::Job - General::

The book of Job is credited with being the finest piece of literature in the Hebrew language. It is a poem: and all scholars admit that no translation yet given does it justice. Whoever was used of God as the penman, his name is not given. Some have assumed that the book of Job is merely a parable, and that Job himself is merely an imaginary character. In Ezekiel 14:14 and James 5:11, Job is classed with other holy men, which would not be the case were this narrative merely a parable. The fact that Job lived a hundred and forty years after his adversities, or probably over two hundred years in all, together with the fact that neither he nor his friends make any allusion to Israel or Moses or the Law, nor to Abraham and God's Covenant made with him, seem to indicate beyond doubt that he belonged to the Patriarchal age. Possibly he lived about the same time as Abraham and Melchisedek. His home was evidently in Arabia, probably not far from Palestine. R1505:2, R5401:3; PD26/37

God made him a great type of the human family, of the troubles of their fallen condition and of their final restoration to all that was lost in Adam, with the blessings of added experiences to make them wise. R194:2, R413:1, R584:2, R5803:4

What patriarchs like Job did in the matter of sacrifices was evidently a token on their part of appreciation of God and of the fact that a sacrifice for sins was necessary ... but none of these sacrifices was accepted in the same sense that the sacrifices were accepted under the Law. R4667:1; Q553:1

God would teach us that we are not to attribute our calamities to him ... that they are merely permitted to come upon us for our testing and ultimately for the good of all whose faithfulness and integrity toward him are proved thereby. The lesson furnished shows that, in the case of God's people at least, Satan's power is limited. He cannot destroy them at his will; he cannot touch them with adversity except as their God permits. R1779:5

::Job 1:1::

There was a man -- There is no cause to doubt that such a man did live and pass through the experiences related. R1505:3

The exact time in which Job lived we do not know, but we think we are justified in supposing that he did not live during the Law dispensation. Q552:6

Possibly a contemporary of Abraham and Melchizedek. PD26/37, R1505:6, R5401:6

Land of UZ -- Evidently in Arabia, possibly not far from Palestine. R1505:6, R5401:6

Whose name was Job -- Classed with other holy men in Ezekiel 14:14 and James 5:11, which would not be the case if this narrative were merely a parable. R1505:3; Q793:2

His experiences are typical of the fall and rise again of humanity. PD26/37; R584:1, R5403:6, R5803:4; Q793:2

Was perfect -- So was man at first in the divine likeness and favor, with all things subject to him (Psa. 8:4-8). R5403:6

He walked before God with a perfect heart. R4667:1

Upright -- Appreciated justice. R5401:6

Feared God -- Reverenced God. R5401:6

::Job 1:3::

Great household -- Numerous servants. R5401:6

This man -- A merchant prince of great wealth who carried on a very prosperous traffic. R5401:6

::Job 1:6::

Sons of God -- Angels. R315:3, R1005:1, R2843:5

And Satan -- Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

Unlike the flesh or the world, Satan is the only wilful, intelligent plotter in opposing righteousness and truth in humanity. F612

::Job 1:7::

Said unto Satan -- Job knew nothing about this, else he would have known that Satan was afflicting him. R452:1*

Satan answered -- This account of Satan's conversation with God concerning Job should be considered as allegorical-- like "Pilgrim's Progress." R5401:3, R1507:4, R1779:5

::Job 1:10::

An hedge about him -- "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him." (Psa. 34:7) R4227:6

::Job 1:11::

Put forth thine hand -- Permitted for the purpose of displaying to the world the integrity and faithfulness of Job. R452:1* As the Lord gave the Adversary permission against Job, so Satan will gain liberty in the impending hour of temptation. R4227:6

::Job 1:12::

In thy power -- In his dealings with mankind the Lord has allowed Satan to be the willing medium through whom the penalty of sin should be meted out. R452:4* Satan cannot afflict God's children beyond the penalty for sin without God's permission, and that only where it will result in greater good to the subject and greater glory to God. R452:4* Satan has "the power of death." (Heb. 2:14) R452:4* Satan's power, like that of a hangman, is a delegated power. E449

Put not forth -- Satan must have permission from God to execute the death penalty. R265:6

::Job 1:13::

Eating and drinking -- Having a birthday party. PD26/37, SM523:1

::Job 1:15::

