::Joshua - General::

Joshua, whose name signifies deliverer, or savior, became Israel's leader and under him they won great victories and actually entered the land promised in the covenant. A79 He was of the tribe of Ephraim, of one of its leading families, his grandfather Elishama having been a captain of the army of the Ephraimites, 40,500 in number at the organization of the Israelites soon after the exodus. R3079:1 At the time of his taking Moses' place he was in his 83rd year, yet full of vigor, and evidently the best qualified man for the position. For twenty-seven years Joshua was the leader of Israel, faithful to God and to the people. He not only led them through Jordan and directed in the conquering of city after city but he also divided the land among the tribes and governed the people with great acceptance, dying at the age of 110. It would not do for us to contrast Joshua with Moses as a leader, for they were men of totally different types. Indeed, anyone contrasted with Moses would be disadvantaged, so high did that great statesman tower above the average of humanity then or since. But while Joshua could not be Moses, the leader, commander, law-giver, he was faithful as a follower of Moses, as one who obeyed the divine law, and whose faith and influence with the people were helpful to them. He was just what God wished him to be, and whoever is worthy of such a testimony is truly great. R5335:2

Joshua's training as general assistant, private secretary, etc., to Moses, made him familiar with the divine plans and methods. To him was entrusted the command of the people in their first battle. It was Joshua who went with Moses into Mount Sinai; it was he who led one of the companies of spies . . . who brought back a good report and who courageously stood with Moses in advising that the people have faith in God and proceed to conquer and possess the promised land. He must have been either the oldest man in all the nation or next to the oldest, for only himself and Caleb of all the nation that were above twenty years of age at the exodus remained alive. R4060:6

Moses did not lead the people into the land of promise; it was Joshua--their new leader--who led them over Jordan. Thus the type shows that mankind will enter into the promised land not by the Law, but by a Savior. R5388:4, R3079:3

The expulsion and destruction of sinful nations by Israel was a type of how the people of God today are to take possession of their human bodies. We are as New Creatures to conquer, to destroy, these tendencies of the flesh that would enslave us. This warfare of Israel against their enemies may also be a picture of conditions in the Millennium, when the world, under the guidance of Christ and the Church, will be brought into a condition which will fit them to have possession of the whole earth. R5706:6

::Josh. 1:1::

The LORD spake -- Typifying his messages of encouragement to the Christ company in the present time. R3079:5

Unto Joshua -- Type of Christ. A79

Originally, "Hoshea"--salvation; to which was prefixed "Je"--Jehovah (Num. 13:16). Thus it became "Jehoshua"-- Jehovah's salvation. This was shortened to Joshua and Jeshua (Neh. 8:17). Greek form is Jesus. R5335:3, R4060:3, R5296:5

The oldest or next-to-oldest man in Israel. R4061:1

Moses' minister -- Moses' Prime Minister. R3079:1

This training made him familiar with the divine plans and methods as understood and practiced by Moses. R4060:6

Yet void of that ambition which led to the overthrow of Korah, Dathan and Abiram. R3079:2

::Josh. 1:2::

Now therefore arise -- Being meek, he waited for the Lord to authorize his taking command. R4061:1

Go over this Jordan -- In the case of the Church, from a state of sin and degradation into harmony with God. R5509:6

The land -- As Joshua was to deliver the Lord's people and give them possession of the land of promise; so Jesus is to deliver spiritual Israel and give them their inheritance. R5296:5

Give to them -- Not because of their worthiness, but because of his favor toward them, according to his own plan. R5335:6

::Josh. 1:3::

Foot shall tread upon -- Nothing was theirs except as the soles of their feet claimed possession. It was theirs by faith in that promise--a faith that would lead to works. Likewise spiritual Israelites must claim the promises to obtain them. R4061:2

::Josh. 1:4::

Of the Hittites -- The typical enemies of Israel picture the enemies we find entrenched in our own bodies. R5509:6

Recent excavations in Assyria show that at this time the Hittites were a mighty people. R3079:6

Shall be your coast -- The boundaries outlined are practically the same as those possessed during Solomon's reign. R4061:3

::Josh. 1:5::

Will be with thee -- "Without me ye can do nothing" (John 15:5)--he is with us only when we do what is clearly indicated in God's Word. R4061:6

Typifying that during the Millennial age the victory of Christ shall be by and through the Father's power. R3079:5

