Studies in the Scriptures
Zion's Watch Tower
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::2 Samuel - General::
We have no certain knowledge of the regularity of Tabernacle worship during the period from Joshua to this time. Quite probably the services were maintained with more or less regularity. Shortly after Israel entered Palestine Joshua located the Ark at Shiloh. That it was still there at the close of the period of the Judges and while Samuel lived with Eli is shown by 1 Sam. 1:3. The sons of Eli took the Ark with them into battle against the Philistines ... the Lord permitted it to be captured. However, while they possessed it a curse seemed to accompany it. The Philistines loaded it upon a cart and started the oxen in the direction of the Israelites. From the time of its return the Ark was in the custody of Abinadab. R3252:2,3
David was in his thirtieth year at the time of Saul's death. During the ten preceding years he had led a varied life ... banished from Saul's court, hunted by the king as a wild beast, chased as a brigand and looked upon with distrust by the majority of the people. R4234:3 David waited upon the Lord those many years, fully confident that in the end he should be the king of Israel, not hastening the event in any way but simply standing ready for the responsibilities and the power of the office where the Lord should put him. It was more than seven years after this before he became the king of all Israel. R5674:2,3
::2 Sam. 1:1::
When David
-- Type of Christ. B255 Now in his 30th year. R4234:3
Of the Amalekites
-- Typical of wilful sinners in the Millennial age. F174
::2 Sam. 1:2::
Came to David
-- David and his men had been living in the country of the Philistines and had been treated by them as allies. R3245:6
::2 Sam. 1:9::
Slay me
-- Probably manufacturing this part of the story to bring honor to himself. R5674:2
::2 Sam. 1:15::
Fall upon him
-- Demonstrating David's patience in waiting for God's time and way to give him the kingdom, and his unwillingness to sanction the death of the king at the hands of another. R3245:3,6
::2 Sam. 1:17::
This lamentation
-- The Dead March from Saul, based on this poem, is identified with the funeral services of the great today. R5674:1
::2 Sam. 1:18::
The use of the bow
-- Called the Song of the Bow. R5674:1, R4224:2
::2 Sam. 1:23::
Lovely and pleasant
-- No suggestion of how Saul had persecuted him or sought his life. R5674:1
::2 Sam. 1:26::
Passing the love
-- Illustrating the still more wonderful "love of Jesus." R4224:2
::2 Sam. 2:1::
-- Not wishing to choose his own course. R3246:1
He had a great appreciation of justice and also a breadth of sympathy for his enemies. R5674:4
Of the LORD
-- Probably through the High Priest, Abiathar. R3246:1
What a wonderful example we have in David's course! How much Christians can learn of patient waiting for the Lord's time in all their affairs. R5674:2
-- A central city of the tribe of Judah, where he and his family were well known and safe. R3246:1
::2 Sam. 2:4::
Men of Judah came
-- Thus falling in line not only with the divine anointing, but also with their own preferences. R1996:5
Anointed David king
-- As in the case of David, Jesus did not begin his reign immediately after being anointed. He first needed various experiences. So with the Church. R4210:5
::2 Sam. 2:5::
David sent messengers
-- Illustrating greatness through gentleness. R1709:1*
Blessed be ye
-- Wishing them to know that he did not regard their act as an act of enmity, but rather one of decency and loyalty. R4235:3
How different was this from the evil spirit that would triumph over the death of a powerful rival and relentless enemy. R1996:6
::2 Sam. 2:7::
Anointed me king
-- Hinting that the men of Jabesh might like him as king also. R4235:4
::2 Sam. 2:9::
King over Gilead
-- David made no attempt to coerce the other tribes. R5674:3
::2 Sam. 2:11::
King In Hebron
-- Patiently waiting for the Lord's time and way to make him king over all Israel. R3245:3