And the Sabeans -- Instigated by Satan, as the context shows. R2189:4

::Job 1:16::

The fire of God -- Probably a bolt of lightning, caused by Satan. R1800:1, R2189:4

::Job 1:17::

The Chaldeans -- Instigated by Satan. R2189:4

::Job 1:19::

A great wind -- A cyclone or tornado, raised up by Satan. R1800:1, R3324:5, R2189:4

In a sense Satan is prince of the air power--literally. R1684:4, R1800:1

::Job 1:20::

Rent his mantle -- "Many are the afflictions of the righteous." (Psa. 34:19) SM523:1

::Job 1:21::

Naked came I -- It is a favor from God that we have life at all. R5418:1

We know that we have no rights whatever. All we can do is call upon the Lord's mercy. R5418:4

Shall I return -- Death, corruption, touches everything earthly under present conditions, no matter how careful or thoughtful the provision. R4567:1

The LORD gave -- We have nothing that is really our own. R5418:1

All that we have should be regarded as a gift from God, whether it be much or little. R5417:3

The LORD hath taken -- He realized that all he had possessed belonged to God. R5418:1

Similarly, we can take, in perfect submission, whatever experiences God permits. R5418:5

Job had no claim on everlasting life, though he had a hope of it. R5418:1

Even though those who are being "sifted" have been very dear to us, it is for us to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God. R4483:5

Blessed be -- There was no spirit of rebellion in a heart out of whom came such loving words of submission, and that without a clear vision of the divine wisdom in permitting them. R1937:4

God has provided for a future life beyond the tomb, a resurrection. R4567:1

::Job 1:22::

Sinned not -- Job was very careful not to sin with his lips. R1937:3

Nor charged God -- Having the deep-rooted conviction that God was his friend and would in the end protect him, though evil, for a time, might seem to prevail. R452:1*

Foolishly -- With being the author of his calamities. R1684:4, R1800:1

He did not charge God with injustice. R5803:4

::Job 2:1::

The sons of God -- The angelic sons. R1005:1, R2843:5, R315:3*, R777:4; Q840:4; E105

And Satan -- Whose very existence is now denied by many. F609

::Job 2:6::

He is in thine hand -- Satan is the direct cause of earth's woe and sorrow. R584:4

But save his life -- Satan's power is limited. R2180:1, R1779:6

Satan cannot afflict beyond God's permission. R452:4*

::Job 2:7::

With sore boils -- Satan has considerable of the "power of death," including disease. R760:4

If disease and death are to a considerable extent under Satan's control, why might he not reverse the method and do some healing of disease. R1644:3

::Job 2:9::

Thine integrity -- Suggesting that it had been without divine appreciation that he had sought to do justice and mercy all his life. R5401:6, R1505:6

::Job 2:10::

Receive evil -- Calamities, troubles, for discipline or refining. R1937:3

Whatever God permits must be intended for our good. R1271:3, R1780:1, R1800:1

In all this -- Loss of children, wealth, influence and health. R5401:6

Did not Job sin -- He still trusted in God. R5401:6

With his lips -- He knew that his words would be taken by the Lord as an index of his heart. R1937:3 "By thy words thou wilt be acquitted, and by thy words thou wilt be condemned." (Matt. 12:37), R1937:1

::Job 3:11::

Died I not -- He wished that he had never been born. R5402:1

::Job 3:17::

Be at rest -- Asleep in the tomb, in sheol, in hades, in the grave. SM312:T, R4792:6

::Job 4:1::

Eliphaz the Temanite -- The false reasonings of Job's friends many improperly quote as inspired. R1506:1

::Job 4:17::

Mortal man -- The Bible distinctly declares that man is mortal. R1642:5, R254:5

::Job 5:7::

Born unto trouble -- All of Adam's posterity are "born in sin and shapen in iniquity." (Psa. 51:5) R2049:3

::Job 5:13::

Own craftiness -- The wisdom of selfishness seeks to grasp and hold everything for self. R1518:3

The Lord chooses "babes" who will babble forth the truth unceremoniously to confound the wise. R942:2 Illustrated in the effect of the gold standard and the demonetizing of silver on the stock market. SM687:3; OV337:4

::Job 5:17::

Despise not -- Illustrated by David's confession, reformation and seeking of forgiveness when overtaken in a fault. PD43/53

