneness. OV234:6
The forming of a visible organization of the gathered out ones in the Harvest would be out of harmony with the spirit of the divine plan. R1743:5
God's saintly people need no outward federation, even as they need no creedal fences. OV190:6
We should not stop merely with an outward federation, but rather unite our hearts, heads and hands along the lines of the divine promise. OV237:7 OV240:8, OV242:7, OV247:5
Like John the Baptist, we must, by our teaching and example, declare unlawful the proposed and sure-to-come union between church and civil government. R1754:4
A confederacy
-- A league or covenant, a compact or alliance for mutual support or common action. R601:1*
Church federation. R1573:1, R4611:1, R5443:2; OV187:2
Including:(1) Hypocrites; (2) Moralists; (3) Indifferents; (4) Followers afar off; and (5) Saints-with Moralists and Higher Critics dominating and the saintly few eventually becoming separated from the nominal mass. OV190:3-5; CR80:1
Including not only church organizations, but all the various societies and unions which tie men up together in bundles today as never before. R1828:1
Of all denominations of nominal Christians. HG316:5
The image of the beast. R1948:1
Federated Protestants, vitalized through association with the Episcopal Church, with the Roman Catholic Church as the other side of the scroll. R4110:4; OV244:7
In every direction- ecclesiastical, political, social and financial. As there were giants in the earth before the flood, so there are to be giant institutions before the great time of trouble breaks into cataclysm. OV60:T Has not come along so rapidly as we might have expected but we may be sure there is no real delay. R4611:2
Now near at hand. R4735:5, R5063:2
Broad enough to include all grades of outwardly moral people-Protestants, Catholics, Jews, Brahmins and Mohammedans. R1079:5
This is an age of unions and confederations. Every department of the commercial world is being bound together. The church, in its worldly condition, is unable to resist this trend. R3864:5*
A reign of the churches, counterpart to that of Papacy during the Dark Ages, except more enlightened. R2091:6
Will result in ecclesiastical arrogance and persecution. CR81:5
Soon we will have their union or confederacy. Its bitter fruits of error will manifest themselves in tyranny, as during the Dark Ages. R3396:1
Perhaps more than merely church federation, but also of societies and unions. R1828:1, R4747:2
The desire to join such "confederacies" is a part of the spirit of our day, against which we are forewarned. D481
Typified by the union between King Herod, representative of the world power of that time, and Herodias, his unlawful wife, representing the ecclesiastical power of Christendom. R1754:4
It is along doctrinal lines that the sacrificing in the interests of federation will be chiefly demanded. OV235:1; CR68:6
The rejection of the holy Spirit lies at the foundation of every church federation which has blighted the prosperity of the church during her history. R3864:2*
This people
-- Those who think that this federation is the divine arrangement will be opposed to those who do not accept it. R4611:1
Neither fear ye
-- The Lord's people are to understand that their safety is not dependent upon human power. R4747:2
Their fear
-- That, unless a federation is formed, the whole religious system will go to pieces and God's purposes will fail of being accomplished. R4611:1, R4747:1
Fear, a realization of weakness, is at the bottom of the desire for union at the expense of truth. R3372:2
Nor be afraid
-- Fear not man; but dread to displease God. R5443:2
Isaiah 8:13
Sanctify the LORD
-- Jehovah. E49
Wherever the sanctifying of the truth goes, there true union goes proportionately. Not worldly or denominational union, for the truth separates from such, uniting children of the truth to each other and to their Head--our Lord. R3372:3
Let him be your fear
-- Fear nothing except what would be displeasing to God. SM332:1, R1788:6
All other fears are tormenting; but the fear or reverence of the Lord is comforting, helpful and safe for us. CR9:1
Under present circumstances it is a question of whether we will fear the world or fear "Him." CR9:2
Isaiah 8:14
And he
-- Our Lord Jesus, not Jehovah, nor Isaiah. E49
For a sanctuary
-- To the sheep that hear his voice. R602:6*
Only a remnant in the Harvest of each dispensation is prepared to receive the truths due and enter into the special privileges of the dawning dispensation. B26, B229
-- Because unprepared to receive him in the way he came, and because of the cross. B241, B215
Stone of stumbling
-- Over the cross. Higher Criticism is undermining true faith, and Evolution theories are making the cross of Christ of none effect. R3298:5
The great fundamental rock-doctrine of the redemption through the precious blood of Christ. R1255:2, R1649:3, R3332:4, R4927:1, R1452:2
The manner of Christ's coming and the establishment of his Kingdom; some expecting an outward display that would appeal to the natural senses. R176:1, R175:6, R5258:1, R224:2
Instead of stumbling over this stone, the members of Christ will be lifted up by it to greater appreciation and higher conditions. The feet shall not be moved. R5437:6
All but the "very elect" of God will be stumbled by the errors and worldliness of our day. R5801:6
Only the sanctified in Christ Jesus, the "feet" of the Body of Christ, shall be upheld that they stumble not. R2647:6
The "feet" of the Body are the last members, the ones now in danger of being stumbled. R5816:6, R4927:1, R3332:4
The fleshly house failed to recognize his presence in the flesh; the spiritual house refuses to acknowledge his presence in a spiritual body. R505:5*, R515:5, R681:6
While looking for Messiah, they failed to recognize him because of the manner and object of his coming. R821:6*
Because they made void the Law of God through giving heed to traditions. (Mark 7:9, 13) B241
Because of their pride. B215
The Papal apostacy, claiming Peter as the stone on which the church is built. R813:1*, R1525:1
To some who claim that the death of Christ was either for himself, or as an example of how each must save himself. R1255:2
"He (Jehovah) shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone." (Psa. 91:11, 12) R288:1, R757:6, R1268:2
To both the houses
-- The nominal Jewish house and the nominal Christian house. B26, B229; R228:3, R1452:2, R3964:4, R5817:1, R175:1
The fleshly of the Jewish age and the spiritual of the Gospel age stand related to each other as type to antitype. R1983:1, R5092:2
Cannot refer to the ten and the two tribes, for that was a split in the one house or family of Israel. R862:5
Isaiah 8:15
Shall stumble
-- Over Jesus. R4942:6
Over the truth. R601:6*
Be turned aside from divine favor. R4942:5
And fall
-- Backward. R4942:6
The rejection of the nominal fleshly house was necessary so that the call could go to the Gentiles. The nominal spiritual must fail that the true might be manifested. R177:6
Some who are really children of God will fall with Babylon. R177:5
And be broken
-- Their faith shattered and broken. R601:6*
While the fleshly house will be restored, the Babylon church will never be restored. R177:6
Be snared, and be taken
-- In the snare of the Adversary. A great flood of infidelity will engulf the church nominal. R601:6*
Isaiah 8:16
Seal the law
-- To those consecrated and separate from the world, the Law and the testimony are precious; but none of the unfaithful shall understand their import. R601:6*
Among, my disciples
-- Jesus' disciples; not Jehovah's, nor
Isaiah's. E49
Consecrated class. R2072:4
Isaiah 8:17
And I
-- Christ Jesus. E49
Wait upon the LORD
-- Jehovah. E49
The house of Jacob
-- Natural Israel. A300
Isaiah 8:18
Behold I
-- Christ Jesus. E49
Whom the LORD
-- Jehovah. E49
Hath given me
-- Christ Jesus. E49
Isaiah 8:19
Seek unto them
-- It is still true that he that seeketh findeth, and the thing sought is generally the thing found. R3742:1
Some get themselves into serious difficulties through curiosity, which leads them to either spiritualistic seances or to have private communication with these fallen ones. R2582:1
Since the fallen angels have been barred from materialization they have sought to otherwise influence humanity. PD42/52
By getting possession of their wills. R4976:2
Have familiar spirits
-- Demons that infest earth's atmosphere. Q840:2, Q804:3
Spirit mediums. R265:6, R1688:5
We are not informed regarding the power used by the fallen angels in their miracle workings and cures, but we know that it is not from God. R5800:1
-- Mediums. Q840:2
That peep, and that mutter
-- Who pretend to have communication with the dead. R4976:2
Seek unto their God?
-- For counsel. R3742:1
And have nothing whatever to do with these "seducing spirits." R2180:4; HG726:1
For the living to the dead?
-- On behalf of the living, should they seek unto the dead? R2189:6
For why should the living go to the dead? R265:6 Because the Scriptures teach that when a man is dead he knows not anything, and will never know anything until the resurrection of the dead. SM197:T The living are forbidden to make any attempt to communicate with the dead. B126; Q839:2
Few would communicate with the fallen angels if they knew their real character; hence they represent themselves as being our dead friends and relatives. PD42/52; Q804:3
Isaiah 8:20
To the testimony
-- The Bible. R266:1, R3210:6; A163; D66; E167
With a disposition to prove the testimony. F232
It is our duty as Christians to individually prove all things that we accept. D66; R3104:4
Cutting and drifting away from the creeds and theories of men. R3945:1
We have no intimation in the Scriptures that the spirit of God leads his children through any other medium than that of his Word. R614:2
To be established in the Present Truth signifies that I have carefully studied and thoroughly proved it by the Law and the testimony. R1627:2*, R3089:2
Many doctrines in the catechisms and the creeds have no foundation in the Bible. R1136:5
"He that seeketh findeth." (Matt. 7:8) E167
If they speak not
-- The early Church rightly reverenced the knowledge and wisdom of the apostles, yet not with blank, unquestioning minds, but with a disposition to try the spirits and prove the testimony. R1524:4
While the Church needs teachers to understand God's Word, yet the Church individually each by himself and for himself, and himself only, must fill the office of judge, to decide whether his teaching be true or false. R1136:1
The Lord might use dreams to instruct and guide his people, but a dream must never lead in opposition to the written Word of God. R3144:1
The thoughts of ancient time are to be weighed and tested, as well as those of modern times, by the one standard-the Divine Revelation. R3737:3
Suggestions from the students of the Book of Nature must be compared carefully with the Book of Divine Revelation. A163
As in the case of the declarations of scientists. A163
Theories which find it necessary to deceive and misrepresent and shun the light of full investigation are not of God. Prove them by the "Law and the testimonies," beginning at the foundation. R867:3
Every doctrine should, from the foundation up, step by step, be brought to the test of the Word and the testimony. All for which there cannot be found a "Thus saith the Lord" must be promptly rejected, and all to which his Word testifies as truth "held fast." R1206:2
As in the case of the eternal torment theory. R2597:3
As in the case of the Sunday School when it displaces the Christian parent as the preceptor of his children. F547
As in the case of modern miracles of healing. F638, F639
According to this word
-- The value of all other books is in proportion to their fidelity to the teachings of this Book of books. R3210:6
Especially the writings of the apostles. F222
While prompt to acknowledge the channels and agencies honored by the Lord in bringing to our attention the things of his Word, let us never forget that the Word itself is the final arbiter. R1882:6, R2412:1, R4003:6
The first test of relationship to the Lord is that of faithfulness to him and his Word. R4480:4
We are to accept only such assistance as will aid us in appreciating the inspired message. F61
It is by the Word of God that we are judged and not by the opinions or precedents of our fellow-men in any capacity. D66; F547
God warns people not to believe anyone whose teachings are contrary to the Word, no matter what powers they may exercise. R266:1
Learn to discern between fact and theory, and to make no positive statement except that which can be proved by the Bible to be truth-fully warranted and established. R4716:6*
The tendency of human thought seems to go from one extreme to the other; hence the need of a divine revelation to guide our judgments-especially on religious subjects. R2323:3
While not opposing scientific investigation, let us carefully compare their deductions with the Book of Divine Revelation-the Bible. An accurate knowledge of the teachings of both books will be harmonious. R737:2
The great mass of Satan's delusions will be seen to be spurious by noting that they are out of accord with the fundamental doctrine of the ransom-the touchstone of divine truth. F639, F640
There Is no light
-- No truth. A20
They are not of God. F547
In those that handle the Word of God deceitfully. R3188:4
Whatever doctrine is not based upon the Word of God is to be rejected. R5099:5, R266:1; HG717:3
It is the Ecclesia's responsibility not to vote for such, nor in any manner accept them as teachers or elders. F278
Those who follow such teachers as have "no light" are sure to get further and further into darkness. R2801:2
Isaiah 8:21
-- Those who have neglected the "Law and the testimony," God's Word, and give heed to the doctrines of demons, suffer the pangs of regret because there is nothing to satisfy their cravings for enlightenment. Q840:2
Isaiah 9
Isaiah 9:1
-- This verse should property be the last verse of chapter 8 (Leeser). R2550:1, R3686:1
The dimness shall not
-- There will be no gloom (RV). R3468:2
Be such as was
-- Omit these words (RV). R3468:2
In her vexation
-- In her that was in anguish (RV). R3468:2
Zebulun and ... Naphtali
-- The names of the principal districts of Ephraim. R3468:2
Grievously afflict
-- Hath he made it glorious. R3468:2
In Galilee
-- Jesus did most of his mighty works in these lands of Zebulun and Naphtali, called Galilee. R3468:3, R5135:5
Of the nations
-- Of the Gentiles. In Isaiah's time Galilee had been denuded of its Jewish population and had been settled by Gentile emigrants. R3468:3
Subsequently, outside of the Samaritan district, Galilee became repopulated by the Jews. R3468:3
Isaiah 9:2
The people
-- Applicable, first, to the people of Galilee; but also to all peoples who have had the eyes of their understanding opened during this Gospel age. R3468:5
Walked In darkness
-- Galilee, separated from the great religious center of their day, was in greater darkness than their brethren. R4557:1
The world has walked in the darkness of ignorance and superstition for 6,000 years. R1746:3
Seen a great light
-- Of divine truth. Local fulfilment was in Galilee, in the ministry of Jesus; but the real fulfilment lies in the future Millennial Kingdom. R5135:3, R2550:1
Which flared forth in Galilee, where the people were more amenable to the teachings of Jesus than many of their brethren in Judea. R4557:1
The light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ." (2 Cor. 4:6) R2550:2
"The Sun of Righteousness shall arise." (Mal 4:2) R3686:1
Shadow of death
-- Fleshly Israel, under the condemnation of their Law covenant. R1746:6
The death-darkness that was upon the Gentiles. R4557:1
On the whole world, ever since the first transgression in Eden. "I walk through the valley of the shadow of death." (Psa. 23:4) R3468:6
In the deadly shade, properly a title of hades; those who are in hades, in darkness. R3686:4
The light shined
-- Will shine with special brilliancy first on fleshly Israel. R1746:6
As a lamp, to the class that now walk with the Lord. R3468:6
The light must shine upon every member of our race: "The true Light which (ultimately) lighteth every man that cometh into the world." (John 1:9) R3686:4
Isaiah 9:3
Thou hast multiplied
-- Israel; a reference to their gathering together again as a nation after the long dispersion; and the resurrection of their Ancient Worthies. R1747:1, R3469:2
Nominal spiritual Israel has phenomenally increased, but there are many false children (tares) there. R5135:6
Multiplication by resurrection of the world of mankind during the Millennium. R3686:5
The nation
-- The world of mankind under the new administration of the Millennial Kingdom. R2550:3
-- Omit this word (RV, Leeser). R2550:3, R3686:5
Increased the joy
-- Their joy in their great deliverance is not yet accomplished. R3469:2
To the joy
-- The hilarious joy. R2550:4
The joy of Israel when the blessings of their restoration to divine favor are realized. R1747:1
In harvest
-- In the midst of plenty. R2550:4
In the Harvest of this age the faithful will rejoice. R5135:6
This is the joy of harvest, and such shall be the Church's joy. R303:5*
Divide the spoil
-- Dividing something which is not theirs by right, but which has fallen to them as a divine bounty. R3686:5
Dividing the fruits of victory. R2550:4
Isaiah 9:4
Yoke of his burden
-- Satan's yoke of sin, pain, sorrow and death. R3686:6
The burdensome yoke of creedal superstition will be broken. R5135:6
And the staff
-- Of affliction and slavery. R3686:6
Rod of his oppressor
-- The rod of the oppressor, Satan, will be broken as was Midian's by Gideon and his band. R5135:6, R536:5
Satan himself will be a captive. R2550:4
The heavy burden of oppression imposed upon Israel and the persecutions inflicted by their Gentile enemies during their exile will be broken. R1747:1
The day of Midian
-- When Gideon's band, typifying the Royal Priesthood, by letting their lights shine out, achieved a great victory upon the hosts of the enemy. R3686:6, R2550:5, R5135:6
Prefiguring the great victory for truth and righteousness through a time of trouble, eventuating in the release of all the oppressed. R3686:6
Picturing the deliverance by which the Lord will bring in the new dispensation, the hosts of sin being utterly discomfited by self-destruction in anarchy. R2550:5
The Midianites typified the world, the flesh and the devil. R4083:2
Isaiah 9:5
For every battle
-- Every ordinary battle. R2550:5
But this
-- This great time of trouble is described as being more severe, more intense, than all preceding troubles. R2550:5
With burning
-- The complete destruction of all the weapons of Satan and his associates. R3687:1
"He maketh wars to cease to the ends of the earth." (Psa. 46:9) R3469:3
Fuel of fire
-- A more furious destruction, best likened to a consuming of fuel in the fire. R2550:5
The world will be cleansed of every evidence of opposition to the divine government and the law of righteousness. R3687:1
Isaiah 9:6
-- Because; an explanation of the process by which the foregoing gracious prophecy of blessing and release from the oppressor shall be accomplished. R3687:1, R2550:5
Unto us a child
-- This prophecy is a continuation of that in Isa. 7:14--"a virgin shall conceive and bear a son." R452:3
A prophecy of Jesus' birth. B227
The humble beginning and earliest manifestation of the Sun of Righteousness. R2550:1
Is born
-- The prophet takes a future standpoint. B227; R1970:1
The birth of Jesus was a gift of divine love. R5135:2
A son is given
-- The gift of God's dear Son. "God so loved the world that he gave his Only Begotten Son." (John 3:16) R2550:5, R5135:2
The great heavenly King, the Son of David. SM502:1
The Old Testament associates the works of the first and second advent together, as if they were one and the same-treating the Gospel age as a parenthesis. HG52:4
The government
-- The right to govern the world is his since he died on our behalf; but he awaits the Father's time for taking to himself his glorious power to reign. R5136:1
Upon his shoulder
-- The figurative epaulets of authority and honor will be upon the Lord Jesus. R3469:4
The responsibility falling upon him as a royal mantle from the heavenly Emperor, Jehovah. R3687:2, R2550:6
His name shall be
-- The many titles indicating various features of his greatness. SM502:1; CR113:4
In the eyes of those who rejected him. R1747:2
During the Millennial age. R3912:5
Called Wonderful
-- His is the most wonderful career and the most wonderful character of which we have any knowledge. Wonderful was his life amongst men; wonderful also was his resurrection. R3912:2
He is the most wonderful of all the Heavenly Father's family. E141
He is eventually to bear many titles in commemoration of the many wonderful offices he will fill and services he will accomplish. R5136:1
Wonderful love, condescension and grace, and wonderful exaltation, glory and power. R1747:4
His revelation to the world will be as the Wonderful One, the embodiment and expression of divine justice, love, wisdom and power. R5136:1, R2550:6
-- Whose instructions in righteousness will be respected by all the world of mankind seeking a return to divine favor and full restitution. R2550:6, R1747:4
The world's instructor. R5136:1
Guide, teacher, miraculous pattern. E46, E141
The leader, guide and instructor of his people. R3912:3
The mighty God
-- Very Mighty, Very Great--Mighty, Mighty One. R1515:4, R5136:1, R296:3
Ruler. "Arise, O God, judge the earth." (Psa. 82:8) E69; C126
The Father's representative, voice, mouthpiece, the well-beloved Son whom he has clothed with glory, honor and immortality and given all power in heaven and in earth. R3687:3
The whole body of Christ under his headship. R298:4
"Mighty to save." We need such a mighty Savior. "Able to save unto the uttermost all who come unto the Father through him." (Heb 7:25) R3912:3
The mighty powerful, and so he is, for to him the Father hath given all power in heaven and earth. (Matt 28:19; 11:27) R296:3
If angels were called Elohim, gods, if Elohim signifies a mighty one, surely he is above the other mighty ones, properly termed, the mighty Elohim, the one mighty amongst the mighty. R3912:3
Thus the devout Jews believed that he would set up an earthly kingdom at the first advent and, when he rode into Jerusalem, hailed him with glad Hosannas as their king. HG512:5
Everlasting Father
-- Father who gives everlasting life. E141; C126; CR113:4, CR472:2; OVI24:6, OV321:5; O207:T, R4832:1, R296:5, R5583:5
The successor of Adam, the temporary father of the race, who failed to give his posterity- life. Q722:1; R3654:5, R3912:5
Age-lasting Father. OV321:5
This, in Hebrew, signifies just what it does in English-a father forever. R296:5, R1855:2
The word "Savior" in the common language of Palestine, Syriac, spoken by the Lord and his disciples, means "Life-giver." (Luke 2:10, 11) R2407:3
He who was cut off childless becomes the everlasting Father. R1359:5, R1438:5
To all who obey him. R5136:4, R3912:6, R2116:3
Jesus, the successor of father Adam, the regenerator of the human family. Q722:1; R2833:5; E141, E142
As the giver of restitution life to the world by virtue of his own merit-his ransom sacrifice. R4556:6, R2833:5
If the Lord Jesus did not possess the right to an earthly life as an asset he could not regenerate the race. Q444:4; OV46:T Life-giver of the world in the thousand-year day of the Messianic Kingdom. R5623:5, R5582:3, R5136:2
The Christ, Head and Body. T102; R298:1
The Church is his Bride and joint-heir, in contradistinction to the saved of the world of mankind who will be recognized as the children of Christ. R2652:3
All who would have life in the Millennial age must become children of Christ, begotten of truth. R1219:2
Of the Ancient Worthies also. "Instead of thy fathers shall be thy children whom thou mayest make princes in all the earth." (Psa. 45:16) R4555:2
So Jesse will, in the "Times of Restitution," become the son of Christ who is called the "Root," or father, of Jesse. (Isa. 11:10) R1352:3
The world will be privileged to come into him, as their Father, by consecration. F698
"His seed also will I make to endure forever." (Psa, 89:36) R1936:5
"For the seed of the blessed of the Lord are they, and their offspring with them." (Isa. 65:23) R4411:5*
This will be the relationship of the great Mediator to all the people. R4840:6
Not to the Church, who are begotten of the Heavenly Father. R5136:4, R4840:6, R297:2, R1515:5, R3912:5, SM780:1
Some imply that the Church will be the mother. "Be thou the mother of thousands of millions." (Gen. 24:60) PD27/38, SM348:2
Prince of Peace
-- Messiah; Prince who establishes sure and lasting peace. OV118:4; E141
Not only making peace between God and man by the blood of his cross; but also by overthrowing all wrong and evil and establishing peace on the sure basis of holiness. B85
"Ye shall die ... like one of the princes." (Psa. 82:7) F724
The claim that present kingdoms are "kingdoms of our Lord and his Anointed" is a gross libel upon the true Kingdom and its "Prince of Peace." A269
The one whose reign will be undisputed and unmolested. R5136:4
Will not apply at the beginning of his reign when he will be breaking in pieces every human system out of accord with divine standards. R5136:4, R3687:4, R3912:6
He will put down, subdue, all enemies, all sin, all unrighteousness. R3687:4; Q752:T, Q812:2
His glorious reign will bring peace, joy and everlasting rest. R1747:4, R3912:6
Note the omission of "Jehovah" from these titles. E46
Isaiah 9:7
Of the increase
-- The continuous success. R3687:6
The Kingdom will be spreading for the thousand years. R4974:2, R5183:2
Extending over all the nations and families of the earth. R453:3
The great redemptive work was the foundation for all his future work. R5136:1
His government
-- The right to rule the world is his since he died, but he awaits the Father's time for taking to him self his glorious power to reign. R5136:1
And peace
-- His government shall be at peace, and in control of all. R453:3, R3470:2
Certainly did not come to pass during the eleven centuries of the Papal vicegerency. R5853:4
Shall be no end
-- It will conquer everything before it. Nothing shall stop it. R4974:2, R5183:2, R5136:4, R3470:1
Throne of David
-- Inheritance and royalty are reckoned through the mother as well as the father; Jesus' mother was a daughter of David. R453:1, R944:4
God established his kingdom in the hand of David, first over Judah (type of all fleshly Israel); and secondly over Israel as a whole (type of the whole world). R453:6
The Messiah was to be the seed of David, according to the prophets; and the genealogical records as given by Matthew and Luke prove that Jesus was the son of David. R944:1
Type of the authority of the glorified Christ; Messiah's Kingdom. B255; R5136:4
As David sat upon the throne of the kingdom of the Lord, the greater than David, Messiah, will sit upon the throne of the Kingdom of Jehovah. R5136:5, R3687:5
To establish It
-- It has been overturned ever since the days of Zedekiah. R3687:4
With judgment
-- With punishments for wrong-doing and rewards for right-doing. R3687:5
-- Love. R5136:5
Of the LORD
-- Jehovah, showing that he is not the one referred to in the previous verse. E46; R3687:5
Will perform this
-- Will accomplish this prophecy; operating through Messiah. E46; R5136:5
Isaiah 9:15
The head
-- Babylon's laws emanate from their heads or rulers instead of the true Head of the Church. R295:2, R365:4
Isaiah 9:19
Fuel of the fire
-- The Day of Vengeance. D527
Spare his brother
-- It used to be considered proper to sell an enemy bread. Now it is not. This is the spirit of anarchy and it will spread from nations to individuals. OV419:4
Isaiah 10
Isaiah 10:5
The rod of mine anger
-- Divine authority. R4058:4
The Lord used the enemies of Israel to chastise them. R4199:5
Isaiah 10:22
A remnant of them
-- In the Harvest of the Jewish age. B70; R2948:1
To whom favor was increased during the last three and a half years of the seventy weeks. B70
Only a remnant would prove worthy of the covenant favor, the rest, blinded by their pride and hardness of heart. R1795:1; B215; OV96:2
The same is true today. The preachers of Babylon need have little fear that the true Gospel will affect the majority of their hearers in the least. R2948:1
Isaiah 10:26
Slaughter of Midian
-- Typifying the world, the flesh and the devil. R4083:2
Isaiah 11
Isaiah 11:1
Stem of Jesse
-- The genealogical records prove him to be the son of David. The prophets foretold that the Messiah was to be the son of Jesse and David. R944:1
And not as the root out of David, because David himself is a type of Christ, his name signifying beloved. R2372:6
Here the Lord pictures natural Israel as entirely cut off, leaving nothing behind but the root of divine promise. R2372:6
And a Branch
-- When Jesus became a man. R809:6
The new spiritual shoot out of the Abrahamic promise. R2373:2
Our Lord Jesus. R1352:1
Had a fulfilment in Solomon, but only because Solomon was a type of the greater son of David, who was also the Son of God. R2372:6
Shall grow
-- Gentile governments are often symbolized by trees, their destruction as the cutting down. Many trees do not sprout again after being cut down. The Lord speaks of Israel as a vine, and one peculiarity of the vine is that it seems to thrive the better as it is pruned. R2373:1
Out of his roots
-- After David's genealogical tree had apparently dried up, new life was to enter one of the roots. R1663:1*
The root of divine promise, from which shall ultimately come all the blessings originally promised to Abraham. R2372:6
It is the custom of the vinegrowers of Palestine to cut down the vine clear to the roots yearly so as to get fresh sprouts. Thus Israel was cut off from the spiritual promises, except for the remnant privileged to become members of the house of sons. R2373:1
Isaiah 11:2
And the spirit
-- Not the "ghost," nor a person in any sense. E169
This prophecy begins with our Lord at the time he reached manhood's estate, made consecration, was accepted and was imparted the holy Spirit. R2373:2
The spirit of Christ and of Jehovah comes upon the Body of Christ from the Head. R2373:3
Jesus received of the Father's spirit unlimitedly, "without measure," but we, being imperfect, receive it only limitedly. R2373:4
Rest upon him
-- Preparing our Lord Jesus for the grand office of Royal High Priest for mankind. E52
Each branch in the vine, members of Christ, are likewise recipients of the holy Spirit through him. R2373:3
The anointing of Christ, antitypical to that of Bezaleel in Exo. 31:2-5. R4093:1*
Spirit of wisdom
-- Typed by the myrrh in the holy anointing oil. (Exo. 30:23) R4093:1*
God gives wisdom equal to our knowledge and understanding combined. Wisdom is knowing what to do. R4093.2*
-- Typed by the cinnamon in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*
Of counsel and might
-- Counsel here means advice, or how to do a thing; might here means the ability to perform. Same as the "workmanship" or deputyship of Exo. 31:2-5. R4093:3*
After giving us the wisdom to know what to do, God counsels us how to do it, and gives us the might or ability to perform it. R4093:3*
Typed by the cassia in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*
Spirit of knowledge
-- Based on his pre-human existence. "By his knowledge shall my righteous servant justify many." (Isa. 53:11) R2373:3
Making him alert in the use of his knowledge in reverence and submission to the divine will. R2373:3
Typed by the calamus in the holy anointing oil. R4093:1*
Fear of the LORD
-- Reverence for Jehovah. D634; E52
Isaiah 11:3
And shall make him
-- The Christ, Head and Body. D520, D633
As soon as the entire Christ, Head and Body, has been prepared for the work to be done, then the work itself will be commenced. R2373:4
Quick understanding
-- Christ will have a superhuman endowment of power by which he shall know the very thoughts and intents of the heart. R2373:6
A characteristic of those who have cultivated that spirit of love which "thinketh no evil." (1 Cor. 13:5) R5122:6
He shall not judge
-- Accustomed to misgovernment, it was necessary to give them some assurances that the new ruling power would have both good motives and possess superior knowledge and judgment. R2373:5, R5573:2
Sight of his eyes
-- Because he has been touched with the feeling of their infirmities, thus better enabled to succor all who come to God by him. E52
Hearing of his ears
-- He will not need to call up the testimony of human witnesses, as must all earthly rulers, however well-intentioned. R1352:1, R2373:6
Isaiah 11:4
With righteousness
-- Absolute correctness. D634, D520; R5573:3; OV351:7
His reign is to be simultaneously a terror to evildoers and the consolation and joy of all the meek who love righteousness. R1352:2
The poor
-- The poor, the helpless, the despised of the present time will find in the new King a friend. R2373:6
As a result there shall then be neither rich nor poor, but all shall be brought to one common level. Q813:4
And reprove
-- The rich, in the time of trouble. R2374:2
As soon as a man finds the attempt to commit a robbery will bring upon him some physical punishment, he will desist. HG234:5
Equity for the meek
-- The meek, the backward, the modest, will have his special care. R2373:6
The meek who love righteousness will no longer be oppressed, but shall be exalted and blessed. R1352:2
Doing away with banking and brokerage houses, private capital, landlords and renting houses. D633
Smite the earth
-- The present social order. D549
Somehow the truth is either directly or indirectly to bring about the smiting of the earth, the "great time of trouble." R1352:2
Rod of his mouth
-- The .judgments which he has already expressed. R2374:3, R5574:1
Breath of his lips
-- Force and spirit of his truth. D19; R1352:2
Slay the wicked
-- Showing that there will be wicked persons in the earth at the time the Lord's Kingdom is established. R2374:3
His reign is to be a terror to evildoers. R1352:2
Isaiah 11:5
Girdle of his loins
-- The Messiah will be Jehovah's faithful, diligent servant. R2374:4, R5574:2
Isaiah 11:6
The wolf also
-- Possibly literal, possibly referring to men of wolf-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4
It would be unnecessary to change the disposition of the brute creation if mankind were to be changed to another nature and become as angels. R2374:6
The lower animals which have shared in the disorder resulting from the fall will also share in the restoration of order accomplished by Messiah. R2374:5, R5574:2, R1352:3
With the lamb
-- Possibly literal, possibly referring to men of lamb-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4
And a little child
-- An earthly, not a heavenly scene, referring to the Times of Restitution, and having nothing whatever to do with the heavenly hopes of the Church. R2374:6
Shall lead them
-- Control them. The original disposition of the wild animals having been restored to what they were before men fell and lost control. R2374:6, 1, R152:3, R5574:3
Isaiah 11:7
Shall eat straw
-- No longer eat flesh. R2837:1, R5574:4
Isaiah 11:9
They shall not hurt
-- But shall be forcibly restrained therefrom. D633; R5023:6, R5182:2
For instance, if someone wished to speak evil, paralysis of the tongue might come upon him merely for the intention, before he spoke the evil; thus teaching him not to think evil. Q118:4, Q438:1
The blessedness of the Millennial day could not be imagined, except Satan be restrained, not permitted to further deceive humanity. SM105:2
No longer will any evil be licensed; any spiritous liquors or other harmful thing be made or sold. R3469:6
Every misdeed will be punished as soon as it is determined upon, before it shall have been put into effect. D633; R5760:4, R5771:4
By the suppression of Satan and all his institutions of evil-- moral, social and financial--that now hurt mankind. R3469:5, R4768:1; SM534:2
We may reasonably suppose that, after perfection is reached, there will be no more accidents nor catastrophes. Q6:T, R5318:1, R5031:3
"He shall rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev. 2:27) A302
Therefore it is merciful on God's part to destroy the incorrigibly wicked. R3083:6
"No lion shall be there." (Isa. 35:9) A217
Every improper, injurious and useless thing will be utterly destroyed. R894:4, R2609:6
The Great Company being the police force, looking out for the whole people. Q438:1
No radical, permanent results will be reached until Messiah's Kingdom shall take full control of earth's affairs. R5795:3
At the close of the Millennium. R5694:6
In the perfect condition of humanity, when fully justified, not only reckonedly, but actually. R1117:2*
Mankind will be compelled to be obedient. SM440:T
Nor destroy
-- The microbes of disease and pestilence shall be restrained. R1771:6
Even human perfection would not bring happiness if cyclones, tornadoes, blizzards, tidal waves, earthquakes, famines and pestilences continued. R4768:2
-- Kingdom. A318; Q5:T, R5182:2, R5574:4, R5575:4, R5771:4
The stone which smote the image on its feet and afterwards became a great mountain. R2375:1, R5575:4, R5182:2
Earth shall be full
-- At the close of the Millennium. D656; R5442:2
This is not true in this age. A75; R2610:3, R2520:6, R4990:3; HG113:5, HG540:6
From the flood of Present Truth which has been rising higher and higher and will continue to rise. R6015:3*
Caused in part by the telegraph, telephone, improved printing presses and rapid mail service. R1155:3, R5363:6
Because the whole world of mankind will be under the instruction of the Lord and his Bride class. R4158:5, R5461:4, R5780:2
All must come to a clear knowledge of the conditions of life and death before they can be condemned or justified. R2117:4
Including all the heathen and all those of imbecile mind and all infants who have died before they could know of God. It includes the dead as well as the living. R5575:5, R5407:1
Typified by the giving of sight to blind Bartimaeus. (Mark 10:46-52) R5485:5
Provision for this recovery was made in the divine purpose before the foundation of the world. R5338:2
Light and truth are yet to be universal. R2633:1*
In that day an intellectual unbelief in Christ and the offer of salvation will be an impossibility. R1772:3
Because mankind will no longer be invited to accept Christ and give their hearts in obedience to him, but they will be compelled to be obedient. CR51:3
With evil restrained and Satan bound. R256:4, R542:2*
This is the very purpose of the Millennial age. HG316:2
Of the knowledge
-- Knowledge ocean-deep to every creature; no longer confined to the spirit-begotten. R4908:6, R6013:5; SM791:2
Which will not then appear to men as foolish. R2610:1
"Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf unstopped." (Isa. 3:5) R2432:6, R1988:3, R2408:1
The most wonderful thing the Bible tells us respecting the New Day is the great intelligence and enlightenment which it will bring to every creature. SM791:2
Much that we now receive by faith will then be demonstrated to the world by sight. R2610:2, R553:2
Before the awakened sleepers can be regenerated they must be brought to a knowledge of the truth. OV382:T It is the will of God that all men come to the knowledge of the truth that they may be saved. (1 Tim. 2:4) There can be no salvation without knowledge. (Rom. 10:14, 15) R2375:2, R5575:4
Forgiveness of sins and being awakened from death would profit little if there were not provision for a recovery from present mental, moral and physical weaknesses. HG443:3
But this knowledge is now coming to people who at heart are unprepared for it. R5363:6
There will be then upon man a different test--not of faith, but of works--backed by faith. F113
Then faith will be to a considerable extent different from the blind faith necessary now. F113
As the "kingdom of darkness" now operates through the servants of sin along the lines of ignorance, superstition, sin and death; so the kingdom of light will operate through earthly agencies in harmony with the principles of righteousness, truth and knowledge. OV45:2
As the Gospel age is closing and the Messianic age is dawning, darkness, ignorance, superstition are fleeing and knowledge is filling the earth. R5363:6
Of the LORD
-- The curse shall be rolled away; instead shall come his blessing, his light. R5338:2, R5780:2; SM105:2, SM172:2
No conflicting creeds then. R1352:3
"They shall all know me from the least to the greatest." (Jer. 31:34) R1363:6, R3026:3
His knowledge is the power by which the Lord shall accomplish the blessing of mankind after he has crushed the power of evil R2375:2
This knowledge is for all who have ever lived. R5407:1; SM172:2
"God shall have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) E20; R2519:5
Not the knowledge of mankind, sin or human philosophy. Life eternal is not gained by a knowledge of astronomy, geology, mathematics or chemistry--but by the knowledge of God. HG434:5
The world will be made to know about God's wonderful character and plan. OV424:1
As we copy our Heavenly Father's character, each additional step of progress means a clearer knowledge of the Father. HG434:6
Cover the sea
-- Full, broad, ample and ocean-deep. R1352:3, R2375:3; CR270:4; SM791:2
The blessed truths and principles of Christianity shall then permeate not only all nations, but all hearts. R624:5*
A downpour of truth and grace will produce a flood of righteousness and knowledge of the Lord worldwide and ocean-deep. HG432:2
Isaiah 11:10
In that day
-- When he is filling the earth full of the knowledge of the Lord. R1283:6*
Shall be a root
-- Another root, the Ancient Worthies. R2375:5
Or father of Jesse. Christ is now to be "the everlasting Father." R1352:3
Christ. R1063:1*
For an ensign
-- When Christ is thus exalted in the earth there will indeed be a great turning to him. R1352:3
Standard for all the people to pattern after. R2375:4
And his rest
-- His executive authority and power not merely established, but permanently established. R1283:5*
His rest is not one of "masterly inactivity," but the very opposite. His rest is in the strength of his nature, in the security of his position, in the satisfaction of his work, and in the certainty of his ultimate and complete success. R1283:6*
Shall be glorious
-- Blessedly satisfying; so different from the miserable resting places now afforded by human creeds. R1352:4
Isaiah 11:11
It shall come to pass
-- Not necessarily after Israel comes into existence as a nation. R2125:2
In that day
-- Judgment day. R433:6*
To recover
-- The deliverance from Egypt will seem insignificant when compared with the great deliverance which the Lord will accomplish again, the second time. R608:4
The remnant
-- The old house of Israel was condemned and left desolate, a type of the second house. It is from the remnant of both houses that the new house is formed. R518:5*
Isaiah 11:12
Shall assemble
-- If Israel would repent, the Lord would return his favor to them. R1496:4
Of Israel ... of Judah
-- A statement to cover all Israel, not merely the two tribes. To guard against any misunderstanding, both are included. Q354:1
Mentioned separately because this prophecy was written before all had gone into captivity. R2125:2
Cast off and dispersed mean practically the same. He is going to count them all in as one nation. Q354:2