So the Lord's people, having been anointed kings and priests unto God, it is their part to wait patiently for the Lord's time for their exaltation. R1996:5
::2 Sam. 3:1::
Long war
-- Brothers fought against brothers--one party of God's favored people against another. This continued for two years. R4235:5
Pictures spiritual Israel, when brother shall be against brother, which the Lord will permit just prior to the establishment of the Kingdom. R4235:5
::2 Sam. 3:3::
-- The daughter of a heathen king. Absalom was brought up under the influence of a heathen mother with little respect or reverence for the true God. R2024:6, R3261:6, R5700:2
::2 Sam. 3:38::
Prince and a great man
-- A courageous statement in the presence of his own ablest soldier. R5674:4
::2 Sam. 3:39::
The LORD shall
-- In the future (the Millennial age). R2613:6, R723:4
::2 Sam. 4:11::
A righteous person
-- David was broad-minded and generous toward his enemies. R5674:4
::2 Sam. 5:3::
A league with them
-- Probably a kind of charter outlining the rights and limitations of the people and the king. R2001:3, R4236:1
Anointed David
-- The third time that anointing oil was put upon his head. R5674:5
King over Israel
-- David was 37 years old when made king over all Israel. This was 7 1/2 years after the death of Saul and about 17 years after David had been first anointed by Samuel. R5674:4
::2 Sam. 5:5::
And six months
-- Thus David actually reigned more than 40 years. HG68:4
-- Chosen by David for the capital of the now united kingdom; within Judah, but central to all Israel. R2001:3
::2 Sam. 5:6::
-- Jerusalem was still inhabited by the Jebusites, a remnant of the Canaanites, whom Israel was commissioned to destroy. R2001:6
Blind and the lame
-- Boasting defiantly that even the blind and lame among them would be able to defend the city. R2001:6
::2 Sam. 5:7::
Strong hold of Zion
-- Tower of David, near the Jaffa gate. R1390:2
::2 Sam. 5:8::
Up to the gutter
-- The water courses. R2001:6
::2 Sam. 5:12::
Established him
-- The secret of David's success was not merely fixity of purpose, but additionally that his purpose was kept fully in accord with the divine will. R4255:3
::2 Sam. 5:19::
Shall I go up
-- We should never engage in battle without the assurance that the battle is the Lord's, nor forget that our weapons are not carnal. R2015:3
::2 Sam. 5:20::
-- Type of God's deliverance of regathered Israel. D555
Smote them
-- Illustrating God's "strange act." (Isa.28:21) R564:6
::2 Sam. 5:21::
-- Type of Christ. B255
::2 Sam. 6:1::
Gathered together
-- To revive the religious sentiments of the people. R3252:4
-- It is wiser, better every way, that all the Lord's people participate in any prominent matter connected with the Lord's service, according to ability. R3252:4
::2 Sam. 6:2::
Baale of Judah
-- Or Kirjath-jearim (margin). The Ark was at Kirjath-jearim a total of 70 years. R3252:3, R5679:3, R2003:1
To bring up
-- David's spiritual nature began to assert itself in respect to the government of Israel. R5679:3
Between the cherubims
-- Between love and power and above a foundation of justice, represented by the Mercy Seat. R3252:3; T123-125; R5680:1
::2 Sam. 6:3::
Upon a new cart
-- After the example of the Philistines. R2003:1
Instead of upon the shoulders of the Levites as instructed by the Lord. R3252:6, R2003:1
::2 Sam. 6:7::
Against Uzzah
-- For his loss of respect of the Ark as representative of God and for the bad example in the sight of all Israel. R3252:6
God smote him
-- God had tolerated the ignorance of the Philistines, but he slew Uzzah as a reminder of his displeasure with Israel for their carelessness in complying with the requirements of the Law. R2003:2
Illustrating the importance of types being kept in every minutiae. T12
For his error
-- In handling the holy things of the divine Word and service of the truth. Spiritual Israelites are not at liberty to do as they please, merely assuring themselves that their motives are good. R4260:1
There he died