::Job 5:18::

He woundeth -- Many of our own hearts were wounded, but it is the wounded heart that is ready to be bound up and to be healed and to be transformed. HG270:3

::Job 5:19::

Shall deliver thee -- Exceeding great and precious promise to the Bride class. R4784:2

::Job 7:9::

Down to the grave -- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E358, R2600:1, R828:5

Come up no more -- Mankind had no hope of saving themselves. R194:2

This was, properly, the human standpoint; for the ransom had not yet been paid. R194:2

::Job 7:21::

Pardon my transgression -- Job seemed to realize that God intended furnishing a ransom for sin to take away the sin of the world. R194:2

Sleep in the dust -- Sleep in death during the night of weeping and trouble, dying and crying. E359

Thou shalt seek me -- In resurrection power. E359

In the morning -- The Millennial morning when the night of death and weeping is past. E359; R678:3, R194:2, R604:3*, R1017:6*

But I shall not be -- Death will have worked my utter destruction. E359; R678:3, R1017:6*, R846:4

::Job 9:2::

How should man -- The court of heaven has regulations and ceremonies of respect to gain an audience with the King of kings. R1864:5

::Job 9:6::

Shaketh the earth -- Shaking of the pillars of the present social structure in the coming time of trouble. R1813:2

::Job 9:9::

Which maketh -- He needed the assistance of the one who was able to create the earth and the heavens. R3424:4

By their numberless multitude, orderly grouping, continual yet never conflicting movements, perfect harmony and magnitude and mutual benign influence, do the shining host of heaven declare the glory of God. R1391:1

And Pleiades -- The probable seat of divine empire. D653

::Job 9:33::

Any daysman -- An expression on Job's part of his need of a mediator between God and himself. R1506:1, R5402:1

Our Lord Jesus, the appointed "daysman" said: "No man cometh unto the Father but by me." (John 14:6) R1864:6

::Job 10:8::

Thine hands -- Power. R4519:6*, R4059:2

::Job 10:9::

Hast made me -- The "wind" cannot fashion a created organism, but God's invisible creative power can. R4520:1*

::Job 10:19::

I had not been -- Death, destruction. R1039:6, R1878:6

The wicked (all who, after coming to a clear knowledge of the truth, still wilfully disobey it) shall be cut off in the Second Death. E387

To the grave -- Qebar, tomb, the grave. E348

::Job 10:21::

Land of darkness -- Instead of a place of blazing fire it is described as a state of "darkness." R2599:2; CR209:2*; HG335:2

::Job 11:8::

It -- God's wisdom. R2599:4

Deeper than hell -- Than any pit, sheol, oblivion. R2599:4; E359

What canst thou know? -- As there is no knowledge in sheol, there can be no knowledge of the divine wisdom and plan. E359

::Job 12:10::

In whose hand -- In the divine power. E314

And the breath -- Ruach, life-power, spirit of life. E174, E314

::Job 13:1::

Lo -- Commencing Job's masterly reply. R5402:1

Hath heard -- The false reasonings of his friends (which many improperly quote as inspired). R5402:1

::Job 13:4::

Of no value -- His friends told him that he must have been a great sinner and a hypocrite. R5401:6

::Job 13:15::

Though he slay me -- Though much cast down, he maintained his integrity and his faith in the Lord. R5803:4

He sought in vain for an explanation. R5401:6

Many of God's people since have been similarly confused as to why God permits evil to come upon his faithful servants. R5402:1

Yet will I trust -- Job's expression of confidence in God and in his ultimate deliverance. R5402:1

I shall yet receive his favor and learn what he means by these afflictions coming upon me. R5333:4

His trust was not misplaced. After his testings, God gave him back children, houses, lands and friends which foreshadowed the coming blessings of restitution. R5333:4

Mine own ways -- Conscious of his own heart-honesty toward God, Job defends himself, but goes to too great an extreme in declaring his own innocence. R5401:6

::Job 14:1::

Man -- Mankind. R5402:1

Full of trouble -- Job's prophetic wisdom. Life under present conditions is full of trial and sorrow, from the cradle to the tomb. R5402:3

The world is full of troubled hearts. Each of us has not only his own burdens, but our weaknesses are augmented by the idiosyncracies of others. SM262:1

::Job 14:2::