God did not say to him, "Remember your age and long experience and previous successes as a general." R4061:4

::Josh. 1:6::

Be strong -- In your arms and shoulders--aggressive warfare. R4061:6

God had not promised to give them amicable possessions; they were to fight and conquer their foes. R5509:3

Of a good courage -- Have full confidence; not in yourself, but in God. R3079:2, R4064:5

Not the courage born of egotism and self-reliance, nor of recklessness; but, recognizing our own insufficiency, looking to the Lord for assistance. R5510:4

Associated with lower limbs, implying defensive power. R4061:6

::Josh. 1:7::

Be thou strong -- The basis for their strength and courage was the promise of God to Abraham that he would bring his seed into the land of Canaan. R5509:2

Joshua, as successor of Moses, needed this encouragement on the occasion of the Israelites entering the promised land. R5296:1, R5509:2

Against Israel's enemies, entrenched in the land of Canaan. R5296:2

Very courageous -- Morally courageous. R4062:3

The New Creatures, under the leadership of the antitypical Joshua, are to overcome the weaknesses of the fallen nature. R5296:3

Strength of character and courage are needed now when the iniquity of the whole world has come to the full; and all present governments are about to be swept away. R5707:4

There is a difference between being strong and being courageous. The Great Company will finally overcome, with the Lord's help, yet they will not have been very courageous. R5296:5

Turn not from it -- Require neither more nor less than the divine standard, keeping in absolute alignment with the divine Word; a rebuke to those who think the eternal torment theory should be taught whether in the Bible or not. R3080:1

::Josh. 1:8::

Meditate therein -- Those who carefully lay up the treasures of divine wisdom that they may live by them, are those that truly keep the commandments of God. R2093:6*

Day and night -- Not literally; but in the sense of making it your guide and director at all times and in all things. R4062:4

Good success -- For spiritual Israelites success in making their calling and election sure will be proportionate to their obedience to the divine message. R4062:5, R3080:5

::Josh. 1:9::

I commanded thee -- It is not our battle, but the Lord's. R4061:6

Neither be thou dismayed -- Through fear of the giants of weaknesses and sin-habits; nor through the thought of the high walls and fortifications of entrenched sin. R4064:2

::Josh. 1:11::

Within three days -- Representing the fifth, sixth and seventh thousand-year days. R3080:6

Joshua's promptness and zeal here displayed are worthy of emulation. R4062:6

Prepare you victuals -- Representing the Church with her Lord as the Bread from heaven. "We, being many, are one bread." (1 Cor. 10:17) R3081:4

::Josh. 1:12::

Half the tribe of Manasseh -- Also given a large tract east of Jordan; showing how Joseph's branches (in Manasseh) went "over the wall" or river. (Gen. 49:22) R2124:6

::Josh. 2:1::

Jericho -- Type of Babylon. R4054:2

Rahab -- In this instance a type of the Great Company. R4054:2

::Josh. 2:16::

Three days -- Representing the fifth, sixth and seventh thousand-year days. R3080:6

::Josh. 2:18::

Of scarlet -- Symbol of the blood of the ransom. T34, T109; R4070:6

::Josh. 3:1::

Came to Jordan -- Meaning "Judged down," "Condemned," typifying the sentence which has rested for 6000 years against our race. R3086:4

To the New Creation Jordan symbolizes consecration. R4063:3, R5351:3

::Josh. 3:3::

The people -- Representing justified believers in Jesus. R4063:3

::Josh. 3:4::

Two thousand cubits -- About three-quarters of a mile. R4063:4

Upstream, thus prominent in Israel's eyes. R3085:6

::Josh. 3:5::

Sanctify yourselves -- As at Mt. Sinai with the giving of the Law; to set apart by purifying from sin and all earthly things, abstaining from all but necessary food to develop the proper heart condition. R4063:2

A condition of the call--both of the present time and of the Millennial age. R4063:4

::Josh. 3:6::

Priests -- Representing the Little Flock. R4063:2

::Josh. 3:7::

Said unto Joshua -- Type of Christ. A79; R4063:2

::Josh. 3:10::

Drive out -- Destroy, not cast into eternal torment. R3085:3

The conquests of Canaan represent the spiritual battles of the consecrated. R5351:3

From before you -- "The earth is the Lord's" (Psa 24:1). He has the right to do as he will with his own property. R3085:1

The Canaanites, and -- These nations symbolize the weaknesses and imperfections of the fallen nature which are to be blotted out during the Millennial age. R3085:2

Typifying the sins with which we must contend earnestly. R4064:2

::Josh. 3:11::

Behold, the ark -- Type of The Christ. T121

As Israel had nothing to fear because the ark stood in the midst of the threatening danger, so the Christian has nothing to fear as long as he realizes the divine presence and approval. R1857:2

::Josh. 3:13::

Shall be cut off -- The cessation of Adamic death to all those desiring to be the Lord's. R4063:2

Upon an heap -- See comments on Josh. 3:16.