-- No injury was done to Uzzah's eternal future. R3253:2
::2 Sam. 6:8::
Was displeased
-- With his former determination to bring the Ark to Jerusalem; and that through lack of care matters had gone astray. R3252:5
Divine providence gave him a great lesson of reverence for the Almighty and carefulness in respect to his laws. R5679:3,5
A breach upon Uzzah
-- This was no injustice, because he was already under the death sentence anyway. F174
It was necessary because everything connected with the Tabernacle (Ark) typified something greater and more important to come afterward. T12
::2 Sam. 6:9::
David was afraid
-- The king and the people understood the smiting of Uzzah as a rebuke for their disobedience, their lack of proper reverence for the symbol of God's presence. R2003:2
::2 Sam. 6:11::
Blessed Obed-edom
-- The Ark was in the house of Abinadab 70 years, but without bringing him any special blessing. Similarly, the Bible in some families brings no blessings from year to year; but in others it brings great blessings in a few short months because of greater reverence for the Lord and his Word. R3253:4
Obed-edom was a Levite who doubtless reverently received the Ark. R2003:2
::2 Sam. 6:12::
Brought up the ark
-- This time it was reverently borne according to divine directions. (See 1 Chron. 15:1, 2, 13-15, 28) R2003:4
::2 Sam. 6:13::
Bare the ark
-- By the divinely directed method. It is not for us to be inventive in respect to divine services, but rather to be students of the divine will. R5680:3
::2 Sam. 6:14::
David danced
-- An expressive symbol of joy. R2003:5
The 24th Psalm is supposed to have been sung as marching accompaniment on this occasion. R4260:4
::2 Sam. 6:15::
Brought up
-- King David composed Psalm 24 for this very occasion. R5680:4
The ark
-- The Ark represented Christ. The bringing of it into the city corresponds in a measure to our receiving of Christ. R5680:5
::2 Sam. 7:2::
The ark of God
-- A symbol of the divine presence. R2010:5
::2 Sam. 7:5::
Shalt thou build
-- No justification for elegant church buildings and furnishments. R2010:5
For me to dwell in
-- We are not to conclude that, because our plans are reverential and designed for the glory of God, therefore they must have the divine approval. R3258:6
::2 Sam. 7:6::
In a tabernacle
-- The Lord prefers that his representation in the world in the present time shall be extremely simple and unostentatious. R3259:2
::2 Sam. 7:8::
Unto my servant
-- To David and will evidently have a partially literal fulfilment, although the substance is in Christ. R1364:2
From the sheepcote
-- The low estate we occupied on the animal plane. R3259:4
Ruler over my people
-- The Lord has advanced the Church step by step until now we are joint-heirs with Jesus Christ. R3259:4
::2 Sam. 7:9::
All thine enemies
-- David, as the man of war, represents the saints of God in their present militant condition, warring with the world, the flesh and the devil. R3259:2
::2 Sam. 7:10::
And move no more
-- A prophecy of the Millennial age. R3259:4
::2 Sam. 7:12::
Thy days
-- The reign of David prefigured the preparatory work of this Gospel age. R2010:4
Thy seed after thee
-- Partially to Solomon, ultimately to Christ. R2010:4, R2372:6
A prophecy of the Lord's first advent. R1673:6
Establish his kingdom
-- The reign of Solomon represented the glorious reign of Christ. R3259:3,6, R2010:4
::2 Sam. 7:13::
An house
-- The construction of Solomon's Temple typified the resurrection of the Church. R3259:3
A symbol of future spiritual Israel. R2010:5
I will stablish
-- The final confirmation of the Abrahamic covenant. R2372:6, R3114:6
His kingdom for ever
-- The Period from Zedekiah's reign to that of Christ being merely an interregnum, a suspension of David's kingdom. R3259:5; PD47/59
::2 Sam. 7:14::
I will chasten him
-- May be properly applied to the spirit-begotten sons of God. "What son is he whom the father chasteneth not." (Heb. 12:7) R3259:6
::2 Sam. 7:16::
Established for ever
-- See comment on 2 Sam. 7:13.