Isaiah 11:13
Of Ephraim
-- Applied to Christendom. D22
Isaiah 12
Isaiah 12:2
And not be afraid
-- "The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly." (2 Pet. 2:9) F420
-- The name Jehovah is properly rendered only four times, where it seemed impossible to do otherwise. Here and in Exo. 6:3; Psa. 83:18 and Isa. 26:4. E65
This title belongs only to the Father. E41
Isaiah 13
Isaiah 13:1
Burden of Babylon
-- The doom of Babylon. HG714:3
Mystic Babylon, Christendom. D26
Verses 1 to 13 are a description of the time of trouble. R5735:4
The extravagant language used in respect to the fall of Babylon was made extravagant because the divine testimony had reference to mystic Babylon more particularly than to literal Babylon. R2372:5; HG64:1, HG520:5
Isaiah 13:2
Lift ye up a banner
-- The standard of the gospel of truth, divested of the traditional errors that have long beclouded it. D40
Upon the high mountain
-- Among those who constitute the true embryo Kingdom of God. D40
Exalt the voice
-- Earnestly and widely proclaim this truth. D41
Unto them
-- The bewildered sheep of the Lord's flock who are still in Babylon. D41
Shake the hand
-- Motion with the hand--let them see the power of the truth exemplified, as well as hear its proclamation. D41
That they
-- The true sheep. D41
Go into the gates
-- Realize the blessings of the truly consecrated. D41
Of the nobles
-- The heirs of the heavenly Kingdom. D41
Isaiah 13:4
Of a multitude
-- Of a tumult. D21
In the mountains
-- Kingdoms. B146
A great people
-- Contending for real and fancied rights and liberties. B146
A tumultuous noise
-- "The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout." (1 Thess. 4:16) B145, B147
-- He gathers the nations and assembles the kingdoms to pour upon them his indignation, even all his fierce anger. (Zeph. 3:8) D528
Host of the battle
-- Hosts of the time of trouble. A324; B146; D528
Isaiah 13:5
To destroy
-- Nevertheless his judgment will be for the world's deliverance; for he wounds to heal. R1869:3
Isaiah 13:7
Every man's heart
-- Every mortal's heart. D21
Isaiah 13:8
Be amazed one at another
-- Wonder every man at his neighbor. D21
Shall be as flames
-- Red like flames shall their faces glow. D21
Isaiah 13:9
Day of the LORD
-- The Day of Jehovah, which will accomplish the destruction of Babylon. R1352:6
The day of judgment divides into two parts. First, a "time of trouble"; and, secondly, a morning, driving away the mists of superstition. This text is fulfilled in the first of these portions. R268:4, R34:6*
-- Direful. D21
-- "The wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men." (Rom. 1:18) R350:4*
Isaiah 13:10
Stars of heaven
-- The apostles. D591
The sun
-- The Gospel light, the truth, and thus, Christ. D590
And the moon
-- The light of the Mosaic Law. D590
Not cause her light
-- Symbolic of a spiritual night. R268:4, R35:1*
Isaiah 13:11
For their evil
-- In aggrandizing the few, heedless of the cries of the poor and needy. D149
Of the terrible
-- Of the tyrants. D22
Isaiah 13:12
A man more precious
-- The lives of multitudes will not then be sacrificed. D149
A man's life. D45
Isaiah 13:13
Shake the heavens
-- The powers of spiritual control. A318
And the earth
-- The present organization of society. C229; A323; D46
Isaiah 13:19
And Babylon
-- Verses 16 to 22 evidently referring to literal Babylon. R2372:5
Symbolic of mystic Babylon. R5092:2
The glory of kingdoms
-- Likewise, mystical Babylon, the great ecclesaistical kingdom, is exalted to power and dominion and backed, to a considerable degree, by the kings of the earth, the civil powers. D25
Isaiah 14
Isaiah 14:1
Mercy on Jacob
-- Natural Israel. A300
Isaiah 14:4
Of Babylon
-- Mystic Babylon, Christendom. D26
The golden city
-- The exactress of gold, see margin. D473
-- Gone to sheol, oblivion. Babylon shall be utterly lost sight of and forgotten. E369
Isaiah 14:7
Earth is at rest
-- Will be, as a result of the establishment of God's Kingdom. R3053:4, R1248:5
Into singing
-- The prospect even now puts a new song into our mouths. R1262:3
Isaiah 14:8
The fir trees
-- The Lord's people. R480:5*
Isaiah 14:9
Hell from beneath
-- Sheol, oblivion (Margin: grave). E369; R2599:5
The preface to the Revised Version says that the word "hell" was left in this passage because of the familiarity of the passage. Elsewhere they translate "sheol" with either "grave" or "pit." R829:1*
Learned translators could not agree to render this word "grave" or "tomb" and left it untranslated. PD29/41
At thy coming
-- At the destruction of Great Babylon, soon. E369
Isaiah 14:11
Pomp is brought down
-- Babylon's greatness will soon be a thing of the past. E369
To the grave
-- Sheol, oblivion, not to a burning hell. E369; R2600:2
Isaiah 14:12
How art thou fallen
-- This description primarily fits Satan's own course, and in a secondary sense is applicable to the rise and fall of literal Babylon; and in a yet further sense to the rise and fall of mystic Babylon. F618
From heaven
-- God has found it necessary to perform the unpleasant duties of discipline. In justice he must disown the disloyal sons and deal with them as enemies. R1833:4
-- A glorious angelic being of a high order. OV306:3; SM63:1; R5843:3
The shining one, God's first opponent. R5896:1
His name was changed to that of Satan, meaning the hater, the accuser. R5896:1
Primarily Satan, whose existence many deny. F609
Secondarily, applies to literal and mystic Babylon. F618; R1686:2
Son of the morning
-- One of the earliest of creation. R1642:1, R1686:1
If Satan had known the results of his course, he probably would not have taken it. R5576:5
Cut down to the ground
-- Limited to the earth and sentenced to final destruction. R1686:3
Cut off from all association with holy beings. R5896:1
Isaiah 14:13
I will ascend
-- Ambition is good, but only when it is based on humility. Any spirit that does not respect God's wisdom is foolish. R5186:2
Lucifer had long cherished in his heart ambitious designs. PD15/24; R4928:6, R5665:3
A man has no right to aspire to be an angel, never having been invited to that position; nor has an angel any right to aspire to the divine nature, that never having been offered to him. A189
It was by permitting pride and ambition to gain control of his heart that Satan became an opponent of God and of righteousness. R5183:3
"Whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased." (Luke 14:11) A189; R5844:5
Ambition is necessary in the Church, as in the world; but it must not be a selfish ambition for greatness or prominence, but a loving ambition to serve the Lord and his people, even the very humblest. F296
He became ambitious to become some great one, thereby necessitating his abasement; for "pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." (Prov. 16:18) R1892:3
Illustrating the principle that no kind of pride is more detestable in God's sight than pride of the truth. R5001:1
Nothing in the Scriptures indicates that Satan assumed any evil disposition or opposition to the Almighty prior to his seduction of our first parents. This was the time of Satan's temptation and fall into sin. R2839:6, R1678:1
Into heaven
-- Power of spiritual control. A318; R1686:2
Exalt my throne
-- Authority and rulership. A92
Satan thought to exalt himself; Jesus, to humble himself. R5186:2; E80
-- A position already filled by the only begotten Son of God. R1686:2
The stars of God
-- Others of the sons of God. F297, R1686:2
Satan wanted to be higher than the other angels, their captain and leader. SM95:1; R5955:4, R1515:2, R4928:6; OV15:3; PD15/24
Upon the mount
-- The Kingdom. F618
Of the congregation
-- God's people. F618
Sides of the north
-- The Pleiades, in the north, long esteemed the center of the universe, the Throne of Jehovah. F618
The farthest end of the north-universal dominion. R1686:2
Isaiah 14:14
Like the most High
-- A monarch, or king, over the human family. E113; R2839:6, R1678:1; OV15:3; SM63:1; PD15/24
His peer, his equal. R4928:6, R1515:2
Not to take Jehovah's place, but to establish a rival dominion. CR425:6; OV15:3; SM63:1, SM95:1
Indicating a covetous, selfish, presumptuous, ambitiously proud spirit, in opposition to God. R5665:3, R5955:4, R5183:3, R5001:2; SM63:1; OV298:4
The ambition to become ruler seems to have developed as he beheld the first human pair with their procreative powers, reasoning that if he could control this man he should have dominion over all his offspring. R1678:1; PD15/24; SM63:1, SM95:1; Q826:T; HG593:6
He thought that if he had an empire of his own he could improve upon the divine order of things. OV306:3
"As God is the Emperor of the entire universe, I should like to be the Emperor of some quarter of it where I might reign supreme and work out my own schemes and plans." Q826:T He would prefer to be a monarch of happier subjects than the "groaning creation" and is thus willing to become a reformer in all particulars but one--his ambition must be gratified. E113
Satan's claim is contrasted with Jesus', who did not claim equality or aspire to a usurpation of God's authority. (Phil. 2:6, Diaglott) R1686:2, R369:3, R5844:5, R1515:2
The very exaltation which Satan sought and failed to reach by pride and rebellion is, in substance, obtained by the chief messenger who humbled himself and has now been exalted to the divine nature. R490:3
A man has no right to aspire to be an angel, never having been invited to that position; nor has an angel the right to aspire to the divine nature, that never having been offered to him. R612:3
A usurper of divine authority, without divine appointment, and contrary to divine regulation. F297, R1515:2, R4928:6; SM95:1
This language applies also symbolically to the Papacy, for the Papacy is Satan's own work, in his own likeness. R1686:2
Isaiah 14:15
Yet thou shalt be
-- "God is the Judge, he putteth down one and setteth up another." (Psa. 75:6,7) R5710:5
Down to hell
-- Sheol, oblivion. F618, R2599:5
The grave, so rendered in verse 11. R2599:5
Isaiah 14:16
Is this the man
-- Perhaps suggesting that Satan would appear as a man in the last days. (In letter from Benjamin Barton. Brother Russell's view is different.) R5866:3*, R5867:1
Isaiah 14:17
Of his prisoners
-- Death's captives. A112
Isaiah 14:22
For I will rise up
-- Not wholly fulfilled by Cyrus; much still awaits for fulfilment in mystic Babylon. R2498:3
Isaiah 14:24
So shall it stand
-- God's original plan is still in progress. A66; R419:3; HG537:3
We have the assurance that all God's purposes shall be accomplished. R165:5
Isaiah 14:27
Hath purposed
-- God knows the end from the beginning; he changes not from his original purpose. R2026:6
Who shall disannul it?
-- God has a definite and systematic plan for the development of the race by which the largest possible proportion thereof shall be brought to ultimate and permanent good. R902:6*
God's righteous and benevolent plan could know no failure. R1834:6
Turn it back?
-- Having begun the work of salvation, God does not intend to abandon it. R2690:1
God's plans were perfect before they began to be executed; hence all the changes of God's course or conduct are working out the accomplishment of his original purpose which contemplated these very changes. R2026:6
Isaiah 16
Isaiah 16:5
Shall the throne
-- Authority and rulership. A92
Of David
-- Type of the glorified Christ. B255
Isaiah 17
Isaiah 17:12
Of the seas
-- Restless, turbulent, dissatisfied masses of the world. A318
Isaiah 18
Isaiah 18:1
-- Ho (Young's translation). R3404:3
To the land
-- By many, supposed to refer to the United States of America. R3404:3
Shadowing with wings
-- Sheltered by divine providence as an asylum for the liberty lovers and truth lovers of the world. R3404:3, R3405:1
Which is beyond
-- A fitting description of the location of the United States. R3405:2
Rivers of Ethiopia
-- Beyond the waters of the ends of the earth. R3405:2
Isaiah 18:2
Sendeth ambassadors
-- God's messages of Present Truth. R3405:2
Vessels of bulrushes
-- Papyrus, paper. R3405:2
Ye swift messengers
-- God's message going forth in literature, the Millennial Dawn books, tracts, etc. R3405:4
To a nation scattered
-- "A Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood." (1 Pet. 2:9) R3405:4
Also the Jewish nation, in stumbling over Christ. R1962:6
And peeled
-- Polished. R3405:4
A people terrible
-- In their experiences hitherto. R3405:4
A nation meted out
-- Whose course and experiences in life the Lord has measured out for them, for their own highest welfare. R3405:4
And trodden down
-- As a part of their necessary experiences. R3405:4
The rivers
-- Either of death or as in Psa. 46:4. R3405:5
Have spoiled
-- Divided. The river of death separates this Holy Nation from its inheritance on the other side of Jordan. R3405:5
Isaiah 18:7
In that time
-- The time when the message of the swift messengers goes forth. R3405:5
Shall the present
-- The Holy Nation, brought as a present to Jehovah. R3405:5
The mount Zion
-- The heavenly Kingdom. R3405:5
Isaiah 19
Isaiah 19:2
Set the Egyptians
--The opponents of God's people. F458, C315
Against his neighbor
-- Selfishness gone to seed will bring forth anarchy at the close of this age. OV419:3; SM385:1
The bond of human sympathy and brotherhood will be utterly snapped in riotous selfishness. OV321:2
Isaiah 19:3
Seek...familiar spirits
-- Communications with the fallen angels. R2172:1, R1642:6, Q804:3; HG726:1
Isaiah 19:10
Ponds for fish
-- Nephesh, souls, sentient beings. E334
Isaiah 19:19
In that day
-- The day when the great Savior and Deliverer shall come to set at liberty sin's captives. C315
This storehouse of knowledge, like the major part of the Bible, was kept purposely sealed until its testimony should be needed and appreciated. C320
Altar to the LORD
-- The Great Pyramid. R4790:6; C315; B366
Designed by the Lord, unlike all other pyramids. Ciii From its base-line upward the Great Pyramid seems to stand as a symbol of God's plan of salvation. C331
Its construction shows an exactness and skill possessed 4,000
years ago which was lost in the interim, contrary to Evolutionist teaching. R3619:6, R737:4
Among the tools used by pyramid builders were both solid and tubular drills, straight and circular saws, the drills being set with jewels. R3620:1*
Midst of the land
-- Of the land surface of the earth. C326
The center of the sector-shaped country of northern Egypt. Q743:1
Of Egypt
-- Type of the world of mankind, full of vain philosophies, ignorant of true light. C315
A pillar
-- The limestone blocks were taken from a quarry southeast of the city of Cairo; but the nearest red granite blocks are found hundreds of miles up the Nile. R4621:5
At the border
-- Of the sector-shaped land of lower Egypt. C326; Q743:1
Isaiah 19:20
And it
-- The Great Pyramid, probably constructed by Melchizedec in 2170 BC. C322, C338
Completed at midnight of the autumnal equinox, the true beginning of the year. C321, C327*
When "a Draconis" looked directly down the entrance, and the ascending passage pointed to the Pleiades at the very same time. C321
Showing correctly such facts as the length of the year, earth's distance from the sun, etc. C326, C378
Shall be for a sign
-- Not on a parallel or equality with the Word of God, which stands pre-eminent always in authority. Ciii The crowning feature is the top-stone, itself a perfect pyramid, type of Christ, first finished, model for the whole. "A stone of stumbling and rock of offence." (Isa. 8:14; 1 Pet. 2:8) C328, C329; R1568:4
The downward passage representing the course of sin. C331; R224:6
The entrance to the downward passage showing the date when Isaac came into possession of Abraham's estate. C366, C368
The lower terminus of the Well showing 1881 AD as the time when restitution blessings should begin to be due. C367
The subterranean chamber, or bottomless pit, representing the time of trouble and the end of every being pursuing a downward course. C341, C344
Its location showing the time of trouble due to begin in 1914
AD. C342
The First Ascending Passage representing the Law dispensation. C332; R224:6
Its length showing the period from the exodus to the full end of Jewish favor, 36 AD. C347
The Grotto, representing Jesus' death. C361
The Well, representing the new way to life opened up by Jesus' death and resurrection. C337; R224:6
The upper terminus of the Well showing the length of our Lord's life. C337
The passage to the Queen's chamber, showing the 6000 years of sin and 1000 years of restitution. C369-371
The Queen's chamber, representing perfect human life. C358
Its air tubes showing that human life will be everlasting to those who meet the conditions. C373
The Grand Gallery, representing the period of the Gospel call. C332; R224:6
An opening at the top of the upper end of the Grand Gallery indicates where the Bridegroom came as a spiritual being in 1874 AD. R225:1
The step at the upper end of the Grand Gallery pictures Christ as "the stone of stumbling." The progress of all seems dependent on recognizing the Present One. R225:1
The Grand Gallery height represents the spiritual blessings of the Gospel call; its narrowness the narrow way to life; its steepness the danger of backsliding. C349
Its leaning south wall, the date of the Lord's second advent as 1874 AD. C365; R225:1
Its length, showing the termination of the call in 1881 AD. C363, C367; R225:1
The low entrance to the antechamber representing the first step of consecration, death of the human will, or begetting of the Spirit through the Word of truth. C351, C357
The granite leaf in the forepart of the antechamber representing the second step of submission to the divine will or quickening to service and sacrifice through sanctification of the Spirit. C351, C357
The antechamber, representing the School of Christ. C352; R5060:3
Its granite floor beyond the granite leaf, representing our standing as New Creatures. C351
The low passageway into the King's Chamber, representing birth of the Spirit. C357
The King's Chamber, representing heaven itself, the condition of those who attain immortality. C355
The Vertical Axis, showing the distinction between human and spirit natures. C357
Prof. Piazzi Smyth's interest centered in the upper chambers of the Pyramid, accounting for the error in his diagram, placing the vertical axis prior to the pit, instead of bisecting it. R3451:2; C333
The Great Pyramid does not show a place for the Great Company. They all come into the antechamber, but only the "faithful unto death" pass beyond it into the King's Chamber. R5060:3
Now commencing to speak to men of science. Noah's ark may be preserved as another such witness. R525:4
For a witness
-- To his foreknowledge and to his gracious plan of salvation; "Signs and wonders in the land of Egypt even unto this day." (Jer. 32:20) C318
In that it so clearly corroborates the teachings of the Lord's Word. C328; Q743:1
The Pyramid stands strangely related to the hope of the Jews. R4953:2*
For they
-- The Egyptians, the poor world during the time of trouble coming. C317
A saviour, and a great one
-- The Savior of the world; "The mighty God." (Isa. 9:6) R4634:5, R1747:4
Not of the Jew only, but also of the Gentile. R2050:6
Of the Church now, in a partial sense, by hope; future in the fullest sense, in the "first resurrection." The saving of the world will begin then. R4634:5
Isaiah 19:21
Known to Egypt
-- The world. C317
In that day
-- In the Millennial day, at the close of the time of trouble. C317
Isaiah 19:22
Shall smite Egypt
-- The world, in the great time of trouble just at hand. C317
Shall heal them
-- He wounds to heal. A256; R1869:3
Isaiah 19:24
In that day
-- In the future. Prophecy is more to be understood after it is fulfilled. (Written in 1906) Q353:3
They shall be waked in due time, "the Times of Restitution of all things." (Acts 3:21) R3725:6*
-- In what way Israel is going to be one with these others in the future is not very clear yet. Q353:3
Isaiah 20
Isaiah 20:1
-- Tablets have recently been found which give a complete history of Sargon's reign. R2101:4*, R818:3*
The founder of a dynasty, the father of Sennacherib and one of the greatest monarchs that ever occupied the Assyrian throne. R818:3*
Isaiah 21
Isaiah 21:1
The burden of
-- Much of the threatening of this chapter is of two-fold application and fulfilment, on literal and symbolic Babylon. R45:1
Isaiah 21:9
Babylon is fallen
-- Mystic Babylon, Christendom. R45:1
The fall of the literal was by the turning aside of the waters and the drying up of the Euphrates. The symbolic Euphrates is also said to be "dried up." (Rev. 16:12) Each is compared to a stone cast into the water. (Jer. 51:64; Rev. 18:21) R45:1
As Jesus said, "your house is left unto you desolate" (Matt. 23:38), so in the spring of 1878 AD the nominal gospel church was given up and their house left desolate. R46:1
The two events of the New Jerusalem or Kingdom of God being established in the earth and the complete overthrow of the great city of Babylon will occur simultaneously. R1352:6
Isaiah 21:11
-- "I will stand upon my watch, and will set my foot upon the tower, and will watch to see what he will say unto me." (Hab. 2:1) R4943:6
On the lookout from whence matters of interest and profit may be announced to the "Little Flock," and as "The Herald of Christ's Presence" to give "meat in due season" to the "household of faith." R3:5
It is the duty of the watchman on the walls of Zion to declare the whole counsel of God--the bitter as well as the sweet. HG414:1
The Rabbis expound that the watchman who speaks here is the Messiah. R4691:6*
What of the night?
-- That is, what hour of night is it? "Little children, it is the last hour." (1 John 2:18) R4692:4*
It is right for us to desire the morning, to hope for it, to inquire as to the signs of it hour after hour. R302:2*
Isaiah 21:12
The morning
-- The Millennial morning, which will bring to light the hidden things of darkness. A21; C208; R968:1, R1774:1, R3332:1, R4926:2
It will dispel the noxious vapors of evil and bring life, health, peace and joy. A21
We have been in the Millennial dawn since the year 1874 and enjoying many of its blessings. SM792:2
When He appears, Day appears. R302:3*
"The Lord shall help her (the Church) early in the morning." (Psa. 46:5) R2504:4
-- Has come (Revised Swedish Bible). R3531:2*
We are in the morning of this text. R6014:2
Daybreak began more than a century ago--in the year 1799
AD. HG416:1
Were this morning an uncertainty, how dark the night would seem! how difficult to fight against faintness and despair! R303:5*
In proportion as the blessings of God have come in this New Day the discontent and unbelief of humanity have increased. SM794:3
And also
-- And still it is (Revised Swedish Bible). R3531:2*
The night
-- The time of trouble. R3332:1; D273
A much darker time in comparison with the present, which is called day. R968:2
The sunlight of Gospel truth, which has enlightened the Church, is fading out gradually and being eclipsed by worldly wisdom. HG418:4
The short night of trouble will affect the consecrated followers before it reaches the world in general. R4167:6
A night of trouble, in the forepart of which the saints will be gathered out of Babylon. D608
Typified by the imprisonment of John the Baptist. R1754:5
The night of the parable of the rich fool. (Luke 12:15-20) D273
"The time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine." (2 Tim. 4:3) R968.2
When the sun and moon (the Gospel and the Mosaic Law) shall be dark (general infidelity being widespread); and the stars (apostolic lights) withdraw their shining. (Joel 2:10) D544
"Wherein no man can work." (John 9:4) C208, C211, C225; D544; R968:2, R1754:5, R1409:1, R587:4*
After the morning dawn has been well ushered in--a dark cloud just at sunrise. R6014:3; SM795:2
An overcasting of the skies, a great morning storm. R4149:4; HG417:5
Great tribulation immediately preceding the dawning of the glorious day. R1774:1, R3332:1
When the religious liberty now enjoyed will be greatly restricted by the strong hand of combined civil and ecclesiastical power. R1409:1
When all opportunities for service will be effectually obstructed, leaving no opportunity for candidates to enter the work--the shutting of the door. C208
"in that night there shall be two in one bed." (Luke 17:34) D608
"Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night." (Psa. 91:5) R3332:1, R4926:2
If ye will inquire
-- If ye will ask more (Revised Swedish Bible) than "what of the night?" R3531:2*
For the length of the night is hidden, the time of the daybreak is uncertain. R302:2*
Inquire ye
-- Because you ought to know; because without a knowledge of prophecy God's present works are a mystery; and because knowing the future is of incalculable importance in shaping the present. R4691:5*
Return, come
-- Come back again (for more information). R3531:2*
To the Jews, Turn ye, repentance toward God; and come, faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. R4691:6*
Isaiah 24
Isaiah 24:1
Behold the LORD
-- It is the Lord that makes the earth desolate. Truth on every subject is the voice of God. It is the dissemination of truth that prompts men to assert their equal rights and make desperate efforts to obtain them. R686.6
Maketh the earth
-- The present social organization. R1813:6
Upside down
-- The upper crust, the proud, will be deposed and the lower classes, the humble and meek, will be exalted. R332:3
Isaiah 24:6
Few men left
-- A class of the world, not spirit-begotten, who will be preserved in the time of trouble: "Seek righteousness, seek meekness, it may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord's anger." (Zeph. 2:3) R5041:6; Q719:1
As the three Hebrews were preserved in the fiery furnace, so we expect some will be spared in the time of trouble. R5041:6; Q718:6
Isaiah 24:9
Strong drink
-- False doctrines. R3455:2; D614
Isaiah 24:17
-- Verses 17 to 22 give a vivid description of the awful time of trouble. R5735:4
Isaiah 24:19
The earth
-- The present old social structure. D558; R1813:6
Is utterly broken
-- In the time of trouble. D551; R1813:6
Isaiah 24:20
Reel to and fro
-- As a result of the judgments of the Lord falling heavily upon the wayward and disobedient. R1913:4
Like a drunkard
-- Vainly endeavoring to right itself, maintain a footing and re-establish itself. D551
Like a cottage
-- To clear the way for the new building of God. D558
Isaiah 24:23
Shall reign
-- When Christ and his glorified Church shall reign in righteousness. R2049:5
In mount Zion
-- The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God. F363
-- "He must reign until he shall have put all enemies under his feet." (1 Cor. 15:25) R2049:6
Isaiah 25
Isaiah 25:1
-- Jehovah. E46
Thou art my God
-- Christ is represented as the speaker. E46
I will exalt thee
-- I will honor thee. E46
The result of the Millennial reign. At its close all things will be back in subjection to Jehovah, whose power, working in The Christ, put all things under him. E46
Isaiah 25:2
Made of a city
-- Babylon, Christendom. R1957:3; D527
Isaiah 25:6
In this mountain
-- Millennial Kingdom. R3175:5, R1695:2, R1957:2, R2701:2, R3833:3; A318
The glorified Church. R154:1
Shall the LORD
-- Jehovah, "Through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 15:57) E46; R2708:4
Feast of fat things
-- Rich blessings. R1695:2; A10
For the whole world, Jews and Gentiles. PD31/43; R1219:5, R5415:6
Following the passing over of the Church to be associated with their Lord in the blessing work. R4591:1
For the penitent class, all who return to God from the ways of sin. R5435:2
The realization of the things we have long hoped for, now at hand. R343:4
The feast of fat things provided for the sinners in Israel (Luke 15:27) corresponds to the feast to be opened ultimately to all mankind in the Kingdom. R2708:4
In the Millennial age men will be permitted to partake of Christ's perfections--physical, mental and moral. R1015:4
-- Doctrines. C160
An apt symbol of joy and gladness. R1695:2
Typified by Jesus' first miracle, of turning water into wine. R1695:2, R3164:3
Well refined
-- Refined joys and pleasures. R342:3
Isaiah 25:7
He will destroy
-- Cast into destruction, or, in symbol, the lake of fire. R2600:4, R894:4
The shame (sinful weaknesses) and the shade (sorrow, gloom) of all shall be swallowed up in the blessings of that day. R1219:5
The work of the completed Royal Priesthood includes the binding of Satan, the destruction of death. R86:6
By the release of all out of it; but this will not hinder any of the released from dying the Second Death as the penalty for their own wilful sins when on trial. R1219:6
In this mountain
-- The Kingdom of God, the New Jerusalem. R894:4, R154:1
Through this mountain (Kingdom, the Church in glory) he will destroy the veil of ignorance and the covering of death. R303:3, R474:3
The covering
-- Death. R154:1, R247:4, R894:4
The shame--sinful weaknesses. R1219:5
And the vail
-- Ignorance and unbelief. R154:1, R247:4, R894:4, R2330:5; HG233:6
Removed by the manifestation of long-hidden truths through whatever means God may use to bring it about. R91:2*
The shade--sorrow and gloom. R1219:5
Satan's blinding influences. R5896:2
Isaiah 25:8
He will
-- Jehovah will. "Thanks be unto God who giveth us the victory (deliverance, triumph) through our Lord Jesus Christ." (1 Cor. 15:57) E46
When the Body of Christ is complete. R86:3, R204:4
To be accomplished during Christ's reign (not after). R1219:5
Swallow up
-- Destroying and removing sin and its effects. R87:4
Destroy gradually during the Millennial reign. R87:1, R4760:6
Beginning with the first resurrection. R3175:5, R86:3, R204:4
As the obedient come into the terms of the New covenant they will be blessed with life. It will be a gradual work. R4760:6
-- Adamic Death. R1219:5, R86:6, R333:2
As death, like a huge monster, has devoured the human family gradually, it is to be destroyed gradually during the Millennial reign. R86:6, R4760:6
"There shall be no more death." (Rev. 21:4) This declaration applies to the very end of the Millennial age, and not in full to any previous time in that age. R2833:2, R4760:6
In victory
-- The Kingdom will bless not only the living, but also those who have fallen asleep in death. R5706:4
"Death is swallowed up in victory." (1 Cor. 15:54) R2600:4, R1219:5
-- Jehovah. E46
Tears from off all faces
-- In the seventh day there shall be a blessing for the whole groaning creation. R5395:5
Rebuke of his people
-- The reproach of being his people will disappear from the earth. R5032:2; HG233:6
To be of the Lord's people will no longer bring reproaches, dishonor, persecution. R1219:5
Shall he take away
-- Restoring to men all that was lost through sin. R87:4
Isaiah 25:9
Said in that day
-- When Messiah comes a second time in glory and power. C249
When mankind shall see everything beginning to collapse, then they will begin to realize that there is no hope except in God, and then they will be willing to be taught. OV431:1
Lo, this is our God
-- Christ, the Messiah, is our God. C249
Israel will be the first to recognize the Kingdom established. R1352:6, R1693:4
Under the guidance of the new administration of Messiah the spirit of a sound mind will gradually come to mankind and proportionately they will turn to him in loyal obedience. SM456:T
We have waited for him
-- Will be said by Orthodox Jews. Israel, after the flesh, their blindness removed, will become exceedingly zealous for the Lord's Anointed. C249; F119
His salvation
-- From the veil of ignorance and Adamic Death. R342:3
Isaiah 26
Isaiah 26:1
In that day
-- In the dawn of the Millennial age. R1352:6
Verses 1 to 9 are a prophetic description of the Millennial day. R1951:1, R2338:3
Land of Judah
-- Israel will be the first to recognize the Kingdom established. R1352:6, R1693:4
A strong city
-- A city that is securely established, the Millennial Kingdom of God. R1352:5
The City of God, the Kingdom of God. A296; C229
Walls and bulwarks
-- A strong city of refuge which all desiring salvation may enter. R1353:1
Isaiah 26:2
Open ye the gates
-- The Ancient Worthies, through whose instrumentality all may enter into the Kingdom. R1353:1
Which keepeth
-- Observeth, or regardeth. R1353:1
May enter in
-- The nations of the earth will be walking in the light of the glorified Church, the New Jerusalem. R2338:3
"They shall bring the glory of the nations into it." (Rev. 21:26) R1951:1
Isaiah 26:3
-- A class who has gone further than the condition of peace with God and have the peace of God. R5432:1
In perfect peace
-- "The peace of God, which passeth all understanding." (Phil. 4:7) R5432:1, R5879:1
"When he giveth quietness, who then can make trouble?" (Job 34:29) R5878:2
In the midst of the time of trouble of verses 5, 6 & 21, God would have his people at rest and peace in him. R1787:3
No matter what the outward conditions may be, even amid turmoil and trouble. R5879:2, R5432:1,4
Not in an outward sense, but an inward tranquility. R5432:2,1
Which comes through strong, unwavering faith. R5432:6,4,3
In proportion as we receive the holy Spirit. R5432:3
Dependent on full obedience and giving unreservedly to God of time, talents, influence, life and all. R5432:6,1
To enjoy this we must have unswerving trust in our Father's love and abiding faithfulness. R5432:5
We are not to be at peace with the flesh, but always at warfare with it. R5432:3
Stayed on thee
-- No one can retain this peace whose mind is not stayed, fixed, on God; and our peace is in proportion to our staying qualities. R5432:6
Nothing can, in any wise, hurt these. R5432:4
When we take the proper view of our experiences we can sing: "No storm can shake our inmost calm while to that refuge clinging." R5879:2
Like an iceberg towed by a powerful undercurrent, the Christian is upheld and borne onward by the strong undercurrent of peaceful communion with God. R1070:4*
Isaiah 26:4
-- This title belongs only to the Father. E65
Isaiah 26:5
Bringeth down
-- In the time of trouble. B138; R1787:3
The humbling of the proud. R1951:1, R2338:3
The lofty city
-- Mystic Babylon. R2338:3, R1353:1, R1951:1, R1357:3, R5917:4
The city formerly exalted and powerful in the earth. R1353:1
Even to the dust
-- Utterly destroyed. R1352:5
Isaiah 26:6
Tread it down
-- A reference to the great social troubles now at hand. R1353:1
Isaiah 26:7
The way of the just
-- In the Millennium the path of the just will be made level and they shall delight therein. R1219:6
Is uprightness
-- Is plain (Leeser). R1353:4
Dost weigh
-- Dost make exactly plain (Leeser). R1353:4
Isaiah 26:8
Remembrance of thee
-- Israel still remembered the Lord and desired his favor and blessing. R1353:4
Isaiah 26:9
With my soul have I
-- The Body of Christ. R2338:3, R1951:1
Desired thee
-- Praying "Thy kingdom come." R2338:3, R1951:1
In the night - The night of the Gospel age. R2338:3, R1951:1
A night of weeping, sighing, pain, sickness and death. A9
It is what their souls longed for, even in the night of sin. R1219:6
Seek thee early
-- Early in the Millennial morning. R1219:6
When thy judgments
-- The swift and unerring justice of the Millennial age, side by side with mercy and peace. D619; SM16:1, SM56:2, SM423:2; R4758:5, R350:6*; Q438:3
Rewards and punishments--a "resurrection by judgment." (John 5:29, Revised Version) R3066:4, R4559:6
Our Lord's righteous dealings. SM56:2; R4730:5
Corrective in nature. SM423:2; R1715:1
A spiritual police force will have humanity under absolute control. R5760:4
Exposing the evildoers. R5317:3
Punishments for every wrong course, rewards for every right deed. R5780:3, R5781:1
Perhaps including some form of instant paralysis for those who wish to do or speak wrong. R5023:6; Q621:T
Bringing blessings to every well-doer and punishments to every intentional evildoer. Q438:3; R4730:5, R5286:6; OV47:1; B138; SM16:1, SM56:2
These corrective judgments of the Lord will mean blessings in disguise. R3790:5
The will will not be taken as instead of the deed, as it is under the covenant of Grace. R4729:2
The troubles of the "Day of Jehovah" will give opportunities of preaching the good tidings of coming good such as are seldom afforded. A342
Even the dashing in pieces in judgment is so that man may learn righteousness. R31:1*
The judgments of the day of trouble which introduce the Millennial reign are necessary to teach the world righteousness. R2338:3, R1951:1, R5443:3, R5493:4, R269:3; D627, SM701:1
Babylon will fall as a result of Kingdom judgments. D623; R2763:4
They will be so markedly before the attention of the people that all will know that a change has taken place. R5218:5
The symbolic burning and breaking of Zeph. 3:8, 9 and Rev. 2:27 will be the missionary method by which the Church glorified will bring in "everlasting righteousness." R2462:6
Are in the earth
-- Bringing the great time of trouble. R2314:1
The inhabitants
-- Wearied and discouraged at their own efforts. R686:6
Of the world
-- The blessed opportunities of that time will belong to all mankind except the Church, who have a special blessing. R4730:5
-- God's original plan cannot fail in any particular. R99:1*
Learn righteousness
-- In the vengeance upon the nations the Lord will reveal to the world the fact of the change of dispensations and the change of rulers. B138
The world will see and recognize him when his judgments make his presence manifest to all. R714:5*
Under the righteous administration of the glorified followers of Christ, united with the Lord as the governing body, the Kings and Priests. Q852:2
The Church shall rule as Kings with a rod of iron, but the object will be to humble the nations and so fit them for the reception of the truth. R404:6*
The overthrow of the kingdoms by the strong hand of judgment is what will break the proud spirit of the nations. R60:5*, R256:4
Gradually, under the Kingdom's restraints, corrections, rewards and punishments. R5781:1, R4559:6, R5639:5, R5780:3, R5286:6, R5023:6; SM734:T, SM16:1; OV47:1
All good intentions and endeavors will bring uplift--mentally, morally and physically. R5771:4, R5760:4
The plowshare of trouble must first prepare human hearts for the sowing of the good seed of the next dispensation. R5521:1, R2627:5, R3414:5; HG417:3
Allowing man to realize the evil effects of his own course. R1712:3
While the symbolic fire will destroy the institutions and arrangements peculiar to that time; it will not destroy the people, but prepare them for the reception of the Lord's message. R2844:6
The uplifting influences will begin at once following the great time of trouble. OV128:4
It will not take them long to learn. They will not need to have calamity overtake them many times before they will learn that it would be better for them not to do wrong. Q118:3
As soon as one finds that to slander his neighbor will bring upon him a temporary paralysis of the tongue, he will be careful respecting his words. HG234:5
Learning the inexpediency of sin and selfishness and that thereafter no other rules than the Golden Rule shall be permitted. R2314:1
All the inhabitants of the earth will learn perfectly what righteousness is and what are its rewards. R1219:6
By the end of the Millennial age, even the entertaining of a thought disloyal to the Almighty will lead to the Second Death. SM57:T
Illustrated in the case of a young Atheist, who dared God to strike him deaf and dumb, and was so stricken. R3388:6
The Lord's people have the opportunity to comfort and cheer the world with these good tidings. A342
Those who will not fall into line with God's law will have tribulations that they may learn righteousness. R4729:2
Isaiah 26:10
Yet will he not
-- Some, even in the Millennium. R1951:1
Even with fullest knowledge, some will not learn to love righteousness. R1219:6, R2338:3
Land of uprightness
-- The Millennial or "new earth" state. R1951:1, R2338:3, R1219:6
The majesty
-- Will not recognize the majesty of the Lord's law. R1219:6
Isaiah 26:11
They will not see
-- The remainder of the world who have not yet recognized the new Kingdom under the Ancient Worthies. R1353:4,2
They shall see
-- "Oh, that they might see." R1219:6
They shall yet see and be ashamed of their past course. R1353:4
Shall devour them
-- All who persistently remain enemies of the Lord shall be destroyed. R2338:3, R1353:4
Isaiah 26:12
Thou also hast
-- Verses 12 to 15 represent the faithful taking a glance backward and acknowledging that the deliverance has been wholly God's work. R2338:3
Wrought...works in us
-- Expresses confidence in God who has cared for them in the past. R1353:4, R1951:2
Isaiah 26:13
Other lords
-- The various nations and systems that have oppressed Israel. R3725:6*
The trusts and other giants of vice and selfishness. D370
Evil governments and systems, rulers, powers. R1353:4, R1951:2, R2338:3
Sin, the great task--master, and every evil system which oppresses men at the present time, some of which are highly esteemed among the oppressed. R2338:3
Have had dominion
-- Contrasting their condition under the Kingdom of God with the bitterness and woes of the past. R1353:4
But by thee only
-- But of thee only, as our ruler. R1951:2
Mention of thy name
-- Mention only the Lord as their King and forget the bitterness and woes of the past. R1353:4, R2338:4
Isaiah 26:14
They shall not rise
-- Every power of evil and oppression shall be destroyed forever, never to rise again. R1951:2, R1353:4; Q211:T, D370
Does not refer to mankind, but to the perishing of giant and powerful trusts and corporations. Q210:2; R3725:6*; D370
Isaiah 26:15
Hast increased
-- Israel regathered under divine protection and favor. R1353:5
Isaiah 26:16
In trouble
-- This trouble (of verses 16 to 19) is unlike all others of the past 1,800 years upon the Jewish people. It is not a mark of divine disfavor, but, contrariwise, of favor. R1324:3
Poured out a prayer
-- Nominal Christians, when they awake to a knowledge of their situation and realize the presence of the Lord. R5993:6
Isaiah 26:17
So have we
-- The nominal church. R505:3, R5993:6
Isaiah 26:18
Been with child
-- Nominal church claims to convert sinners, to bring forth spiritual children. R5993:6, R505:3
This is said after they have realized the presence of the Lord. R5993:6
Have been in pain
-- She has had much zeal, but not according to knowledge. R5993:6, R505:3
Not wrought any deliverance
-- She has organized her armies, developed her machinery and multiplied her stores; yet the enemy does not fall before her. R505:3, R5993:6
Isaiah 26:19
Thy dead
-- God's dead now are those who are members of the Body of Christ. R4667:2; Q582:2, Q583:5, Q587:1
-- Omit this word, which was added by translators. R4667:2, Q582:2, Q587:1
Shall live
-- Referring to the resurrection of the Church. R4667:2; Q582:2, R583:5, R587:1
Not that the dead are not dead. CR349:6
Trouble, a mark of God's favor, awakens the Jews from lethargy to cause their hearts to long for the promised land. R1324:3,5
Together with
-- Omit these words, which were added by translators. R4667:2; Q582:2, Q583:5, Q587:1
My dead body shall they arise
-- The resurrection of the Church, the Body of Christ. Thus, properly translated, this passage should read: "Thy dead shall live; my dead Body, they shall arise." R4667:2; Q582:2, Q583:5, Q587:1
Awake and sing
-- In the resurrection morning when the sleepers shall come forth from the tomb. E345
"Joy cometh in the morning." (Psa. 30:5) E345