::Josh. 3:14::

Removed from their tents -- The lack of murmurings implies that the wilderness experiences had taught valuable lessons of faith. R5345:1

Pass over Jordan -- Representing the passing of mankind into the new dispensation. R4063:2

Each Christian crosses Jordan in the sense of beginning a new life of devotion to God. R5345:5

::Josh. 3:15::

Of the priests -- Typifying the Royal Priesthood. R3086:5

Were dipped -- Representing that the Royal Priesthood must first pass into Jordan before any of the people can pass over. R3086:5

Jordan overfloweth -- Supposed to have been about 500

feet wide; ordinarily about 90 feet wide. R5345:1, R4063:1

::Josh. 3:16::

Upon an heap -- The Lord used natural means. R3085:6

Behind a temporary dam caused by a landslide. Such a dam was formed in AD 1267, leaving the bed of the Jordan below it dry for several hours. R4063:5, R5345:3, R3086:1; PD37/48

It was so well timed by the Lord that when the priests stepped up to the water, bearing the ark, the water began to subside. PD37/48; R4063:4, R5345:3

Very far from -- A great way off--at the city of Adam. R4063:5, R3086:1

The city Adam -- About 20 miles above, where there is a narrow gorge. R4063:5, R5345:3

::Josh. 3:17::

Ark of the covenant -- Representing the divine promise under which they had left Egypt, hoping for grand results. R5345:2

Midst of Jordan -- Typifying that the Royal Priesthood give their lives for the life of the world. R3086:5

The ark, representing the Lord, effects the cancellation of the death sentence so that the Millennial blessings might be obtained. R3086:5

All the Israelites -- In all, about two million. R3086:5

Until all the people -- A limited time to cross over, "now is an acceptable time." (2 Cor. 6:2) R4064:1

The return of the waters represents the Second Death. R4063:2

Clean over Jordan -- God's people now pass from death unto life-dying to old interests and entering into the new inheritance. R4603:4, R5598:2; PD37/48

::Josh. 4:6::

These stones -- Twelve stones were taken from the bed of the river and piled on the shore as a memorial; while twelve from the shore were placed in the bed of the river as a similar memorial. R5345:2

To bear witness to future generations of this great act of divine providence on behalf of the twelve tribes of Israel. R5345:3

::Josh. 4:9::

Twelve stones -- (In the river), typifying the 144,000 of the elect as dying in the midst of Jordan so that all might pass over. R3086:5

::Josh. 4:14::

Magnified Joshua -- Type of Christ. A79

::Josh 4:18 ::

Unto their place -- Representing the Second Death, which will be the portion of any who, in the Millennial age, renounce the goodly heritage which the Lord has provided for the redeemed world. R4063:2

::Josh. 4:19::

Tenth day of the first month -- Forty years to the day from when they set out from Egypt to Palestine. R4063:1

There the Jubilee cycles began to count. R1980:3

From their entrance into the promised land in the spring to the spring of AD 1875 was the total 3449 years of the Jubilee cycles. HG59:6

::Josh. 4:20::

Gilgal -- There seem to have been several Gilgals, meaning "circle"; so-called from places where circles of memorial stones were set up. R3344:2*

::Josh. 5:3::

And circumcised -- Symbolizing a cutting off, a separation from the flesh, its aims, hopes and desires. R1857:3, R4070:3

The period of wilderness wanderings was a period of partial disfavor with the Lord, during which both circumcision and the annual commemoration of their Passover ceased. The renewal of both when they entered Canaan marked the return of divine favor. R3086:3

::Josh. 5:6::

Forty years -- Typifying the 19 centuries of the Gospel age. R3079:3

::Josh. 5:7::