::2 Sam. 8:7::
Shields of gold
-- The spoils, dedicated to the Lord, were reserved for the Temple which Solomon was to build. R2015:5
::2 Sam. 8:11::
Did dedicate
-- The mission of the Church in this present time is to prepare the gold, silver and precious things (the saints) for the future Temple. R3259:3
::2 Sam. 9:1::
Is there yet any
-- David's search for opportunities to do good reminds us that such should be our attitude. R4269:1
For Jonathan's sake
-- David had promised to show kindness to Jonathan's posterity. (1 Sam. 20:14-17) R2010:5
There is no more worthy trait to adorn a righteous character than that of gratitude, that returns filial affection to God and encourages loyal devotion between friends. R2010:6
So the glorified Church will remember its covenant to bless the Ancient Worthies first. R1908:5
::2 Sam. 9:6::
Fell on his face
-- His fear that the king's words might be treacherous caused him fear and trepidation. R4268:6
And did reverence
-- Shaw-kaw, worshipped. Worship of Christ is not displeasing to Jehovah. E73
::2 Sam. 9:7::
Restore thee
-- This shows David's confidence that the kingdom should not be taken from his posterity. R4268:6
Eat bread at my table
-- With people of Oriental lands this implies a pledge of friendship and fidelity; and to eat continually implies membership in the family. R4268:6
::2 Sam. 10:12::
Seemeth him good
-- If the battle is the Lord's it is sure to be victorious. R2015:5
::2 Sam. 10:19::
And served them
-- Under David Abraham's seed first possessed the land from the river of Egypt to the Euphrates. (Gen. 15:18) R2015:5
::2 Sam. 11:2::
And it came to pass
-- This narrative is given as a part of the genealogy of King Solomon, son of Bath-Sheba. R1420:2
Roof of the king's house
-- It is easier to live a consecrated life in poverty than when surrounded by the wealth and liberties of court. R5681:1
Very beautiful
-- It would be a great mistake to suppose that the blindness of intoxication with the spirit of the world constitutes a proper excuse for sins committed in that state. R2017:1
::2 Sam. 11:3::
Sent and enquired
-- First, David coveted his neighbor's wife. R5681:2
::2 Sam. 11:4::
And David
-- Possibly to some extent influenced by the prevailing notions that whatever the king was pleased to do was proper because of his exalted station. R3253:6
Took her
-- He was awake to sin, asleep to righteousness. R5681:2
Lay with her
-- Considering the higher interpretation of adultery and murder in Matt. 5:22, 28 some Christians may find themselves near the plane of David as respects sin. R3254:1
::2 Sam. 11:15::
Set ye Uriah
-- Compared with other contemporary kings David's course was moderate; not directly taking Uriah's life but merely conniving at his death. R3254:5
::2 Sam. 12:1::
Sent Nathan
-- It required courage, but whoever has a message from the Lord must needs have the courage to deliver it wisely and faithfully. R5681:3, R2017:1
The prophet was sent directly to the king. PD43/53; R4271:5
There were two men
-- The prophet made a parable showing the injustice and asked what would be a just decision. PD43/53; R5681:3, R4271:5
::2 Sam. 12:5::
Anger was greatly kindled
-- King David asked the name of the unjust man that he might be punished. PD43/53; R5681:3, R4271:5
Shall surely die
-- David unconsciously condemned himself to death. R2017:3
::2 Sam. 12:7::
Thou art the man
-- It was a critical moment for David. Would he proudly resist the power of the truth, claiming that the customs of the world, instead of the Law of God, were to him the standard of privilege? R2017:2,3
Blessed is he who is not condemned by his own declarations in respect to the affairs of others. R3255:6
::2 Sam. 12:11::
Of thine own house
-- Absalom's rebellion was the means employed for this punishment. R1397:2
::2 Sam. 12:13::
I have sinned
-- The king saw the horrible mistake and humbly confessed the sin to the Lord. PD43/53; R5681:3, R4271:5
David saw his own conduct, not from the standpoint of other kings and what they did, but from the standpoint of the divine law of righteousness. R5681:3, R1396:6
The 51st Psalm is generally recognized as his expression of contrition for the sin. R3254:2
Put away thy sin