Continueth not -- No wonder Lazarus and others were silent about their experiences in hades. R822:5*

::Job 14:4::

Who can bring -- Comparatively few parents seem to realize that when children are less than graceful in feature and character a responsibility for the defects rests upon them. R5251:1

All existence comes from the father and not the mother, the mother receiving and nourishing the germ until it is able to maintain an independent existence. R776:3

In harmony with this principle God was the "Father," or life-giver, while the earth was the mother of Adam. R776:5

A clean thing -- Perfect, free from sin, in the full sense of the word. R5402:3, R1506:3

Jesus' perfect life "proceeded forth and came from God" (John 8:42) and was merely developed and nourished in Mary. E105

Jehovah has begotten sons of the divine nature as well as other natures--angelic (Job 2:1; Job 38:7; Heb. 2:9), human (Luke 3:38) and the "new creatures" who shall be of the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4). R777:4, R354:5

Similarly, father Adam was born into being perfect because he was born of God, though his mother (the earth) was still imperfect except for the specially prepared Garden of Eden. E106

If the father is perfect, the child will be so. R776:6 In the case of Jesus, a perfect life-germ transferred by divine power from a pre-existent condition to the embryo condition was born "holy" and "perfect", though of an imperfect mother. R777:2

Out of an unclean -- Out of Adam, the contaminated fountain. E103; R5402:3, R777:1

Applying to the man and not to the woman. R777:1 It would not be possible that any imperfect human pair could bring forth absolutely perfect children. R5251:1; CR428:2; R1780:6

Though life or being comes from the father, form and nature come from the mother. R777:2

The female furnishes organism as well as sustenance--in fact, furnishes all except the life-seed or sperm, which comes from the father or life-giver. E103

Illustrated by the offspring of the union between the "daughters of men" and those angels which kept not their first estate--their progeny had the vitality of the fathers but the nature of their mothers. R777.2

In the typical dispensation a child inherited blessings and privileges from its father according to the favor and standing of its mother (Gen. 21:10; Exod. 21:4; Gal. 4:30). R777:5

Not one -- No man would have such power. But this is the very power which God possesses and exercised in the birth of Jesus. OV151:3

Not answered by the doctrine of "Immaculate Conception"; for, if Mary had been free from Adamic sin she must have received it from her mother, and so on all the way back to Eve, "the mother of all living." (Gen. 3:20) R776:2

When Adam fell the whole human creation was made subject to the inherent taint of sin and its condemnation to death. R1780:6

::Job 14:5::

Determined -- In the Lord's hands. R5402:3

::Job 14:6::

That he may rest -- Let all men live out their short time in peace. Job did not see the ministry of trouble. R5402:3, R1506:3

Hireling -- Why afflict those who already have a heavy, burdensome task. R5402:3

::Job 14:7::

That it will sprout -- But man cannot sprout, he cannot raise himself, he must await the great Deliverer. R194:2

::Job 14:9::

The scent of water -- Favorable conditions. R5402:3

::Job 14:10::

Man dieth -- Utter hopelessness of man in death, so far as any powers of his own are concerned. R5402:3

Wasteth away -- There is no root left, no spark of life remains. R5402:3

Giveth up the ghost -- Life. R142:3, R279:1; A210 "Gasps out, expires", Young. R754:5*

Where is he? -- As the diamond loses its beauty when light is withdrawn. R142:3, R279:1

::Job 14:12::

Riseth not -- Loses all power to raise himself. R1506:3, R5402:4, R194:2

Till the heavens -- The present powers of spiritual control. R1506:3, R194:2

The present order of things, or dominion of earth, is symbolically termed "the heavens." These must give place to the Kingdom of Christ, the "new heavens," when the dead shall be awakened. R1018:4* A blessed provision, they shall not be awakened until surrounding circumstances shall be more favorable for their trial. R846:2

Be no more -- Till the new dispensation has been ushered in. HG194:6

Out of their sleep -- Unconscious, peaceful rest. R2172:3

Of death; by anyone, until God's due time. R5402:4

::Job 14:13::

Hide me -- A human being, not a new creature. R5109:1

In the grave -- Sheol, oblivion, the state of death. SM524:1; E359, E410; R5402:4, R2598:5, R2600:1

Because of his experience he wished for death, that he might have no further experience with sin. PD26/37; R5402:4