Joshua circumcised -- Typifying that the first work of the Millennial age will be a consecration to the Lord. R3086:6

Typifying, as far as the Royal Priesthood is concerned, a putting away of sin from the will. R4070:3

::Josh. 5:10::

Kept the passover -- Typifying that in the Millennial age the work of redemption through the precious blood of Christ will again be prominently brought to the attention of all who wish to become God's people. R3086:6

Typifying, as far as the Royal Priesthood is concerned, communion with Christ in his sacrifice. R3087:2

Fourteenth day of the month -- There the Jubilee cycles began to count. R1980:3

::Josh. 5:11::

Old corn -- Their first year was a Sabbath year. OV100:3

::Josh. 5:12::

Manna ceased -- In the Millennial Kingdom mankind will no longer be dependent upon the divine revelation contained in the Scriptures. The new dispensation will have spiritual food and sustenance of its own. R3087:1

Fruit of the land -- Typifying the new sources of spiritual food in the Millennium. R3087:1

Typifying, in the case of the Royal Priesthood, every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. R3087:2

::Josh. 5:14::

Captain of the host -- An angel had materialized for the purpose of communicating the divine plans to Joshua. R5343:3

::Josh. 6:1::

Jericho -- A walled city about five miles from the Jordan. R5343:2

Typifying, for the Royal Priesthood, the weaknesses and shortcomings of the flesh. R4070:3

None went out -- The salvation of the Lord cannot go out and come into the world with haste. C284*; R751:1*

::Josh. 6:2::

I have given -- Our power over our natural desires (represented by the Jerichoites) must come from God. R1857:3

Into thine hand -- The "old man" of our fallen nature is to be utterly destroyed by us as "New Creatures" under the lead of the real Joshua--Jesus. R1857:3

::Josh. 6:4::

Seven times -- Showing completeness. R1857:6

With the trumpets -- Typifying the proclamation of God's Word against sin and showing that he is able and willing to give the New Creatures victory over their carnal propensities. R1858:4

::Josh. 6:5::

The wall -- A necessity owing to frequent incursions from Syria and Egypt, being on a main line of travel. R5343:2

Showing that the natural appetites are protected by the will of the flesh, which must be broken down. R1857:3

Fall down flat -- Possibly, though very unlikely, caused by vibrations of the musical chord, or by the march-step of the Israelites. R3087:6

::Josh. 6:14::

Six days -- Nothing accomplished except the witnessing. Represents 6000 years in which sin has been entrenched and impregnable, and God's people have merely witnessed against it. R5344:1

::Josh. 6:15::

Seventh day -- Represents the great seventh day, 1000

years of Messiah's reign. R5344:1

Seven times -- The citadel of evil will be surrounded completely. R5344:1

::Josh. 6:16::

Joshua -- Type of Christ. A79

Shout -- Not until we have faith in God's Word can we blend the shout of victory with the shout of the trumpet and see the obstacles fall. R4071:4

::Josh. 6:19::

Silver, and gold -- Consecrated in advance for the furnishment and adornment of the Tabernacle and Temple. R5343:2

Of brass and Iron -- Picturing true Israel's ordinary possessions. R4071:1

::Josh. 6:20::

With the trumpets -- Typifying the trumpet notes of the Royal Priesthood; of obedience to God and opposition to sin. R3087:4

Giving forth the Bible message that ultimately sin shall be destroyed. R5344:1

That the wall -- Representing the strong walls of sin and error. R5344:1

Possibly weakened by vibrations of the trumpets and shouts. R3087:6

Fell down -- Typifying the utter overthrow of the power of sin. R3087:4

Probably the tremor of an earthquake, under divine direction, caused the fall. R5343:6

Flat -- Seems too strong a translation to represent properly the original. The wall crumbled in front of the Ark. The section of the wall where Rahab's house was did not fall. R5343:5

::Josh. 6:21::

Utterly destroyed -- Typifying the complete extermination of sin in its every form. R3087:4

Showing how the "old man," our fallen nature, is to be utterly destroyed by us as New Creatures, under the lead of the real Joshua, Jesus. R1857:3, R4070:3

This was no injustice as they were all under the death sentence anyway. F174

::Josh. 6:24::

And the gold -- Representing our treasures. R4071:1

And of iron -- Representing our ordinary possessions. R4071:1

Into the treasury -- All the spiritual Israelite possesses is to be consecrated to the Lord's service. R1858:1