Come forth to learn the goodness of God. R4667:2
Ye that dwell in dust
-- Of the earth. E345; R4687:2
Isaiah 26:20
-- "Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) R1788:2
My people
-- Saints of the past and present. R2020:6, R1787:6
"Those that have made a covenant with me by sacrifice." (Psa. 50:5) R1787:6
Into thy chambers
-- "The secret place of the Most High." (Psa. 91:1) R1788:2
The place of intimate communion and fellowship with God. R1788:2
Passing unto the Lord. R5255:3
And shut thy doors
-- Of faith. R1788:3
Hide thyself
-- Withdraw from the world and nominal church to walk alone with God; heeding not the reproaches of men. R1788:3
A little moment
-- As this shall be the sharpest, so shall it be the shortest persecution of them all, but true believers shall be preserved till the calamity be overpast. R1275:6*, R1789:1
The indignation
-- The storm of trouble; the alarm, fear and trembling that will take hold upon all other classes. R1788:6
Not the severity of the coming catastrophe because the saints will be gone before that time. R2020:6
Isaiah 26:21
For, behold
-- In the time of trouble. R1357:2, R1787:3
Punish the inhabitants
-- God's just judgments upon the world. R5255:3
In the close of this age, the judgment of the Lord will be upon Christendom. R5256:2
Disclose her blood
-- From this generation God will require all the righteous blood shed during this age. R5256:2
Isaiah 27
Isaiah 27:1
In that day
-- The day of punishment of the earth (Isa. 26:21); of trouble such as never was (Dan. 12:1); that shall burn as an oven (Mal. 4:1); like a refiner's fire (Mal. 3:2); the day of reckoning. R1357:2
The dragon
-- That old serpent, the devil and Satan. (Rev. 12:9) R171:6*
The sea
-- The restless, turbulent, dissatisfied masses of the world. A318
Isaiah 27:6
That come of Jacob
-- Natural Israel. A300
Blossom and bud
-- After being apparently dead. R1063:1*
Isaiah 27:12
One by one
-- Not in multitude at the first gathering. R341:5*
Isaiah 27:13
The great trumpet
-- Related to the trumpet of Jubilee. R2025:3, R2026:1
Isaiah 28
Isaiah 28:1
-- Pertains to both natural and spiritual Israel. R4287:2
Crown of pride
-- Worldly prosperity. R1357:3
Self--sufficiency. R3455:2
The drunkards
-- Those intoxicated with error, false doctrines and theories. R4287:3, R3104:2, R588:3; D614
-- Christendom. R1357:3, R3455:2, R3104:2; D22
The word means "fruitful" and indicates the numbers, influence, power and wealth of Babylon. R1357:3
Applied to the ten tribes who revolted against the Kingdom of the Lord and established a different mode of worship; an apt illustration of the nominal Gospel church. R562:2
Glorious beauty
-- Pride, or exaltation. R1357:3
The glory of the nominal church is in numbers, wealth and worldly prosperity. R562:3
Fading flower
-- Her glory in numbers, wealth and power is fading; her beauty and fragrance will soon pass away. R3104:3, R1357:3, R3455:3, R562:3
The fat valleys
-- World mindedness; worldly possessions and pleasures. R1357:3, R3455:2, R562:2
Overcome with wine
-- The spirit of the world. R1357:3
Isaiah 28:2
Strong one
-- The Lord. R1357:4
A tempest of hail
-- Truth put in a hard, forcible way. R1357:5, R1774:5
As a flood
-- The conflict of the Day of Vengeance. D528, D527
God is now permitting the Adversary to bring in error like a flood. R2875:6
Of mighty waters
-- Symbol of truth, destined to cover the whole earth. "The knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth as the waters cover the sea." (Hab. 2:14) R1357:4
Shall cast down
-- Casting down to the earth, with power, the crown of pride. D528
Isaiah 28:3
Crown of pride
-- The wealth, fame and prestige of these great systems of Babylon. R1357:5
Trodden under feet
-- Humbled in the dust. R1357:5
By the lawless ones, the anarchists. R3104:3
Isaiah 28:4
A fading flower
-- The beauty of the great system named Christendom will quickly disappear. R4287:6
As the hasty fruit
-- Sour and bitter, forced, immature. R1357:3,5
Nominal churches have great fruitfulness in numbers, but the fruit is immature, not good. R1357:3
God's plans come to maturity by slow and steady development. R562:3
Like the early fruit, the earthly beauty of the present systems will disappear. R4287:6
Eateth it up
-- Babylon's sudden destruction at the hands of anarchists. R3104:3
Isaiah 28:5
In that day
-- Now, in the end of this age. R4287:6, R3455:3
The very day of Babylon's fall. R562:6, R4287:6
A crown of glory
-- Even in the present life his truth in their hearts shall cause their faces to shine. R3104:6
They are his betrothed and will shortly be exalted as his Bride and joint--heir. R1357:6
They shall receive the crown of life-glory, honor and immortality. R3104:6
Diadem of beauty
-- To the faithful ones the Lord will become more glorious as they see the breadth, height and depth of his love. R4287:6
Unto the residue
-- The remnant, the Little Flock. R3455:3
Those who are truly consecrated to the Lord. R1357:5
Isaiah 28:6
Spirit of judgment
-- The Lord's people will have sounder judgment, even in the present life. R3104:6, R4287:6
The Lord will give judgment, discretion to discern between truth and error, to those who bring all things, both new and old, to the test of his Word. R562:6, R1357:6
Sitteth in judgment
-- When made partakers of the Kingdom glories, these will be amongst the judges of the world. R3104:6
Strength to them
-- The Lord will be a strength and power to them, inwardly they will have peace. R4287:6
To all who battle against the forces of error. R562:6
Turn the battle
-- May be viewed aggressively or defensively. R2662:1
To the gate
-- Possibly a symbol of dominion, representing Satan's stronghold, the doctrine of eternal torment. Possibly representing the restraint the enemy has exercised over mankind to hinder them from the truth. R2661:3*
Signifies public effort to withstand error with the truth, even in the stronghold of error. R1357:6
In defense of the Citadel of Truth; not permitting false doctrines to enter in, but insisting that every doctrine be decided by the Word of the Lord, squared by the Golden Rule and the Ransom. R3455:4
Isaiah 28:7
But they also
-- To whom the people look as leaders and teachers, the clergy. R1357:6
The ministry, as well as the membership. R1493:2
Erred through wine
-- Symbol of the spirit of the world. R1358:1
Intoxication of Christendom--of errors, false doctrines, human schemes. R3104:2
"And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." (Eph. 5:18) R1502:5,2, R3962:6
Verses 7 to 13 have an application to natural Israel at the first advent but, because of parallel dispensations, it is proper that we should expect similar stumblings in the present Harvest in nominal spiritual Israel. R3962:3-5
Strong drink
-- Being intoxicated with the spirit of the world. R1488:6, R1444:4
Are out of the way
-- Confusion prevails amongst religious teachers of every denomination. SM107:2
Priest and the prophet
-- The religious instructors of the people. R562:5, R1444:4, R1488:6, R3455:4, R1847:5
Err in vision
-- The intoxicating errors pervert the judgment and hinder a proper view of the divine Word and the simplicity of the Gospel. R4288:1, R562:5, R1358:1, R1488:6
Cannot see the riches of divine grace, but see instead the nightmare of eternal torment. R3962:6, R4288:1
Stumble in judgment
-- They are unable to discern and follow the truth. R1444:4, R562:5, R3455:4, R4288:1
Using it as a temperance lesson, Christendom cannot see that this Scripture applies to themselves. R1358:1
Isaiah 28:8
For all tables
-- Denominational creeds, "Tables of devils." (1 Cor. 10:21) R3455:4, R3963:1-3, R4288:2
How different the condition of those fed with "meat in due season." "My table thou hast furnished (supplied) in the presence (sight) of mine enemies." (Psa. 23:5) R3396:1
Are full of vomit
-- Doctrinal monstrosities and misrepresentations rejected by the more enlightened. R3963:2, R3455:4
Repulsive mass of mingled traditions and abominable errors. R562:5, R4288:2
Rejected matter--old errors swallowed in the past with thoughtless complacency. R1899:4, R3396:1
In reaction to the miserable husks of human tradition on which they have been feeding for centuries past. R1475:2
Vomiting forth the various creeds and theories of the Dark Ages which have produced their intoxication. SM107:2
No place clean
-- No table fit for God's intelligent children. R1358:1
A necessary realization before looking beyond Babylon's creedal fences and leaping the barriers to the feast of fat things spread now by our present Shepherd. R2913:4
Isaiah 28:9
Whom shall he
-- The Lord. R1358:2
God. R562:6; SM107:3
Asks the class mentioned in verse 7. R3531:2*
The majority who have vomited the creeds of men feel so great a disgust for everything in the way of doctrine that they are barely able to hear that word. R3963:5
Teach knowledge
-- Doctrine. R3963:5
A large proportion in Christendom are not true Christians, consecrated followers of Jesus. SM107:3
In Churchianity there is a superabundance of mysticism, ignorance and superstition, but a dearth of knowledge. "My people perish for lack of knowledge." (Hos. 4:6) R3455:6
Understand doctrine
-- Pure doctrine, the deeper elements of God's Word and plan. R229:6, R3455:6
Weaned from the milk
-- Contained in the printed questions and answers in the International Sunday School lessons. C143
Those who have ceased to be babes and made some development, feeding upon the strong meat of the divine Word. R3963:6, R1358:2, R4288:6
The foretold "strong delusions" of our day are not actually strong, but have great power to delude because few are "weaned from the milk." R5801:4, R1644:1
To appreciate the doctrines of God we must leave the first principles and go on to perfection. (Heb. 6:1) C143
None may expect to understand the deeper things of truth, except they progress from being babes to becoming strong men. SM108:1; R562:6
The fruits and graces of the Lord's spirit cannot be obtained merely through the milk of the divine Word. R3963:6
"Everyone that useth milk is unskillful in the Word of righteousness, for he is a babe." (Heb. 5:13) C143
Few nominal Christians have even used the milk of God's Word. R5801:4
Drawn from the breasts
-- "Woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days." (Matt 24:19) R229:3
Isaiah 28:10
Precept upon precept
-- The same truth repeated over and over from different standpoints, thus enforcing its teachings. R563:1
The most saintly of the Lord's people need constant replenishment from the fountain of truth. R5805:3
As with the Gospel Church, the hearing of the voice of the Son of God is a gradual matter, so it will be with the world during the Millennial age. F709
If we cease to receive we will cease to have; hence we must continually renew and review our study of the divine plan of the ages. F316
Line upon line
-- The way in which the Lord's message would be presented. R4574:1
Here a little
-- Those awakened from error must accept the truth as God provides it for them. R4288:6
In the school of Christ we do not learn all in a day or a week. R5125:4
Our poor earthen vessels are very leaky and need constant replenishment. R5805:3
A little of truth here and little more there--little by little we gain strength. R563:1
There a little
-- In the end the harmony of the fragments of truth from Genesis to Revelation, often disconnectedly stated, become a demonstration of power to those who come to see their relationship, harmony and beauty. SM108:2
Isaiah 28:11
Stammering lips
-- Imperfect human lips. R2813:5
Despised or scorned. R563:2
Those who are proclaiming Present Truth are chiefly the common people, and in the eyes of the world are quite unqualified for their work. R3456:1
Divine revelation is given in a disconnected and broken form in the Scriptures. SM108:2
The Lord will not choose the most approved and pleasing instruments to human fancy, but despised or scorned lips, to proclaim the truth. R563:3
Another tongue
-- Other servants who will faithfully proclaim God's truth; other teachers not ordained of men. R1358:2, R563:3
Those awakening from error must be prepared to receive the message of truth because it is the Lord's, from other lips than those of their own denomination, and in quarters from which they had not expected it to come. R4288:6
It was necessary to speak to the Jews in other tongues in the early Church. R3962:5
As in the Jewish Harvest, the Lord used foreign tongues and inspirational powers instead of the tongue of the Scribes, Pharisees and Sadducees; so in the present Harvest, the Bridegroom's voice is outside of Babylon entirely. (Rev. 18:23) R3963:6
Applied distinctly by Paul to the gift of tongues in 1 Cor. 14:21. R3962:3
Instead of plain statements in our native tongue. SM108:2
Will he speak
-- He will raise up other teachers, teachers not ordained of men, but of God. R1358:2
Isaiah 28:12
This is the rest
-- The Harvest Message, containing God's plan of salvation. R3456:1
The Little Flock will rest in these promises and will be refreshed by them. SM109:T
The weary to rest
-- The only foundation of this rest is acceptance of the ransom. R563:3
The refreshing
-- Rest, peace, satisfaction, which he has provided for his true sheep. R4289:1
They would not hear
-- But the nominal church has refused to hear. R563:2
When teachers from God point out the true rest and refreshment of divine truth, they will not hear. R1358:3
God's warnings go forth to all the nations of Christendom, but go unheeded. D58, D60
The Harvest Message is sent forth throughout Christendom, but the majority will not hear. R3456:1, R4289:1
Isaiah 28:13
Precept upon precept
-- Nagging upon nagging, to Higher Critics. R3531:5*
Line upon line
-- Prating upon prating, to Higher Critics. R3531:5*
Permitting repeated captivities to Israel, yet he kept hold of them, and when they repented and cried unto him, he heard them and delivered them. B88
The message is to be sent forth tract upon tract, here a little, there a little. R3456:1
That they might go
-- The Word of the Lord does not profit them, not being believed. R713:4
And fall backward
-- Into Higher Criticism and Evolutionism. R3456:4
Though the Word of the Lord has been plain for the instruction of his children, nominal church leaders have gone backward, substituting their own theories, deceitfully wresting the Scriptures. R563:2
A thousand will fall to one who will stand. (Psa. 91:7) R2295:5
Snared, and taken
-- Entrapped by the Adversary because they considered God's beautiful plan of salvation as merely prating and nagging. R3531:5*
In the general unbelief that is even now sweeping over the civilized world. R2813:6
Divine revelation is given in disconnected and fragmentary form so that all others than Israelites indeed may be ensnared and entrapped. SM108:2
A solemn warning of the responsibility of those who hear, but will not heed the truth; showing that when they are ensnared in the traps of error it will be due to their own improper condition of heart. R1358:3
Isaiah 28:14
Ye scornful men
-- Disdaining teachers. R2813:6
Unfaithful teachers of today. R563:6
-- Symbol of the church. R563:5
Isaiah 28:15
Covenant with death
-- Declaring that it is a friend, not an enemy. E370; R2599:6, R2813:6
God terms their theory that "death is the angel God has sent" an agreement with death. R563:6
And with hell
-- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E369
Are we
-- All who believe that the dead are not dead. E370
An agreement
-- Not believing it to be the wages of sin. E370; R1774:2, R2599:6
The false doctrine that the dead are more alive than before. SM114:2
Overflowing scourge
-- The great time of trouble. Q166:2
Of infidelity. R2814:1
"An inundation of waters hath passed over." (Hab. 3:10, Young's Literal Translation) R1813:4
One of the most serious aspects of this overwhelming scourge will be the power of the evil spirits, the fallen angels. SM118:1; Q166:2
Not come unto us
-- Nominal church leaders have said: "We are safe in the ignorance of our people and their dependence upon us for their faith and hopes even though an overflowing scourge of infidelity come." R2814:1
Lies our refuge
-- System of false theories. R563:6
Nominal church leaders say: "As we succeeded in deceiving the people in the past, we shall continue to do so in the future." R2814:1
"From the prophet (orator) even unto the priest (minister) every one practiseth falsehood." (Jer. 8:10) C157
Isaiah 28:16
Precious corner stone
-- The chief cornerstone in a pyramid is the top stone, which is also the model after which the whole building is being fashioned. R3622:4
"Upon this rock (Greek petra, the rock in mass, the foundation rock) I will build my church." (Matt. 16:18) R1760:3
Christ, the top stone of the pyramid. "The stone which the builders rejected is become the head cornerstone." (Matt. 21:42) "He shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shootings, crying, Grace, Grace, unto it." (Zech. 4:7) C329; R1568:4
The Church is built up under him, fashioned in accordance with the lines and angles seen in him who is the model. R1568:5
"Unto you, therefore, which believe, he is precious; but unto them which be disobedient the same is made a stone of stumbling and rock of offense." (1 Pet. 2:6-8) R1649:3
A sure foundation
-- Zech. 4:7 calls it the "headstone," not incongruous because, as a heavenly building it has a heavenly foundation and is held together by heavenly attraction. R1568:4
How appropriate that the stone in whose likeness the whole structure is to be finished should be laid first. A243
This is not all of the Gospel, but it all comes as a consequence of this fundamental or foundation truth, faith in Jesus our Redeemer. R429:2
Not make haste
-- Taking God's plan instead of hastily constructing theories of their own. R564:1
Like those who, in haste, discard the Lord's plans. R589:3
Isaiah 28:17
Judgment also
-- When the Little Flock is complete it will not be "Judgment to come," but present judgment. E192
Justice. R5218:6
"He hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he hath ordained (Christ, Head and Body)." (Acts 17:31) R5443:5
His judgment will be for the world's deliverance, for he wounds to heal. R1869:3
There will be sweeping moral reforms, great educational and philanthropic enterprises, wonderful faith cures from every disease and deformity, mental and physical. R1095:4
A spiritual police force will have humanity under absolute control by disciplinary judgments promptly executed. Every misdeed will be punished as soon as it is determined upon. R5760:4, R4758:5; SM421:2
Retributive justice similar to that manifested in the French Revolution and in the destruction of Jerusalem. D536
To correct sin and wrongdoing and to reward righteousness and well-doing. HG966:2
Woe will be unto them which call evil good and good evil. All errors will be swept away. R564:1; CR291:4
We are in the beginning of the great Day of Judgment--the Millennial age. R1037:6
Judgment shall begin at the nominal house of God. R5574:1
I lay to the line
-- He will make "justice the line and righteousness the plummet." (R.V.) R5917:4
A work already begun. B138
Now going on to the intent that ere long the equitable principles of his government may be established in all the earth. R5989:1
The Mediator's work in the world will be one of force, compulsions severe ordeal to those who love unrighteousness. R3915:5; SM16:1; OV154:2
"He shall rule them with a rod of iron." (Rev. 2:27) C369
In God's government great punishments following great offenses are not greater than is necessary to establish justice and effect a great moral reform. R2618:5, R723:1
His will shall then be done on earth as it is done in heaven. (Matt. 6:10) R1781:2
Only the agonies of the coming great social revolution will reveal the truth of this statement to all. D536
And righteousness
-- Which alone can secure the blessings all desire. B102
To the plummet
-- Reign of law under the New covenant. R4331:4
A severe ordeal to those who love unrighteousness and untruth. OV154:2
Every sinful act will receive punishment and every good act will receive blessing. R5760:4, R5770:5
Requiring those who steal to refund the stolen property with 20% interest added. R2613:4
All of earth's affairs will be squared and plumbed with righteousness and brought into strict conformity thereto. D632; R5989:2, R2992:6
And the hail
-- Hard cutting truth. R1692:5, R1774:5, R511:5, R2814:1
Crystallized and purified truths, perhaps in tract form. R1119:6, R1121:5
The same storm and flood mentioned by our Lord in his parable of the house built upon the sand. (Matt. 7:26, 27) R5443:4, R3748:5
Righteous judgment. A303
Unwittingly served by Doctors of Divinity, Communists, et al. R820:3
Shall sweep away
-- The dominion of the Prince of Light will supersede the dominion of the Prince of Darkness. SM733:2
An early feature of our Lord's reign resulting in great commotion. R2992:6
Sweeping moral and other reforms. R1095:4
Refuge of lies
-- Every refuge of error and misrepresentation. R1470:4, R4331:4
All the falsities and errors of those who exalt themselves. R249:4
Falsehood and deception of every kind will give place to clear knowledge of the truth. E192
Satan's deceptions shall cease. SM16:1; R564:1
And the waters
-- Truth. A303; R2814:1, R511:5, R1692:5
The Revised Version New Testament is a powerful element in the storm which already begins to sweep over the nominal church of all denominations. R249:4, R207:3
A mighty downpour of truth is now in progress throughout Christendom. R5443:4
-- A flood, overthrowing the faith structure of those not built upon Christ. R5443:4
The hiding place
-- Expose all errors and subterfuges. R2814:1, R1692:5; A303
He will bring to light all the hidden things of darkness and correct private as well as public sins and selfishness. R1692:5
Isaiah 28:18
Shall be disannulled
-- The Lord will ultimately convince the world of the truth of the Scripture statements respecting death and the oblivion condition. E370
Agreement with hell
-- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E370
Overflowing scourge
-- Whip, rod; chastisement. R564:2
The trouble will commence with the nominal church. R229:2
This overwhelming trouble will soon reach the entire world. Indeed, it has already begun among all nations to some extent. R5443:5
Then ye
-- False teachers. R5443:4, R2814:2
Trodden down
-- Oppressed. R564:2
Isaiah 28:19
That it goeth forth
-- In its very commencement. R564:2
The trouble will commence with the Church. R229:2
By day and by night
-- Increasing like a flood of waters. R229:2
A vexation
-- Distress, perplexity. R564:2
The overthrow and destruction of venerated theories. R564:3
Vexed and perplexed only until they come to understand God's Word and plan. R229:2
Only to understand
-- It shall be a vexation only "until he shall make you to understand doctrine." (See margin) R564:2, R590:6*, R207:3, R230:2
The report
-- The message of Present Truth; true doctrine. R3748:6, R2814:2, R5443:4
Doctrine--or "to eat meat," margin. R230:2
When liberated they will rejoice in the overthrow of every form of error and its replacement with truth. R564:3, R229:2
Isaiah 28:20
The bed
-- A place for rest and refreshing; symbolizes a faith--a creed. R564:3, R215:4, R229:1, R513:5, R339:2
Creed-bed, or crib for spiritual babes. D608, R229:2, R564:3, R2814:2, R4706:4
Where nominal Christians have been put to bed and to sleep. R1476:5
"I tell you in that night (before the day has dawned, yet a part of that day) there will be two in a bed; one will be taken and the other left." (Luke 17:34; Diaglott) R229:1, R4706:4; D608
God provides the good and suitable resting place of faith in his Word. R564:3
Is shorter
-- The erroneous teaching (of hell fire) is like a short bed. CR20:3
Than that a man
-- A fully developed Christian. D608; R1352:4, R2814:2
Can stretch himself
-- Exercise his mind and heart so as to find rest therein and grow more. CR20:3; R1352:4, R564:3
Fine for those curled up in selfishness and fast asleep, but when they awaken and attempt to stretch themselves they will find it no longer a resting place. R215:5
The covering
-- Doctrines. R207:4
God's promises, narrowed by a wrong theology. D609
-- He knows so little of the divine plan that he is constantly subject to doubts and fears. R1352:4
The assurances offered by the nominal church are vague and their knowledge of God narrow and meager. R564:4
Fear will creep in just as the chilly winds upon the person who has too narrow a bed--covering. CR20:3
Isaiah 28:21
The LORD shall rise up
-- The great decisive battle cannot begin until the great "Michael," the "Captain of our Salvation," stands forth and gives the word of command. (Dan 12:1) D548
In these battles God was not dependent upon human skill or generalship, but fought his battles in his own way. So in this battle God will bring deliverance in his own time and way. D555
As in mount Perazim
-- Referring to the Lord's deliverance of Israel from the Philistines at Perazim, and from the Amorites at Gibeon. (2 Sam 5:19-25; 1 Chron 14:10-17) D555; R564:6
He shall be wroth
-- The catastrophe, though imminent, cannot occur until the "elect" have all been "sealed" and "gathered." D548
Valley of Gibeon
-- The standing of the sun at the overthrow of the Amorites was evidently typical of the power to be displayed in the "Day of the Lord" at the hand of him whom Joshua typified. (Josh 10:10-15) A61; D555; R564:6
May do his work
-- Setting up his Kingdom. R2904:6
It will mean for a while the general destruction of faith. All church systems will go completely to pieces. R5718:5
The separation of the wheat and the tares, the rolling together of the heavens as a scroll, the preparation of the elements for the melting with fervent heat. R1488:1,4
I will proceed to do a marvelous work among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder (miracle). "For the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid." (Isa. 29:14) R2813:5
His strange work
-- (The Lord permits) the prospering of error and unbelief. R2813:5
Overthrowing the nations. R1439:3
Strange to those who do not understand the dispensational changes due at the introduction of the seventh Millennium. D548
The overthrow of Babylon and the anarchy incidental to the establishment of the Kingdom. R2904:6
The world will not be able to understand it. OV429:5; R1487:3; C122
The events of the time of trouble will fill the world with fear and dread. C122
God's procedure will seem most strange to men when they see all religious systems go down. R4977:1, R5823:6, R1357:5
Very strange to the great ones of ecclesiasticism. D547
His strange act
-- Strange to them. Spewing "Laodicea" out of his mouth, rejecting the nominal church systems and casting all but the faithful into the outer darkness of the world. R1439:3
(The Lord permits) the prospering of strong delusions. R2813:3
Destruction of venerated systems of error, civil and religious. R565:4, R1357:5, R590:6
Confusion and anarchy incidental to the establishment of the Kingdom. R2904:6
The deliverance of regathered Israel. D555
Isaiah 28:22
Be ye not mockers
-- There are many despisers of Present Truth. Let us beware of that spirit which despises the instruction of the Lord. R1487:3, R1488:6
Some seem inclined to treat lightly the predictions of the overthrow of the present order of things. R565:1
Do not oppose the Vow. R4238:5
Be made strong
-- The bands which bind the tares in bundles were never so strong as now. C145
Those who mock at the truth become more tightly bound in Babylon. R565:4, R878:5
A consumption
-- An expiration, a consummation; the time of trouble. D548, D273
An end, a "harvest." R207:4
A short work will the Lord make. (Rom. 9:28) D272
Isaiah 28:24
Doth the plowman
-- The prophet borrows an illustration from the work of an intelligent farmer. R576:1
Plow all day
-- Always. R576:1
Break the clods
-- The previous age has been an age of preparing men by the plow and harrow of bitter experiences with sin and law. R576:1
Isaiah 28:25
Made plain the face
-- He first prepares the soil of humanity and breaks it up and makes it ready for the seed of the truth. R576:1
Cast abroad
-- Then follows the sowing of seed and the harvest of each in its season. R576:1
Isaiah 28:27
-- The time of trouble coming upon the Church should be recognized as the Harvest, the threshing time, the time for separating the real grain from the chaff and tares. R576:2
Threshing instrument
-- With saw-like teeth. R576:3
-- Small aromatic seeds used for medicine and food, growing in little pods and requiring only gentle threshing to separate them. These represent a class of saints quickly separated from the world and its systems. R576:2
Isaiah 28:28
Bread corn
-- Grain which clings closely to the chaff, representing some who cling closely to the world, its forms and institutions. R576:2
Is bruised
-- In Bible times cart wheels were passed over such grains repeatedly until the separation was effected. R576:2
Not ever be
-- Though the Lord will use stronger measures to separate some of his children it is not his design that the time of trouble shall destroy them. R576:3
Nor break it
-- Grind it. R576:2
Isaiah 28:29
Wonderful in counsel
-- Enabling us to understand the present threshing and sifting among God's children and to be co-workers with him. R576:3
Isaiah 29
Isaiah 29:1
Woe to Ariel
-- Christendom, nominal church. R576:4; D22
A name used for Jerusalem. R1296:3*
Add ye year to year
-- Although the nominal church has become corrupt, the Lord permits her to continue her existence a few years, that his truly consecrated children may complete their sacrifice and separate from the nominal systems. R576:4
Let them
-- His truly consecrated children. R576:4
Kill sacrifices
-- Fulfil their consecration vows. R576:4
Isaiah 29:2
Will distress Ariel
-- The nominal church. R576:4
And it
-- Many within her are his own dear children; some of them weak, erring and negligent. The object of this distress is to awaken and liberate them. R576:4
Unto me as Ariel
-- As Jerusalem which, though often chastised, was dear to Jehovah. R576:4
Isaiah 29:3
-- Camp. R576:5
Forts against thee
-- Bulwarks to hide myself from thee, the nominal church. R576:5
Isaiah 29:4
Low out of the dust
-- Once she loudly proclaimed her teachings of eternal torment, but now her voice is low. R576:5
A familiar spirit
-- Communication with fallen angels. R1643:2
Isaiah 29:5
Of thy strangers
-- Worldly, unregenerated church members, which she considers to be her strength. R576:4
Be like small dust
-- Completely scattered in the coming storm. R577:1
Of the terrible ones
-- The tyrants, the clergy. R577:1
Shall be as chaff
-- Forsake the church as soon as it ceases to be popular and financially successful. R577:1
Isaiah 29:6
With thunder
-- Controversy. R576:6
Infidelity, denial of the ransom, boldly proclaimed in the nominal church, is the most subtle form of controversy. R576:6
With earthquake
-- Condition of the mass of the nominal church when it fully breaks upon it. R576:6
Great noise
-- Controversy. R576:6
Devouring fire
-- The certain destruction that shall surely consume these false systems. R576:6; D528
These are symbolic expressions of the great storm of trouble soon to break on nominal Zion. R576:6
Isaiah 29:7
Against Ariel
-- Jerusalem or Zion; the nominal church, within which are God's own dear children in bondage. R576:4, R577:4
And her munition
-- Her bulwark, stronghold, the Bible. R577:2
The hosts of infidelity are endeavoring to overthrow the nominal church systems and also to demolish the Bible. R577:4
As a dream
-- Their victory will prove to be but the delusion of a dream. R577:4
Isaiah 29:8
-- Thirst. R577:2
-- Nominal Christendom. R577:2
Isaiah 29:9
Cry ye out, and cry
-- "Turn your eyes away (from the truth) and be blinded." (Leeser) R588:3
The truth is now so clear that only those who deliberately turn away their eyes could be blinded. R588:3
In their darkness they wonder at what they consider the strange course of the Lord's dealings. R588:3
They are drunken
-- They have partaken of the intoxicating spirit and pleasures of the world. R588:3
The drunkenness referred to is of the spirit and mind. R591:4*
Not with wine
-- Not with the cup of the Lord. R588:3
Wine symbolizes their consecration. R588:3
But with the intoxication of error, of false doctrine, of human schemes and plans, the spirit of man and the Adversary in contradistinction to the spirit and teachings of the Lord. R3104:2
It is the wine of Churchianity which confuses those who use it and beclouds their minds in respect to the true Christianity. It addles their judgment and brings the people into captivity to false doctrines and false teachers. R2904:5
They stagger
-- Because of indistinct vision and confusion. R588:3
Isaiah 29:10
Of deep sleep
-- Spiritual stupor. R3104:3
"God hath given them the spirit of slumber." (Rom. 11:8) This passage is not a temperance lesson. R3962:3
Asleep to spiritual things, but not to earthly things. R588:6
Closed your eyes
-- "Lo, the word of the Lord have they rejected, and what wisdom is in them." (Jer. 8:9) C157
The seers
-- An expounder is a special teacher, or a teacher of teachers--a see-er through whom hidden things may be manifested. R732:6
Hath he covered
-- A veil is cast over the teachings of the prophets and of Jesus and the apostles. R588:6
Isaiah 29:11
The vision of all
-- The vision of everything. R588:6
The revelation of God's truth through the prophets, Jesus and the apostles. R588:6
Is become unto you
-- Nominal spiritual Israel in the Harvest of the Gospel age. R1847:2
A book
-- God's Word, a sealed book, understood and appreciated neither by the learned nor unlearned. CR10:1; R2814:2
That is sealed
-- None should be satisfied with saying, I don't understand and cannot explain certain parts of God's Word. R1214:5
If we study God's Word faithfully, earnestly asking that his spirit enlighten the eyes of our understanding, we shall learn his language and his Word will no longer be "a sealed book" to us. R1062:6*
Would that more had the spirit of the Ethiopian eunuch (Acts 8:26-40)--a desire to understand the Scriptures and to avail themselves of such humble instruments as the Lord may be pleased to send. R2110:6
"He that seeketh findeth, and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." (Matt. 7:7) R1150:4
One that is learned
-- A Doctor of Divinity. R213:1
I cannot
-- How many of the clergy of all denominations demonstrate that whatever came to them at their ordination has done them no good, but rather harm, in connection with their ability to expound the Word of God. OV160:4
It is sealed
-- To the teachers of nominal Zion who have studied only at the feet of science and sectarianism and have neglected the school of Christ. R589:1
Very few teachers in the nominal church make any effort to expound the Word of God. R588:6
Because of unwillingness to sacrifice needful time and effort in its careful study. R728:2
Isaiah 29:12
I am not learned
-- Therefore unable to interpret. R2110:6
The unlearned, accustomed to look to earthly learning for instruction in heavenly things, make no attempt to understand the Bible. R589:1
Many have never learned God's language. Our citizenship is of the heavenly Kingdom, therefore we should be diligent to learn its language. R1062:6*
Isaiah 29:13
-- Because Christendom has not received the truth in the love of it, therefore God will send them strong delusions that they may believe a lie, because they had no pleasure in the truth. R4070:2
This people
-- Applicable to typical Israel at the first advent, and consequently to nominal spiritual Israel in the present time. R2813:5
With their mouth
-- Though the forms of godliness have increased, the real worship and submission to God has ceased. R589:2
With bells chiming out hymns, well-trained choirs singing anthems, gifted orators delivering eloquent dissertations outwardly a wonderful zeal for righteousness. R5630:6
"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." (Exo. 20:7) "Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." (2 Tim. 2:19) R1527:6
With their lips
-- It would be better not to approach the Lord at all than to do so in an improper formalistic manner. R5480:1
Saying "Thy kingdom come" and "Thy will be done" while establishing their own sectarian dominions. R589:2
Heart far from me
-- Formality of worship and service has taken the place of heart-worship. R589:1
It is not sufficient that we make a profession to be his people, for the "Lord looketh on the heart." (1 Sam. 16:7) R4052:3
"Having a form of godliness but denying the power he (2
Tim. 3:5) R3962:3
Their fear toward me
-- A false kind of fear; because of substituting the "doctrine of devils" for the precious things of God. R4747:1, R2872:6; HG307:6
The bondage of fear instead of love fails to hold the penitent or draw him near to the Lord. R1402:3
Tormented by the doctrines of fire and brimstone and fear for their friends. HG305:5
The scourge of torment is held to be a necessity to restrain men from vice, inspire them to virtue and morality and secure their admission to heaven when they die. R1122:2
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom in contrast with the fears inspired by superstition, which are the beginning of folly and trouble. R3726:2
There is also a proper kind of fear and a proper kind of dread. The proper fear carries this dread with it--a dread to do anything that would displease the Lord. R4746:3
"Fear not." (Rev. 1:17) We cannot come into close sympathy with our Lord and be taught of him and his plan until we learn this lesson. R3570:1
Error does not have a sanctifying effect. The fear which it produces is unhealthy fear. HG490:4
The Lord would have his people free from this fear, though not free from a proper reverence toward him. R3115:3
Greater knowledge of God and of his character will dispel this kind of fear. R4796:3
Hindering one from coming into the sunshine of his love. First we must see a little of the love of God, then we find the entire plan to be "just like him." R311:5
When his true character is love. R330:5
Through the delusions of Satan the "gospel (?) of damnation" has been substituted for the "gospel of the Kingdom." R2872:6
The oppression of thumbscrew, rack and stake for the correction of heretics was the result of fear, and the fear was the result of misunderstanding God's character. R3051:5
Afraid to believe their own senses in the study of God's Word. R1122:2
Precept of men
-- Human traditions, false doctrines. R4996:3, R4747:1, R4783:3, R4796:3
The eternal torment doctrine. SM382:1, SM22:T
The eternal torment theory is a man-made, not a Scriptural doctrine. R5149:3, R564:5, R1122:2, R3051:5, R790:1, R904:3, R919:2
As unscriptural as they are contrary to every reasonable conception of the proper exercise of justice, wisdom, love and power. R4783:2
Built upon an unconscious violation of language which makes such words as perish, lost, lose life, destroy, death, etc., mean their very opposite--preserve in torture everlastingly. R3242:5
Ignoring Bible doctrine, but holding firmly to human doctrines respecting eternal torment, natural immortality, etc. D173
In their haste to convert the world, the nominal church has wrested parables and symbols to threaten and frighten people. R564:5, R1122:2
Satan is blinding men with fear--fear that good, reasonable, just thoughts toward God and interpretations of his Word are delusions of the Adversary. R3133:6
Systematic theology, like the Talmud of the Jews, is calculated to a large extent to make void the Word of God. D64; HG716:4
Isaiah 29:14
A marvellous work
-- Of overthrowing the present great systems of men. R589:3, R1487:3
The Harvest work and all the attendant features of a change of dispensation. R1487:3, R885:4
Among this people
-- Clergymen and others. D173, D239, D473
And a wonder
-- A miracle. R2813:5
The wisdom
-- Instead of approaching geology and scientific research from the standpoint of faith in the Bible, scientists approach from the reverse standpoint--that the Bible is certainly wrong in some measure, great or small. R3221:1
The cant from the pulpits of sacred phrases that mean nothing. R821:4*, R820:2*
As in disarmament plans which will have the opposite reaction from what is anticipated. R2361:2
Wise men
-- Statesmen. R1759:4
Modern critics. R1418:3
College professors, Doctors of Divinity, and the best educated pulpiteers of Christendom. R4955:5, R1488:6
Teachers of Evolution. OV86:3; R5062:3, R1784:6, R1792:1; HG492:6
Great financiers, as in the demonetization of silver. D473
A great falling away from faith is in progress among all nationalities--especially among the "wise" and the "learned." R3008:4
A rejection of the Word of God has more attraction for the clergy than for the masses. R3497:4
Shall perish
-- Their wisdom becomes a trap and a snare unto them. R2492:6
Scientists are still guessing, and still repudiating the guesses of each other. R4285:2
Their failure comes from neglect of the Word of God. R4404:4
The unbelief of the people grows and threatens to become agnosticism, or worse, atheism. R4955:4
"The wise are taken in their own craftiness." (Job 5:13) R4135:6
The wise are being confounded by the power of the truth in the hands of the humblest of God's consecrated children. R1920:4
When the new dispensation is ushered in, they will see the unwisdom of their course. R5186:5
The faith of many shall be overthrown. R3033:5
Ridding themselves of unscriptural traditions, many ministers have become Higher Critics and Evolutionists. They are discarding cardinal truths which their errors obscured. R3335:2
"For this cause God shall send them a strong delusion, that they may believe a lie who believe not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness." (2 Thes. 2:11, 12) R4404:4
Hence the Christian of low degree, through the instructions of the Bible, may know clearly things that the famous and learned in other wisdom cannot know. R4135:6
The heavenly wisdom is hidden from the wise and revealed unto babes. R589:3
Thus we should utterly lose confidence in worldly wisdom and the more firmly rely on the wisdom which cometh from above. R2396:1
God will cause all their plans to wonderfully miscarry and fail. R589:3
Their prudent men
-- Business men. R1759:4
Wealthy men who have endowed colleges to teach unbelief and Evolution. R5062:3
It is the professors and learned ones who are most blameworthy. These have kept back the truth about "hell." R2598:6
As exhibited at the World's Congress of Religions. D239
Shall be hid
-- Obscured. R2492:6, R676:5
Not visible. R4144:2
"I thank thee, Father, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent." (Matt. 11:25) R589:3
Only in the light of the Scriptures can the peculiar condition of things now at our doors be understood or appreciated. OV86:3
Isaiah 29:15
Woe unto them
-- The nominal church. Their counsel shall come to naught; their cherished plans shall fail; their pride shall be humbled; but it will be a blessing in disguise to the individuals. R589:4
A time of reckoning, of judgment, is coming. R722:2, R2612:6
Their counsel
-- Schemes, plans. R589:3
From the LORD
-- If our plans are not in harmony with God's plans we may deceive men, but cannot deceive God. R589:3
God knows that the controlling principles of sectarianism are earthly and selfish. R589:4
Who seeth us?