Sheol not here translated "hell" because it would have been absurd for Job to have prayed to God to hide him in a hell of torments. R2598:5

Keep me secret -- Hidden in the grave. R1506:4, R5402:4

Thy wrath be past -- This time of wrath which has now lasted for 6,000 years is to be brought to a close by the great Day of Vengeance. E410, E346, E359; R1378:1, R2805:4, R1881:2

The "wrath" here mentioned is elsewhere called the "curse." SM524:2

Until the reign of sin and death should be ended and the Sun of Righteousness shine with healing in his beams. R1506:4, R2805:4; HG194:6, R332:4

The saints are to be raised before the day of wrath, but the class Job speaks of do not arise until the time of trouble is over. R194:3

After the seven last plagues are fulfilled. HG91:3

Until the dawn of the great Lord's day. R1017:2*, R5109:1; SM525:T

A set time -- God's due time, when evil shall have no more dominion. R5402:4

The resurrection time. HG194:6

And remember me -- By calling me from oblivion into being again, a resurrection. E360; R2600:1, R5109:4, R5402:4; PD26/37

::Job 14:14::

Shall he live again? -- There is a longing hope within man that death does not end all existence. E383

Will I wait -- Death is a condition of rest, of quiet, of peaceful unconsciousness. R5059:6, R5605:4, R4794:2

Until God's due time. R5402:4

Till my change come -- The hope of a resurrection. R1017:6*

::Job 14:15::

Thou shalt call -- The time of wrath is to be brought to a close by the great Day of Vengeance. E410

In the resurrection morning. R5402:4; SM525:T "The dead shall hear the voice of the Son." (John 5:25) E346

"Thou shalt seek me in the morning." (Job 7:21) E359

If man is not in existence, yet comes forth when called, the calling forth is a re-creation. R846:4

Like Lazarus, at the call of Jesus, earth's dead millions shall again spring into existence. R604:3*, R678:3

And I will answer -- A re-creation. R846:4, R1017:6*, R604:3

Will spring into being again, at thy Word. R678:3, R1378:1, R5402:5

All will answer the resurrection call. E359

Work of thine hands -- His people are his workmanship (Eph. 2:10). R5402:5

::Job 14:19::

The hope of man -- In himself. E348

::Job 14:21::

He knoweth it not -- A direct contradiction to the claims of spirit mediums that they hold communication with the dead. R265:5

The Israelites were distinctly told that the "dead know not anything." (Eccl. 9:5) SM99:2; OV215:T, OV362:3; Q204:3

Contrary to the teachings of Spiritualism. R2170:2 Total unconsciousness. "There is no ... knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave whither thou goest" (Eccl 9:10)--no knowledge of anything until the resurrection. R4794:1, R4551:6, R5303:1; E348; A210

Thus Dorcas (Acts 9:32-43), though a good woman and a child of the Lord, when awakened to life, had no wonderful experiences or mysterious visions to relate. R1450:6

During the Jewish age God guarded his typical people against delusions of lying spirits, that the dead are alive. R1642:6

::Job 14:22::

Soul within him -- Signifying that man would suffer and mourn from his inmost being. Q836:T

::Job 16:21::

One might plead -- He seems to realize his need of someone to represent his cause before the Lord--a mediator. R5401:6, R1506:1

::Job 17:13::

The grave -- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E360, R2600:1

In the darkness -- Not a place of blazing fire. R2599:2

::Job 17:14::

To corruption -- To which my body turns; while my soul, my being, sleeps, inanimate, awaiting the resurrection. E360

::Job 17:16::

The bars of the pit -- Sheol, oblivion, death. F360; R2600:1

Our rest together -- Whether they have hope for an awakening or not, all find rest in the dust. E360

::Job 19:20::

Skin of my teeth -- Teeth--membrane or skin. R5994:4

::Job 19:25::

That my redeemer -- Gaal, the one who sets free by payment. E438

He shall stand -- Job prophetically recorded his hope of a coming Redeemer. SM524.2

::Job 19:26::

Shall I see God -- I shall yet praise the Lord in the flesh and in health. R3040:2

I shall yet receive his favor and learn what he means by these experiences, these afflictions. R5333:4

See his hand. See his works. "All flesh shall see the salvation of God." (Luke 3:6) R3040:2

::Job 21:13::