::Josh. 6:25::

Saved Rahab -- Typifying the rescue, at the time of Babylon's fall, of the Great Company. R4054:2

Shows that some of our members once enemies of the new nature may be so transformed as to become servants of righteousness, through full consecration. R1857:6, R4070:6

Dwelleth in Israel -- She afterward married into the tribe of Judah; and has the honor of being one of the ancestors of our Lord. R4070:6

::Josh. 7:1::

Accursed -- Should read "devoted." All the spoils of Jericho were devoted to the Lord in advance. R5350:6

Achan -- Typifying those who come into outward conformity with the Lord but secretly try to hold on to some sins. R3087:5

::Josh. 7:3::

Let not all -- Anticipating their enemies to be terror-stricken, so as to render little or no defense. R5350:3

::Josh. 7:9::

Unto thy great name -- Pray, pleading God's glory. R5380:6*

::Josh. 7:11::

Accursed -- Should read "devoted." All the spoils of Jericho were devoted to the Lord in advance. R5350:6

::Josh. 7:25::

And Joshua said -- As a good illustration of the technique of the so-called Higher Critics, see their comments on this verse contained in article R3397:5

Burned them -- Picturing the Second Death, which will be the ultimate punishment of all who willfully reject the Lord's ways; Achan himself will share in the redemption. R5351:1

Stoned them with stones -- Representing the Millennial age rule, when all who even secretly love evil will be manifest and destroyed. R3091:2

::Josh. 8:33::

Mount Gerizim -- These peaks are 800 feet high and a mile apart, separated by a valley of 1500 feet wide. The acoustics are such that conversation can be carried on from peak to peak, or from peak to valley, without difficulty. R479:5, R3091:2

::Josh. 8:34::

Read all the words -- In the Millennial age, under the antitypical Joshua, the law of God will be distinctly set before all as a standard of conduct. R3091:2

::Josh. 10:3::

Adoni-zedek . . . Japhia -- Mentioned by name in the Tel-el-Amarna tablets of Egypt. R1652:2, R1994:1

::Josh. 10:10::

And the LORD -- Not Joshua. R3344:3*

Discomfited them -- Used violence on them. R3344:3*

Slaughter at Gibeon -- Type of God's deliverance of regathered Israel. D555

In the last days, the Lord "shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon." (Isa. 28:21) R564:6

::Josh. 10:11::

Hailstones -- The immense hailstones killing so many seems quite in line with the interpretation that the day was dark instead of light. PD38/48

::Josh. 10:12::

Then spake Joshua -- Type of Christ. A79

Sun -- Shemesh, sunlight. R3344:2* Joshua addressing in prayer the Lord as the Sun. R1381:5

Stand thou still -- Continue thy mighty help for us in battle. R1381:5

Dum, be dim, let this darkness continue which accompanies the hail-storm and so greatly terrifies the Amorites. R3344:5* The obscurity of the sun and moon was really a great phenomenon, of which Joshua made use to discomfit the foe, commanding the sun and moon to stay hidden. PD38/48; Q828:1; R3344:5*

That the sunlight continue without the orb itself being visible. R1381:5

Upon -- In. R3344:5* Gibeon -- The last beams of the sun setting in the west, still lighting Mt. Gibeon. R1381:8

And thou, Moon -- Yareach, moonlight. R3344:2*, R1381:5

God's peaceful blessing. R1381:5

The valley of Ajalon -- The rising moon casting its beams directly through the valley of Ajalon. R1381:5

::Josh. 10:13::

And the sun -- Shemesh, sunlight. R3344:2*

Stood still -- Dum, remained dim; the great darkness accompanying the storm continued. R3344:6* Not by a stoppage of the earth on its axis, but possibly by clouds reflecting the sunlight. R1381:5, R1813:3, PD38/48

Totally different from the reference in Hab. 3:11. R1813:3

And the moon -- Yareach, moonlight. R3344:2*

Stayed -- Amad, continued dim as it was. R3344:6*

Upon their enemies -- The force of this continued obscuration of the sun and moon upon the Amorites can be better understood when we remember that they were worshippers of the sun and moon. R3344:6*

Book of Jasher -- Now lost--this is not an eyewitness account. R1381:4

Stood still -- Typical of the power to be displayed in the time of trouble at the hands of Christ. A61