-- Justice would have been required in respect to the sins; but to the repentant soul the Lord's favor would, nevertheless, still be granted. R5681:4
God showed mercy on David (as to all Jews under the Law's typical sacrifices) in that he made allowance for his fallen condition. R1397:2
Realizing the Lord's forgiveness for the penitent moves one toward repentance. R3254:2
For the Christian, involuntary sins are cancelled; but wilfulness has a penalty attached. R1397:4
Sinful Christians find great consolation in the Lord's compassion if they are exercised as was David by their sins. R3254:2
Thou shalt not die
-- Because he had confessed and repented. R5681:3, R2017:5
The penalty of David's sin was death, under two indictments: Lev. 20:10 and Lev. 24:17. In view of his repentance the Lord remitted the death penalty, inflicting only such punishment as was necessary for the correction. R2017:4, R5681:3
If sin is fallen into, God does everything to encourage the acceptance of forgiveness and reformation, though the sinner is obliged to bear some severe penalty. R5681:4; Q281:3
::2 Sam. 12:14::
To blaspheme
-- While David's sin has given occasion to blasphemers, his repentance and forgiveness have given hope and encouragment to many who have been overtaken in a fault. R3260:6
::2 Sam. 12:18::
The child died
-- Though the Lord indicated his forgiveness, yet there must be a punishment. R5106:4, R3255:5
::2 Sam. 12:24::
-- His name signifies "the peaceful," thus commemorating God's promise concerning him. R2045:3
The LORD loved him
-- God accepted David's penitence and restored him to his favor. PD43/53
::2 Sam. 12:25::
His name Jedidiah
-- Meaning "Beloved of Jehovah"; indicating David's forgiveness and restoration to divine favor. R2045:3
::2 Sam. 12:31::
Put them under saws
-- While we mark with pleasure the noble traits in David's character, we must deplore the steps of his decline leading to unnecessary cruelty, not only conquering, but triumphing ignobly over his foes. R2016:3
::2 Sam. 13:1::
And it came to pass
-- This narrative is given to account for Absalom's estrangement from his father David. R1420:2
::2 Sam. 13:23::
After two full years
-- For two years no punishment was inflicted because David did not know what to do even though the matter (vs. 10-21) sorely vexed him. R4275:5
::2 Sam. 13:28::
Kill him
-- A modern method of assassination is slanderous words, by insinuations, etc., often committed in the presence of the heavenly brotherhood. R4275:6
::2 Sam. 13:37::
Absalom fled
-- Fearing David's indignation. R2025:1
Went to Talmai
-- Absalom's maternal grandfather. R2025:1
::2 Sam. 13:38::
To Geshur
-- Surrounded with the influences of a heathen land. R2025:4
::2 Sam. 14:4::
And did obeisance
-- See comments on 2 Sam. 9:6.
::2 Sam. 14:28::
Not the king's face
-- As a continued showing of disfavor. R4276:1
This experience fastened upon the mind of Absalom the conviction that his father no longer loved him. This prepared him to set at defiance his kingly authority. R2025:1, R4278:1
::2 Sam. 14:32::
See the king's face
-- Absalom realized that as an exiled prince his chances of acceptance as king of Israel would be comparatively small in the event of his father's death. R4276:1
::2 Sam. 15:1::
Prepared him chariots
-- A custom from his grandfather's court. R3262:1
::2 Sam. 15:2::
King for judgment
-- The king acted as a superior court, so that cases not satisfactorily adjudicated before the regular judges were appealed to him. R3262:2, R5700:2
::2 Sam. 15:4::
I were made judge
-- Would that I were king! It would be different! R5700:3
Do him justice
-- Implying that his hearer had justice on his side and would be pleased with the results. R3262:2
::2 Sam. 15:6::
Stole the hearts
-- By feigning humility and zeal for justice, by careful attention to his personal appearance and by attention to those in influential positions. R4276.1
Many in our day are willing to steal the affections of another and to misrepresent another to their own advantage. R3262:3
::2 Sam. 15:7::
After 40 years
-- After four years; the error of a transcriber. R2025:5, R4276:2
Four years from his full acceptance back to fellowship with his father. R3262:3
Let me go
-- In order not to excite the suspicion of the king or others he asked permission to go. R3262:4, R4276:2