In wealth -- Describing the prosperous course of some who are not the Lord's people in contrast with the tribulations of some who are the Lord's people. E360

Down to the grave -- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E360; R2600:1

::Job 21:30::

Day of destruction -- Day of judgment, the Millennial day. R1882:4; HG334:5

::Job 24:19::

So doth the grave -- Sheol, oblivion, death, not torment. E360; R2600:1

Which have sinned -- All mankind, but especially evil-doers, who hasten their own death. E360

::Job 26:6::

Hell is naked -- Every secret thing of sheol, oblivion, is known. E361; R2599:4

::Job 26:7::

The north -- Throughout the scriptures the north seems to be closely associated with Jehovah's government of earth. R5710:3

Over the empty place -- There seem to be fewer stars in the north than in any other part of the heavens. R5710:5

Hangeth -- Prof. Young says, "To hang up"--used 13 times in referring to the hanging of men upon gallows. R1814:3

Earth upon nothing -- Confirms the fact that the earth is a globe hanging in space, contrary to the "flat earth" theory. R1813:4, R1814:3

The history of astronomy dates back to very ancient time. R1814:3

Launched it out in the abyss of space, subject to fixed laws. R1815:2

::Job 27:9::

Will God hear -- "God heareth not (the prayers of) sinners." (John 9:31) R2024:1

::Job 28:28::

The fear of the Lord -- The reverence of the Lord. R1518:2, R5952:5

Some are disposed to speak jestingly of the Lord and the scriptures. This is a dangerous practice. R5952:5

::Job 31:16::

The widow -- Job, a man of great generosity, considered the widow. R5401:6

::Job 31:17::

Fatherless -- Job was a man of great generosity who considered the orphan. R5401:6

::Job 31:30::

Mouth to sin -- Job in the midst of all his afflictions, was very careful not to sin with his lips. R1937:3

How necessary this is to the stability of Christian character. R1937:3

::Job 31:39::

The owners -- Margin: the soul of owners. It is not the body, but the being, called in the scripture, "soul," that dies. R205:4, R277:1

::Job 32:2::

Elihu -- Whose name signifies "God himself." R1506:5, R5402:5

Son of Barachel -- Such genealogical details not common to parables. R1505:3

Wrath kindled -- Because Job had been reasoning in part from a wrong premise. Job must not expect fully to comprehend all the ways of God, but must trust him. R5402:5

Than God -- God's wisdom and justice cannot be impugned. R5402:6

::Job 32:6::

Answered and said -- Elihu's words were probably wiser than those of the other comforters, but they were merely human wisdom as far as we can discern. R5402:6

::Job 33:4::

Spirit of God -- Invisible influence. R4519:6*

::Job 33:14::

Once, yea twice -- Thinking men observe the persistency with which questions of right and wrong, justice and injustice, are forced upon their consideration, demanding an expression of their individual principles. B152

::Job 33:16::

Then he openeth -- With the thunder tones of the day of trouble. B153

::Job 33:17::

From his purpose -- From his own purpose. B153

::Job 33:18::

Soul from the pit -- The being from death. R205:4, R277:1

::Job 33:23::

Messenger -- As defender. R5402:6

Among a thousand -- A rare one. R5402:6

To shew -- To declare. R5402:6

His uprightness -- His own righteousness for man. R5402:6

::Job 33:24::

Then he -- God. R5402:6

Him -- Man. R5402:6

Deliver -- Release him. R5402:6

Down to the pit -- Of death, or the grave. R5402:6; E462

Found a ransom -- Christ Jesus, who gave himself a ransom price for all by paying the death penalty that was upon Adam, a corresponding price. R5402:6, R4154:3; E462

God will not let the sinner go unconditionally, but because he has found a ransom. R324:4, R1058:5

::Job 33:25::

He shall return -- Restitution. R5402:6

Youth -- To perennial youth, in which death and decay will find no place. R5402:6

::Job 33:26::

Pray unto God -- Communion with God. R5402:6

Favourable -- They shall find acceptance with God. R5402:6

::Job 33:27::

I have sinned -- An acknowledgment that God is just and that the restitution was unmerited will be required. R5402:6

::Job 33:28::

Deliver -- Redeem. R5402:6

See the light -- May be brought to the light. R5402:6

::Job 33:29::