The enemies of Joshua were sun-worshippers, and the darkness of the day foreboded that their Sun-god was eclipsed. PD38/48

And hasted not -- Did not press or force its way through. R3344:6*

To go down -- Bo, to go in. R3344:6*

About a whole day -- The sunlight, usually so bright in Syria, did not press through the clouds all that day. R3344:6*

::Josh. 10:35::

He utterly destroyed -- Proving that God can destroy souls. R1882:1

::Josh. 10:42::

And their land -- At the end of the six-years' war after entering Canaan. B48

::Josh. 11:1::

Jabin -- Mentioned by name in the Tel-el-Amarna tablets of Egypt. R1652:2, R1994:1

::Josh. 11:23::

Took the whole land -- At the end of the six-years' war after entering Canaan. B48

::Josh. 13:14::

None inheritance -- The Ancient Worthies, part of the antitypical tribe of Levi, the household of faith, may after the ending of their earthly service receive a spiritual inheritance. R4389:4

::Josh. 13:22::

Balaam also -- Type of the class that teaches error for profit. F166

Not only did God punish the Israelites according to the terms of their Law covenant, but he also punished the Midianites and Balaam. R5323:5

::Josh. 14:6::

Caleb -- A descendant of Abraham through the rejected son Esau, and adopted into the tribe of Judah. His faithfulness and reward have special meaning to us who by nature are children of wrath, typified by Esau. R3091:1

::Josh. 14:8::

My brethren -- Note the absence of any evil speaking against those who sinned. R3091:6

::Josh. 14:9::

Thine inheritance -- Caleb did not expect, and was not promised, a heavenly inheritance. R4071:2

::Josh. 14:10::

These 45 years -- Link No. 22 in the true Bible chronology. B48

From the sending of the spies to the division of the land, leaving one year from the leaving of Egypt to the sending of the spies. HG44:3

Forty-six years after the exodus. R1980:3; B48

::Josh. 14:12::

Anakims -- Among these entrenched enemies are traditions of men, religious customs, nominalism, sectarian pride, ambition and love of show. R3091:5

I shall be able -- This well illustrates the progress of the spiritual Israelite. He looks back to the beginning of his experiences and rejoices that the Lord has kept him and has faith to see himself victor over the strongest and most entrenched enemies of the flesh. R3091:5

::Josh. 14:13::

Joshua blessed him -- In order to inherit the promises we, like Caleb, must have faith in God and a corresponding obedience. R3092:4

::Josh. 14:14::

Wholly followed -- These words have special weight in view of the fact that Caleb was only an Israelite by adoption. R3091:1

::Josh. 17:12::

Could not drive out -- Compromising with their enemies, they suffered from them in future years; so with the Christian compromising with the sins of his flesh. R4064:4, R4061:3

Dwell in that land -- Hence, had the Jews waited for full possession before beginning the Jubilee arrangements they would never have begun them at all. B184

::Josh. 18:1::

Shiloh -- Twenty miles north of Jerusalem. R3252:2

::Josh. 20:2::

Cities of refuge -- A step in advance (of other nations) along the lines of tempering justice with mercy. R3092:3

Christ is our refuge from the demands of justice. R4079:6

::Josh. 20:3::

Killeth any person -- Nephesh, soul, sentient being. E334

Unawares -- The trial sought to determine whether the slayer had laid in wait for his victim, hunted him, or smote him in secret; maliciously or with guile; whether there was previous enmity between the two men or hatred of the slain on the part of the slayer. R3092:5

And unwittingly -- Christ is a refuge from unintentional sins only. R3093:2

From the avenger -- Anyone who, even through error or accident, took a life was worthy of death under the decree, "He that sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed." (Gen. 9:6) R3092:3

::Josh. 20:6::

He shall dwell -- Antitypically, it is necessary that we continue to abide in Christ, that we do not put off the robe of Christ's righteousness, or we become liable again to the demands of justice, and that without mercy. R3093:4

Until the death -- Thus putting a heavy penalty upon carelessness, passion, etc. R3092:6

Of the high priest -- Until Christ, Head and Body, will have died. Then the new dispensation will be ushered in. R3093:4

As long as Christ continues in the priestly office, until he is able to present all the redeemed faultless before the throne of God, at the end of the Millennial reign. R4080:1

::Josh. 20:9::

Killeth any person -- Nephesh, soul, sentient being. E334

::Josh. 23:4::