-- "The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good." (Prov. 15:3) R722:2
In vain do they hide it and tell the Lord that they are laboring for him. R589:4
Isaiah 29:16
Upside down
-- Perverting the Lord's plans and doctrines. R589:5
As the potter's clay
-- As the efforts of the potter's clay to oppose the potter. R589:5
For shall the work
-- "We are his workmanship." (Eph. 2:10) R589:5
Workmanship--the systems or organizations, not the people. R589:5
He made me not?
-- Some look to Peter, some to Luther, some to Calvin, Knox and Wesley. R589:5
Isaiah 29:17
-- The majesty and dignity of the nominal church. R589:6
A fruitful field
-- The humble and lowly saints. R589:6
As a forest
-- Things shall be reversed; the proud cut down and the humble exalted. R589:6
Isaiah 29:18
In that day
-- The Millennial day. D519; R877:4, R1265:4, R2117:1
Surely we are now entering "that day." R536:5
Deaf hear
-- It will bring blessings to those utterly ignorant of God's Word. R589:6
Blind shall see
-- The sin-blinded. R1265:4
Blinded by Satan. R1958:4, R2090:6
Because the Lord shall take away the veil of ignorance which now is spread all over the earth. R2330:5
"All flesh shall see it together." (Isa. 40:5) R877:5
With the fall of the great systems (Babylon, confusion), men's eyes will begin to open. SM424:2
As illustrated by the Sabbath-day miracle of healing the blind man at the Pool of Siloam. R1400:6
The Jew first. R1786:4
Out of darkness
-- Out of the obscurity. R2330:5; SM424:2
With "seven-fold light." (Isa. 30:26) D519
Spiritual light will no longer be confined to the few; it will be universal. R49:4*
Isaiah 29:19
Meek also shall increase
-- As we seek to teach the meek, let us see to it that we maintain the meek, childlike spirit, without which we would not have been worthy of the truth either. R957:4
Isaiah 29:20
The terrible one
-- Satan. R589:6
Isaiah 29:21
For a word
-- Spoken contrary to them. R590:1
In the gate
-- Publicly. R590:1
The just
-- The righteous. R590:1
For a thing
-- As a thing. R590:1
Isaiah 29:23
His children
-- The Christ, the spiritual seed. R590:4
-- Fleshly Israel. R590:4
My name
-- Jehovah. R590:4
Holy One of Jacob
-- Christ. R590:4
Isaiah 30
Isaiah 30:8
Note it in a book
-- The prophets did not confine themselves to oral teachings. R1145:3
Isaiah 30:14
He shall break
-- The coming of the King of earth means much of trouble. R1692:4
Isaiah 30:15
In returning
-- To God. R1787:6
And rest
-- In him alone. R1787:6
Isaiah 30:21
A word behind thee
-- The voice of our Lord from the past. F410; CR497:6
The voice of God that comes through the apostles and prophets of the past. R4136:1, R4882:2, R1753:2; HG590:1
Not before thee, as of some new theology, like Evolution, Spiritism or Christian Science. R1753:1
This is the way
-- To the Church now, a way of faith and consecration even unto death. R1753:4
To fleshly Israel and the world under the Millennial reign of Christ, a highway of holiness. R1753:3
Isaiah 30:24
Clean provender
-- In contrast, the ministers and theological schools of Babylon turn out very poor grist-largely husks and chaff, which will not sustain spiritual life and strength. D609
Isaiah 30:25
There shall be
-- The blessings of restitution are due, not only to Israel and Palestine, but also to the whole earth. R1380:1
Now commencing to be fulfilled. R1379:6
Great slaughter
-- Disintegration, grinding to powder. R1379:6*
The towers fall
-- Kings, potentates, etc. R1379:6*
Isaiah 30:26
Light of the moon
-- The Mosaic Law. R334:2
Increased light thrown upon the Law shadows showing the true teachings of the Tabernacle, its services and sacrifices. R499:6
-- Perfect. R334:2
Light of seven days
-- Not spoken of natural, but of spiritual light. R49:2*
When the sin-blinded eyes shall be opened, the world will see right and wrong, justice and injustice, in a light quite different from now. D519
In the day
-- The Millennial age. D519
It is the same day (period) in which he assembles the outcasts and makes up his jewels. R499:6
The breach
-- Caused by sin. R334:2
His people
-- The Jews. R49:2*
Isaiah 30:30
And tempest
-- This Day of Vengeance. D527
Isaiah 30:33
-- Valley of Hinnom, symbol of Second Death. Q640:2, R5041:6
-- The devil with his messengers, those in sympathy with evil. Q640:2; R5042:1
Fire and much wood
-- A type of the real Gehenna, unquenchable until its work is done. R1449:5*
Plenty of fuel to accomplish its complete destruction. R5042:1; Q640:2
Breath of the LORD
-- The Spirit of the Lord will set it afire and cause it to burn to complete destruction. Q640:1; R5042:1
Isaiah 31
Isaiah 31:1
Go down to Egypt
-- The world. C316
For help
-- For worldly ideas and plans and for counsel as to how they should act in the crisis of this great day. C316
And stay on horses
-- Who endeavor still to ride the old false doctrinal hobbies. C316
Trust in chariots
-- Worldly organizations. C316
And in horsemen
-- The great leaders in false doctrines. C316
Seek the LORD!
-- With whom alone is safety and victory in the time of trouble. C316
Isaiah 31:3
Shall stretch out
-- As he will do shortly. C316
His hand
-- His power, the power of the truth and other agencies. C316
He that is holpen
-- By the powers of Egypt, the world's ideas. C316
Shall fall together
-- In their human plans and schemes. C316
Isaiah 32
Isaiah 32:1
A king
-- The Prince of Peace. A269
Messiah will be the Great King, his Bride being associated with him. OV321:4; R3114:1, R5898:2, R1063:2*
Christ, Emmanuel, Messiah. R307:5
Shall reign
-- When the latter house of the Lord's building (the Church) is complete and filled with glory; when the elect Church, whose head is Christ Jesus, shall be given the Kingdom, the dominion of earth. R2520:6
And princes
-- The saints. R307:5, R238:2*, R31:4*
The glory which is peculiar to the divine nature, as well as judicial, sacerdotal and regal authority, are to be jointly participated in by all the overcomers. R1284:4*
They shall reign with him a thousand years and shall judge the world in righteousness and bless all the families of the earth. R1908:6
The Ancient Worthies. OV321:5
Shall rule
-- Decree justice. Under their dominion the whole earth shall be at rest. (Isa. 14:7) R3053:4
In judgment
-- Executing summary justice in the prevention of evil. D633
Isaiah 32:3
Shall not be dim
-- Thus far only few have seen the light of truth. It is in the future when this promise will be fulfilled. R1311:5
Isaiah 32:17
Of righteousness
-- Which shall be accomplished during the Millennial age. R238:4*
Isaiah 32:20
Sow beside all waters
-- If the sowing has been a general one, we must expect the harvest work to be similarly broad. R4000:2
Every nation, people, kindred and tongue. R4000:2
Isaiah 33
Isaiah 33:1
Thee that spoilest
-- We will know who is meant when the time of trouble is fully on, or nearly over. R2488:5
Isaiah 33:2
Be gracious unto us
-- The saints in the time of trouble. A338; R1470:5
Be thou their arm
-- The helper of all truth seekers, even though not overcomers. R1470:5
Isaiah 33:6
Fear of the LORD
-- Reverence. R1470:5
Isaiah 33:7
Shall cry without
-- Shall become discouraged and weep, powerless to stem the tide of anarchy. R1470:5
Verses 7 to 14 give a vivid description of the awful time of trouble. R5735:4
Ambassadors of peace
-- Those who are crying "Peace, peace" and predicting a Millennium of peace by arbitration. R1470:5
Shall weep bitterly
-- When the time of trouble brings their hopes to naught. R1470:5
Isaiah 33:8
The highways
-- Of commerce. R1470:6
The wayfaring man
-- The traveler. R1470:6
Broken the covenant
-- Contracts cease to be of value. R1470:6
Despised the cities
-- Which, because depending on commerce, will become very undesirable places. R1470:6
Regardeth no man
-- Principles of honor and manhood will no longer be regarded or trusted. R1470:6
Isaiah 33:9
The earth
-- Society in general. R1470:6
Isaiah 33:10
Lift up myself
-- The appointed time to overthrow the present order of things and establish the Kingdom of God having come. R1874:2
Isaiah 33:11
-- The "sinners in Zion." (Verse 14) R1874:3
Bring forth stubble
-- When you draw the worldly into the nominal church. R1874:3
Your breath
-- False doctrines of belief and policy. R1874:3
As fire
-- Shall set her on fire. R1470:6
Shall devour you
-- Lead to fearful trouble and destruction. R1874:3
Isaiah 33:12
The people
-- Assembled as a religious union. R1874:3
Burnings of lime
-- An organization of such heterogeneous elements must, of necessity, be self-destructive. R1874:3
Like staking lime; the heat will be intensified as the water of truth is cast on, until the hardness of heart is all dissolved, bringing them into complete harmony with the laws of the Millennial Kingdom. R1470:6
As thorns
-- The coming religious union will be a union of thorns; each party will be a thorn in the flesh of the other. R1874:3; D552, D267
Cut up
-- Made ready. R1874:3
Burned in the fire
-- Consumed; have their opportunities for doing evil destroyed. R1470:6
Isaiah 33:14
The sinners in Zion
-- In nominal spiritual Zion. D23
Who have forgotten, or failed to keep, their covenant with the Lord. C304
Wilfully blind leaders and their wilfully blind followers who love and prefer error. R1874:5
Are afraid
-- Of the clouds of the time of trouble. C304
The hypocrites
-- Those of the clergy who offer their own false reasonings along the lines of Evolution as superior to the Word of God. R1874:6
They are seized with the fear of sectarian fences, gates and bars; wild lest their hypocrisy be revealed. CR351:2; HG557:6
Who among us
-- A class who will not be consumed. R1470:6
Like the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace, coming out of the flames without even the smell of fire upon them. R2087:4*
Everlasting burnings
-- The trouble which threatens to last until the whole present order of things is consumed. R1875:2, R2087:4*
Isaiah 33:15
Walketh righteously
-- Who have no part nor lot with the workers of iniquity. R1875:2
Contrary to the course of this present world. R1875:4
Speaketh uprightly
-- Bold and fearless presentation of the truth. R1875:4
Gain of oppressions
-- Refusing to be profited by any unrighteous scheme. R2087:3*
Holding of bribes
-- Cannot be bribed to do evil. R2087:3*, R1875:5
Hearing of blood
-- Any scheme that might cost another's life, or wreck him morally, physically or financially. R1471:1, R2087:3*
From seeing evil
-- From beholding evil approvingly or with quiet acquiescence. R2087:3*
Determined opposition to sin in all its forms and a firm resistance to it. R3114:4
Isaiah 33:16
He shall
-- The Church of Christ. Q270:T
Dwell on high
-- Above the fears, unrest and distress which will overwhelm the world. R1875:5
In the place of divine favor. R2087:4*
Munitions of rocks
-- The Rock of Ages. R1875:5
-- The Bread of life, spiritual and physical. R1875:5
"Give us this day our daily bread." (Matt. 6:11) R5202:4
Shall be given him
-- Whatever we have, we acknowledge our dependence upon the Lord for what he provides for us; and we ask for nothing beyond what he does provide. R5202:5
He who sustained Elijah can equally sustain us. R2326:3
His waters
-- The water of life, spiritual and physical. R1875:5
Many of nominal Israel are hungry and thirsty. In the meantime the Church of Christ is in the protected place. R5032:1
Shall be sure
-- The Lord has promised to provide for our temporal wants as well as our eternal welfare, not sumptuously, but nevertheless surely. R1313:1, R1745:2
This may have applied to the Jews at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem and others who have put their trust in the Lord. R5031:6; Q269:8
"I shall not want." (Psa. 23:1) R1745:2
Bread, water, plain clothing; but what some fear is the loss of some of the comforts, the luxuries which God has not guaranteed us. R832:5
The saints have little to fear from financial disasters. R2274:5
Isaiah 33:17
Thine eyes shall see
-- The eyes of faith shall catch the inspiration of the glory to be revealed. R2087:5* C304
The king in his beauty
-- The beauty of holiness. R2087:6*
Reigning in power and great glory. R2087:5*
A blessed and inspiring promise. R5863:1
The land
-- Paradise restored. C304
That is very far off
-- Beyond the vista of a thousand years. C304
Looking through the telescope of God's Word, it is a glorious vision. R2087:4*
"But he that lacketh these things is blind and cannot see afar off." (2 Pet. 1:9) R2097:6*
Isaiah 33:20
Shall see Jerusalem
-- Restored earthly Jerusalem and her priesthood. R35:4*
Isaiah 33:22
The LORD is our king
-- Our esteem, homage and obedience must be to him whom the Lord has appointed, King Immanuel. R3219:4
Isaiah 33:24
And the inhabitant
-- Of paradise restored. C304; R1072:6*
Not say, I am sick
-- The final results at the close of the Millennium. R1073:1
After the Redeemer shall, during the Millennium, have put away sin. R4587:2
Isaiah 34
Isaiah 34:1
Ye nations, to hear
-- This dashing to pieces as a potter's vessel will prove a valuable lesson to them when they come forth to an individual judgment under the Millennial reign. D20
Let the earth
-- The present organization of society. C229; A323; D46
And all things
-- All selfish and evil things. D20
Come forth of it
-- Of the spirit of the world. D20
Isaiah 34:2
For the indignation
-- The time of trouble. D13
Is upon all nations
-- The judgment of nations, now instituted, is a judgment of men in their collective (civil and religious) capacities. D12
Including heathendom also, because they have preferred darkness to light. D70
He hath utterly
-- Taking the future standpoint. D20
Hath delivered them
-- Judging them unworthy of a continued lease of power. D70
Isaiah 34:4
The host of heaven
-- The nominal church, ecclesiastical systems. D552; R1947:6, R1705:5, R1488:2; HG316:5
Shall be dissolved
-- A symbolic representation of the way in which the change of dispensation will be effected. R1814:2
Together as a scroll
-- Catholicism and Protestantism, the two ends. D258, D552, Diii; R4343:3, R3531:4, R1355:6, R1474:1, R1766:2
Not in one great roll, but in two separate parts, really in opposition. R1705:5, R2061:6
A concentration to one center--but in two great divisions. R1474:1
Coming closer together as their power decreases. R1355
Rolling together for mutual protection, sympathy and co-operation. R5349:4, R1488:2, R3533:1
We see in Germany what seems to be the start of this rolling together. The Emperor has been obliged to conciliate the Catholic element of his empire more and more. R3532:1
The two sides clearly divided; as the book of Revelation clearly distinguishes between the "Image" and the original "Beast," Papacy; while showing that they will be considerably in fellowship. (Rev. 13:15-17) R2047:1, R2046:3
Illustrated by the appointments of ritualists as bishops in the Church of England, and the elevation of a Roman Cardinal to the House of Lords as a Lord Bishop. R2309:1; D551
Shall fall down
--Fall off, drop out; not all at once, but gradually, yet rapidly. D552
Isaiah 34:5
To judgment
-- Verses 2 to 5 are a symbolic representation of the way in which the change of dispensation will be effected. R1814:2
Isaiah 34:6
The blood of lambs
-- Of the tribulation saints. D17
And goats
-- The "tare" class. D17
Sacrifice in Bozrah
-- The name Bozrah signifies "sheep fold," and the city is even yet noted for its goats. D17
Ecclesiasticism, the chief citadel of Christendom. D17
Isaiah 34:8
The LORD'S vengeance
-- The time of trouble. Dll, D20; OV345:6
A day of rectifying the wrongs of the people. R3841:5
The controversy
-- The strife and contention in nominal Zion. D19
Of Zion
-- The saints, the true Church. OV345:6
Isaiah 34:9
Into brimstone
-- Destruction. A318
Isaiah 34:10
The smoke thereof
-- The remembrance of the destruction of the present systems of deception and error. R2609:6
Isaiah 35
Isaiah 35:1
Shall be glad for them
-- The happy world of mankind. Q845:1
The earth is to be brought to the perfection primarily designed for it. R5057:6, R1117:1
Becoming a happy home and worldwide paradise for mankind. R4768:1; Q845:1
The animal, mineral and vegetable kingdoms will all serve man's pleasure and supply his needs. R1117:1
The Old Testament tells over and over about these Restitution Times. CR270:3
And the desert
-- Possibly including the now desert regions of the frigid zones. R3184:5
Much of Israel's promised land--from the Nile to the Euphrates, including Arabia and parts of Egypt and the Soudan is now desert --but it shall blossom. Q792:2
Messiah's Kingdom will not only uplift humanity, but will also bring blessings of perfection to the earth. Eden eventually will be worldwide. R5364:5
Shall rejoice
-- For the microbes of destruction and disease shall be restrained. R1771:6
Blossom as the rose
-- During Messiah's reign Paradise Lost will become Paradise Regained, as illustrated in Adam's Eden home. SM48:1; R5060:4, R1117:1, R5057:6, R6013:5
God has foreseen all the necessities of his plan and will make ample provision for the needs of his creation in what will seem a very natural way. A161
Not yet, though it is in process of completion. At the end of the thousand years of Christ's reign the whole earth shall have been brought to perfection. R4989:6
The earth shall no more bring forth thorns and briers and require the sweat of man's face to eat bread. A192
Most barren land can be made rich simply by adding to it certain mineral elements which cost but little such as nitrogen, phosphoric acid and potash. R2776:1*
Burbank and others are, under divine guidance, working miracles in horticulture. R4674:1
We are only in the beginning of the thousand years in which this will happen. These things are beginning to be experienced. Human ingenuity and engineering feats are working miracles. PD95/109
The New Day is ushering in these blessings of increased fruitfulness through irrigation and science; but it will require God's power during the thousand years of Christ's reign to bring the earth to perfection. OV350:T, R4989:6; SM37:1; C268*
Major climatic changes are gradually preparing the world for this. PD91/105
Isaiah 35:2
-- The earth's redeemed millions. R542:1
Isaiah 35:3
Strengthen ye
-- Tell them not to let slip valuable opportunities for service. R2512:3
Those whose faith staggers not at the promises of God are to encourage those of weaker faith. R542:2*
-- Make firm. R2512:3
Isaiah 35:4
Be strong
-- Those who accept God's strength. R5488:6
Fear not
-- Because greater is he that is with you, that is for you, than all they that be against you. R5488:6
Your God will come
-- At the second advent of Christ. F664, F666
With vengeance
-- To bind the Adversary, Satan, and destroy his works. R542:2*
The transition period following the Gospel age and preceding the Millennial age is often mentioned as a "Day of Vengeance" to punish evildoers and prepare the world for the reign of righteousness. R247:5
With a recompence
-- At the same time that destruction comes to one class, redemption and glory comes to another. R1385:6
Isaiah 35:5
-- Not yet. R4901:3
After Satan shall be bound for the thousand years that he should deceive the nations no more. (Rev. 20:1) R3026:5
When the Millennial age prevails. E23; R1988:6, R3167:1, R3026:4, R5336:4; PD64/74; Q426:1
Eyes of the blind
-- "The god of this world hath blinded the minds." (2 Cor. 4:4) E470, R1958:4, R2348:1, R4901:3; OV393:7; SM680:T, HG145:5
Eyes which cannot see the things of faith, ears which cannot hear the message of faith. R3504:4
Long-blinded to the glorious light of the goodness of God. R5716:3
Sin-blinded. R1077:4, R1232:1
Israel shall be saved from their blindness (Rom. 11:25,26) and not only Israel, but all the families of the earth. R3501:2
Eyes of understanding. R3209:1, R3504:5, R4527:6, R4534:4, R5455:3, R5485:6; OV382:T
Shall be opened
-- In the glorious reign of Messiah. OV320:3; R4973:2, R5031:2, R5354:4
Typified by the healing of the blind man at the Pool of Bethesda and the Pool of Siloam. R1396:1, R1400:6, R2670:2, R5484:2
As a result of Satan being bound for a thousand years that he may deceive the nations no more. OV381:5, OV253:2
God has promised to deliver mankind from Satan's power and his blinding influence. R5896:2
The Gospel must ultimately open the eyes of the "blind." R1786:4
Ignorance and prejudice being removed. R517:4*, R790:5
All shall come to an accurate knowledge of the truth. R1180:4
To see the divine character and attributes. R5737:2, R5485:6; OV169:6
As a consequence, the true knowledge of the Lord shall fill the whole earth as the waters cover the great deep. (Isa. 11:9) R2432:6
Not only will the bodies of men be thus blessed, but their minds and hearts will be similarly liberated from the fetters of ignorance, superstition and sin. R1773:6
The Jew first, and also the Gentiles. R5832:2
Every eye shall see that the Kingdom is established, R5455:4, R4522:2, R4617:5, R5066:6, R5465:4, SM172:2
While still having room for the exercise of faith, men will, to a very considerable degree, then walk by sight. R4908:6
Not seeing his presence with the natural sight, but clearly seeing with the eyes of understanding, all will appreciate his character and rejoice therein. OV57:4
The miracles and cures performed by Jesus were small illustrations of the great work of his Millennial Kingdom. R5104:4, R2000:4, R5065:3, R5485:2, R1773:6, R2414:5; PD64/74
-- Of appreciation. R3504:5
Of the deaf
-- Those who have not had "ears to hear" during this present age. R2117:1
Prejudice--stopped. R1077:4, R1232:1
Long deaf to the voice of truth. R5716:3
Deafened by the babel and clamor which the god of this world induces and perpetuates for this purpose. R3167:1
Be unstopped
-- Sweeping away the ignorance and superstitions which entangle humanity. SM130:2
So that they may hear the truth and understand and appreciate it. R2310:6
All will see, all will hear, all will know of the love of God. SM130:2, R174:2
Thank God our eyes are already opening and our ears are being unstopped. R4522:2
Isaiah 35:6
The lame man
-- Lame in character. R2310:5
Leap as an hart
-- The world's greatest hospital will be in full operation for the next 1,000 years at the hands of the Great Physician and his under physicians. The work will be done by processes of testing, trial, judgments, disciplines. CR209:5*, CR210:1*
-- Speak forth the praises of the Deliverer. R2310:6
Isaiah 35:6
Waters break out
-- To have a literal, as well as a spiritual fulfilment. R2776:2
While especially applicable to Israel and the now barren land of Palestine, the same blessings of restitution are also due to the whole earth. R1380:1
Irrigation by artesian wells and aqueducts. R4673:6, R5057:6; PD95/109
-- Truth. R542:4*
Great physical changes in the Harvest, so that the earth may go gradually to the fullest perfection. R879:5
In the desert
-- Thus making ample provision for the needs of the millions brought forth from the tomb. A161; R607:2
Isaiah 35:7
-- Error and vice. R542:4*
Shall be grass
-- Rapid and healthy growth of virtue. R542:4*
Isaiah 35:8
And an highway
-- The established New covenant. R1520:6
Open to all. R2428:2*
A public roadway, not a narrow way. E240; A215; R1248:2, R1772:6, R5055:2, R542:4*, R1791:1, R34:1*; HG180:6
"Cast up the highway, gather out the stones." (Isa. 62:10) A217, E240; R1248:2
Designed to lead to the Edenic condition, from which the broad way had led them. R4246:1*
Will lead from imperfection to perfection, restitution. R4575:5
There is no place on the highway of holiness for wilful transgressors. R4811:5
Will be opened up through Israel, through the Ancient Worthies, through the New covenant made with them. R4575:5
Shall be there
-- When the great King takes control of affairs. Q331:5
No such way now exists. It will not open until the narrow way closes. A216; CR497:1; Q331:1, Q829:2
There will be no such highway until the great King takes control of affairs, overthrows the present order of things and sets up the Kingdom of heaven. R5245:1
And a way
-- A way in which the human family as a whole will be invited to return to harmony with God through the Great Mediator under the terms of the New covenant. R2075:1
It will be a way of righteousness, but not a way of sacrifice, as is the present narrow way. R2590:5
The way of life and the way of death will be before them. Each must make his own choice. Whoever refuses to go up thereon will go down into the second Death. CR497:6
It will be an upward way; exertion will be required. Q332:T, F713; R2590:5, R5245:2, R1772:6
Gently sloping upward to life, for a grand reversal of public sentiment will make the way easy of ascent. R1520:6
The way of holiness
-- To grand human perfection, God's image and to everlasting life. D634; HG616:3; R860:4; A215
The way of life shall be made plain and easy. A215; R1450:3, R1248:2, R2063:5
It will accomplish the straightening of every crooked path. R2563:5
Leading, not to the throne, but to the Edenic condition, from which the broad way had led men. R4246:1*
The way to human perfection requires only the putting away of sin; not the sacrifice of human rights and privileges, but their proper enjoyment. A215; E240
Unclean shall not pass
-- All who refuse to go up on the highway shall "be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3:23) R2331:6
The evildoers having been cut off long before. R1773:2
Those who refuse to make progress along the highway shall die at one hundred years of age. (Isa. 65:20) E478; Q805:3
Though fools
-- Though unacquainted therewith; unlearned. A215; R852:2, R1248:2, R1363:6, R5737:2; CR497:2
Though simple. R4617:5
Though unsophisticated. R3026:5
Shall not err therein
-- Need not err. R3199:1
"They shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them." (Jer. 31:34) A215
Every obstruction will be removed from their path. CR497:1; R542:4*
Isaiah 35:9
No lion
-- Of temptation or degenerate public sentiment. A217, CR497:1
Of opposition; to threaten, to discourage. R1772:6
Nothing to hurt, destroy or intimidate from well doing. R2590:6
All obstacles shall be removed from the way of holiness. R717:4*
Satan. "Your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion." (1 Pet. 5:8) Q785:2; R825:3, R2590:6
Any ravenous beast
-- Fierce temptations. R1055:3, R2075:1
No beasts of strong drink or passion shall be there to hinder. HG187:4
Giant corporations, organized to advance selfish interests at the expense of the general good. A217
False systems and false doctrines. R1227:4
Go up thereon
-- The lifting up out of death will be a gradual progress and gradual attainment, an upward ascending path requiring effort and overcoming. Q332:T, F713; R2590:5, R5245:2, R1772:6
The upward course toward life--the resurrection, or rising up, toward complete recovery from the fall. F718
But the redeemed
-- All for whom Christ died. HG180:6
Shall walk there
-- Only those who flee from the defilements of sin. R542:4*
Isaiah 35:10
And the ransomed
-- The whole human race. "He gave himself a ransom for all." (1 Tim. 2:6) R1520:6; CR497:2; HG336:1, HG514:5; A216; Q785:2
Shall return
-- From destruction, by the grand highway of holiness. A218; R526:4, R903:4*
To Zion
-- God's fortress. R526:4
With songs
-- For the time of their blessing will then be at hand; their hearts will be made glad with the knowledge of the truth that they may obtain eternal life in a state of happiness. HG514:5
Throughout the whole of the cleansed world, praises shall ascend to God and to him who loved us and redeemed us with the one sacrifice of himself. R3228:3
Shall flee away
-- Gradually and forever during the Messianic reign. OV147:2
The opportunity of suffering with Christ and sacrificing will then be at an end. R5250:5
Isaiah 36
Isaiah 36:1
All the defenced cities
-- Passing down the Mediterranean coast, overthrowing Sidonians and Philistines, to Joppa and further south; then eastward to Lachish--nearly forty cities of Judah fell. R4832:6
Isaiah 36:2
From Lachish to Jerusalem
-- Recorded on the "Taylor cylinder" now in the British Museum; which boasts of Hezekiah's mistake, but omits his subsequent victory. R2382:4
Isaiah 36:8
Give pledges
-- The penalty was a heavy one, amounting to nearly one million dollars, a much larger sum then than today. R4832:6
Isaiah 36:10
The LORD said unto me
-- Taking cognizance of the fact that Israel trusted in Jehovah, they first declared that the Assyrians were sent there by Jehovah for the very purpose of overthrowing the kingdom. R2381:2
Isaiah 36:17
Like your own land
-- Promising them homes and circumstances similar to those they then enjoyed, the object being to obliterate the feelings of patriotism in the various peoples conquered. R2381:2
Isaiah 37
Isaiah 37:1
King Hezektah
-- God himself was King of Israel, Hezekiah his representative upon the throne. R1358:4
Isaiah 37:7
A blast
-- Some have supposed that it was a simoon, or sandstorm, not uncommon in the vicinity of the Arabian desert. Jewish tradition ascribes the destruction to a pestilence. R2382:2
Isaiah 37:14
-- We may admire his sterling character; he was a great reformer in his day. R1358:6
Isaiah 37:15
Hezekiah prayed
-- Because fear prevailed in Jerusalem. R4833:1
For deliverance, but this was not a precedent for other nations to follow. R1358:5
Isaiah 37:16
God of Israel
-- Israel was under a special covenant with God; and Hezekiah was their sovereign and arbiter of their destiny. R4832:3
Between the cherubims
-- Between love and power, above a foundation of justice. T124
Always connected with the immediate presence or throne of God. R529:6*
Isaiah 37:17
Incline thine ear
-- The king and people sought the Lord in prayer. R4833:1
-- Loudly proclaimed his victories, warning the people not to trust in their God. R4833:1
Violated his compact not to attack Jerusalem. R4832:6
Isaiah 37:18
-- Threatened to become the first universal empire. R4832:3
Laid waste
-- Whole country filled with fear as nearly forty cities of Judah fell. R4832:6
Isaiah 37:19
Gods into the fire
-- The gods of other peoples all failed before Sennacherib. R4833:1
Isaiah 37:20
Our God, save us
-- Fear prevailed in Jerusalem. R4833:1
Israel was God's peculiar people, under his special protection and care. R1358:3
Isaiah 37:21
-- Hezekiah's faithful friend and advisor, and supposed tutor in earlier years. R2381:3
Isaiah 37:22
This is the word
-- Evidently intended to be the answer which Hezekiah should send to Sennacherib through Rabshekah. R2381:5
Isaiah 37:29
-- Figurative, representing the manner in which bullocks and horses are controlled--thus would the Lord control the Assyrian army. R2381:5
Isaiah 37:30
This shall be a sign
-- That the retreat of Sennacherib's army was not just temporary, and that he would not come upon them again. R2382:4
Isaiah 37:33
Thus saith the LORD
-- Israel's history shows how God actually did deal with them. R1358:6
He shall not come
-- God honored Hezekiah's prayer for deliverance. R1358:6
"The righteous cry, and the Lord heareth and delivereth them." (Psa. 34:17) R1358:6
Isaiah 37:35
I will defend
-- As long as they were obedient they had prosperity and no evil could befall them. R1358:4
The lesson for us is to note divine power which overrules, orders and directs that all things work together for good. R4833:4
Isaiah 37:36
Angel of the LORD
-- Jehovah fought Israel's battles anciently without being seen. R286:3
Wind, fire or lightning may be the Lord's messengers or angels. R4833:2, R2382:2
-- The messenger of death may have been a malignant form of fever. R4833:2
Egyptian history records the departure of Sennacherib's army, ascribing its retreat to an invasion of field mice, gnawing the quivers, bowstrings and thongs--but perhaps figurative of the pestilence, represented in Egypt by the mouse. R2382:2
-- It was not the Lord's will that Assyria should become the first universal empire. R4833:4
Isaiah 38
Isaiah 38:1
In those days
-- Somewhere in the period of time when "Hezekiah had exceeding much riches and honor." (2 Chron. 32:27) R2382:5
731 BC, 125 years before the overthrow of Zedekiah; corresponding to the date of the French Revolution in 1789
AD, from which Christendom recovered, though it must have seemed to be a "sickness unto death." R3574:2*
Was Hezekiah sick
-- With a malignant ulcer. R3588:1
Had somewhat to do with Hezekiah's prosperity and pride. R2382:6
Was neither of divine nor Satanic infliction, but a natural effect from some natural cause. R3588:2
All sickness and death are indirectly the result of Satan's work, whose deception brought the death penalty. R3588:1
Thine house in order
-- Make proper preparations for the interests of the Kingdom, disposition of property, your funeral, and for your successor. R3588:2
It is the duty of the Lord's stewards to leave their affairs in such shape that those who take up the work can do so intelligently. R3588:2
Thou shalt die
-- Nothing in Hezekiah's conduct indicated that he had fear of torment. R3588:3
Isaiah 38:2
-- Instead of rejoicing that he was about to go to heaven. R3588:3
He would have died had he not prayed. R3588:5
Does not imply that we should make specific requests for recovery from illness. R3588:5
The difference between our relationship to the Lord and that of Hezekiah is that we have surrendered earthly life and interests for the spiritual. R3588:5
Isaiah 38:3
And said
-- A brief summary of his prayer. R3588:4
Not a boastful prayer, for he freely acknowledged his sins. (Verse 17) R3588:4
A perfect heart
-- We all should be able to claim such in our walk. R3588:4
Hezektah wept sore
-- Hezekiah did not rejoice in the thought of death. R3588:3
Isaiah 38:5
Heard thy prayer
-- The Lord can arrange certain matters as easily one way as another without interference with his general plans. R3588:5
Isaiah 38:7
A sign
-- Hezekiah requested a sign. (See 2 Kings 20:8) R3588:6
For a confirmation of faith and not because of disbelief. R3589:1, R2383:1
The New Creation, walking by faith and not by sight. should avoid putting the Lord to tests and signs. R3589:1
Isaiah 38:8
Ten degrees backward
-- This was more difficult to be accounted for and therefore the surer test. R3589:2
Representing the 10 years from the beginning of the Time of the End in 1799 to the French Revolution in 1789. R3574:3*
So the sun
-- Could result if the upper atmosphere be in that condition which causes two parhelia, or mock suns, to appear on opposite sides of the sun, while clouds hide the real sun and the eastern mock sun. R3589:2, R2383:1
Isaiah 38:9
Writing of Hezekiah
-- Verses 9 to 22 record, in poetic form, his resolves, embodying his previous prayer, with thanksgiving for deliverance. R2382:6, R3589:4
Isaiah 38:10
Gates of the grave
-- Good King Hezekiah expected and declared that he was going to hell (sheol--"the grave"). HG335:1
Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E370; R2600:2
Residue of my years
-- Years Hezekiah might reasonably have expected to enjoy. E371
Isaiah 38:15
Hath done it
-- I freely acknowledge that it was not the lump of figs but the Lord, who produced the recovery. R3589:4
Isaiah 38:17
In love to my soul
-- My being. E371
All my sins
-- He freely acknowledged his sins. R3588:4
Isaiah 38:18
For the grave
-- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E371: R2600:2, R3589:5
Cannot praise thee
-- It is a place of silence, forgetfulness and absolute unconsciousness. HG335:4, HG121:5
"The dead know not anything." (Eccl. 9:5) R1881:5
Death can not
-- "For in death there is no remembrance of thee; in sheol (hell, the tomb) who shall give thee thanks?" (Psa. 6:4, 5) SM525:T
Isaiah 38:19
Shall praise thee
-- His proper desires were to live, serve and praise the Lord. R3589:5
Isaiah 38:21
Take a lump of figs
-- Instead of healing him without remedies. R3588:4
We should recognize behind the remedial agents, the will of God. R3588:4
Isaiah 38:22
What is the sign
-- The Lord's people of the New Creation are advised not to ask signs of the Lord nor to make tests. "We walk by faith, not by sight." (2 Cor. 5:7) R3589:1
Isaiah 39
Isaiah 39:1
-- Just as France once more favored Papacy. R3574:2*
Isaiah 39:5
Then said Isaiah
-- Reproving Hezekiah for unwisely showing the foreigners the great wealth of his treasuries. R2383:5
Isaiah 39:8
Good is the word
-- Showing prompt resignation to the divine will. R2383:5
In my days
-- The King of Babylon would despoil the city, but not in Hezekiah's day. R2383:5
Isaiah 40
Isaiah 40:1
Comfort ye my people
-- Natural Israel. E357; R1325:4, R5568:2, R2605:4
Because the "double" is completed, we may speak the words of comfort. SM398:1; R599:5, R1405:3, R4110:3, R5503:2, R5234:6, R2296:6, R2361:5, R2526:1
It is not our expectation that the Jews would return to Palestine as Christians. R4764:4
God's attitude toward the Jews is typified by Joseph's full forgiveness of his brethren, recognizing that their crucifixion of Messiah was merely a carrying out of the divine purpose. R5234:6
Isaiah 40:2
Speak ye
-- The Church. R1378:6
Earnest Christians armed with the power of divine truth. R1379:2
Zionism from a prophetic standpoint seems to stir the Jewish heart as the subject never did politically. R4764:5
Were it not for a share in the work of gathering out the Bride, we would be in Jerusalem to do a part in the great work of turning away blindness from Jacob. R1395:5
Preaching to the Jews the return of divine favor as a people before they believe in Christ; and that, with this favor, would come the opening of their blinded eyes to recognize in Christ Jesus the Sun of Righteousness. R1325:4
-- A new message for Israel of the return of divine favor. R1325:4
To Jerusalem
-- From 1878 AD onward. B227, B258, R2361:4, R5568:2, R4110:3
The natural seed. R1378:6
One of the signs of a new dispensation would be the sprouting, or indication of life, hope, promise. amongst the Jews. R5503:2
Thirty years ago I attempted to tell Israel the good tidings but God's set time for Israel to hear was still future. I am still waiting for God's own time and way for the fulfilment of Isa. 40:1,2 (1910). SM480:1
Not that Jerusalem is going to hear at first. Q379:3
That her warfare
-- Her appointed time of waiting (margin). C258, C288; R1043:4, R2605:4
The time of their national death and torment. R2605:4
They will leave their hadean state (national death) and torment and become the first of the nations to be blessed. HG387:4
Her time of sorrow. OV78:2