::2 Sam. 15:10::
Absalom reigneth
-- The people would gain the impression that the revolution of the kingdom was complete and that David was thoroughly vanquished. R3262:4
Although the Lord restored David to divine favor and communion, he punished him severely for his sin--Absalom's rebellion being the means employed. R1397:2, R3262:5
::2 Sam. 15:11::
Knew not anything
-- Were totally ignorant of the use that was being made of them. R3262:4
::2 Sam. 15:12::
Sent for Ahithophel
-- This would mean a tower of strength to Absalom's position and ambition. R4276:4
The conspiracy
-- Begun when Absalom returned from exile, or two years later. R3262:3
So today: the Lord will permit conspiracies against the truth, but to go only so far as they will work for his glory. R3262:6
Increased continually
-- Political intrigue stole the hearts of the people and made the cause of Absalom temporarily very prosperous. R2024:3
::2 Sam. 15:14::
Let us flee
-- David wished to avoid the horrors of civil war. He was overwhelmed with grief that his enemy was his son and that his former friends had become his enemies. R4277:1
::2 Sam. 15:17::
All the people
-- His bodyguard consisted mostly of foreigners. (vs. 18) R4277:2
::2 Sam. 15:19::
An exile
-- It is supposed that the 4th Psalm and portions of the 3rd were written from the standpoint of David's experiences as an exile from his capital. R4277:3
::2 Sam. 16:20::
Then said Absalom
-- This narrative is given to prove that the Lord's penalty against David for his injustice toward Uriah was fulfilled. R1420:2
::2 Sam. 17:22::
Then David
-- Meaning "beloved," type of Christ. R3226:4
Passed over Jordan
-- Meaning "Judged down," "Condemned." R3086:4
::2 Sam. 18:1::
-- Now about 62 years of age. R4277:5
::2 Sam. 18:5::
Deal gently
-- Mark the father's love, even under extreme, trying circumstances. He charged the soldiers to do Absalom no harm. R2025:2, R3268:2, R4277:5
::2 Sam. 18:7::
20,000 men
-- Absalom's forces. R3268:1
::2 Sam. 18:15::
Slew him
-- Absalom is a distinguished example of dishonor to a father. R3262:1
How suddenly God brought to naught the evil designs of this wicked young man. R2025:2
::2 Sam. 18:16::
-- Chief of King David's generals. R3268:1, R4277:5
Blew the trumpet
-- Of victory. The conspiracy had come to naught, the usurper was dead. R2025:3
::2 Sam. 18:21::
To Cushi
-- Literally, "To the Cushite," the negro. R3268:4
::2 Sam. 18:27::
With good tidings
-- A good man should always seek to carry a good message. R3268:1, R4277:6
::2 Sam. 18:29::
Is ... Absalom safe?
-- In harmony with David's parting words (vs. 5). R3268:2
It was far more pleasing to the Lord that he should love his enemy too much rather than too little. R4277:6
God so loved us while we were "yet sinners." (Rom. 5:8) R4277:6
But I knew not
-- The Lord's people should be particular to discriminate between knowledge and belief and hearsay. R3268:4, R4278:1
::2 Sam. 18:33::
O my son Absalom
-- David's former attitude of neglect toward his son was a great mistake, the realization of which doubtless deepened the grief. R2025:1
Parents should heed well this lesson. If David had exercised more kindness, loving counsel and sympathy with his son, he might have been spared this bitter lament. R2025:4, R3268:5, R5700:5
I had died for thee
-- David was more anxious for Absalom than for his throne or for his own life. R3268:2
We have two parallels in Scripture: Moses (Ex. 32:32) and Paul (Rom. 9:3). R4278:2,4
For five years David had allowed the hard side of his nature to conceal his tender emotions. How often is the mistake of David repeated by parents. R2025:2,4
There is not in all of the Old Testament a passage of greater pathos than this. R4278:2
::2 Sam. 19:9::
At strife
-- Israel had been thrown into a state of confusion, threatening anarchy, being left for a time without any official head or king. R1690:1
::2 Sam. 19:11::
Bring the king back
-- This is an illustration of a very similar condition of things in the world today. Earth's rightful king is not upon his throne, nor has the world recognized his right to it nor desired his return. Men have tried every experiment of self-government and all have ended in failure. R1690:2
::2 Sam. 19:14::
Return thou