Nations that remain -- Had the Jews waited for full possession before beginning the Jubilee arrangements they would never have begun them at all. B184

::Josh. 23:6::

Book of the law of Moses -- Including Genesis. R1623:4

::Josh. 23:10::

Chase a thousand -- Armed with the divine Word. R5606:4

::Josh. 23:14::

Not one thing -- It is appropriate to have a daily review of the blessings we enjoy. R2737:1

In the smallest and greatest affairs of our lives he has ever watched for our interests. R5387:5, R5538:3

::Josh. 23:15::

All evil things -- Calamities, as chastisements. A125

::Josh. 24:1::

Joshua gathered -- Remembering Moses' command in Deut. 27. R1869:1

All the tribes -- Representatives of all the tribes. R3093:2

::Josh. 24:2::

Served other gods -- Israel's forefathers prior to Abraham were idolaters. R1869:2

::Josh. 24:6::

Out of Egypt -- Type of the kingdom of darkness. F458

And the Egyptians -- Type of the opponents of God's people. F458

And horsemen -- Type of fallen angels and fallen men. F458

::Josh. 24:7::

Brought the sea -- The Red Sea, type of the Second Death. F459

::Josh. 24:9::

And called Balaam -- Type of those who teach error for profit. F166

::Josh. 24:14::

Put away the gods -- Perhaps because idolatry still lurked among them; perhaps merely guarding against the tendency. R3094:1

::Josh. 24:15::

Evil -- Undesirable. R3094:2

Choose you this day -- "How long halt ye between two opinions? If the Lord be God, follow him." (1 Kings 18:21) We should come to a positive decision whether we will serve God or Mammon (selfishness); settling the matter at once and for all time that we will be the Lord's. OV198:7; R2950:4

Indecision is one of the greatest foes to character building while the liberty or privilege of choosing, exercising our wills, is one of the grandest blessings accorded to humanity, and is an important element of man's likeness to his Creator. SM755:1, R757:1, R758:1, R765:1

As Joshua asked them to decide whether or not they would be faithful to the Lord, so we should come to a full, positive decision as respects our course of life. OV198:7; R4780:1

To perceive the Lord's will on any subject would be to settle it without any temporizing. R4780:2

A will-less man is a good-for-naught. OV196:T Illustrated by Elijah and the priests of Baal. R4740:1-6

Whom ye will serve -- Having chosen wisely we must bend our every energy to the working out of that resolution. OV196:T

Whether the gods -- The choice was theirs. We have no right to attempt compulsion. This is true during the Jewish and Gospel ages, but not during the Millennial age. R3094:2

As for me -- Others may reverence whom they will; we can do naught else than reverence our God. R2873:1

And my house -- Signifying the training of children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. A consecrated person should have a large and good influence over his entire household. R3094:6; SM764:2

Parents must realize that few can stand an education which recognizes neither God nor responsibility to him. OV258:2, OV293:4

Will serve the LORD -- Whoever has this determination will be blessed. R5149:4

Every day we should renew our covenant with the Lord. R4780:4

::Josh. 24:19::

Cannot serve -- You must not imagine that the promises you are making can be kept without considerable effort. R3094:3

When the Jew agreed to that covenant he signed his own death-warrant; for none of Adam's children can keep it. R812:1*

::Josh. 24:20::

And do you hurt -- Typifying that God will send strong delusions to those who receive not the love of the truth. (2

Thess. 2:11, 12) R1869:5

Consume you -- To Israel, a hasty visitation of the Adamic Death penalty; to the consecrated, the Second Death. R1869:5

::Josh. 24:22::

We are witnesses -- The Lord's spiritual people should not only make a covenant with the Lord in their hearts and minds, but should also witness it before fellow-members of the Body of Christ by confession and baptism. R3094:6

::Josh. 24:24::

God will we serve -- Any rival occupying mind or heart is unfaithfulness to him and a despising of our covenant. R1869:4

Will we obey -- "To obey is better than sacrifice." (1 Sam. 15:22) R4206:6

::Josh. 24:26::

Wrote these words -- Corresponding to a public confession of our covenant before the fellow members of the Body of Christ. R3094:6

Book of the law of God -- Including Genesis. R1623:4

Great stone -- Representing the memorial of our consecration--baptism. R3094:6

An oak -- Or oak grove. R3094:5