"That is determined shall be poured upon that desolate one (or cast off people)" till her cup be full of sorrow. (Dan. 9:27) B72
They were sentenced to a "double" or repetition of their already long period of waiting, during which God would show them no favor, manifest no interest in them. R1202:4
Is accomplished
-- The time is evidently not far distant when their national hope will be rehabilitated and they shall rejoice again as a people. PD53/65
After divine wrath has burned out their national transgression, even searching them out to the very lowest oblivion (sheol). (Deut. 32:22) E357
Every evidence of the return of divine favor to fleshly Israel is an evidence that divine favor to spiritual Israel is gradually drawing to a close. R2361:6
As in many other prophecies, the standpoint of the future is taken and the things are spoken of as accomplished facts. R1754:6
Her iniquity is pardoned
-- "His blood be upon us and upon our children." (Matt. 27:24) R2786:4
She hath received
-- Where their double of waiting for the Kingdom expired; the Kingdom did come in 1878 AD. R1202:4; SM400:1; CR104:3,5
Therefore the "rich man" (Israel) will walk out of his fiery troubles over the bridge of God's promises yet unfulfilled to that nation. (Luke 16:19-31) R2605:1
As divine favor was gradually taken from Israel, so we expect the return of favor will be gradual. SM401:1, SM403:2
LORD'S hand double
-- Her double, kophel, as of a thing folded in the middle; "I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double unto them." (Jer. 16:18) B227, B218
The period of Israel's disfavor, from AD 33 to 1878, was to be of the same length, 1845 years, as the period of her favor from the death of Jacob to the death of Christ. B219; R1202:1
The second portion, of two equal parts. R1378:6, R5235:1; HG53:2; CR141:2, CR104:2; SM398:1, SM400:1
The period of their blindness is the second part of the "double." With the fulfilment of that "double" their blindness will begin to vanish and "all the blind eyes shall be opened." SM398:T, CR105:4
Since that time we have seen a marked beginning and the gradual progress of the turning away of blindness from fleshly Israel. R1405:3
Since 1878, the star of Judaism has been rising. R5568:2, R5920:6, R599:5
Isaiah 40:3
The voice of him
-- Verses 3 to 7 are God's message to Christendom. R4721:2
In John 1:19-27 John the Baptist claimed to be the fulfilment. R1736:3
The message of John the Baptist was typical of the message of God through his consecrated people to nominal Churchianity and the world. HG457:3; E44
Foreseeing Israel's rejection of John's testimony; the Lord had in mind the Gospel Church as another antitypical Elias. R1687:6, R1379:2
The same voice that speaks to the Jews words of comfort warns Christians that we are on the eve of strenuous times. HG457:2
Prepare ye
-- If the kings of earth and the financial and ecclesiastical princes would promptly and thoroughly establish righteousness in the earth, Messiah's Kingdom would be introduced peaceably. HG457:5
The way of the LORD
-- Of Jehovah, making his footstool glorious. E43
The Kingdom of Messiah, offered typically to the Jews eighteen centuries ago, is now about to be inaugurated in power and great glory. HG457:3
Make straight
-- John did not fulfil all of the prophecy, clearing the way and preparing for Messiah's Kingdom. R4113:4
A highway
-- Highway of holiness. (Isa. 35:8,9) R1248:2, R1772:6
Isaiah 40:4
Every valley
-- Of despair and discouragement. R1772:6
The meek and humble. R1379:2
Be exalted
-- The humble lifted out of degradation. R4113:5; HG457:6
Every mountain
-- Of difficulty. R1772:6
Kingdom. R5575:4
And hill
-- Smaller governments of earth. R5575:4
Be made low
-- The conditions of society will be leveled. R4113:5, R332:4; HG457:6
The great ones in politics, theology and finance feel confident that the valleys and hills of society will never come to a level. R1379:4
In consequence of this gradual leveling of society the final adjustment to the requirements of the Kingdom will be proportionately less than in an autocracy. HG458:2
The Income Tax is a part of this leveling. HG458:2
By the great time of trouble. It will doubtless be a short and sharp work. HG458:2
The city of Quito, Ecuador, the highest city in the world, has subsided 76 feet in the past 122 years; this prophecy may also have a literal fulfilment. R1215:3
And the crooked
-- The perverse. R332:3
The crooked ruts in which the present evil order of things is running. R1379:2
The rough places
-- Errors, inconsistencies, false doctrines and stumbling-stones. R1379:3
Isaiah 40:5
And the glory
-- The blessing and salvation. T84
"And the glory of the Lord appeared unto all the people." (Lev. 9:23) T83
The majesty of his righteous character and government. R1379:3, R2463:1
Of the LORD
-- Jehovah. No conflict here for it can be said with propriety that Messiah will sit upon the Throne, or Kingdom of Jehovah. HG458:2
Shall be revealed
-- In the Millennial age. T83; R2371:2, R3345:6, R5032:2
Through The Christ. (Rom. 16:27) R385:1*, R1394:5
After the suffering of Christ (Head and Body) shall be complete. R2581:1
When the day of trouble ends, then he who spoke to the raging Sea of Galilee will likewise, with authority, command the raging sea of human passion, saying "Peace! Be Still!" A171
The full blessing of God will come to earth again. R4973:2
And all flesh
-- The whole world of mankind. T83; R2402:4, R3345:6
Not merely the Jews. A59
The dead as well as the living. R2402:4
Shall see it
-- Appreciate it. R1379:3
Recognize God's gracious love more and more each day. T83
Now we must "walk by faith, and not by sight"--but the world will walk by sight. OV129:5
The burning of "the fire of God's jealousy" and the breaking of "the rod of iron" will be the new missionary method by which the glorified Church will bring in "everlasting righteousness." (Zech. 3:8, 9; Rev. 2:27) R2462:6
Even though they call for the rocks and mountains to cover them that they may remain in the dark. (Hos. 10:8) R192:6*
Isaiah 40:6
All flesh is grass
-- Sinful flesh, which cannot please God. R208:6
There was a time when Adam and Eve held daily communion with God before sin entered, when they that were in the flesh could please God. R208:6
Isaiah 40:7
The grass withereth
-- "The wages of sin is death." (Rom. 6:23) R208:6
Spirit of the LORD bloweth
-- It will require only a breath from the Lord to scatter all the might and power and glory of earthly institutions. R1379:4
The spirit of righteousness, sent forth, will cause the day of trouble in which all humanity will wither as grass. HG458:5
Isaiah 40:8
The flower fadeth
-- All who oppose his plan will fade in the great Day of Wrath which will burn as an oven. R1379:4
Word of our God
-- Many professed teachers are heartily opposed to Bible study. R4857:6
Shall stand for ever
-- Shining more and more brightly down to the very end of this Gospel age. R4858:1
It is possible to endeavor to destroy God's Word, though all such efforts will fail. R2401:1
Attempts to destroy it may include: rejecting it, speaking of its truths irreverently, neglecting it, forbidding it, persecuting its advocates, misrepresenting it or skipping over and ignoring certain of its teachings. R2401:4
Isaiah 40:9
O Zion
-- The one true Church, represented by its last living members, the only ones who know and can proclaim the tidings of Restitution. R1379:5
Get thee up
-- Into the glorified spiritual condition. R1379:5
O Jerusalem
-- The faithful ones of fleshly Israel will come into prominence by reason of the leaders God will raise up. R1379:5
Be not afraid
-- When men's hearts are failing them for fear, God's people may rejoice that their redemption is near. R1379:4
Cities of Judah
-- All who shall then be in covenant relationship with God. R1379:5
Behold your God
-- Is here. R1379:5
Isaiah 40:10
The Lord GOD
-- Adonai Jehovah. E46
Will come
-- To administer appropriate future rewards and punishments. R723:4, R2613:5
With strong hand
-- Against the strong one, Satan. R1379:5
And his arm
-- The Lord Jesus. E47, R1379:5
Reward is with him
-- Not having been previously given. R2613:5
Isaiah 40:11
He shall
-- To feed the flock is the Lord's province. F283
Feed his flock
-- The Little Flock, all that follow him. R1379:5
Using such human instrumentalities as are sufficiency humble. F283
Like a shepherd
-- The lambs and sheep make one flock, and there is but one shepherd who superintends and cares for all. R118:3*
The Lord's care for even the weakest of the flock in the day of his presence. R633:4
Gather the lambs
-- The weakest ones of his true sheep. R1379:6
Though scattered over the hills of sectarianism, he calls his own sheep together into one fold, one Church, as it was at first. R633:4
Gently lead those
-- Such teachers and evangelists as are of the Lord's true sheep. R1379:6
That are with young
-- "Woe unto them that are with child and to them that give suck in those days." (Matt. 24:19) R1379:5
Isaiah 40:12
In a balance
-- Very moderate language in his description of the majestic power and greatness of the Creator. R5210:3; SM468:1
Isaiah 40:15
Small dust
-- Man is so small in the sight of the great Creator that we wonder that God should have any interest at all in humanity. R4972:2
Isaiah 40:22
-- Highly figurative and poetic language, not proving the firmament to be a solid structure. R1812:2
Isaiah 40:28
Neither is weary
-- He is ever active and his strength is equal to his activity. R1283:6*
God's rest is in the strength of his nature, the security of his position, the satisfaction of his work, and the certainty of his success. R1283:6*
Isaiah 40:29
He giveth power
-- Let your faith grow strong by meditation upon the promises. R5381:5*
Isaiah 40:31
They that wait
--Time is necessary for the working out of his kind providences in our individual affairs; for God works on philosophical principles for lasting and blessed results. R1840:5
Renew their strength
-- By again going over the proofs of our faith the Lord will strengthen our heart. R5712:6
By the voice of God's truth speaking to his people today. R4741:5
"As the days of a tree are the days of my people." (Isa. 65:22) R1649:5
As eagles
-- Living high above the world, farseeing; having eyes adapted to looking at the light; representing intelligently earnest Christians. R229:4
Isaiah 41
Isaiah 41:4
The first, and with the last
-- God is the only one that should be recognized. Q361:1; CR276:5
All others go into forgetfulness. I will be the God eventually, in the end. Q361:1
Isaiah 41:6
Of good courage
-- A right kind of courage, a godly courage. R5330:1
Isaiah 41:8
Abraham my friend
-- Being in heart accord with God, Abraham was granted a measure of covenant relationship. R4595:3
Isaiah 41:10
Fear thou not
-- He who exercises much faith may have quietude. R5345:5
For I am with thee
-- We need this assurance to carry out the responsibilities of the Lord's service. R1652:1
Hand of my righteousness
-- With the power of his truth. R1307:6
Isaiah 41:14
Thy redeemer
-- The Father. All that our Redeemer has done for us has been the carrying out of the Plan of Jehovah. R4085:3
Isaiah 41:18
I will open rivers
-- Now commencing to be fulfilled. R1379:6*
Isaiah 41:21
Produce your cause
-- To scoffers we say: Account for the peculiar fitness of the testimony of the "stone witness" by your worldly wisdom. C374
Isaiah 41:22
Let them
-- The fallen angels. R2172:6
Shew us what shall happen
-- Scoffers: Venture to prophesy of the future and see how well your prophecies will result. C374
The former things
-- Things before, or to come. R2172:6
Things for to come
-- Scoffers: Prove that it requires no inspiration to foretell future events. C374
Isaiah 41:23
That ye are gods
-- Mighty ones. C374; R2172:6
Isaiah 42
Isaiah 42:1
Mine elect
-- Jesus and the Church. R3587:4; E41
His well beloved Son, the chief of all the elect. R3109:1, R5576:3
Bring forth judgment
-- The work of the Lord's Anointed, Head and Body, in conferring restitution blessings upon mankind during the Millennial age. R3587:4
To the Gentiles
-- As well as to the Jews. A58, A59
Isaiah 42:2
He shall not cry
-- Jesus' preaching was reasonable and delivered with dignity and meekness. R646:2, R1468:4, R3070:5
Let us, likewise, endeavor to present God's truth in all its native simplicity and beauty and trust its inherent power to win its way in due time to every heart. R651:4*
Nor lift up
-- "Nor call aloud" (Leeser). R646:2
Heard in the street
-- Neither the Bible nor sound judgment dictates street quarreling for the truth's sake. R1468:4
Like the Salvation Army of the present day. R2597:4
Isaiah 42:3
A bruised reed
-- See comments on Matt. 12:20. If there be even a slight disposition to penitence, God fosters and cherishes it. R1614:5
Shall he not break
-- So, on the highway of holiness, if there is any tendency to appreciate divine favors, the Lord will not break off such a one at 100 years. R1772:5
So also the Lord's people who are strong in faith are taught to bear with weaker ones. R2163:4*
The smoking flax
-- Faith, in its beginning, is always weak; but God does not despise the day of small things. R2163:4*; F684
Shall he not quench
-- On the highway of holiness, if there is even a smouldering spark of love toward God, the Lord will fan it into a blaze. R1772:5
Judgment unto truth
-- Right, according to the truth. R527:6*
Eventually bringing every thought into captivity to the will of God. R1772:5
Isaiah 42:4
He shall not fail
-- He comes to do a variety of work and shall not leave it nor return until he hath accomplished to put down all authority and power. R631:5
All God's purposes shall be accomplished. A95
Nor be discouraged
-- Throughout the Gospel age the various agencies of evil, the civil power and subsequently the civil and ecclesiastical powers in combination, have seemed to thoroughly block the way for the development of the living stones of the Kingdom. R3651:3
Till he have
-- Present enlightenment of the people and their incidental discontent are merely means toward the great end that he has in view. R1770:2
Set judgment
-- Having first selected and glorified his saints. R631:5
Established righteousness, justice, on a lasting basis. R770:1, R764:4, R527:5, R569:1, R1770:2
Isaiah 42:5
Stretched them out
-- "Stretched them forth" (R.V.) Highly figurative and poetic language, not proving the firmament to be a solid structure. R1812:2
Isaiah 42:6
Will hold thine hand
-- By sending an angel to minister to Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane. R1801:5
And will keep thee
-- From falling or failure. R1801:4
And give thee
-- The Christ. R3109:2; Q195:4
"Against thee" (Leeser). As the world's representative, God would appoint or enter into a covenant with Jesus on behalf of the people. R3109:1
For a covenant
-- Sacrificed in the interests of a covenant, the New covenant. R4321:3
Not that they become the covenant, but that there could be no covenant without Christ and the Church because it is the blood of Christ that constitutes the sealing value of the New covenant. Q195:4
The New covenant is given to Israel and the world only indirectly; the Father's dealings are not with Israel, nor the world, but with the Mediator. R3109:2
As the Mediator through whom the covenant towards our race will be fulfilled. R3109:2, R4571:5
Of the people
-- Israel. R4321:3
Light of the Gentiles
-- The Hebrew nation will be lightbearers to all other nations. R5768:6
To enable them all to come under the blessings of Israel's New covenant. R4321:3
The Gospel was to be told to the Jew first, but also to the Gentiles. R3010:2
"Of the nations" (Leeser). R3109:1
Not yet dawned--waiting for the completion of the resurrection of The Christ. R751:3*
Isaiah 42:7
To open
-- Under the New covenant the Lord will remove their blindness. Q171:3
Our Lord must do these things at his first advent, and in a measure begin the work of restitution, so that Israel could recognize him and be responsible for rejecting him and his "works." R2000:4
The Gospel must ultimately open the eyes of the blind. R1786:4
Blind eyes
-- Eyes of understanding. R1396:4, R3504:5
To bring out
-- Applied by our Lord to himself; but he did not break open the prison-house of death and set all the captives free by resurrection immediately upon his own resurrection. R4793:2
The prisoners
-- Death's captives. HG137:1; R930:6; A112
From the prison
-- From death. E41; R4793:2, R458:4*
The tomb, sheol, hades. From this prison none can break forth, but all are prisoners of hope. SM611:1; R5151:1
Sit in darkness
-- By contrast with those who walk in the light and run for the prize. A25
Isaiah 42:8
I am the LORD
-- Jehovah. E41
The distinctive, personal name of the Almighty Father should not be translated; the distinctiveness is lost by its being generally translated "LORD." R338:3, R1410:6, R379:2
That is my name
-- The name Jehovah signifies the "Self-Existing One" or "The Immortal One." E40
"I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name El Shaddai (God Almighty), but by my name Jehovah was I not known unto them." (Exo. 6:3) R1410:6
And my glory
-- My honor as the original lawgiver. E41; F396
Will I not give
-- The glory of the Son never has and never will eclipse the glory of the Father. The Son never attempted to diminish the Father's glory, but always to add to it. R920:1
Isaiah 42:13
LORD shall go forth
-- When he rises up in judgment against the nations. D549
A man of war
-- While the Lord forbids his people to fight with carnal weapons and declares himself to be a God of peace, he also declares himself to be a God of justice, and shows that evil shall not forever triumph in the world. D549
Shall cry, yea, roar
-- By means of his great army. D549
Isaiah 42:16
The blind
-- The hour is near when all the blinded ones who are now feeling after God shall have the eyes of their understanding opened and shall find the "way." R2090:6
-- Ignorance. SM266:T
Isaiah 42:19
Who is blind
-- To earthly ambitions, prospects and worldly wisdom. R3176:6
With this blindness Jehovah is well pleased. R3176:6
But my servant
-- Our Lord Jesus, and incidentally, the Church, his Body. R3176:6
-- Surrendered, devoted. R3176:6
Isaiah 42:20
-- Omit this word. R3176:6
Observest not
-- Heedeth not. It is not that we do not see earthly advantages, but we purposely reject them, closing our eyes to all earthly allurements. R3176:6
Isaiah 42:21
Magnify the law
-- Bring out its fine points. R1463:2*
Our Lord showed how far-reaching and comprehensive are its requirements. SM352:3; R5756:1
The lengths, breadths, heights and depths of the meaning of the Law were seen by none until taught by Jesus. R5286:2
Shown to have a still higher and deeper scope than was ever previously comprehended. R3176:6
Failure to perceive the spirit of the Law was one of the reasons why Israel could not get eternal life. R5071:5
Christ kept the Law in its minutest and widest sense, and proved it a just and perfect Law which a perfect man could keep; thereby proving the fault to be in man and not in the Law. R678:5, R3176:6
The Law said, "Thou shalt not kill," but Christ magnified that when he taught that whomsoever hateth his brother without a cause is guilty of murder. (Matt. 5:21,22, 27, 28) HG582:5*
Christ magnified the Sabbath law by teaching that the Jew gave God one-seventh of his time, but the Christian is to give him seven-sevenths. HG583:1*
Make it honourable
-- Jesus kept the Law, proving that it could be kept and that the fault lay with mankind. R5071:6, R4451:6, R1462:3, R678:5
In bringing it down to the comprehension of sinful men, God was obliged to state it in such a way as to meet the exigencies of their case; and so it abounds in commands and prohibitions. R1462:3
Isaiah 43
Isaiah 43:2
Through the waters
-- Afflictions, disappointments, perplexity, trouble; the school of experience, discipline and testing. R4005:1, R1857:5
We are not to float with the current but endure hardness. R4005:1
He will pull us safely over to the other side. R4005:4
It is a mistake to claim these promises literally, as they were to fleshly Israel only. R1408:3
A covenant of blessing and protection to Israel as long as they were loyal and obedient. R1409:2
I will be with thee
-- In every trouble, sympathizing with us in all of our trials, adversities, afflictions, perplexities, etc. R4005:1
With consolation of heart and sustaining grace. R5758:4
Through the rivers
-- Illustrated by Israel's crossing Jordan into Canaan. R3084:2
Overflow thee
-- As Israel, in passing through the Red Sea and Jordan, had nothing to fear; so the Christian has nothing to fear so long as he realizes the divine presence and approval. R1408:3, R1857:2
Or, extinguish thee. R4005:4
Through the fire
-- Illustrated in the account of the three Hebrews in the fiery furnace. R1408:2
A furnace of affliction, but the New Creature in Christ shall not be hurt. R1857:5, R1409:5
Isaiah 43:3
I am the LORD
--Jehovah, as in verse 11. R379:2
Thy Saviour
-- The Almighty himself is the Savior, the Author of the great plan of salvation, and the executor of it, through his willing agents and representatives. E33
Jesus is here called Savior for he shall "save from their sins" and from the penalty of sin all who shall become "his people." (Matt. 1:21) SM502:2
Isaiah 43:5
Gather thee
-- As certain as this prophecy has been fulfilled in the preservation of down-trodden Israel in all lands, so certain will it be fulfilled in their restoration to their own land. R232:5*
Isaiah 43:7
Called by my name
-- Israel means "People of God" and the name will ultimately apply to all who are his. D654
For my glory
-- "For thy pleasure they are and were created." (Rev. 4:11) Man's true peace can be found only in harmony with his Creator. R1840:3
Isaiah 43:11
Beside me...no saviour
-- Author of the divine plan. E33
From the larger standpoint, God is the originator of the entire plan of salvation--from start to finish he is thus the Savior. But he accomplished his salvation through his Son. R3172:3
Isaiah 43:14
The LORD, your redeemer
-- Jehovah himself; Jesus carried out his plan. R4085:3
Isaiah 43:16
A path
-- God opened for Israel a path through the Red Sea. R1951:2
Isaiah 43:17
Lie down together
-- In the time of trouble. R2462:5
They shall not rise
-- When once the armies of strife and giant trusts have been overthrown they shall never rise again; illustrated by the destruction of Pharoah and his army in the Red Sea. R2338:4, R1951:2
The giant trusts of our day, corresponding to the giants of Noah's day, falling in the great time of trouble impending, will never rise again. R2462:5
Does not refer to individuals. R2338:4
Isaiah 43:19
Do a new thing
-- Verses 19 to 25 show that the deliverance from Egypt and the wilderness journey were foreshadowings of future blessings upon all who shall become true Israelites. R1951:4
The greater deliverer than Moses is The Christ; the greater overthrow than that of Pharoah will be that of sin and Satan; the greater leading and care will be those of the Millennium. R1951:4
Rivers In the desert
-- Just on time we see abundance of rain, with springs, lakes and wells bursting forth in the deserts where, for hundreds of years, none have been known. R1379:3*
While specially referring to Israel and the barren land of Palestine, the same restitution blessings are also due to the whole earth. R1380:1
Isaiah 44
Isaiah 44:6
His redeemer
-- Israel's Redeemer. R1052:6*
Spoken long before he had sent Jesus to be our Redeemer, so that God was then the only Redeemer; but still true after Jesus came, for only God can save, and he does--through the death of "the Lamb of God." R1052:6*
The first, and I am the last
-- God is the only one that should be recognized. Q361:1; CR276:5
Isaiah 44:27
Dry up thy rivers
-- In Revelation, the Prince of the Kings of the earth is shown as drying up the symbolic Euphrates--the wealth and resources of mystic Babylon. R2498:5, R509:6; B209
Isaiah 44:28
That sayeth of Cyrus
-- Meaning "Sun," typifying the "Sun of Righteousness. (Mal. 4:2) R2498:4; HG521:1
Type of Christ. R2498:4, R4699:5
It is a wonderful thing that Cyrus was named by the prophet Isaiah in advance, and called "God's Shepherd." R4893:1, R1483:3, R3642:2
It is likely that, as Daniel was speedily made a high officer, he had access to King Cyrus, and probably called his attention to the scriptural predictions which marked him as the divine agent, even by name. R2509:3
Tradition says that this prophecy was read to Cyrus and resulted in his proclamation permitting the Jews to return to their own land. R3642:3
Profane history calls him "gracious, clement and just, treating men as men and not as mere tools to be cast aside--a conqueror of quite a different type than any the world had previously seen." Plutarch declares that "In wisdom, virtue and magnanimity he seems to have surpassed all kings." R4893:1
Saying to Jerusalem
-- As the typical Cyrus encouraged the typical Jews to return from Babylon, so the antitypical, our present Lord, will see to the drying up of the Euphrates and Israel's opportunity and encouragement to return to the land of Abraham. R4699:5
Isaiah 45
Isaiah 45:1
To his anointed
-- Typically. R4699:5
Every business enterprise employs various classes of workers. The firm may not approve of all their moral qualities--some are of good moral character and some of poor character, but the most responsible positions are given to those of recognized good character. R5385:3
In no degree interfering with the moral sense of Cyrus or Israel but taking advantage of the aims and desires of carnal men, their courses, not their motives, to accomplish his plans. R1272:1, R1780:4
To Cyrus
-- The Median General. type of Christ. R509:6, R2498:4, R4699:5
Typical of Christ, the Prince of the Kings of the East, who, in Revelation is shown drying up the symbolic Euphrates, destroy symbolic Babylon and delivering spiritual Israel. HG521:2
I have holden
-- God prospered the way of the noble and benevolent Cyrus to the seat of power. R1780:4
Subdue nations
-- Overthrow literal Babylon, type of mystic Babylon. R2498:3, R509:6
The two leaved gates
-- Enormous gates of brass spanning the River Euphrates which flowed through Babylon. R2498:2
Shall not be shut
-- Cyrus dried up the old channel by digging another, and then passed under the brass gates. R2498:3, R509:6; D24
Isaiah 45:3
That thou mayest know
-- Rather, God would have Cyrus know that his accession to power was not accidental, but by divine arrangement, for the purpose of returning the Israelites. God would have Cyrus recognize him as supervisor of his people's affairs. R1351:1*
By the calamities (evils) inflicted upon them and the overthrow of their man--made gods, to whom they would vainly appeal for deliverance--that there was no God beside the God of Israel. R1351:1*
Isaiah 45:4
Jacob my servant's sake
-- As Cyrus made the proclamation which permitted literal Israel to return from captivity, so the King of kings, upon taking his great power as earth's new King, will set free all the Lord's people. HG521:3
Israel mine elect
-- The fact that we may see in this statement a certain typical application to Christ and the deliverance of nominal spiritual Israel from mystic Babylon does not interfere with the fact that typical Israel is here spoken of as "elect." F176
"You only have I known of all the families of the earth." (Amos 3:2) F176
Isaiah 45:5
I girded thee
-- A stronger hand guides them. R1089:6*
Isaiah 45:7
Create darkness
-- Darkness may be said to be created by the withdrawing of light. R1351:1*
-- To prepare or arrange, taking cognizance of, and permitting calamities, etc. R849:1
Evil may be said to be created by the withdrawal of the restraint and protection that affords peace. R1351:1*
Showing divine control of every trouble or evil. R871:5
Is God responsible for evil? Yes, in that it comes by permission and arrangement as the proper punishment for violating his laws. No, in that man is the author of his own suffering by his violations of those laws. R871:6
No matter what accidental evils might happen to other nations, no accident could occur to Israel. God would carry out his part of the covenant--every blessing and every evil, just as he had promised. R1226:4, R1887:2, R2029:2
-- In this text the word "evil" stands in opposition to the word "peace" and hence carries the thought of trouble, war, or some similar evil opposed to peace. R1271:5, R1780:2
Sin is always an evil, but evil is not always a sin. A125; R1226:2
God is not the author and instigator of sin. A124; R848:3, R1800:4
Because Israel was inclined to view their calamities as accidents, and not as chastisements, God here sends word reminding them of their covenant, and that their calamities were from him and by his will for their correction. A125
Calamities upon the Jewish nation as chastisements for wrongdoing. R1271:5, R1780:2; A124; Q773:4
Two things must be borne in mind--the proper significance of the word "evil" and the special covenant relationship between God and Israel. R1271:4, R1780:1
"Anything that directly or remotely causes suffering." (Webster) R1271:4, R1780:1
The Hebrew word "ra" is translated 32 different ways in our common version. It might be used in referring to any thing not good. Physical evil (calamity) is the only permissible meaning in this context. R1800:2, R871:5
Not sin, but calamity. R1351:2*
All evil, directly or indirectly of God, is both punitory and reformatory. R872:1
Speaking of the evil which came upon Babylon at the hand of Cyrus, who was God's messenger to punish Babylon and restore Israel. R871:5
Isaiah 45:11
His Maker
-- Man's Maker. A190; R612:5
Ask me
-- None have the right to dictate to God. A191; R612:5
Command ye me
-- Or, assert that he must carry out our ideas? A191
Isaiah 45:13
Raised him up
-- Cyrus was God's messenger to punish Babylon and restore Israel. R871:5
Build my city
-- Ir, a walled place; here, the court walls of the Temple. The city walls themselves were not built until the 20th year of Artaxerxes. (Neh. 2:3-8) B67
Isaiah 45:15
God that hidest thyself
-- He can be seen only by those whose eyes of understanding have been opened. R5210:5; SM472:T
Isaiah 45:17
World without end
-- "The world to come" (Heb. 2:5); "wherein dwelleth righteousness" (2 Pet. 3:13); the New Age. A67, E402
Isaiah 45:18
Not in vain
-- Not to be burned up as some ignorantly think. R1052:6*
To be inhabited
-- He created various orders of creatures adapted to the earthly home, of which man was the chief--lord, ruler, king. R470:3
By restored, perfect men. Who are we that we should say it is unjust for God to do as he likes with his own? A191
By a glorious race of perfect beings, to whose wants it will be perfectly adjusted when both they and it have attained its ideal perfection, at first illustrated in our progenitor, Adam, and his specially prepared Eden home. R1117:1*
Not to be destroyed by fire. R470:3; SM791:1; PD91/105; HG398:4
The whole earth is eventually to be made like Paradise. CR292:1; PD91/105
The world has never yet been fully inhabited. R5364:4; PD18/26
Necessary resources will suffice, for the process of change is always in a circle and mankind will merely need to follow the circle to its initial starting point and repeat the process throughout eternity. Q772:2
Year by year we see the earth preparing for full inhabitation. Through climatic changes the earth is gradually changing. Gradually will the curse be removed and the blessings of God be substituted. PD91/105
As opposed to scientific theories of the solar system running down, the earth becoming cold and lifeless, the earth dropping into the sun or colliding with a comet or other planet. Q771:1
There is sufficient room--Texas has room to bury three times an exaggerated estimate of all humanity, and they could all stand in an area less than the size of New York or Philadelphia. A161
"And every creature on earth heard I saying, Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne." (Rev. 5:13) F52
Other planets were not made in vain either, but may be inhabited by beings yet to be created in God's image, to whom this earth's experience with sin will be a perpetual lesson. F70; E416; Q161:2
There is none else
-- None has a right to dictate to him. R612:5
Isaiah 45:20
A god
-- El, strong, powerful, mighty one. R296:2
Isaiah 45:21
None beside me
-- Yet God hath exalted Jesus and given him the name at which all shall bow. R52:4*
Isaiah 45:22
Look unto me
-- Not to mind cures, hypnotism, Christian Science, Spiritism, Occultism, etc. SM329:T
Isaiah 45:23
That unto me
-- The whole world shall be brought back to allegiance to the Heavenly Father. SM16:2
Every knee
-- Not only the living nations, but also all those who have gone down into death. R2972:4
Shall bow
-- By acknowledging Christ and the Church the world will be bowing to Jehovah. OV351:4
All who are willing to come into harmony with God will have bowed the knee. R5303:1
Every tongue
-- Including the repentant fallen angels. R1679:6; HG729:5
-- Confess. Those who refuse shall die the Second Death. R5098:1; SM16:2; HG647:4
Bowing to Jehovah's Anointed and confessing him as their Lord and Ruler. HG729:5
There is no more reason why a sinner could not be forgiven in the future than that a sinner could not be forgiven in the present. HG647:2
Isaiah 46
Isaiah 46:10
End from the beginning
-- God permitted men to do wrong, which he foreknew. R5211:1
Counsel shall stand
-- The Lord and his apostles had abiding peace because they believed that what God had promised he was able to perform, that his righteous and benevolent plan could know no failure. R1834:6
And I will
-- "God will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim. 2:4) R630:5*
Do all my pleasure
-- God's original plan is still in progress. A66; HG537:3
Isaiah 47
Isaiah 47:1
O virgin
-- Said in derision of her claim to purity. D42
Daughter of Babylon
-- The ecclesiastical powers of Christendom. D42
Isaiah 47:8
Not sit as a widow
-- "I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow." (Rev. 18:7) D43
Isaiah 47:9
And widowhood
-- "Therefore shall her plagues come in one day; death and mourning and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire." (Rev. 18:8) D43
In their perfection
-- In full measure. D43
For the multitude
-- Despite the multitude. D43
For the great
-- Despite the great. D43
Isaiah 47:10
Thy wickedness
-- With the word "evil" in verse 11, illustrating the two kinds of evil-sin and calamity-in the same connection and in contrast. R1226:2
Thy wisdom
-- Thy worldly wisdom. D43
Isaiah 47:11
Evil come upon thee
-- Calamity. R1226:2
Thou shalt not know
-- Thou shalt not previously know. D43
Isaiah 47:13
-- False prophets. Q776:2
Isaiah 47:14
The fire
-- The time of trouble. Q776:2
To warm at
-- No source of comfort for the false prophets or prognosticators of verse 13. Q776:2
Isaiah 47:15
To his quarter
-- His own interest, own denomination. R4324:4
Isaiah 48
Isaiah 48:8
Transgressor from the womb
-- The children of Adam are not in God's image, but love sin. R5286:5
Isaiah 48:10
-- Figurative and symbolic of affliction, fiery trials, by which we are relined. R2971:2
Isaiah 48:11
Not give my glory
-- Neither to Jews nor Gentiles, but keeps it for himself. R2126:4
Isaiah 48:12
Hearken unto me
-- Beginning a new subject from that of verses 9 to 11. R2126:4
Isaiah 48:20
Go ye forth
-- The "wheat" will first all be separated from the "tares." R2538:1
Of Babylon
-- A reference to the restoration of the Jews from literal Babylon. R3643:1, R4893:4
The Lord now calls his people forth from mystic Babylon. R3643:4, R2538:1
Voice of singing
-- A writer describes it thus: "Forth from the gates of Babylon they rode to the sound of joyous music--a band of horsemen playing on flutes and tabrets, accompanied by their own 200 minstrels and 128 singers of the Temple." (Ezra 2:41-65) R3643:1, R4893:4
Isaiah 48:22
There is no peace
-- God is not favorable for peace at the present time and under present circumstances. SM457:T
There is no peace to any man out of Christ. R1841:1
The wicked are self-seeking and grasping; filled with anger if they cannot get what they want; with malice if they see someone enjoying what they cannot have. All these things indicate a lack of peace. R4818:2
Unto the wicked
-- Broadly, the entire human family; only a comparatively small number have ceased to be wicked. SM457:1
"The wicked are like the troubled sea" (Isa. 57:20), continually casting up mire and dirt. R4818:2
Man's true peace can be found only in harmony with his Creator. R1841:1
Isaiah 49
Isaiah 49:6
It is a light thing
-- The raising up of Israel is a "light thing," only a small part of the entire restitution work. R542:1*, R353:4*
For a light
-- The hope of a resurrection. R751:2*
Not yet dawned, but waiting for the completion of the resurrection of The Christ. R751:2*
To the Gentiles
-- As well as to the Jews. A59
Isaiah 49:7
Whom man despiseth
-- "He was despised and rejected of men." (Isa. 53:3) E156
Isaiah 49:8
An acceptable time
-- Throughout the Gospel age. R858:6
Interpreted by the Apostle Paul: "Now is the accepted time ... now is the day of salvation" (See comments on 2 Cor. 6:2). R5536:5
Have I heard thee
-- Christ Jesus and the Church, his Body. R536:5, R858:3, R4542:2, R5536:5
Day of salvation
-- The great salvation to the divine nature. R4542:2, R859:1
Have I helped thee
-- The Body of Christ is helped or succored in its day of salvation in order that it may be the instrument of God for the blessing and releasing of those who are in the prison-house of death. HG337:1
Give thee
-- The entire Christ, Head and Body. R4542:2
For a covenant
-- As soon as the last member of the Church shall have died the New (Law) covenant with Israel will be sealed. R4453:3
By which God will bring the whole world anew into covenant relationship with himself. R4542:3
All God's people during this Gospel age serve that New covenant by getting themselves and each other ready for the future work of glory. R4542:2, R4453:2
Messiah, as a living sacrifice for sinners. R4715:1
Of the people
-- The world of mankind, not the Church. R4542:1
Establish the earth
-- Order, or rule, the earth. R536:5
Institute general Times of Restitution of all things. R4542:2
Cause to inherit