-- Practically the whole nation had given allegiance to Absalom, so it was necessary for them to publicly request King David to return. R3262:5
::2 Sam. 21:9::
Days of harvest
-- The reaping of the barley commenced the harvest, the wheat following. R4127:1
::2 Sam. 22:1::
David spake
-- The entire chapter is one of David's songs of praise and gratitude to God for his loving providence. R2031:1
A type of the Church in her deliverance. R153:6, R264:6, R265:1, R287:6
::2 Sam. 22:2::
The LORD is my rock
-- Upon which I safely build my hopes. R2032:4
And my fortress
-- In which I may safely hide. R2032:4
And my deliverer
-- In every time of trouble. R2032:4
::2 Sam. 22:3::
And the horn
-- Horns are symbols of power. T42
::2 Sam. 22:6::
Sorrows of hell
-- Sheol, oblivion, the state of death. E358
In the Revised Version, anglicized as "sheol," as in all poetic passages. R828:5
A figure in which trouble is represented as hastening one to the tomb. R2599:3
Compassed me
-- Literally David; prophetically The Christ. E358
::2 Sam. 22:8::
-- The deliverance of the Body of Christ will be just before a great time of trouble and manifestation of divine power and indignation against wickedness. E358
-- A great time of trouble. E358
Of heaven
-- The powers of spiritual control. A318
::2 Sam. 22:17::
He took me
-- See comment on 2 Sam. 22:8 from E358. Delivering his Bride from her fleshly nature into the perfection of our new nature. R153:6, R265:1
::2 Sam. 22:18::
My strong enemy
-- Death. R153:6, R265:1
::2 Sam. 22:31::
His way is perfect
-- He could not be holy in all his works if he were the author of sin and crime. R1351:4, R849:1
Therefore we cannot conclude that God made us sinners. HG650:2
::2 Sam. 22:41::
The necks of mine enemies
-- Enemies of the Lord which David was commissioned to conquer--prophetic of Christ's victories over the enemies of truth and righteousness. R2032:1
::2 Sam. 22:44::
Head of the heathen
-- Verses 44 to 46 are fully applicable only to the wider dominion of Christ as earth's future king. R2032:4
::2 Sam. 22:50 ::
Therefore I will give thanks
-- "We love him because he first loved us." (1 John 4:19) R2031:5
No one can be a true Christian and be unthankful. R2460:2
This principal of gratitude and praise is that which makes human fellowship possible. R2031:6
::2 Sam. 23:3::
Must be just
-- This is the meaning of the Lord's careful selection, instruction, discipline, judging and proving his people whom he is now calling to a ruling position in the Millennial Kingdom. R4198:6
But enforcement of justice is not the Lord's rule for his people in the present time when they themselves are weak and imperfect. "Judge no man before the time." (1 Cor. 4:5) R4198:6
::2 Sam. 23:5::
Everlasting covenant
-- The original grace, or Sarah, covenant. R4321:2
::2 Sam. 23:15::
Well of Bethlehem
-- Now (1892) on the principal street of Bethlehem. R1401:5
::2 Sam. 23:17::
Would not drink it
-- He considered it too costly to drink, so he made it an offering to God. R2015:6
Few indeed among the kings of the earth would consider any sacrifice of their fellow-men too costly to be bestowed on them. R2015:6
::2 Sam. 24:1::
He moved David
-- Satan provoked David to number Israel, contrary to the command of the Lord. R5106:4; Q281:4
::2 Sam. 24:2::
The king said
-- As the Lord's representative, he was acting without instructions and due authority. Q832:2
::2 Sam. 24:14::
I am in a great strait
-- Realizing his own weakness; David, in humility, declined to make a choice. R5106:4; Q281:4
::2 Sam. 24:16::
The angel stretched
-- The word "angel" here does not necessarily refer to a member of the angelic order, but signifies "messenger" or agency which God used; in this case, a pestilence. R2382:2
The LORD repented
-- Before the Lord's punishment reached David he had received the Lord's forgiveness. R5106:4; Q281:4
::2 Sam. 24:18::
Rear an altar
-- A remarkable spot. It was here that Abraham offered Isaac and Solomon built the Temple. (2
Chron 3:1) R2510:6, R1395:6
::2 Sam. 24:25::
The LORD was intreated
-- Only proper for Israel, because of God's special covenant with that nation. R2029:2
Offered burnt offerings
-- Recognizing God's chastisement, he prayed for divine mercy. R2029:2
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