Oftentimes -- Margin: twice and thrice. Based on this and on Amos 2:4, the Jewish rabbis limited the granting of forgiveness to a repentant wrong-doer to three times; but our Lord taught forgiveness times without number. R2665:3

::Job 34:1::

Elihu -- The youngest of four friends of Job who called upon him in his adversity to comfort him. R5878:2

::Job 34:2::

My words -- As wise, or wiser, than any spoken by Job's comforters, but they were merely human wisdom. R5402:6, R5878:2

::Job 34:3::

Ear trieth words -- The ear is the mouth of the mind by which it receives the word. R2949:2*

Mouth tasteth meat -- Meat that goes no further than the mouth cannot nourish. R2949:2*

::Job 34:12::

Not do wickedly -- God is responsible for evil (calamity, trouble) in the sense of permission and arrangements as the penalty for violating his laws; but not in the sense of being the author of it. R871:6

Pervert judgment -- The punishment must have some relation to the enormity of the offense--a principle out of harmony with the eternal torment theory. R523:4*

::Job 34:29::

When he -- Jehovah; the "God of all comfort." (2 Cor. 1:3) R2058:2*, R5403:1

Although these words (of Elihu) are not inspired, they are very wise. R5403:1

Giveth quietness -- The children of God take these words in a very different sense from that suggested to Job by Elihu. We have quietness and rest of heart even in severe trouble. R5879:1

The Lord's people have a peace and rest of mind through the knowledge of God's plan and his justice, mercy and love. R5403:2

Precious balm of Gilead for wounded spirits on the battlefield of life; the gentle whisper of hope and love and courage when heart and flesh are almost failing. R5803:1

Knowing that when our hearts are loyal and true, our God does not mark against us the unavoidable blemishes of our earthen vessel. R5802:5

There is a cry which never fails to bring this quietness. It is the prayer for sweet, trustful, loving acquiescence to the will of God. R2058:3* When God purposes to give peace, the whole universe will be in obedience to his laws and none can make trouble. R5403:1

Can make trouble -- Job's calamity was not accidental. R5878:3, R5403:1

God permitted trial to come to test his servant, just as he permits trouble to come upon his Church. R5878:6

While the world is troubled, God's children have a peace that the world knows not of and can neither give nor take away. R5403:3

Trouble is not necessarily a sign of the disfavor of God. "Many are the afflictions of the righteous." (Psa. 34:19) R5879:4

God did not always give our Lord Jesus quietness, but allowed trouble, like a great flood, to sweep over his soul. Some of the Lord's followers may have similar experiences. R5403:4

He will not suffer us to be tempted above what we are able to bear (1 Cor. 10:13). R5878:6

To the world it might appear that the trials, testings, scoffs, to which faithfulness to the Lord exposes, would rob life of all its pleasures. But not so. R4103:1

The spirit which once tossed restlessly in chafing winds of lesser trials sinks in sweet submission under heavier griefs. R2058:6*

Against a man -- Satan could not have sent all those calamities unless God had permitted it. Similarly we are under special divine care. R5403:1

::Job 35:10::

Songs In the night -- Even in this night-time the Lord's people do not need to sorrow as others who have no hope. "He hath put a new song into our mouths." (Psa. 40:3) R3123:3

::Job 36:14::

They -- Margin: Their soul. It is not the body, but the being, called in scripture "soul", that dies. R205:4, R277:1

::Job 36:17::

Take hold on thee -- "Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne." (Psa. 89:14) T124

::Job 37:16::

Is perfect -- God is of purer eyes than to recognize iniquity and cannot look upon sin with allowance. "His work is perfect." (Deut. 32:4) R1225:2

::Job 37:18::

Spread out -- Spread forth (Revised Version). R1812:2

Not literally--the language is highly figurative and poetic. R1812:2

::Job 37:23::

In plenty of justice -- Illustrated by the Mercy Seat in the Tabernacle. T124

::Job 38:2::

Darkeneth ... by words -- "Except ye utter by the tongue words easy to be understood, how shall it be known what is spoken?" (1 Cor. 14:9) R1481:4*

::Job 38:4::

The foundations -- Illustrated by the rock on which the Great Pyramid is built. C318; R1813:5

Of the earth -- "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." (Gen. 1:1) F17

::Job 38:5::