-- Our Lord has not yet received the heathen for an inheritance. R4542:1; SM435:2
Isaiah 49:9
-- The Christ, Head and Body. R858:3
To the prisoners
-- Death's captives. R4793:2, R536:5, R858:6; SM30:1; A112
To all the world, locked up in the prison-house of death. SM30:1; R4793:2
Go forth
-- The great prison-house will give up the prisoners; He who died on Calvary obtained the key of hades. OV363:5; Q329:3
"The dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God ... and shall come forth." (John 5:25,2 9) R4793:2
-- The Church class is chosen for the special work of accomplishing the salvation of the world in the next age--that will also be a day of salvation, for all the world. R859:2
In darkness
-- In the tomb. R858:6; SM31:T
Shew yourselves
-- A pictorial way of stating the resurrection of the dead. HG137:1
Their coming forth will be that they may manifest their real sentiments, either for righteousness or for unrighteousness. SM31:T
Come to the light, the truth. R536:5
Isaiah 49:15
Can a woman forget
-- From the standpoint of the divine nature, know that parental affection will have its widest scope as well as its greatest power to bless. R1211:5*
Sooner can a woman forget her infant child. R957:5
Will I not forget thee
-- Zion, the Church. R957:4
An assurance of tenderest love on the part of our Heavenly Father. R957:1
Service to the saints in any way the Lord will not forget. R957:4
Isaiah 49:16
Palms of my hands
-- "Before the throne my surety stands; My name is written on his hands." R1829:5
Isaiah 49:26
And thy Redeemer
-- Jehovah is the center of the entire plan of salvation, and of its every feature. F397
Isaiah 50
Isaiah 50:4
The Lord GOD
-- Adonai Jehovah. E52
Hath given me
-- Christ. E51
Jesus, the great teacher appointed by the master teacher, Jehovah, is himself taught of Jehovah. E51
Of the learned
-- Instructed. E51
Isaiah 50:5
The Lord GOD
-- Adonai Jehovah. E52
Turned away back
-- From his teachings. E52
Isaiah 50:7
GOD will help me
-- On the assurances of the Lord we may rest. R5432:2
Set...like a flint
-- To do God's will, describing loyalty to God and his truth. R4670:5*
Isaiah 51
Isaiah 51:3
Her wilderness
-- The true Church is the Church in the wilderness. R1841:6
Her desert
-- Applied to the renewed fruitfulness of Palestine. R1044:1, R1379:6
Garden of the LORD
-- No longer will thorns and thistles cause sweat of face, but the earth shall yield her increase. R5078:4
Isaiah 51:5
On mine arm
-- The Lord Jesus. E47
Isaiah 51:9
Arm of the LORD
-- Christ Jesus. E47
Isaiah 51:11
Redeemed of the LORD
-- All who will accept the gift of life upon the conditions of its offer. R1772:6
Mourning shall flee
-- There will be no more sin, sorrow, pain, sighing, crying or dying. R5250:5
Isaiah 51:12
Afraid of a man
-- "The fear of men which bringeth a snare." (Prov. 29:25) R1788:5
Rather be fearful of anything that would separate you from God and a future life. R5390:3
Isaiah 51:16
Plant the heavens
-- Establish the new heavens or powers of spiritual control. R1788:4; A318
Of the earth
-- The new earth, or social order. R1788:4; A318
-- The tried and proved, heirs of the New Kingdom. R1788:4
Isaiah 51:17
-- Intoxication of error, false doctrines and theories. R4287:3
Isaiah 52
Isaiah 52:1
Awake, awake
-- Describing the resurrection awakening of Zion in the Harvest time. R3596:3
He who sleeps now neglects his duty to his brethren and puts himself in jeopardy. R2463:5
O Zion
-- The spiritual phase of the Kingdom of God, the Church. R3596:3; A297, T33
Isaiah 52:3
Shall be redeemed
-- Gaal, set free by payment of a price. E438
Isaiah 52:6
Know my name
-- Understand and appreciate my true character. R3589:3
In that day
-- In the Harvest of the Gospel age. R3589:3
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful
-- How beautiful are those proclaiming good tidings of good things. HG307:1
Those who bear the truth have a special force and influence at the present time. R5259:2
The "feet" members of the Body of Christ reflect a measure of transcendent glory, their faces shining with heavenly joy. C301
Upon the mountains
-- Kingdoms. A341; C236
The feet members go heralding to every nation (mountain) the good tidings of Immanuel's reign begun. C301
Are the feet
-- The last members of the Body of Christ. A341; B253; C236, C301; R287:2, R757:2, R3298:4, R5257:6
While there has been a hand and foot class all along, in every age of the Church, yet of the Church as a whole, the last members are the feet. R514:6, R2827:2, R3298:4, R5257:6
While Jesus and the dead saints are shown as in the heavenly condition, the living saints who are not yet changed, are used as his mouthpiece. R328:4*, R514:6
Who sing the restitution song of Moses and the Lamb. R498:1
The beauty and honor connected with their proclamation does not appear to the world. R757:3, R287:3
The feet are figurative, as also in other Biblical passages. "His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives." (Zech. 14:4) B157
"The dead who die." (Rev. 14:13) C241
These same feet, as representatives on earth of the entire Body, are to pour out the seven vials of Rev. 16. R498:1
All who are of the "feet" shall be thus engaged. C237
Of him
-- Christ in the flesh, the Elijah. A341; B253; C236, C301
Good tidings
-- The sweetest notes of the glad tidings of restitution are reserved until now during the sounding of the seventh trumpet. R757:2, R287:2, R328:4*
Not inflaming either real or fancied wounds, thus doing injury to those we should be helping and blessing, spreading their discontent, and hence their trouble. A341
Publisheth peace
-- Millennial joy and peace. C302
By preaching the good tidings of the ransom for all and its consequent blessings, we shall be true heralds of the Kingdom; ambassadors of peace. A341
Publisheth salvation
-- A ransom for all and consequent blessings for all; deliverance. A341; C236
That saith unto Zion
-- The message is going forth, "Behold the Bridegroom," (Matt. 25:6) and further announcement to Zion, "Thy God reigneth. R2645:3
The glorified saints beyond the veil are active participants in the work assigned members of the same Kingdom class this side the veil. D624
As in the Jewish Harvest, the Lord's instructions confined the special work to Israel, so here the special work of his messengers is confined to the household of faith--spiritual Israel. R1742:3
Thy God reigneth
-- The reign of Christ, which shall bring deliverance, is begun. B142; D624; C236; R1379:5, R2201:3
The oft-repeated prayer of the Church has been answered; the Kingdom of God has indeed come. C301
The Lord is present, the Kingdom is being set up. R514:6; D624; C301, C236
Now the rule and government has been assumed by "Him whose right it is." (Ezek. 21:27) He has taken to himself his great power and his reign is commenced. R287:5, R757:5
The time for the Kingdom reign is practically here, the time for this message of God is at hand. The Kingdom of God is in process of erection and the gathering of the saints in process of completion. With the completion of this class will come the inauguration of the Kingdom. R5259:4
That the Millennial Kingdom is already beginning its rule. R1379:5, R2201:3
The new regime is only opening. After our Lord shall have delivered and glorified the Church, then he will begin the work with the world. But, since 1878, we are making this proclamation. R5258:1, R287;4, R328:4*, R757:3
As there was a proclamation of Jesus in the flesh as King, so there must be correspondingly a proclamation of Jesus, the New Creature, as King of Glory. R2645:3
This declaration is due now before the feet are joined to the same Body. R757:5, R287:5
The present Harvest Message. R2645:3
Only the feet have been privileged to utter the whole message, including "the Day of Vengeance of our God." (Isa. 61:2) R757:3, R287:3
Isaiah 52:8
Thy watchmen
-- In the Harvest of the Gospel age. R3596:3
See eye to eye
-- Clearly, as one man, harmoniously singing the new song of Moses and the Lamb. C237
Only if the divine mind and will were the only one alive. R309:2*
"They shall be all taught of God." (John 6:45) R3856:5
It is proper that we should wish that all might see eye to eye, but it is not reasonable to expect it when we know that all are fallen from perfection. F326
More and more. R3856:5
Not until the Bride is complete and Zion is brought back. R67:5*, R56:3*, R5359:1
Only the watchmen of Zion shall see eye to eye until "that which is perfect is come." (1 Cor. 13:10) R344:2
Regarding things to put off, and things to put on, as we get further and further into this Day of the Lord. R5770:2
In due time we shall be able to see and teach the same thing. CR250:4
Bring again Zion
-- Return favor to the Jewish people. R309:2*
When Israel rises, Babylon must fall. R115:5*
Isaiah 52:9
Waste places
-- Now becoming fruitful. R1044:2
Of Jerusalem
-- Earthly phase of the Kingdom of God. A297
His people
-- Natural Israel. R3589:3
Isaiah 52:10
The LORD hath
-- At the setting up of his Kingdom. E47
Made bare
-- Made bare and extended to help. R21:2*
His holy arm
-- The Lord Jesus. E47; R4792:6
Of all the nations
-- The time is near when the message shall be preached to every creature. It is even now being fulfilled. R5259:4
The ends of the earth
-- To the Jew first, but also to the Gentiles. R3010:2
Salvation of our God
-- God's original plan cannot fail in any particular. R99:1
Isaiah 52:11
Go ye out
-- Full, complete separation was not enjoined until the Harvest time. C187
The Lord now commands the "wheat" to be separated from the "tares." R2538:1
"Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) B240; R3596:3
Standing with God even if that should seem to imply standing alone. R1383:3
"Gather the wheat into my barn." (Matt. 13:30) "Gather the good into vessels." (Matt. 13:48) R3589:6
Be ye clean
-- The Royal Priesthood. B240
From wrong practices and from false doctrines. C187
Justified in God's sight, pure and sanctified of heart. R5258:3, R5860:5
King Hezekiah directed that the priests and the Levites sanctify themselves afresh to the Lord and his service before the cleansing of the Court of the Temple began. R4812:3
As the typical priests and Levites were instructed to wash and keep themselves continually clean, so the spiritual priests should be pure in word, action and thought. R5860:5
In proportion as their hearts are clean, their spiritual vision is clear. R5259:5
No one is properly ready to render service to God in any form until he himself has come to a sanctified condition of heart in relationship to the Lord. R4812:4
Vessels of the LORD
-- The Lord's truths or doctrines. C187
In the Tabernacle and Temple, those vessels which were connected with the holy services--in the Court, Holy and Most Holy. These were only handled by the consecrated class--the priests. R5258:2
Isaiah 52:13
Behold, my servant
-- Christ. R3589:6
-- In the Millennial age. R3589:6
Deal prudently
-- Prosper. (Lowth translation) R141:1*
Wisely. R4831:3
-- Lifted up. R4831:3
During his Millennial reign. R3596:3
Be very high
-- Jehovah's promise to Jesus of the divine nature. R5066:1
Isaiah 52:14
As many
-- Of the Jews living a the first advent. E159
Were astonied
-- Surprised that he would submit to such abuse. E159
The world will be astonished when they see the reality of the Kingdom, more majestically grand than anything dreamed of. R4831:3
At thee
-- At the time of his crucifixion. R3590:1
His visage was so marred
-- "Deeply marred was his appearance, out of all human likeness, and his form out of all semblance to sons of men." (Cheyne's translation) R3590:1
"So shall his visage be inglorious among men." (Douay translation) R574:1
His features drawn with pain. R3590:1
Might refer to the marring of his beauty with the thorns, nails and sorrows. R574:1
Might refer to his character deficient in those qualities the world esteems in their depraved sight. R574:1; E159
Whatever of care, sorrow or pain marked that perfect lovely face was the self-imposed weight of our infirmities and sin. R575:1
More than any man
-- By man. E159
More than the
-- By the. E159
Isaiah 52:15
-- Showing a contrast--his glory, honor, influence and power will be proportionate to the sufferings and ignominy which he experienced, not only as respects our Redeemer, but also as respects his Church. "If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him." (2 Tim. 2:12) R3590:1
Shall he sprinkle
-- Startle; surprised at his patient submission to abuse. R4831:3; E159
"Deep will be the obeisance of many." (Cheyne's translation) R3590:1
Many nations
-- Others of all nations, now and in the future, have wondered and will wonder at such patience and meekness. E159
At him
-- To him. R4831:3
Had not been told them
-- Of others. E159
Some have told them that Messiah's reign was during the Dark Ages; others that it is now in progress; still others that it is an Evolutionary matter through moral reforms. R4831:3
Shall they see
-- Exemplified in him. E159
-- Understand. R4831:3
Isaiah 53:1
Who hath believed
-- Only a very few. R1359:1, R3590:3, R516:6*, R2414:3; CR155:1; E489
The complaint of the primitive evangelists. R141:1* Israel's failure to hear the divine message. OV75:5
"To us who believe he is precious." (1 Pet. 2:7) R2789:2
The reason for the general rejection of the message is that reconciliation with God means opposition to sin. E489
Our report
-- Our teaching, our presentation, our message of reconciliation, atonement. E489; R3590:3; CR154:3, CR155:3
The message of God in respect to his great plan, the Gospel. CR155:1
That God is willing to forgive our sins, receive us as his children, and fit us for the heavenly Kingdom. CR155:3
And to whom
-- Over whom. (Leeser) R575:5
Few, "as many as the Lord our God calls." (Acts 2:39) E489; R1359:2, R3590:3
The arm of the LORD
-- Christ, the power of God unto salvation. E47, E418, E489; R1359:2, R4792:6; CR154:6
Showing the headship of Jehovah. R765:2*, R1075:3
Stretched down for the relief of Adam and his race from sin and death. E418, R4831:5, R516:6*
Not merely a finger, doing a small work for a small class; but the all-powerful arm which will overthrow evil, establish righteousness and bless all the families of the earth. R3590:4
-- "Who perceives what the arm of Jehovah is preparing?" (Rosenmuller translation) R141:1*
In the Gospel. CR154:6
In the present time. R3590:3
Isaiah 53
Isaiah 53:2
For he shall
-- Few believe the report because at the first advent our Lord did not appear as a glorious and powerful king. R3590:4, R574:3
Before him
-- Jehovah. R1359:2
As a tender plant
-- Small shoot. E156
To the natural man seeming too tender ever to prosper. R3590:4
As a root
-- Lifegiver. E144
Dry ground
-- The Davidic line having apparently lost its virility, its life. R3590:4
Thirsty ground. His appearance and surrounding seemed unfavorable; he was an unlikely king. R574:3
All humanity was reckoned dead. Like a new, fresh, living root out of the barren soil, he grew up from infancy to manhood. R1359:2
Form nor comeliness
-- Of the kind worldly men admire. E156; R2293:6
Honor. E156
To blind bigots he lacked good looks, but to those whose eyes are opened he becomes " chiefest among ten thousand" and "altogether lovely." (Song of Sol. 5:10, 16) R1063:2*
When we shall see him
-- When we observe him. E156
There is no beauty
-- No appearance of hauteur and ambition. E157; R574:3
That we
-- Jews, especially leaders and prominent ones. E157
Should desire him
-- Should desire in him. E156
Not having found in him the qualities of an earthly conqueror. E157; R574:3, R1359:3, R4831:6, R2293:6
He is not our ideal of the soldier, statesman and king, befitting our nation's needs and likely to fulfil its long-cherished hopes. E158
Isaiah 53:3
He is despised
-- Was counted by the Romans as unworthy of notice. R3590:5
The apostles were similarly evil-treated because of their faithfulness--their refusal to compromise the message, "the word of reconciliation." E490
"As he was, so are we in this world." (1 John 4:17) R3776:5
One of the many prophecies attesting that the Bible is a divine revelation. A57
Rejected of men
-- Shunned. R574:3
Because the Jews failed to see the sufferings of Christ. R59:3*
Because the prophecies of Christ's glory and Kingdom were not then fulfilled. R59:3*
By his own nation who for sixteen centuries had hoped and waited for his coming; by the Romans, counting him unworthy of particular notice. R3590:5
Denounced as an imposter. HG512:5
Not because he deserved such; but because they were so degraded and blinded by sin. R2789:2
The Jews esteemed him not, except for a few. R3590:5
They were looking for a king who, with military skill, would deliver them from the Roman yoke. R1359:3
Following the circumstances as though we were present we perceive that it was difficult for the chief actors surrounding our Lord to realize the true situation. Similarly we are sometimes too close to great events to appreciate their true import. Thus we should have sympathy with those who rejected Jesus. R3887:3
It should be expected that all through the Gospel age his followers would be similarly misrepresented, slandered, maligned, despised and rejected by the religionists of Christendom. R2789:5
A man of sorrows
-- Deep and abounding sympathy for others. R3734:3
Makaboth, pains. R2767:2*
With grief
-- Choli, sickness, weakness, disease. R2767:2*
Acquainted with infirmity. Jesus had an abundance of sympathy; each time he healed he was touched with a feeling of their infirmity while they were refreshed and revitalized by his strength. R574:4
We hid...our faces
-- Ashamed of him. R3590:5, R3776:6, R5495:1
"As one hiding the face from us (as in weeping)." (Young's translation) R574:3, R141:2
Were ashamed of, and would not acknowledge him. B188
"He hid as it were his face from them." (Margin) Because of their unbelief they lost the benefit of his wisdom, teaching and mighty works. R1359:3
"Like one who hideth his face from us" (to bury his griefs in seclusion). (Pye Smith translation) R141:2*
Esteemed him not
-- Considered him a fanatic because of his loyalty to truth and righteousness. R3776:6
His weariness, sorrow, weeping, etc., were construed by men to result from weakness. R574:3
"Gave him no attention." (Pye Smith translation) R141:2*
Hence it was decided that they could not be of the Bride class, and as a nation the Jews were cast off until the elect should be found. R3776:6
Isaiah 53:4
Borne our griefs
-- "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses." (Matt. 8:17) A230; E124; R4138:2, R2028:5, R2000:2, R105:1
Voluntarily. R105:1, R1359:3
"But only our diseases did he bear himself." (Leeser) R575:5
He was a man, of the human nature, but not a sharer of our imperfection, except as, during his ministry, he voluntarily took our sickness. R809:2
Being without sin, he was also without sickness and pain except as he "bore" it for others that he might be touched with a feeling of our infirmities and, thus, a sympathetic High Priest. R2028:6
Our Lord was not sick with ordinary maladies. His perfect organism was proof against the intrusion of special diseases. Rather, the healing of diseases exhausted his vitality, leaving upon him the weight of our sicknesses. R4138:3, R5577:2, R2000:1
Carried our sorrows
-- "There went virtue (vitality) out of him and healed them all." (Luke 6:19) A230; E124; R4138:2, R2000:2, R105:1, R1359:3
Our Lord's healing miracles are much more precious to us knowing that they cost him so much. E124; R4138:2
The sicknesses which our Lord bore were those of the world, and not those of his special friends and disciples. We have no record that he healed any of his followers. R4138:3
We did esteem him
-- Speaking for fleshly Israel at the first advent. E124
Not that he was actually smitten of God. R424:4*
What thus seems, or appears, is not the fact--it was for our sins, not his own sins, that he suffered. E123
This was probably one of the severest of our Lord's trials--to be esteemed as an offender against God and under divine wrath. R1816:1
Smitten of God
-- They thought him righteously punished. R574:5
Men did not realize the real cause of his physical weakness. R1359:4
Isaiah 53:5
He was wounded
-- Death in any form would have met the requirements of justice. It was not necessary for the ransom that the Lord's person should be wounded. This was for other considerations. E443
Not made to suffer eternal torment-thus proving that the wages of our sin is not torment. HG608:6
For our transgressions
-- And not for his own. R1394:5, R47:2*
The chastisement
-- As a true Son, he had his share: "What son is he whom the Father chasteneth not?" (Heb. 12:7) R3133:1
Necessary to preparation for glory, honor and immortality: "He learned obedience by the things which he suffered." (Heb. 5:8) R3133:1
Of our peace
-- By means of which our peace with God was made. E124; R141:2*
Upon him
-- Noting the laying of the sin upon a person instead of a dumb animal. A57
With his stripes
-- By the things which he suffered in our stead. E442
He bore the death sentence against us. R3590:6, R3560:6
It was necessary that upon Jesus should fall the rod of affliction, even unto death. R5315:3, R3560:6, R3590:6
We are healed
-- Healed as sinners preceding our acceptance as members of the Body of Christ. F632
We are to be healed; through his death our reconciliation was made possible. R4364:5
Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep
-- Israelites, "lost sheep" (Matt 10:6) because they had wandered from the Lord and from their covenant. R2261:3
"I lay down my life for the sheep." (John 10:15) R652:5
And who, after coming to a knowledge of the truth and being rescued by the shepherd, follow him not, will no longer be counted as the Lord's sheep. R1217:1
Have gone astray
-- Followed one another into wrong paths. R3590:6
"There is none righteous." (Rom. 3:10) R2706:3
-- Jehovah. R1359:4
Hath laid on him
-- Jesus, our willing substitute. R1058:2, R574:6
The full penalty of the divine law. R4793:1, R574:6, R387:1, R657:5, R1058:4, R5315:3. Our sins have been laid upon, or imputed, to him. If we believe on him, his righteousness will be imputed to us. Thus we are justified. R657:5
Thus ransoming, not pardoning, mankind. E461; R324:1, R1058:4
Therefore God did not pardon us, that is, he did not suffer our sins "to pass without punishment. R324:1, R387:1, R1058:2
Only by the shedding of blood could there come a remission of original sin. R3985:3
Thus God could maintain justice and at the same time receive all sinners who would come to him through the appointed substitute. R1350:3*
Inconsistent with the theory of eternal torment. A159
The iniquity of us all
-- Jesus' death was "the wages of sin," as all death is, but not the wages of sin which he committed. R648:3
"The punishment of us all." (Young's translation) R574:6
Isaiah 53:7
He was oppressed
-- Verses 7 to 9 portray the matured view of Jesus' disciples as they began to consider more carefully and understand more fully their Master and his work. R4831:6
He was afflicted
-- Taunted. (Leeser) R575:6
He is brought
-- He was led, not driven, to death. He willingly permitted the sick and afflicted to partake of his vitality. R772:5*
As a lamb
-- In meekness, unsuspicion and gentleness. R4750:5
"Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world." (John 1:29) R77:6*
To the slaughter
-- A test to prove his character, manifesting to men and angels his obedience and worthiness of high exaltation. Q559:2
As a sheep
-- A ewe. (Leeser) R575:6
Openeth not his mouth
-- In any plea or endeavor to deliver himself from death. R3591:1, R574:6, R3776:2, R5642:5, R5871:6, R5561:5, R1806:6
Why? Because he desired to save others and knew that the salvation of others required the sacrifice of himself. R1815:6
Had he done so his accusers might have succumbed to the eloquence of him who spake as never man spake. R3591:1, R5561:5
To follow in his footsteps is to sacrifice ourselves as he did, with the same uncomplaining cheerful submission. R772:5*
Isaiah 53:8
He was taken
-- Taken away, cut off from life. R3591:2
"By an oppressive judgment he was taken away--the men of his age who shall describe?" (Brown's translation) R141:4*
From prison
-- By oppression, by false accusations. R3591:2, R1359:5
And from judgment
-- By oppression or injustice as far as those who condemned him were concerned; by divine justice and judgment so far as God was concerned, because he had consecrated himself unto death. R3591:2
Through judicial proceedings, by means of false condemnations which secured a legal condemnation unto death. R1359:5
"Through judicial punishment." (Leeser) R575:6
Declare his generation
-- Who could suppose that he would have offspring, would be the Everlasting Father to the whole world. R3591:2, R4832:1
Declare to his generation why he was cut off. R574:6
May be understood in three ways: (1) those of his day; (2) his divine lineage and (3) his posterity. R1359:6
For the transgression
-- His death was so ignominious, few could realize that he was suffering the just for the unjust. R574:6
Of my people
-- "For the sins of the whole world." (1 John 2:2) R3591:3
-- Smitten. R574:6
"The plague was laid on him." (Leeser) R575:6
Isaiah 53:9
Made his grave
-- Qebar, tomb, place of interment. E348
With the wicked
-- Being crucified between two thieves. R3591:3
Rasha, the condemned or guilty race. R1360:1, R1394:4, R3591:3, R574:6
And with the rich
-- In the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. R1360:1, R1394:4, R3591:3, R574:6, R141:5*
The godless rich. R575:6, R652:4
-- Or, although. R574:6
Done no violence
-- There was no just cause of his death. A58
Isaiah 53:10
It pleased the LORD
-- Verses 10 and 11 give the prophetic explanation of the experiences of Jesus. R4832:4
Not that the Father took pleasure in the sufferings of his Son, but because he saw the glorious results, both to Jesus and to mankind. R3591:4, R4618:3, R5878:6; CR348:5; Q559:2
The Heavenly Father had to do with the breaking of our Lord's body. R5341:5
The bruising, we understand, was not of divine necessity, but of divine wisdom and expediency. Q559:3
Because it best illustrates his justice, wisdom, love and power. R5878:6
To bruise him
-- To allow him to have an experience with pain and sorrow. R2000:1
To permit him to demonstrate his loyalty and faith even unto death so that he might the more abundantly reward him. R3591:3, R5878:6
"Crush him through disease." (Leeser) R575:6, R652:4
"For Jehovah is pleased to crush him with sufferings." (Pye Smith translation) R141:5*
As Jesus broke the loaf at the Last Supper, the Heavenly Father had to do with the breaking of our Lord's body. R5341:5*
When thou
-- Because Jesus gave his life, his soul, in exchange for Adam's life, or soul, the restoration for the world is indicated as being the direct work of our Lord Jesus, and not the Father's work, though he was the author of the entire plan of salvation. SM781:1
Shalt make his soul
-- Human soul, human being. R667:3, R981:1
Being, existence, all that he had. E127; T52, R667:3, R2000:1
A human soul--for he had exchanged his spiritual being, or existence, for the human, which was typified by the Atonement Day bullock. T52
The death of the soul is the penalty for sin. E328; R2611:4, R2794:5, R5238:2; SM779:1; OV166:2; HG135:4, HG334:5, HG331:4; CR209:1*
The penalty was not against Adam's body, but against Adam himself, the soul, the ego, the being. It required the sacrifice of another soul to redeem him. R3174:2, R3854:5, R5238:2
"The Good Shepherd giveth his life." (John 10:11) E337
An offering for sin
-- For our sins, not for his own. E23; R4793:1
"When his soul hath brought the trespass offering." (Leeser) R575:6, R652:4
Thereby causing the typical sacrifices and ablations to cease. (Dan. 9:27) B65
Our Lord Jesus did not suffer an eternity of torment as the price of our redemption. R4793:1, R1086:2, R803:2
His seed
-- Progeny. R4832:4, R1360:1
One of the titles of our Lord in the Millennium is "Everlasting Father." (Isa. 9:6) SM780:2
As many of Adam's seed as will accept adoption upon his conditions. A129; R4832:4, R3591:4
The Gospel Church is nowhere spoken of as the "seed of Christ." SM780:1, SM781:1; R1359:5
Prolong his days
-- Resurrection to a higher than human plane being granted him by the Father as a reward for his obedience. A129
Prolong their days everlastingly. R1360:1
All those who sacrifice with Jesus shall gain immortality. SM783:2
The pleasure
-- Will, plan. R1360:1; SM781:2
Of the LORD
-- Of Jehovah. R1360:1
Shall prosper
-- When he shall have put all enemies under his feet. (1 Cor. 15:25) SM785:2
Isaiah 53:11
He shall see
-- Shall see the fruits. R1360:1, R785:4, R5018:2; SM42:1; CR431:5; Q179:5
" (Freed) from the trouble of his soul shall he see (the good) and be satisfied." (Leeser) R575:6
A glorious fruitage! The exaltation of himself with his Bride and "the virgins, her companions"; the Ancient Worthies; and, finally, the groaning creation brought to human perfection. R5066:6
In the Millennial reign of glory and the end thereof. R4578:4
Of the travail
-- The reward of the travail. R5578:6, R3591:4; SM42:2
His humiliation, suffering and death. SM787:T
"I hid not my face from shame and spitting." (Isa. 50:4-10) E52
Of his soul
-- In the grand restitution of the redeemed race. R1360:1
Because his soul hath labored. R575:1
Shall be satisfied
-- To give his life to purchase the world. E441
When he has fulfilled the gracious promises of God to bless the world. OV57:1, OV23:2
With the results. F121
This satisfaction will result from the salvation of more than the "Little Flock." SM42:2
With the Heavenly Father's bountiful provision for his personal glory and exaltation, and for the honorable work which he will do for Adam and his race. SM787:1
Which he would not be if only a few of mankind will eventually be blessed. R3725:3*
Because the conclusion of God's plan will be satisfactory. F50
God's original plan cannot fail in any particular. R99:1*; A66, A95; E34; OV57:1, OV23:2; R1125:2
The Church also shall be more than satisfied with God's arrangements on their behalf, and through them, on behalf of the world. SM788:T
By his knowledge
-- His full confidence in God born of experience. A132; R1835:1, R3160:5; HG293:1, HG396:2
Gained through his pre-human existence. E91; R446:1, R1060:1, R2373:3, R4612:1; Q371:4
At the time of our Lord's spirit-begetting an impression of his pre-human experience was made upon his brain, and he then received special knowledge of heavenly things. R5157:5, R5065:1
Knowing the Father, remembering the glory he had with him before the world was, trusting him implicitly, enabled him to be obedient to the death of the cross. R3591:5
Knowing the Father's plan, his own will being in entire harmony with the Father, he went steadily forward to accomplish that will, even unto death. R631:6*
Of the divine plan or purpose to redeem and restore the fallen race, enabling him to carry out that purpose in the sacrifice of himself, thus justifying many by bearing the penalty. R1360:4
He grew in knowledge--being led into the knowledge of the various features of the plan as they became due to be worked out through his instrumentality. R3160:3
Enabling him to be obedient even unto death. R3591:5, R4019:1
It was from lack of knowledge of God that the first Adam in his perfection was weak. R3591:5
Knowledge which Adam did not possess. CR453:3; R146:2
The first Adam, having no knowledge of evil's terrible nature, was tempted and fell. The second Adam, with a knowledge of its awful results, and of the power of God, was just as really tempted, but triumphed. R327:3*, R3638:2*
Justify many
-- Very many--all men. R575:1
For he shall
-- While he will. (Leeser) R575:6,1
Bear their iniquities
-- Which our Lord began to bear at his consecration, and finished so doing at his crucifixion. R5065:5
Isaiah 53:12
-- Because of his faithfulness and sacrifice. R575:1
"Therefore will I distribute to him the many for his portion; and the mighty people shall he share for his spoil." (Lowth translation) R141:5
Will I
-- Jehovah. R1360:4
With the great
-- Rab, Lord, Chief, Master of the Universe, Jehovah himself. R1360:4, R3592:1
Divide the spoil
-- Of his great conquest over sin and death, with all its heavenly glories and privileges of blessing mankind. R3592:1, R1360:4, R4832:4
He shall divide, or distribute, the spoil to mankind. R575:1
With the strong
-- The overcoming Church of this Gospel age. R3592:1, R1360:4, R4832:4
"When I am weak, then am I strong." (2 Cor. 12:10) R3592:1
"To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his throne." (Rev. 3:21) R1360:4
"The spoils of the strong"--of the strong prince of this world who has left mankind destitute. He will be bound and his spoils distributed to enrich mankind. R575:1
Poured out his soul
-- Being, existence. R1451:6, R1880:5, R2794:5, R5238:2, R5578:6, R5749:2
From Jordan to Calvary. E127
Permitted his life to be taken from him. R5085:3
Not the body, but the being, called in the Scriptures, soul, dies. R205:4, R277:1, R4174:3, R5749:2
It was Jesus, the human soul, that had died; but he was raised from the dead a soul of a higher order. R5578:6
It was the soul that needed redemption; it was the soul of our Lord Jesus that was given as a ransom price for the soul of Adam with the result that the souls of Adam and his posterity are guaranteed a resurrection. R2794:3, R1880:5
Contradicts the idea that the Lord himself did not die, that merely his flesh died. R2794:5
Unto death
-- Non-existence, oblivion. E362
He kept on until he had given all that he had. R157:6, R5432:1
Made "his soul an offering for sin" (verse 10), in offset to Father Adam's soul. R2794:5; CR170:5
Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. R3592:4
His soul did die. CR290:3
Our Lord had a perfect earthly life. He gave up that life. The same with us. If we would live we must die. R5342:1
When our Lord was changed from spirit to human being his existence did not cease for a moment; but at Calvary his being or existence was laid down completely, he ceased to exist--gave his being as "a ransom." R667:3
-- Reckoned, by crucifixion. R575:1, R2473:1,5, R2787:4
With the transgressors
-- The thieves on the cross. R2787:4, R1815:6, R3370:4
As the penalty against Adam included his isolation from the Father as a condemned rebel, so it was necessary for Jesus to experience the full meaning of a sinner's separation from God. R2474:4
Crucifixion was practiced by the Romans only upon culprits-usually outlaws, brigands and seditionists. R2787:4
Being misunderstood when he came to John, whose immersion was for washing away a sinful past. SM644:T, R960:4
And he bare
-- "While he bore." (Leeser) R575:6
Made intercession
-- "For the transgressors he let (evil) befall him." (Leeser) R575:6, R652:5
Isaiah 54
Isaiah 54:1
Sing, O barren
-- Spiritual Zion, our mother or covenant. C297, R1341:6
The promise to Abraham has been barren for a long time. R1389:1
The Apostle applies this to the Gospel Church, or Abrahamic covenant, (Gal 4:27); showing that the ultimate fruitage shall be great. R3596:3
That didst not bear
-- Beginning with the Lord Jesus, a result followed the coming into covenant relationship which had never occurred before--a begetting to a new nature. R4450:2*
For more
-- The promise includes not only the development and blessing of the seed, but also the blessing of all the families of the earth through that seed. R1389:3
Are the children
-- The Christ, typified by Isaac and Rebecca. C297, R1341:6, R1389:2; Q164:2
Of the desolate
-- The Gospel covenant, typified by Sarah. R1389:1
Than the children
-- The Jews, according to the flesh. Q164:2
Of the married wife
-- Hagar, type of the Law covenant; her offspring, a servant class. R1389:2
Isaiah 54:5
Thine husband
-- Caretaker. R1389:1
Illustrating the union between Jehovah and Israel. R1388:6
Thy Redeemer
-- Jehovah himself. R4085:3
All that our dear Redeemer has done for us has been the carrying out of the great plan of Jehovah, purposed in himself before the foundation of the world. R4085:3
Isaiah 54:11
Lay thy stones
-- The Church is pictured as the glorious New Jerusalem, built of precious stones. R3596:5
Isaiah 54:13
All thy children
-- The spiritual sons of God. R3051:1
Taught of the LORD
-- Taught of Jehovah. "Learned of the Father." (John 6:45) E50
Our Lord Jesus is the Great Teacher of men by the appointment of the Heavenly Father, the great Master Teacher above all. E50
God, however, does not teach all in the same time and way. R385:1*
In the school of Christ, learning not all lessons at once, but gradually, "line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little." (Isa. 28:10) R3051:1
Because unprejudiced and anxious for truth. E32
We should avoid following human teachers as leaders. Their teachings should be received only so far as they harmonize with the word of truth. R386:4*
Is it not reasonable that God, who is love and a kind and loving Father, should provide for the education of every individual who ever came into the world. R33:3*
Shall be the peace
-- Of those who understand the Lord's dealings. R3051:1
Without this peace one cannot have the joy of the Lord; and if they have not this it is because they have not been sufficiently taught of the Lord. R3051:3
Of the Millennial day, in which the Prince of Peace reigns. R2520:6
Isaiah 54:14
In righteousness
-- Righteousness, justice, must be the foundation of every character acceptable to God. R3051:4
Shalt thou
-- The godly. R3051:3
Be established
-- Those who are not established in righteousness now will not be accounted worthy to be sharers in the first resurrection. R3051:3
Far from oppression
-- Having no sympathy with it. R3051:5
Anxious to set men free, not anxious to enslave them. R3051:5
Shalt not fear
-- "Perfect love casteth out fear." (1 John 4:18) The Lord's people should be the most fearless people in the world as respects earthly calamities. R3051:5
"Their fear toward me is taught by the precept of men." (Isa. 29:13) R3051:5
Not come near thee
-- Applies to the present life, and not to the life of glory. R3051:3
Isaiah 54:15
Gather together
-- A general gathering together of opponents to the truth and its servants. R3051:6
Shall fall
-- Come to naught. It is impossible to .injure the very elect. R3051.
Isaiah 54:17
Against thee
-- Against the New Creature. R3050:3
The called, faithful and chosen ones--the Church. R1239:2*
The prince of this world has power to deceive and to lead astray many--if it were possible he would deceive even the very elect. The elect are the only class who cannot be deceived. R1239:2*
May be, to some extent, applicable to regathered and re-favored Israel after the flesh in the near future, when God will fulfil to them all his good promises. R3050:3
Shall prosper
-- Even though it may affect health, social position or financial prosperity. R3050:6
The rage of the enemies of truth is impotent except as it resorts to misrepresentation and sophistry, which the Lord assures us cannot "deceive the very elect." (Matt. 24:24) R2738:1
Rise against thee
-- In envy, malice, hatred, strife, slander. R3050:6
This merely injures the old creature--the flesh, already consecrated unto death. R3051:1
Is of me
-- "If God be for us, who can be against us. (Rom. 8:31) R3052:4
Isaiah 55
Isaiah 55:1
Ho, every one
-- The call of the Gospel age, to the consecrated class now. R4321:3, R2072:4, R1899:2
During the Millennial age. R3597:1
That thirsteth
-- Verses 2 and 3 show this call to be for those thirsting for truth during the Gospel age. R1363:6
"Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness." (Matt. 5:6) R1936:1, R1899:2
"After righteousness" (Matt. 5:6); not only after truth with a curiosity interest, but after that righteousness which comes through a knowledge of the truth. R1936:1
Water is unwelcome except to the thirsty, and food produces loathing if forced upon one who is not hungry; so truth is obnoxious to those who prefer error. R650:3*
Come ye
-- If they will not come, let them stay away until they are ready to come. In time they will be thirsty enough. R650:6*
To the waters
-- In a sense, any who now thirst may come to Christ and find him a fountain of life--"A well of water springing up into everlasting life." (John 4:14) R3596:6
These "wells of water" have not yet become the Millennial "river" of Rev. 22:1, 17. R3596:6
Pictures the Millennial age and its blessings upon the world of mankind. "Whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely." (Rev. 22:17) R1363:3, R3596:6
The water of life will not be forced upon any. R1363:3, R651:1
Refreshing waters of divine truth. R1936:2, R1363:3, R650:3*
There is an abundance for us all in our Heavenly Father's wonderful provision--in the Bible. OV260:3
Hath no money
-- None of us has ought to offer as an equivalent for this priceless treasure. R1936:2
Come, buy wine
-- A sanctifying draught. R1363:3
Exhilarating. R1363:3
And milk
-- Life-giving. R1363:3
Nourishing. R1363:3
Without money
-- Published truth is not for all the poor in the world, but for the poor who are the Lord's children and are sufficiently interested to request it. R908:3
Without price
-- In the Millennial age, without walking in the narrow way, or taking up a cross of self-denial and suffering for righteousness' sake. R3597:2
There is a price at the present time, the price of self-sacrifice even unto death. R3597:1
Isaiah 55:2
Wherefore do ye
-- Who have searched in vain for truth from other sources. R1363:6
Spend money
-- Influence and labor. R1364:1
Which satisfieth not
-- Temporally or spiritually. F535
The satisfaction and joy of those who live by faith in the Son of God is solid compared to the passing ripple of emotion caused by mere religious excitement. Excitement must subside, but truth and its joys abide. R23:6*
The present life and present transitory interests. CR16:3
In the Millennial age none will thus vainly search for truth. R1363:6
Hearken diligently
-- The invitation is synonymous with Rev. 18:4, to come out of Babylon. R1364:1
That which is good
-- Meat in due season. R1936:2
The good plan of God. R1364:1
In fatness
-- Cream of the Everlasting covenant. R4321:3
A share in the glory, honor and immortality of the Kingdom. R4321:3
The soul that is fed at the Lord's table is not lean. R1936:2
The good plan of God produces the fatness of understanding. R1364:1
The fulness, the glorious provision which the Lord has made for them and which will then be opened before them in the Mediatorial reign. R3597:3
Isaiah 55:3
Incline your ear
-- Turn your ear away from the clashing of conflicting creeds and incline it toward God's precious Word. R1364:1
"It shall come to pass that every soul which will not hear that Prophet shall be destroyed from among the people." (Acts 3:23) R3597:3
Come unto me
-- The Master's gracious invitation as it will soon reach the world of mankind through the glorified Church. R3597:3
-- Obey. Obedience to God will be the only requirement for all who, being justified by faith in Christ, would consecrate themselves fully to God. R442:6
Your soul shall live
-- God distinctly declares that the extreme penalty of wilful sin and wilful rejection of Christ is the death of the soul. R1196:1
Everlasting covenant
-- The New covenant, the agreement to forgive, to cancel sins that are past. R3597:3, R4321:6
An agreement to share in the sure, holy promises which belong to his beloved Son--the Kingdom, power and glory of the world to come. R1364:1
If we put ourselves under Christ's care, the covenant of sacrifice will be everlasting with us and we shall have the "sure mercies of David." R5163:6
With you
-- If you are Christ's you are David's seed--and his seed will sit upon the throne to be the Messiah. Q192:2
With those who hunger and thirst after righteousness and who have consecrated themselves to him, been anointed and have the witness of the spirit that they are the sons of God. R1936:3
Sure mercies of David
-- Or, holy things promised to David. R1466:2
The mercies granted to Israel and the world through our Lord, the great antitypical David (Beloved). R3597:4, R1466:2, R1364:2; SM731:1
A promise that Messiah would be the root and offshoot of the Davidic line. SM477:1; Q192:2
We of the Gospel age are invited to share in the sure, holy promises which belong to our Lord. R1364:2
Of Christ, set forth in Psa. 89:20-37: (1) That his throne would be established forever; (2) That all would be made subservient to him; (3) That God's covenant to bless all the families of the earth would be fulfilled by his reign; (4) That his children, by redemption and regeneration, would be established in righteousness; (5) That all the willing and obedient shall endure forever. R1364:2, R1936:2
To share with Jesus the glory, honor and immortality of the Kingdom. R4321:3
Isaiah 55:4
I have given him
-- The antitypical David, The Christ. R3597:4
Leader and commander
-- As Leader he is our example in obedience and our Forerunner; and he has said, "Observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you." (Matt. 28:20) R61:5
As the great Prophet, Priest and King, typified by Moses and Melchizedek. R3597:4
Isaiah 55:5
Behold, thou
-- Christ. R3597:4
Shalt call a nation
-- "A Holy Nation, a Royal Priesthood, a Peculiar people." (1 Pet. 2:9) R3597:4 R4321:3
Run unto thee
-- Throughout the Millennial age. R3597:4
Shows how the work will progress among the people of the world after The Christ has been glorified. R1364:2
Isaiah 55:6
Seek ye
-- All the world during the Millennium. R3597:4
While he is near--When God does reveal his grace it must not be trifled with. R1364:3
Isaiah 55:7
Forsake his way
-- This will not be a time for pardoning wicked men, but those who desire to forsake their wicked ways. R1364:3
His thoughts
-- The unjust must abandon unrighteousness, even in thought. R3597:5
Return unto the LORD
-- Obedience to God, not sacrifice, will be required in the Kingdom. R442:6
Isaiah 55:8
For my thoughts
-- My plans for man's salvation. R3598:4
My plans are not your plans. SM85:1; R2733:4
Not your thoughts
-- We should not judge the Lord's methods or laws by the standards accepted among fallen men, which permit all to live whose liberty would not be dangerous to society. R1220:4
Thus the vast majority of Christian people cannot take the standpoint of the saints in the prophetic testimony before us, but rather the standpoint of the natural man. R2712:3
The world, and not the saints, are addressed. R1023:2
The wonderful blessings of the Kingdom will be beyond the thinking of mankind. R3597:6, R546:5, R3028:5, R542:2*
Neither are your ways
-- In the organization of your human churches. F197
Many justify themselves, saying, "It is my way." This is no excuse for retaining the actions, but for rejecting them. If we would honor God we would not do our own way. R705:3
The uncrucified will always think its own way the best, not learning to obey orders from the Head and trust God's superior wisdom where they cannot trace him. R961:3
My ways
-- Jehovah's gracious purposes, a great plan of salvation. A10; R546:5
My ways of executing my plan are not such as you would surmise. R1364:4
God has not been choosing out exclusively the great, the wise or the good. R4388:3
My methods. SM85:1
Permitting his truth to be obscured from the worldly-wise by letting it appear as if the Gospel were accomplishing little or nothing. CR499:4
Isaiah 55:9
My ways higher
-- His plans or methods. CR58:1; SM42:1, SM6:T, R838:2, R4483:4, R2595:5
God had higher plans for mankind than the Jews expected. CR58:1; R4463:3
The world does not understand God's plan. R2074:5
While there are certain correspondences between human secret orders and the one of divine origin the latter is in every way superior to all others. SM5:3
Grander and more beneficent. R794:3
Let us not mistakenly allow our own littleness of mind to hinder our appreciation of the true meaning of the Scriptures. SM249:1
"We make God's love too narrow by false standards of our own." SM535:2; HG391:2
Illustrated in the contrast between present mission work and slum work with God's Millennial provision for lifting up the weak and opening the blind eyes of the barbarians. R2690:2
"The length and breadth and height and depth of the love of Christ, which passeth all understanding." (Eph. 3:18, 19) SM42:2
We have every reason to believe in the supernatural. God is not limited or confined in his power by those laws of nature which our human understanding can comprehend. R676:1
My thoughts
-- My plans--clear, plain, reasonable, just, loving and wise. R4551:4
It is not in the power of friends or enemies of the Lord to change his purpose one iota. SM146:T
It is the privilege of the saints, who have laid aside their own ways and thoughts, to thus think his thoughts. R1023:2, R1024:5
Than your thoughts
-- Your own will and plans. R961:6
All schemes of human origin are necessarily imperfect, like their formulators. R921:3
Human reason is vastly inferior in scope and power to God's reason. R1566:3
Isaiah 55:10
Returneth not thither
-- In vain. R1030:4*
Isaiah 55:11
So shall my word be
-- Including the Harvest Message. R3883:3
That goeth forth
-- Sent forth to Abraham, announcing the blessing of all the families of the earth. SM90:2, R3052:1
Through Jesus--to gather out a people for his name, the Little Flock, the Church. SM90:2; R256:6, R1023:6, R1079:6; HG693:6
The Lord knoweth them that are his, and he knoweth how best to bring them in contact with the truth. R2965:2
The going forth of the Word of the Lord in all ages must have reference to the great end; as a man, building a home for comfort, keeps that in mind in all stages of the building process. R98:6*
My mouth
-- Our Lord Jesus, the mouthpiece of Jehovah. SM51:1
Not return unto me void
-- God's Word shall be fulfilled. OV184:T, OV86:T, R3598:4, R4347:3
It is certain that it will reach everyone for whom it was intended. R690:5*
He has the wisdom to foreknow, prepare and plan for the execution of his justice and love. Further, he has the divine power to carry out all that his wisdom, justice and love have planned. SM85:1
Divine wisdom has at all times been able to overrule the wrath of man to serve him and the remainder to restrain, thus causing all things to work out the divine purpose. R5263:1
It shall accomplish
-- The world has not yet been converted-proof that the Word has not been sent yet on that mission. OV223:5; R256:6, R2376:2, R2396:4, R1710:4, R4212:6, R1023:3; CR343:1; A95
Having begun the work of salvation, God has not abandoned it and does not intend to abandon it. R2690:1
Nothing could come to pass contrary to divine permission; although many things do come to pass contrary to divine law-- being permitted for wise purposes. OV33:2
Therefore whatever inharmonies we now see in nature must be viewed as incidental to the preparations for the perfection of all things which is not due until "the dispensation of the fulness of times" (Eph. 1:10) following the Millennial reign of Christ. R1560:3
Though men call God slack, supposing his promise to punish the wicked never to be fulfilled, they overlook the fact that 1,000 years with men are as a day with God. R1364:5
While God has permitted the interruption of sin, he has not permitted, nor does he purpose to permit, a failure of his plans. R1267:4
As God has promised the Jubilee Restitution, so surely it will come to pass--but there should be no breathless haste, but a quiet, patient, faithful waiting on Jehovah. OV86:T
Contrary to the Calvinist concept of election. HG545:5
That which I please
-- And is not regulated by prayers out of accord with his purposes. R1999:2
It shall prosper
-- Because of the one purpose of the one God. E182
Because backed by perfect justice, love, wisdom and power. E34
The consecrated have no plans of their own; they desire that God's will shall be done. Since God's plan shall prosper, their plan shall prosper; for his is theirs. R1383:5
Even while Satan imagines that he hinders. E485; HG433:2
Whereto I sent it
-- Hence we know that it has not yet been sent out to convert the world. A95
God cannot exercise his providence in a way detrimental to his plan. R1560:1
It will gather his saints, those sanctified in heart. It will not gather in the world. CR84:5
In this age, for the gathering out from among the mass of mankind a peculiar people. R1023:6
It is now prospering in the work of selecting the Church; and, by and by, it will prosper in the work of blessing all the families of the earth. HG354:1
Nothing can alter the definite, fixed outlines of the divine program. But the Lord has left certain of the filling in of our experiences subject to modification. This is where prayer enters in. R4347:3
It is one God who is operating under various circumstances and by various means for the accomplishment of his own one purpose. E182
Isaiah 55:12
Go out with joy
-- Out of the prison of death. R542:2*
Be delivered with joy. SM85:1
Led forth with peace
-- No longer suffer persecution. R3597:5
God's purpose in sending forth his Word is the great Restitution. R1023:3
Brought home in peace, by the Great Shepherd. SM85:1; R3597:5
Mountains and the hills
-- The ruling powers. R1024:4
Trees of the field
-- The people. R1024:4
Isaiah 55:13
Instead of the thorn
-- The wicked, who lurkingly seek to injure the unwary. R3597:5, R1364:5; SM86.1
The fir tree
-- An evergreen, symbolic of a man possessed of everlasting life. R3597:5, R1364:5; SM86:1
Whose balsamic influence is healthful, giving a refreshing effect. SM86:1
Of the brier
-- Reaching forth to attack and ensnare those attracted by its sweet odor typifying the wicked who now flourish. R3597:6; SM86:1
The myrtle tree
-- Beautiful and harmless. R3597:6
An evergreen; yields sweet perfume and berries that are a delicacy. SM86:1
The fir and myrtle trees represent mankind during the millennium yielding good influences and possessed of everlasting life. SM86:1; R3597:6
And it
-- The Lord's work of salvation for our race. R3597:6
For a name
-- To his glory and honor. R3597:6, R48:2*
The name given is made to refer to position or official relationship, so that the position is meant when the word "name" is used. R48:2*
An everlasting sign
-- Of his greatness and goodness. R3597:6, R1024:4
Isaiah 56
Isaiah 56:1
And do justice
-- "Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne." (Psa. 89:14) T124
Isaiah 56:5
A name better
-- The name given is made to refer to position or of official relationship, so that the position is meant when the word "name" is used. R48:2*
Isaiah 56:7
My house
-- The Temple then was merely a figure of a greater Temple, the Church, which is now in preparation. CR420:1; R5713:2
"Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?" (1 Cor. 3:16) R5713:2
House of prayer
-- The glorified Church, symbolized by the Temple with its Shekinah glory, will be the house of prayer for all nations. R5713:6; CR457:2
Men will approach God through the glorified Church, in which his presence will be manifested, and his mercy will be available to all. R5714:1
Isaiah 56:8
Outcasts of Israel
-- The publicans and sinners who heard the Gospel message gladly, but whom the Scribes and Pharisees rejected. R5004:6
Isaiah 56:10
His watchmen - The clergy of today. R330:4, R717:3
-- Of mental perception. R718:3
Because they hold the traditions of men, they cannot see the great prize of our calling. R330:5
Describing the last, or Laodicean, stage of the Gospel house. R717:3, R718:4
Are all ignorant
-- Of the character and purposes of God. R718:3
"Lo, they have rejected the Word of the Lord, and what wisdom is in them?" (Jer. 8:9) C157
Failing to recognize, and therefore rejecting, the spiritual King now present. C179
Dumb dogs
-- D-- D--s. F287
They cannot bark
-- Cannot speak faithfully for the Master. R718:3
They refuse to awaken the household under their care to a knowledge of Present Truth. R2674:5
Ministerial etiquette intimidating and sealing the lips of any disposed to lift up their voice like a trumpet to show God's people their sins and dangers. R2106:1
-- Dreaming or talking in their sleep. F287
Lying down
-- Lazy. F287
Loving to slumber
-- Loving ease. F287; HG712:6*
Isaiah 56:11
They are shepherds
-- Ministers who outwardly pose as God's servants but in reality are hypocrites. SM134:1
Hireling shepherds, "Whose own the sheep are not." (John 10: 12) D62; HG715:6
To their own way
-- Or ism; turned away to fables and science, falsely so-called. R718:3
Welfare, self-interest. F287, R330:4
For his gain
-- High-sounding titles and lucrative church appointments. R718:3, R3959:4; D61
"The priests thereof teach for hire." (Micah 3:11) F287
From his quarter
-- His denomination or sect. C179; D61; F287; R3449:3, R3748:2; HG715:3
Isaiah 57
Isaiah 57:9
And thou
-- Israel, represented as a woman. E371
Wentest to the king
-- Made alliance with earthly kings. E371
Didst debase thyself
-- Oblivious to the Lord and to the principles of his truth and the righteousness which is of faith. E372
Even unto hell
-- Sheol, oblivion, becoming figuratively dead. E371
Figurative of deep degradation. R2599:5
Isaiah 57:15
High and lofty One
-- Jehovah. R5217:3
All who would be in harmony with God must be repentant in respect to their own shortcomings and must be appreciative of his lofty standards--his holy standards. R5218:4
Inhabiteth eternity
-- Before the mountains were brought forth, or the hills, before the First-born was created, he is God. R5217:3
-- Quiet, deep, continual sorrow for acts not in harmony with righteousness. R5217:6
Our great and lofty God is particularly sympathetic toward those of a broken and contrite heart. R5217:3
Humble spirit
-- This humble, discouraged condition becomes a favorable one if the person will seek divine assistance. R5218:1
The lowly estate in the present life is only the necessary discipline to fit one for the glory and service of the time to come. R2139:5*
The aristocracy of the present age will not be the aristocracy of the new dispensation, but the poor in spirit will reign with Christ for the blessing of all the families of the earth. R2139:4*
Revive the spirit
-- Give strength and assist in the right way. R5217:6
Of the humble
-- Only the humble-minded can really appreciate their own condition. God will not only revive their spirit, but make them again sons of God, with all that this implies. R5218:4
To revive the heart
-- To such he is ever near, to revive and give them strength. R5217:6
This text applies not only to the present time, but will also have an application in the next age. R5218:5
Contrite ones
-- To be repentant is to be thoroughly submissive to the divine will, and implies a change of mental attitude toward sin. R5218:1
Isaiah 57:20
Cast up mire and dirt
-- "A froward man soweth strife, and a whisperer separateth chief friends." (Prov. 16:28) R2038:4
Isaiah 57:21
No peace... to the wicked
-- The peace, joy, rejoicing, blessing, comfort in the Scriptures are only for the Lord's beloved ones. SM334:i
Isaiah 58
Isaiah 58:1
Cry aloud
-- Point out what the Scriptures have to say. R5630:5
Attacking errors of doctrine unsparingly, though in kindly terms. HG558:2
It is not now necessary or proper to cry aloud in the streets, or at the churches. R5631:3
Like a trumpet
-- Sound the trumpet of truth. R1476:5
Shew my people
-- Point out to Christendom of today their error as we have opportunity. R5630:3, R1158:1
But it would not be very well to go about berating them or anybody. R5630:3
These faithful reprovers are generally abused as enemies. R577:4; CR351:5
Their transgression
-- Their attitude calls for sympathy, pity and tender help over their misunderstandings rather than for abuse and cutting and lashing sarcasm. R1158:1
Calling attention to the fact that there is hypocrisy practiced in the name of religion. R5631:3
House of Jacob
-- A distinguishing term referring exclusively to the Jews, God's ancient covenant people. R5630:3
Point out to the Jews the reason w they are in their present cast off condition. R5630:3
Isaiah 58:2
Seek me daily
-- Apparently, but actually there is great zeal for the traditions of men. R5630:6
Isaiah 58:11
Guide thee continually
-- Ask him to guide you; and, with no will of your own, no choice as to the pathway, trusting everything to God, silently waiting to hear his voice, it will be given you to know his will. R590:5*
Isaiah 58:13
Doing thy pleasure
-- Christian sabbath keeping is to refrain from doing our own ways, finding our own pleasures and speaking our own words--every day. HG583:5*
Thine own ways
-- That certain ways are our own ways should be no excuse for retaining them if they are not right. R705:3
Isaiah 59
Isaiah 59:5
-- The man-made systems of our day. R718:6
Cockatrice' eggs
-- Adders' eggs--Satan's lies. R718:6
-- Analyzed. R718:6
-- infidelity and Spiritualism, the progeny of Satan. R718:6
Isaiah 59:14
Truth is fallen
-- Truth has been covered and error has been advanced, accepted and acted upon. R767:1
In the street
-- Of Babylon, Christendom. R767:1
Isaiah 59:16
There was no man
-- "None righteous, no not one." (Rom. 3:10) E96
No intercessor
-- "None of them can redeem his brother." (Psa. 49:7) E96
His arm
-- Christ Jesus. E47; R765:2*, R1075:3*
Brought salvation
-- When there was no eye to pity and no arm to deliver us God sent his Son for our redemption. R4792:6, R4963:6
Isaiah 59:17
Of vengeance
-- Our time, and the years of trouble before us. R4265:6
Righteous indignation against wrong. SM420:4
Isaiah 59:18
Repay recompence
-- Some fearful calamity awaits her, the full measure of just retribution; she is to receive a "double for all her sins." (Isa. 40:2) D39
Isaiah 59:19
Like a flood
-- Permitting the Adversary to bring in error like a flood. R2875:6
Spirit of the LORD
-- Throughout the Gospel age, at the hands of spiritual Israel. D558
Lift up a standard
-- The ransom. R642:5
The Vow. R4251:2, R4236:3, R4265:6, R4228:2
This text is variously rendered in different translations, but the one furnished in our Common Version seems to fit all the conditions better than any of the others. R4266:1
The specializing of several features of our consecration will enable many to "resist the devil that he may flee from thee." (Jas. 4:7) R4236:3
Isaiah 59:20
The Redeemer
-- Gaal, one who sets free by avenging or repaying. E438
The Deliverer. D558
Shall come to Zion
-- The Church, the Body of Christ. D558
In Jacob
-- Among fleshly Israel. D557, D558
Isaiah 59:21
Is my covenant
--The language of this verse shows that the Law covenant is still in force upon natural Israel. R1730:1
Isaiah 60
Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine
-- Has a double application-first to spiritual Israel, and second, to Israel after the flesh. R2036:1, R2372:5
"Arise, give light." R1746:6
Beginning to be spoken to natural Israel in 1878. R107:2*
Reminding us of our Lord's counsel to Mary after his resurrection. When she would linger in his presence he reminded her to bear the good tidings to the other disciples. R2036:6
Through the secondary instrumentality of the fleshly seed of Abraham shall all the nations of the world be blessed. R1746:6
God's message to fleshly Israel at the dawn of the Millennial age. R1747:1
The prophet calls upon the saints to shine now; all who have been enlightened by the Harvest Message. R2036:2
Thy light is come
-- "The Sun of Righteousness," the Lord Jesus at his second advent. R2036:1
Light, to Israel, was the hope of the resurrection. That hope is not yet realized, "waiting for the completion of the resurrection of Christ." R751:2*
The Bride (as part of the "Sun of Righteousness"). R238:2*, R2037:4
The Lamb (Head and Body) is the light thereof. (Rev. 21:23) R244:1*
When the finished Temple of God shall displace the present tabernacle. R1982:2
Isaiah 60:2
Behold, the darkness
-- Confused regarding the plan of God; from the standpoint of human creeds. CR267:2; A18
Evidenced by the some 600 sects of Christian people, besides other sects of other religious people. CR267:2
Cover the earth
-- Civilized society. R3686:2; CR227:4
And will continue to do so until all the members of the Church, the "Body" of the great High Priest, shall have first gone beyond the second veil (actual death) into the Most Holy by resurrection change. T90
Of the world's population of 1,424,000,000 (1883) nearly two-thirds are still total heathen, and the remainder are mostly Mohammedan or followers of great apostate churches. R535:2*
The entire 6,000 years of the reign of sin, from Adam's disobedience until the establishment of the reign of Christ, has been a night time. HG433:3
Satan is "the ruler of the darkness of this world." (Eph. 6:12) A68
But the world is not always to remain in this condition. "The morning cometh." (Isa. 21:12) A21
And gross darkness
-- "The god of this world hath blinded the minds of them that believe not." (2 Cor. 4:4) T90; R2122:6
There are different shades of darkness. R5099:5; CR220:5
The majority are not able to see the desirability of the truth. R5338:3
Notwithstanding the faithfulness of Jesus and a few lightbearers. R4987:6
Human affairs have become demoralized by the darkness of ignorance and superstition. R5097:2
God's people have need to take heed to every step. CR251:4
The people
-- The heathen. R3686:2; CR220:4; SM240:2, SM435:2
Glory shall be seen
-- The bow of promise; the Lord comes while yet darkness covers the earth. A18; R2036:2
There is a refractive light and influence wherever the Lord's saints reside. SM699:T
When, by and by, we shall shine in the glory of the Kingdom for the blessing of the whole world. R2036:5
Isaiah 60:3
And the Gentiles
-- The nations of the earth in general, the heathen. A18, R535:1
Not only the living Gentiles. but also the living Jews, shall come to the light and blessing of the Millennial Kingdom. R2402:4
Come to thy light
-- Applies to spiritual Israel; also to fleshly Israel restored to favor. D638
After the resurrection of the Church. Christ will be revealed in glory and light to Israel. They shall fall before him and go out as a people through whom God will lighten the Gentiles. R751:3*
From Israel the light will shine out which will bring the chastened world to its knees and usher in the pouring out of the spirit of holiness "upon all flesh." D639
The world will be given time to see in Israel the operation of divine government, in contrast with anarchy, so that the majority of all nations shall desire the Kingdom rule. D638
None shall be permitted to languish in darkness or fail of eternal life by reason of lack of knowledge, but in due time all the blind eyes shall be opened. R2409:1
And kings
-- Earth's principal ones. D638
Isaiah 60:4
And thy daughters
-- "And I will give them (Sodom and Samaria) unto thee for daughters." (Ezek. 16:61) D638
Isaiah 60:5
-- During the Millennial age. E23
Thou shalt see
-- A glorious day of opening blinded eyes. D638
Flow together
-- Be filled with light. D638
Thine heart shall fear
-- Heart shall be awed. D638
God does not desire the service of fear, except that filial fear which is inspired by love, which dreads to incur his displeasure or to be ungrateful for his favors. R829:6*
The abundance
-- Now. however, the great Fisherman has no special use for any more or other than one kind of fish. R920:2
Of the sea
-- The anarchistic masses. D638
Shall be converted
-- His enemies shall fall before him. They will be enemies no more. It is the error that made them enemies--the falsehood. HG272:6
The forces of
-- The best of the Gentiles. D638
Isaiah 60:11
Gates shall be open
-- Compare with Isa. 26:2 and Rev. 21:24-26. R1951:1, R2338:3
Isaiah 60:13
My sanctuary
-- All mankind's blessings (Rev. 21:3-5) will result from the establishment of God's residence or sanctuary among men. T76
I will make
-- At about this time we are to expect wonderful contortions of nature and some radical changes in earth's conditions to make it more adapted to the wants of man during the Millennial age and throughout eternity. HG400:6
The place of my feet
-- "Earth is my footstool." (Isa. 66:1) T76; R1874:5, R286:2, R5060:5, R5078:4, R5364:4, R5839:1, R6013:5
The promises of God to the children of Isaac and Jacob are not heavenly or spiritual, but earthly. SM504:T
-- The restored earth. D647, SM37:3, SM389:2, SM504:T, OV351:1
Paradise restored will no longer be a garden merely, but the whole earth. SM503:2; OV351:1; HG435:2
When the Kingdom is set up. R5058:1, R4768:1, R5839:1
Isaiah 60:14
The city of the LORD
-- Earthly or heavenly Jerusalem. R56:1*
The Zion
-- Not only the earthly Jerusalem is called Zion, but also the heavenly. (Heb. 12:18, 22) R56:5*
Isaiah 60:16
And thy Redeemer
-- Author of the divine plan of redemption. E33
Isaiah 60:18
Walls Salvation
-- Symbolic of protection and security. R333:6
The salvation walls rest securely on the finished redemption-- the completed foundation as expressed by Jesus, the apostles and prophets. (Eph. 2:20) R333:6
Isaiah 60:21
Of my planting
-- The Vine of Jehovah's right-hand planting. R3544:3, R3806:5
"I am the true Vine, and my Father is the Husbandman.", (John 15:1) R3544:2
Isaiah 61
Isaiah 61:1
The Spirit
-- The holy Spirit, the power of God. R5588:2, R240:4, R5068:4; E169
Not a "ghost," or a person in any sense. E169
Leaders of the Lord's people must have first, a knowledge of the Lord's Word, and, second, the possession of a good degree of the spirit of the truth. R5982:5
Divine truth comes to us with all the authority of its divine author. R2057:2
Many today, ignoring the divine test, looking merely to education and talents, are serving as ministers in the church of Christ who would make no profession of being spirit-begotten and give no outward evidence thereof. R5940:2
Of the Lord GOD
-- Not another god, but it was the Father's spirit that was communicated to our Lord Jesus. E169
Is upon me
-- To all appearances the prophet was the person meant. Yet, when Jesus points out its fulfilment in himself (Luke 4:18) we see that in him its conditions were fully met. R436:2
Jesus quoted this prophecy in Luke 4:18 and applied it to himself and his work. R240:1
The Christ, Head and Body. F276; R5971:5, R311:6; PD73/87
From the time of Jesus' baptism. R3300:5, R5291:6, R5536:2, R1715:2; CR436:2
We are begotten of the spirit, as was he. R5536:5
Hath anointed me
-- The word "anointed" is used in the sense of ordination. R5536:2
The word "Christ" signifies "the Anointed." CR458:3
To Jesus it was a witness that his sacrifice was accepted, evidence that he would receive the divine nature, and it enabled him to know and do the Father's will. R240:4
The anointing of the Church7 is for a work yet future, in the next age. R5537:1
Illustrated in the anointing of the typical High Priest, the oil poured on the head only and running down to the skirts of his garments-showing how all true Christians come under the anointing of their Head. (Psa. 133:2) R1715:3, R5536:5, R5971.6
This is the only divinely authorized commission that was ever given to any man to preach the Gospel. R1715:2, R4307:5, R5536:2, R5537:2, R5940:1, R5893:2, R2925:5, R5807:3
The Church, Head and Body, is God's Anointed. CR460:4; OV161:T, R3436:1, R5536:5
Although this did not come directly upon the Church until Pentecost, they had a foretaste of it in that the Lord conferred upon them a share of his holy Spirit power when he sent them out to preach. F212
Every member--male and female. R1549:1, R1083:1*
Only partially fulfilled at our Lord's first advent; its complete fulfilment is due now, in his Day; but we should not expect all of its fulfilment in the first dawn of the Day. R629:5
The commission of the apostles was in the main, the same as the commission of the Lord and the whole Church. It was to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. R1521:5, R1972:3
The burying of the dead, the administration of baptism, the administering of the elements of the Lord's Supper--any of the brethren may perform for another. R1017:3*
As the oil in the type should be composed of things that none should ever have except the High Priest and the king; so God represented that he would anoint certain ones with the holy Spirit for a special purpose. CR459:6
With God, human ordination counts for nothing. R5537:2, R296:1, R5363:2; PD73/87
To preach
-- The commission of The Christ is one of service. F212
Everyone who receives the holy Spirit is ordained to preach. R5588:2, R5940:1, R537:2; F276; CR343:3; Q514:2
The chief business of life. R3211:1, R1440:4, R942:4, R334:6
We should rejoice in the privilege of proclaiming the good tidings. R5537:3
Applies to every member of The Christ. R5698:3, R2057:3, R2157:1*, R646:1, R537:2, R335:1, R241:3
R6023:3*, R5363:2, R5956:6, R768:6, R1575:4, R1720:6: R1891:2, R1917:5; F242
None can be of the Anointed body except they be preachers to the extent of their ability or talent. R812:3*, R942:4, R1917:5, R5893:2
The spirit of the Anointed one is not designed to qualify you for any work except preaching--in some sense, in action or word. R311:6
But it is of very great importance that we consider well what, when, how, where, and to whom, we may preach. R646:2
As the Master did not give his time to temperance or social or political reform, but rather to the instruction of the people in the doctrines of the Word--so let us be content to follow him in this matter. OV260:6
Preaching is not always public declaration; every influence that we can send out within our talents is preaching the Gospel. R1917:5, R5893:4
One limitation of the Apostle is that the sisters are not to teach in public. R5588:2
Good tidings
-- God's grace, mercy and peace through Jesus--to all who have an ear to hear. R3211:1, R241:2, R335:1, R5740:4
The Gospel of the Kingdom. R1521:5, R1714:3; E378
Good news in two parts: Of restitution, resurrection, as well as the great prize of the high calling. R241:2
Including private conversations with neighbors and friends. R5956:3
We are not commissioned to teach other matters than the one Gospel, but we may use every other subject to introduce the plan. R1440:4
Let those who have not the Gospel, but who have merely a message of reformation, preach political reforms, social reforms, moral reforms. R2965:6
Unlike John the Baptist, it is not the duty of the Lord's people to go through the world rebuking sin, but preaching the Gospel. R3326:2
Unto the meek
-- Those willing and able to hear; the poor. R241:4, R629:4, R2310:5, R3200:6
The meek alone can, or shall, see the Present Truth. E90; CR386:1; R445:5*, R795:2, R935:6, R956:6
Meek enough to receive the good tidings by faith. R1714:3
We are to seek those who are feeling after the Lord, not satisfied with the things of the world, and are teachable. R5537:2, R1468:4; CR386:1
Our Lord's teachings only convinced the meek, and only such he expected to receive them. R1059:3
Lovers of righteousness-only such were accounted worthy of it. R1557:3
As the work of the first advent began in the synagogues of the Jews, so now the truths of the new dispensation belong to the Christian first before going to the world in general. R1461:4
Not the proud, arrogant, hard-hearted, profane, rebellious and indifferent. E488; R1465:6, R1461:4, R5537:2, R2965:6
As soon as you find that the person you are talking with is not meek, you should draw off. Don't antagonize him or try to give him an ear. Q512:2