Laid the measures -- The Great Pyramid abounds in significant measurements. C318

The line upon it -- The perfection and exactness of the Great Pyramid show it was constructed by a master architect. C318

::Job 38:6::

The foundations -- The socket stones (margin). R1813:5; C329

Fastened -- Or, made to sink. The Great Pyramid has four corner socket-stones sunk into solid rock. C318

The corner stone -- "The chief corner stone" (Eph. 2:20); The top stone; "The stone which the builders rejected" (Matt. 21:42); "He shall bring forth the head stone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto it." (Zech. 4:7) C318, C329

A pyramid has five cornerstones, but the reference here is to one particular cornerstone, the top stone. It is a perfect pyramid in itself, to which the lines of the entire structure conform. C318

::Job 38:7::

The morning stars -- Early bright ones. R1005:1

All the sons of God -- The angelic sons, to whom he was the life-giver. F51; E105; R816:5, R1005:1, R2843:5, R5290:3

Shouted for joy -- At the creation of this earth. R1005:1; F17, F18

In the dawn of earth's creative week of 49,000 years. F51

Their interest in the human race was manifested in singing over the works of creation. A220

::Job 38:9::

Swaddlingband -- Heavy rings enveloping the earth. F31, F23-26

::Job 38:11::

But no further -- For 6,000 years the Lord has been letting mankind learn their own lessons, except as their course of sin might interfere with the outworking of God's great plan. R5771:3

God's providence has often interfered in the past, but now we have apparently reached the time when the Lord is saying, "Let loose the winds of strife." R5825:4

God can harness even every opposing element, animate or inanimate, and make them all work together for the accomplishment of his grand designs. R1560:2

That which would work no good, serve no purpose or teach no lesson, he restrains. A250

God has not given present rulers unlimited power, but only so far as it does not interfere with his plans--there it must stop. R799:1

Even the wrath of men and devils shall be controlled by God's providence and made to praise him; and the remainder, which would in any way thwart his ultimate purpose, he will restrain. R1778:4

::Job 38:22::

Hast thou -- Verses 22 and 23 seem to be figurative language, not prophetic. R1762:4

Hall -- Stones of congellation, hail of frozen water. R3344:3*

::Job 38:31::

Canst thou bind -- By their numberless multitude, orderly grouping, continual yet never conflicting movements, perfect harmony, magnitude and mutual benign influence, do the shining host of heaven declare the glory of God. R1391:1

The Lord desired to reassure Job of his superior power and grace. R1390:6, R3424:4

Of Pleiades -- While the planets of our solar system revolve around our sun, there is a far mightier center around which countless millions of suns revolve, seemingly associated with the Pleiades, particularly with Alcyone, its central star--thus possibly representing the residence of Jehovah. R5710:2

The probable seat of divine empire. D653; C327; Q813:2

::Job 42:7::

Against thee -- Job's three friends are severely reproved by God. R5403:5

::Job 42:8::

Burnt offering -- These sacrifices were not sin-offerings, but merely a manifestation of a good desire or heart and a reverence for God. R4666:6; Q552:5

::Job 42:9::

Went, and did -- They obeyed God and were restored to divine favor. R5403:5

::Job 42:10::

Twice as much -- Type of the final restoration of all that was lost in Adam, with the blessings of added experience to make them wise. R5803:4

::Job 42:11::

All the evil -- Job recognized his adversities as God-permitted (Job 2:10), because Satan could do no more than God would permit him to do. R1800:1

God is not the author of sin (evil). R1799:3, R1800:2

::Job 42:12::

Latter end of Job -- Typifying mankind, in some respects. R5403:6, R1507:4, R5803:4

Foreshadowing the blessings of restitution: how the tribulations of mankind will eventually work out for good to those who love God. R5333:4; PD26/37

::Job 42:13::

Sons and ... daughters -- The same number as before, a restitution. R5403:5

::Job 42:15::

Daughters ... inheritance -- Foreshadowing the time when the curse will be entirely lifted and woman will find her natural and honored place at the side of her noble husband as his helper and companion "heirs together with him of the grace of life." (1 Pet. 3:7) R1554:1

::Job 42:16::

After this -- After his adversities. R5401:5

::Job 42:17::

Being old -- Probably over 200 years in all, indicating that he belonged to the Patriarchal age. R5401:5, R1505:5