"The meek will he guide in judgment; the meek will he teach his way." (Psa. 25:9) R3103:3
To bind up
-- Jesus' footstep-followers are authorized to do the work of a good physician and bind up the brokenhearted. SM264:1
In many instances the broken heart needs to be touched with the application of the healing balm of grace and truth, but the touches should be gentle. If more breaking of the heart is necessary it is not for us to do. R4131:2
The message of the Lord's lips at the present time are not arrows (Psa. 45:5), nor the sword--but an invitation to rest. (Matt. 11:28-30) SM53:1
The brokenhearted
-- Our mission is not to break hearts, but to heal broken ones. R3436:1, R5521:2, R5537:1, R2965:6, R3326:3; Q512:2; SM265:2
With the message of divine mercy; that the Kingdom will bring order, peace and joy. R5449:1, R1714:3
Sin is breaking the hearts of thousands--through man's disappointment in himself and his own ambitions, efforts, friends, business and pleasure. SM266:T
The Church's special work in blessing and comforting the world will be in the Kingdom. R5537:1
To proclaim liberty
-- A return to their former estate, restitution. A112; R241:1; SM504:1
Freedom from evil, maladies and death. R241:1, R816:3
In the antitypical Jubilee--in the type the setting free of every debtor and the return of everyone to his home foreshadowed the return of all mankind to liberty--to freedom from sin and its tyranny. R1055:6; CR113:6
The healing and setting at liberty a few from the prison-house of death at the first advent was merely a foretaste of the grander work at the second advent. R2310:5, R5068:5
After sin and Satan are destroyed men can be entrusted fully with the precious boon of liberty; and the liberty of one will not infringe upon the liberties of another. R1737:6
To the captives
-- Of sin, ignorance and superstition. R4793:3, R2310:5, R5068:4, R240:6
Captives of sin, receiving daily its wages--dying by inches and entering the great prison-house, the tomb. R1086:1
In death. A112; R1714:6, R1086:1, R4793:2
All are prisoners: some in the grave and some not yet entombed. R838:6, R1055:6
And the opening
-- The resurrection from the dead. CR113:6; R4553:1, R4793:2
"I have the keys of death." (Rev. 1:18) E378; SM32:T, HG497:4
Christ is to deliver death's prisoners. He did not do so at his first advent, but will in due time set at liberty all the captives, opening the prison doors of hades (the tomb). R458:4*
They will all come forth to trial--not on Adam's sin, nor on account of things done while under the Adamic penalty, but to a new trial for life on their own responsibility. R3372:1
Of the prison
-- The great prison-house of death. E422; SM504:1, SM611:1; R303:5, R474:4, R240:6, R838:6
"All that are in their graves shall hear his voice and shall come forth." (John 5:28, 29) R2613:3, R4552:6
This cannot refer to a literal release from prison at the first advent because John the Baptist was not released. HG130:3
Jesus did not deliver death's prisoners at the first advent. R458:4, R816:6; SM32:T, HG143:3, HG497:4
He did not preach a discharge of all culprits in states' prisons. This would not be "good news." R240:6
To them that are bound
-- Captives of death. R303:6
Isaiah 61:2
The acceptable year
-- Time, period, the Gospel age, during which God will accept joint-sacrificers with Jesus. R3301:1, R241:5, R1714:6, R4505:2, R5068:5, R4535:3; SM48:2
-- At the word "and" between "Lord" and "the" the Gospel age parenthesis comes in. HG52:5
The day of vengeance
-- Those who come into conflict with God's laws reap the penalty of their own course. A308
Time of fire, or purifying trouble. R241:6
We are on the very eve of this great Day of Vengeance. R5537:5
World War I is the one predicted in the Scriptures as associated with the "Day of Vengeance." R5601:2
Not the thought of divine malice; but violators of God's laws reaping the penalty of their own course. A308
It is part of the good news only because we are able to recognize the blessed results God intends shall follow afterward. R241:6
Also called the "year of my redeemed." (Isa. 63:4) R116:1*
Jesus omitted reading this part of the prophecy; it was not then due; but it is now. R5537:5, R287:3, R757:3, R1714:3,6, R241:6, R59:2*, R1917:6; A218
Jesus and the apostles had an important work in proclaiming the "good tidings of good," but only the "feet of him" are privileged to say "unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!" (Isa. 52:7) R757:3, R287:3
To comfort
-- By the "Comforter, the holy Spirit" (John 14:26), "Through the comfort of the Scriptures." (Rom. 15:4) R2665:1
One of the features of our commission as ambassadors of the Lord. R5537:4
With the knowledge that their sins are forgiven, and that God is very sympathetic. R2664:6
The children of God have had their own hearts bound up and healed by the Great Physician, hence they know where to direct longing hearts who need the balm which only God can give. R5537:4
Communicated by members of the Church one to another: "Wherefore comfort one another." (1 Thes. 4:18) R2665:2
All that mourn
-- The vast majority of mankind. R2664:2
In the end of the time of trouble the whole world will be comforted by the Lord's reign. R1715:1
Isaiah 61:3
To appoint
-- To promise. R241:2, R2664:5
The great Millennial work is foreshown in verse 3. R1917:6
Them that mourn in Zion
-- The wheat class in nominal Zion have often painfully observed the spirit of the world operating through the tare element. D30; R5537:4, R1441:2, R1715:2, R1493:3
The Lord's people in the present life have a ministry of comfort to perform. R2665:4, R5537:4
Not only to Zion, the consecrated Church, but to all that mourn, the repentant. R2664:2, R241:2
To give unto them
-- In the New Day dawning. HG615:3
-- The beauty of the resurrection. R3436:1
The completeness and symmetry of divine truth. R1715:2
For ashes
-- The ashes of death. R3436:1
Of human creeds. R1715:2
The oil of joy
-- The message of grace. R5537:4, R241:2, R2664:6, R5133:5
Symbol of the spirit. R241:2
Thus the "Little Flock" is promised a share in the same anointing as their Head, Jesus. R241:2
Garment of praise
-- Even the lovingkindness of our God. R3436:1
The glories which the Lord has promised by and by. R3436:1
Spirit of heaviness
-- Induced by the unsatisfying human creeds. R1715:1
Disappointments, sorrows and troubles of this present time. R3436:1
Trees of righteousness
-- Not undeveloped sprouts, but those that have grown and matured. R5559:1
Isaiah 61:4
And they shall
-- In the Times of Restitution. E23
Build the old wastes
-- Prophetic of the rebuilding of natural Israel. R1044:1
Isaiah 61:7
For your shame
-- Verses 7 to 11 relate to the Messianic Kingdom. R2372:5
Isaiah 61:10
I will greatly rejoice
-- The Anointed Body. R1948:6
Be joyful in my God
-- Even in the present life. R1948:3
Garments of salvation
-- An expression that can be used interchangeably with the "robe of righteousness." Q603:2
Our salvation is not complete but begun in the sense that we are already counted as on the Lord's side. Q603:2
Covered me
-- He covers our unwilling imperfections by the robe of Christ's righteousness. R5073:1
Robe of righteousness
-- Justification; as necessary to the noblest as to the most degraded. Q603:2
Isaiah 62
Isaiah 62:1
For Zion's sake
-- The typical Zion is the Jewish nation; and the antitypical Zion is the glorified Christ. Thus the blessings of the Church, on the spirit plane, will have their counterpart on the earthly plane with the Ancient Worthies. R4913:3
Isaiah 62:2
A new name
-- "She shall be called, "Jehovah our Righteousness or the Righteousness of Jehovah." (Jer. 33:16) R4913:3
Isaiah 62:3
Crown of glory
-- Each jewel will be placed in its particular setting by Jehovah. "God hath set the members in the body." (1 Cor. 12:18) R4913:6; HG607:1
Royal diadem
-- A lamp. R1389:1
A beautiful ornament in the divine hand. R4913:3; CR333:2
Our Lord Jesus was the first setting in this great diadem, followed by his members. R4913:6
The "crown" and "diadem" express practically the same thought, the repetition making the sentiment doubly impressive. A diadem is a crown. HG606:6
Set in the gold of the divine nature. OV424:4
Hand of thy God
-- The Church, in the hand of our God, is to be exhibited to angels and to men as a marvelous piece of workmanship. OV424:4; R4914:1; CR333:2; HG606:6
Isaiah 62:5
God rejoice over thee
-- Jehovah will rejoice over the restored land of Israel. R1389:1
Isaiah 62:6
I have set watchmen
-- Prophets and others--God's care. R1795:6
We examine with close scrutiny the words and communications of the brethren who labor among us, for God hath set them as watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem. (Words fitly spoken, commanding our attention and respect--Editor.) R309:1*,6
Isaiah 62:7
-- The heavenly and the earthly. R309:1*
Isaiah 62:10
Through the gates
-- In the Millennia] Kingdom the gates of faithful obedience will be clearly seen and easily accessible to all. R1771:5
Prepare ye
-- Ye: the true Church. B31; R1771:3
Preparations for the incoming age. No provision for the proud, haughty, self-conscious, but all for the humble-minded. R5218:5; E240
Cast up the highway
-- "And an highway shall be there." (Isa. 35:8) A215-218; R1055:3, E240
Not a "narrow way" of sacrifice, for the day of sacrifice will be past. E240
That highway will lead to the perfection of human nature. R860:4
The mountain of difficulty shall be leveled and the valleys of despair and discouragement shall be filled up. R1772:6
The Millennial King's highway will have an upward grade. R1772:5, R1771:5
Gather out the stones
-- The stumbling stones, error, temptation. etc. A217; R1248:2, R860:2, R3673:5, R2610:2, R542:4*
None of the licensed (or unlicensed) evils of the present day will find a place under the glorious reign of righteousness. R1248:2, R1520:6
Lift up a standard
-- The true standard--the "cross of Christ," the "Ransom." R3673:5
The truth. A217
Pointing to the outcome of God's plan. B31
Time, talent, money, should be spent in lifting up the truth. R1029:4
The Vow represents a very high standard of Christian living. R4266:1
For the people
-- "We are made a spectacle unto the world." (1 Cor. 4:9) Q744:T, F231
Isaiah 62:11
Salvation cometh
-- Jesus fulfilled this prophecy and that of Zech. 9:9 when he rode into Jerusalem upon the ass. (Matt. 21:5) R3850:6
With the second advent of the Lord. F664
Isaiah 63
Isaiah 63:1
Who is this
-- The Prophet takes his standpoint down at the end of the Harvest of the Gospel age. D14
That cometh from Edom
-- Christendom. D15
Corresponding to the symbolic Babylon of Revelation, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. D17
An appropriate symbol for a class who, in this age, have similarly sold their birthright for a consideration as trifling as the mess of pottage which influenced Esau. D15
From Bozrah
-- The capital of Edom. The word means "sheepfold." It is even yet noted for its goats. Hence a type of ecclesiasticism. D17
Glorious in his apparel
-- Clothed with authority and power. D14
I that speak
-- The King of kings and Lord of lords, our blessed Redeemer and Lord Jesus. D17
Mighty to save
-- Jesus was such because he was sinless. E96
Isaiah 63:3
I have trodden
-- This work has already (1915) begun in the present European war which is growing in severity and awfulness day by day. R5698:1
The winepress
-- The last work of this eventful "Harvest" period, the last feature of the great time of trouble. D18
The great conflict is before us. R5697:6
-- Divine, not human power, is to overthrow the nations. There will be no human Alexander, Caesar or Napolean to bring order out of the confusion. D18
None with me
-- In our Lord's saddest hour it was not possible for even his closest earthly friends to enter into his feelings. R3886:4, R2467:2, R4428:6, R4701:3, R5550:6
Not one who understood the circumstances and conditions and who could share his grief by offer of sympathy, encouragement or consolation. F438, F478
With us it is different--we have the fellow-members of the Body. F478
Because he alone had been begotten of the holy Spirit. SM218:3; R4707:5; Q703:2
Isaiah 63:4
Day of vengeance
-- "It is the day of the Lord's vengeance and the year of recompence for the controversy of Zion." (Isa. 34:8) R3841:5
The time of trouble. D11
The natural result of not heeding the Lord's instructions. A309
The pulling down of the old dispensation. B222
The Day of Wrath is included in the Gospel Harvest, in the closing ministry of Christ. R115:6*
From this text Hebraists evolve, by what they term "Raise Teboth," the sentence: "All Judah shall hear and behold the fall of Nicholas, emperor of Muscovy, on account of the oppression of the children of Judah, and after happening our fall will happen our real redemption, and near at hand for the children of Judah will be the good tidings of the Tishbite prophet." R615:6*; C264
And the year
-- Or time. R3841:5
Of my redeemed
-- "For the year of my redeemed is come"-vengeance follows immediately upon the completion of the "Little Flock." R247:5
The establishment of the new dispensation. B222; R1385:6
At the same time destruction comes to one class redemption comes to the other. R1385:6
Hebraists evolve, "When Nicholas reigns redemption comes." C264
Isaiah 63:5
Mine own arm
-- My own power. D18
-- God's sympathy was manifested in the promise to Abraham, that one of his posterity would be the Savior of the world. R4963:6
Isaiah 63:6
-- Intoxication of error, false doctrines and theories. R4287:3
Isaiah 63:9
He was afflicted
-- The Lord's consecrated people belong so completely to him that in all their afflictions he is afflicted. R5173:3
Our Lord was not sick with ordinary maladies. His perfect organism was proof against special diseases. It would appear that his healing of diseases exhausted his vitality, leaving upon him the weight of our sicknesses. R4138:3
Saved them
-- Applies merely to the overcoming Church of the first-born, typified by the first-born of Israel spared at the time of the first passover. R2911:6
Isaiah 64
Isaiah 64:4
Prepared for him
-- Jesus has gone to prepare them a place in the Father's house on high--a very different one than the place for man, earth. R4675:1, R4966:2
A heavenly salvation for the Church, the Bride of Christ. R4966:2
Isaiah 64:6
Our righteousnesses
-- Unless covered by the merit of Christ. E445
God uses his righteousness for us, the wedding garment of all his people. Q604:4
As filthy rags
-- All endeavors toward righteousness on our part aside from the merit of Christ. E445
It would be a fearful thing for us to stand trial before God in our own righteousness. R1261:3, R1392:1
Isaiah 65
Isaiah 65:9
Mine elect
-- Jesus. the Head and the Church, his Body. R3587:4
Isaiah 65:12
Ye did not answer
-- Israel's rejection of Messiah. OV76:T
Isaiah 65:14
Vexation of spirit
-- From a broken spirit ye shall howl. OV76:T
Isaiah 65:16
Blesseth himself
-- All nations shall bless themselves in becoming Abraham's seed in coming into relationship with the Kingdom of Israelitish basis. R5810:1
Isaiah 65:17
For, behold
-- Verses 17 to 25 give a prophetic view of the Millennial reign of Christ. R4411:1*
I create
-- The Lord speaks of Restitution as a new creation. R604:3*
He that was able to create is also able to recreate those once completely destroyed. R604:5*
New heavens
-- Spiritual ruling powers. R631:1, R3312:5; PD94/108
Christ and the Church, reigning. Q580:2; PD94/108
And a new earth
-- Human society. R3312:5; PD94/108; Q580:2
Mankind regenerated, or brought to life again. R631:1, R604:6*
And the former
-- Having been "removed like a cottage." (Isa. 24:19, 20) D558
Not be remembered
-- We will try to forget all those things of death and imperfection. Q580:3
Nor come into mind
-- The grandest earthly arrangements today would seem so trivial you would want to forget all about them, the things in the future being so far superior to these. Q581:7
Isaiah 65:18
-- The earthly phase of the Kingdom. A297
A rejoicing
-- Because of the exaltation of the Body of Christ to Kingdom power and glory. R1649:4
Isaiah 65:20
No more thence
-- Conditions under Messiah's reign will be very different than at present. OV127:2
An infant of days
-- No infant shall be born to die in a few days, as many do now. All shall come to maturity. R631:1, R5218:6; Q492:2; OV127:1
Nor an old man
-- The old man who died and will be brought back to life again will have just the same chance as the infant in that age--the full length of his probation. R631:2
Not filled his days
-- He might, at the very least, by obedience to the laws of Messiah's Kingdom, live to the conclusion of the Millennium. HG232:5; E478
The shortest period of probation in the next age will be one hundred years. R631:2, R1649:5
The child shall die
-- "As a lad shall one die." (Leeser) A144
They will be but "children," partially developed. R1261:6
Spoken of as children compared to those who will live on and become perfect. R4986:2, R631:2, R283:4, R3556:4*; OV127:2
But an infant, at 100 years of age, as in the antediluvian age. R3066:5
Just as, before the flood, when the average life was between 600 and 900 years, anyone dying at 100 would have been dying practically in childhood. Q492:2 OV127:4
The Second Death, because of having failed to benefit by the opportunities given to them. R2304:3, R1261:3
We may be sure that torture will not needlessly be inflicted on such. OV131:5
Electrocution will be the method used. OV131:5
Similarly, in olden times, Aaron's two sons violated their relationship with God and were smitten to death with an electric flash. OV131:5
The decision of some individual cases will be reached long before the end of the age; but in each age there is a "Harvest" or general separating time in the end of the age. R2606:2
The trial for life or death will proceed during all the Millennial age--throughout all that thousand-year judgment day. R4986:4, R2980:2
100 years old
-- Thus all are granted at least 100 years of trial. A144; OV129:4; R631:2
The extreme limit of reasonable mercy. OV129:4
Ample time for the world to see whether they will make even a little progress upward. R4986:4
After this, if there is a tendency to hold on, to appreciate and make use of the divine favors, "A bruised reed he will not break." (Isa. 42:3) R1772:5 Restitution blessings will recover mankind from the effect of the fall, so that it shall be as in Adam's day-full human maturity will be reached in a century, and a man dying then would be dying in childhood. OV128:2
Before one can then make progress he must enter into the New covenant and formally purpose to come into line with the requirements of the great King. R5240:4, R5388:5
Without receiving all the benefits of the Millennial reign-- simply because he refused to avail himself of them. R1426:4
Four times the period of mature experience in the present time. R1261:6
Not a guarantee--he may die sooner if sufficiently wilful or disobedient; but he may prolong his life, if in a measure disobedient, for 100 years, but no longer. Q201:2, Q492:2
But the sinner
-- Who makes no progress toward perfection under full light and opportunity. A144, A242; R1649:5, R4794:1, R3066:5; CR376:3
Who, after reasonable trial would oppose the rule of the Kingdom in any particular. F709; R4986:1, R5240:4, R5388:5
The wilfully rebellious sinner. R5442:3; OV127:2; Q201:2; HG148:4
None out of Christ will be made alive, fully resurrected, though all experience the awakening from death and a trial to prove their worthiness or unworthiness. R1592:4
He dies for his own sin, not for Adam's, as Adamic sin and Adamic Death have been cancelled. He dies the Second Death. R631:2
Sin and death go hand in hand, and neither shall be destroyed until the end of the thousand years. R10:3*
Shall be
-- The decision of some individual cases will be reached long before the end of the Millennial age. R2606:2
-- Cut off from life. D643; R2051:4, R4986:2; SM172:1; Q492:2
If any who prove faithful during the first hundred years should then oppose righteousness, such would be cut off. R4986:2
One may die sooner than a hundred years if sufficiently wilful and disobedient. Q201:2
The sinner shall be accursed who dieth a hundred years old. R2063:5. R4986:2
The new Kingdom will have abundant power to execute summary sentence in the punishment of evildoers, when they have determined to act, but before they have done injury to others. D633
In the Second Death--destruction--from which there is to be no ransom and no resurrection. R1772:1
Not sent to eternal torment. OV131:2
Isaiah 65:21
And they shall
-- Earthly blessings to Abraham's natural seed, and through Israel to all nations. R4956:6, R329:5, R1227:5, R5575:1, R4966:2
Build houses
-- Instead of witnessing to them, as to us, that houses and lands must be forsaken to gain a heavenly inheritance. R376:6
In the Times of Restitution. (Acts 3:21) R2323:5
Improved and cultivated homesteads. R1649:5
Earthly blessings. R4956:6; Q282:2
Not according to a fixed, common idea so that everyone will be exactly equal in convenience, elegance or tastefulness, but each may work out his own ideas and enjoy the results. R1326:6
There will not be rich nor poor. There will be socialism in the proper sense. OV186:2
And inhabit them
-- The individual right of property will be respected. R1326:5
Isaiah 65:22
Another inhabit
-- There will be no such thing as a landlord in the coming age. R2904:2, R6013:4, R1649:5; SM791:1; OV1862
Days of a tree
-- "They shall renew their strength." (Isa. 40:31) R1649:5
It is believed that some trees live to be at least a thousand years old. OV128:3
Mine elect
-- All the faithful and obedient then. R1649:5
Shall long enjoy
-- Shall make them continue long (Margin). R3597:4
God's provision for restored Israel and all the families of the earth, but not for the Church. R4966:2
The everlasting possession of the land promised to Abraham. R1652:4
Every hope held forth to the Jew is earthly. OV118:1
Isaiah 65:23
Nor bring forth
-- Seems to indicate that childbearing will continue for some time into the Millennial age, if not up to within 100 years or so of its close. R4411:2*
For trouble
-- "Unto an early death." (Leeser) R4411:2*
-- A human class and under the administration of the Kingdom. Q426:5
Are the seed
-- The children. R1649:5
Blessed of the LORD
-- The Church. R1649:5
The class, coming up by awakening from the dead, are not considered Adam's seed, but are the seed of the "Blessed and Only Potentate," who will then be known as the "Everlasting Father." (1 Tim. 6:15; Isa. 9:6) R4411:5*
Their offspring
-- During an early stage in the Millennium. Q426:5
The cutting off of the matter of human families will be a gradual one. Q426:5
Perhaps of those who have not been child bearers during the present time, to replace in the earthly family those who will be of the spiritual nature and those cut off in the Second Death. R4411:5*
Isaiah 65:24
Before they call
-- Before the desires of their hearts have found expressions in words. R1866:5
So near will the Lord be, so mindful of all mankind's interests. R1649:5
God foreknows all our difficulties and has arranged for our relief, merely waiting for us to cry unto him. R5278:4
I will answer
-- Will begin to so shape events as to bring the answer sooner or later. R1866:5
When, with broken and contrite hearts, they turn to the Lord. R1561:5
First, in the redemption provided; and secondly, in the necessary hard experiences which shall have brought them to repentance and humble dependence on God. R1561:5
While a prophecy relating to the Millennial age, it is nevertheless true of all his faithful ones of this age. R1866:5
Isaiah 65:25
The wolf
-- Possibly literal; possibly referring to men of wolf-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4
And the lamb
-- Possibly literal, possibly referring to men of lamb-like disposition. R1649:6, R5574:4
Shall eat straw
-- No longer eat flesh, but return to his original condition in the Garden of Eden. R2837:1, R5574:4
And dust
-- Signifying the destruction of Satan. "His enemies shall lick the dust." (Psa. 72:9) R1649:6, R5574:4
The serpent's meat
-- Satan's. R1649:6, R5574:4
They shall not hurt
-- But shall be fully restrained therefrom. D633
"No lion shall be there." (Isa. 35:9) A217
This will be realized when Messiah's Kingdom shall have been established amongst men. R4768:1
Nor destroy
-- The supposition that there would be any catastrophe then would be out of harmony with this prophecy. R5318:1
The microbes of disease and pestilence shall be restrained. R1771:6
My holy mountain
-- Kingdom. R1649:6
The stone which smote the image on its feet and afterwards became a great mountain. (Dan. 2:35) R2375:1
Isaiah 66
Isaiah 66:1
Heaven is my throne
-- Symbolic language to show God's all-embracing power and control. OV2:4; R5547:5
God has heaven for his locality, but his power pervades the universe. OV3:1
God is not present in person everywhere. R5547:5
Earth is my footstool
-- God's footstool. "I will make the place of my feet glorious." (Isa. 60:13) T76; CR113:6; R5364:4, R5060:5; OV351:1
The entire earth is to become like the Garden of Eden. R6013:5, R5839:1
Jehovah used his footstool before sin entered, but has since removed his presence. R286:1
The word "feet" is sometimes used in the Old Testament to represent permanent establishment, or rest. R286:1
Messiah's Kingdom will not only uplift humanity, but will also ring blessings of perfection to the earth. Eden eventually will be made worldwide. R5364:5
The house
-- The Temple. R2139:4*
All the blessings secured by the Day of Atonement will result from the establishment of God's residence, or sanctuary, amongst men. T76
Place of my rest
-- Zech. 14:3-5 describes when and how Jehovah will establish his feet or residence. R286:2
Isaiah 66:2
To him that is poor
-- The aristocracy of the present age will not be the aristocracy of the new dispensation; but the poor in spirit will reign with Christ to bless all the families of the earth. R2139:4*
Isaiah 66:5
Hear the word
-- It remains with you, as it did with the man born blind, to keep silence and remain in the church, or confess his presence and be cast out. R213:6, R4150:4
Ye that tremble
-- You who judge yourselves; you for whom a word or look of reproof is sufficient. E233
Your brethren
-- False brethren. SM222:1
Applies also to members of our own families who are not in sympathy with the truth. R5172:5
That hated you
-- Nearly all persecutions that have come to God's people have come from professed Christians, fellow-believers. R5479:3, R5215:5, R214:1; SM222:1; PD13/23
We do not know but that they will go to the extreme in our day-to kill socially, to kill ecclesiastically, perhaps to kill physically. R5479:3
There is in the human heart a treacherous disposition to do evil if only an excuse for it can be found. PD84/97
Those who have persecuted the Royal Priesthood unwittingly will be mercifully dealt with, and be ashamed. R5636:3, R5893:3
Cast you out
-- Rejected you. R4094:6
Wherever this present light comes, all who accept it are driven out from organized bodies and its opposers are left to themselves. HG73:5
Those who attempt to use their liberty to preach the good news in the synagogues today will either convert whole congregations or awaken storms of opposition. C182
Evidences multiply that the mob spirit, the inquisition spirit, is growing. PD84/97
The present is the assembling to his standard of the "outcasts" of nominal spiritual Israel. (Psa. 147:2-6) R438:2
LORD be glorified
-- We do this for the Lord's glory. C182; R4150:4, R634:3*, R4524:1, R5215:5; HG502:1
But actually for the good of antichrist; Churchianity; for the cause of error. R438:2, R4094:6; HG557:6; CR351:2
Like Saul of Tarsus, they thought they did God service. PD84/97
-- Christ. R4094:6
Shall appear
-- "When he shall appear we shall be like him." (1 John 3:2) So, then. our opportunity for revenge will be future, and our revenge will be to do our enemies good. We will do them so much good that they will be thoroughly ashamed of what they are doing against us. R5260:5
To your joy
-- Every martyr, in proportion to his faithfulness, will receive a crown of life. PD13/23
They shall be ashamed
-- Those teaching errors, persecuting, slandering, doing evil. R5916:5, R794:5, R5260:4; PD13/23
Already the world, including the Jews, realize that a great mistake was made in persecuting Jesus; and, to some extent, similar transgressions against the faithful followers of Jesus have been recognized. R5215:5
"Some shall come forth to shame and lasting contempt." (Dan. 12:2) This contempt will last until there has been a proper repentance. R5893:3, R5479:3
We should be sympathetic and realize that with our persecutors it is very much as with the Jews of our Lord's day-had they known what they were doing they would have been very much ashamed of their course. R5173:1
Our revenge will come in then-in helping them out of their meanness and hardness of heart to the blessings then to be free to all the willing and obedient. HG502:1
Isaiah 66:6
A voice of noise
-- Confusion. R1648:6
From the city
-- Babylon. R1648:6
A voice
-- Of truth and warning. R1648:6
From the temple
-- The true Church, The Christ. R1648:6
-- In the time of trouble. R1649:1
Isaiah 66:7
Before she
-- Nominal Zion. R1649:1, R4454:1, R5574:5
The great composite Christ shall come forth entire, not one member lacking, before Zion's travail has begun. R5574:6
"Watch ye that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all those things coming upon the world." (Luke 21:36) The overcomers escape all the travail of Zion and the wrath of the world. R184:2, R1649:1
-- At the end of this age, before the burning. the consuming trouble shall come. R5574:5. R1649:1
Deathly anguish, illustrative of the severity of Zion's trouble and its necessity--without it her children cannot all be born, delivered. R183:2
The first three plagues, preceding the seven last, we understand to be the trouble, or travail, of Zion. R183:6
The "winter" time coming when truth and error are both attacking her. R230:5,1
The ripe wheat of the Gospel Church are to be separated from the tares and glorified before the burning, consuming trouble shall come. R1649:1, R5574:5
She brought forth
-- "There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer." (Rom. 11:26) R1649:1
This birth began over 1,800 years ago with the resurrection of Christ Jesus. R1649:1, R5574:5, R4454:2
Before her pain
-- Before the nominal system will be overthrown. R5574:5
Of a man child
-- The Christ, Head and Body. R1649:1, R230:6, R5574:5; Q116:T, R184:2
Those who obeyed the call, "Come out of her, my people." (Rev. 18:4) R1649:2
Zion brought forth the Lord, the Head of the Church, eighteen centuries ago. R184:4. R4454:2, R361:2, R5574:5
This is the man-child that is to bless all the families of the earth. (Gen. 28:14; Gal 3:16, 29) The birth of the man-child is the first resurrection. R1649:1
As Joseph who became, through great tribulation of a certain kind, the ruler of Egypt--a type of Messiah and his glorious Kingdom. Q116:6
Isaiah 66:8
In one day
-- The Millennial day--a day of conversions and revivals along the lines of the truth and not along the lines of fear and misrepresentation. D638
A nation
-- The Church, the Holy Nation. OV184:6: R4454:2
The nation of Israel. R1595:1
Israel will be that nation: (1) Spiritual Israel, the "Holy Nation"; (2) Fleshly Israel, its earthly representative. D638
Be born at once
-- Come forth perfect and complete in the first resurrection. R4454:2; OV185:2, OV184:6,2
-- Christendom, Babylon. R1649:1, R183:2, R5574:5
Typified by Sarah, and again by Rachel. R4454:1; Q115:5
-- The anguish of the time of trouble. R1649:2, R183:2, R184:2
Rachel died in giving birth to Benjamin (son of my pain); type of the Great Company. Q115:5; R4454:1, R184:4
Nominal Zion will die in her travail pains, and. in dying, bring forth the Great Company. R5574:5, R1649:4
She brought forth
-- The travail upon nominal Zion will quickly liberate the true children of God still in her. R1649:5
The Great Company coming up to glory through great tribulation. (Rev. 7:14) R184:2, R1649:2, R5574.6
Her children
-- The Great Company, freed from the nominal Church after the deliverance of the Christ company. R1649:2, R4454:2, R5574:6, R184:1, R230:6
As Benjamin became a type of the Great Company class who do not attain to the throne. Q116:T
Isaiah 66:9
Bring to the birth
-- Deliver the Head, Christ. R4319:3, R4454:1
Cause to bring forth
-- The Body, the Seed of the Sarah covenant, in the first resurrection. R4319:3, R4454:1
As surely as the Head was brought forth, so surely shall the Body also. R5574:6, R4454:2, R1649:1, R369:2, R4319:3
It will be the same resurrection Jesus had that you and I are invited to share. "That I may know the power of his resurrection." (Phil. 3:10) CR50:1; R361:2
Isaiah 66:10
Rejoice ye
-- The birth of Zion, the exaltation of the Body of Christ, will indeed be cause for rejoicing on the part of all people. R1649:4
For, though it will first dash in pieces all their long cherished hopes, it is the dawn of real hope for all the world. R1649:6, R5574:4
With Jerusalem
-- Following the birth of the Little Flock and the Great Company will come the birth of the Jewish nation. R5574:6
The earthly phase of the Kingdom of God. A297
Zion and Jerusalem used here interchangeably. R1649:4
-- Fleshly and spiritual Zion will rejoice together. R5574:6
Because of the exaltation of the Body of Christ to Kingdom power and glory. R1649:4
Ye that mourn
-- That now try to dissuade her from her course. R1649:6
Not seeing the prize at the end of her faithful self-sacrifice. R1649:6
Isaiah 66:15
Like a whirlwind
-- Symbol of the time of trouble. R5863:6
With flames of fire
-- Judgments, destructive to evil systems and schemes. R1469:6
The fire of God's jealousy, righteous anger. R5863:6
Isaiah 66:16
By his sword
-- The truth. R1469:6, R775:4
Slain of the LORD
-- Conquered by the sword of truth. R1469:6
Shall be many
-- Great Babylon, with all her denominational legions, will be no more. R775:1
But he smites to bless and he wounds to heal. R775:1
Isaiah 66:20
Bring all your brethren
-- The Gentiles helping the Jews in every way to return to their homeland. HG51:4
Israel's deliverance will be accomplished by some concerted project among the nations. R1343:5
In 1909 the Turkish government invited the Jews of Russia and Romania to settle in Turkey, agreeing to remove all restrictions and grant full citizenship to them. R4431:4
Out of all nations
-- Now is the Lord's time for the long promised deliverance of Israel. R1343:4
Upon swift beasts
-- Kirkaroth, swaying furnace, a train in rapid motion. A Jewish proverb says correctly, "When the railway reaches Jerusalem, Messiah comes." C264, C272; R615:3
Isaiah 66:22
The new heavens
-- The new ecclesiastical powers--the Church, elect in glory with Christ. HG612:5
And the new earth
-- New conditions of human society, the Kingdom of God. R1343:4
The reorganized social arrangement, wholly different from the present. HG612:5
Pointing to a time when they are fully established. R896:4
Isaiah 66:23
From one new moon
-- From month to month. R1733:1
From one sabbath
-- From week to week. R1733:1
It is possible that in the beginning of the Millennial age that God may restore the Sabbath and various festivals, and even sacrifices, to teach the world by these as object lessons. R1732:6
Isaiah 66:24
Upon the carcases
-- Not living creatures. HG304:2
Not of billions alive in flames and torture. R2603:2
The dead bodies will be in evidence--not a roasting of souls. OV167:4; R112:1, R896:1
That have transgressed
-- The Jews had a custom of refusing usual burial to the very vilest criminals, casting their dead bodies into the Valley of Hinnom with the filth of the city, indicating that they should be esteemed as the offscourings of society and that their memory should rot. HG304:2
Worm shall not die
-- Not leave the carcass, but complete the work of destruction of whatever is cast into the Valley of Hinnom, symbol of the Second Death. R2603:1, R112:1; Q766:1
No one quenched the fires in the Valley of Hinnom. and those carcasses which lodged upon the rocks and did not reach the fire were consumed by worms without hindrance. HG304:2
There are no immortal worms. R896:1
Fire be quenched
-- But burn on until all is consumed. R2603:1, R111:6
Utter destruction of the Second Death; figure used by our Lord in Mark 9:48. R896:1
A literal fire which would burn ceaselessly is not conceivable. R896:1
To insure quick destruction and thorough disinfection, brimstone is said to have been freely used. HG304:2
And they
-- The incorrigible, wilful enemies of righteousness destroyed in the Millennial age. R2603:2, R896:4
An abhorring
-- All shall see the justice. as well as the wisdom, of the utter destruction of the incorrigible, wilful enemies of right. R896:4
Unto all flesh
-- Unto all who love righteousness and justice. R2603:2
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