


THIS announcement is dedicated to newspaper Editors and Publishers, and we hope it may encourage some of even greater zeal in their efforts in serving their constituency. The first article, "The Press and the Public," while not bearing directly on Pastor Russell's proposed I tour, is inserted because it, in unique style, excellently describes certain prevailing conditions, which, when properly appreciated by Editors, make easy the solution of certain vexatious questions of the past.

Approximately fifteen hundred Editors are at present publishing weekly Pastor Russell "copy," furnished in various countries through Press Associations, News Syndicates or Lecture Bureaus. In a special endeavor to serve the interests of the Editors receiving their services, the American Lecture Bureau and Press Association invited Pastor Russell to make a Round-the-World Tour, hoping thus to enable him to give his many millions of readers the benefit of his keen observation and wonderful power of description when applied to the present status and prospects of Christianity in heathen lands.

Pastor Russell is at present on his regular Autumn lecture tour in Great Britain. He is due in New York November 24th. After spending a few days at home, he will begin the Round-the-World Tour by leaving for the Pacific coast, sailing from San Francisco for Honolulu December 13th. Small interior points, as well as many leading cities, are to be visited in Oriental and African Countries; and the Pastor Russell party is due in London next March, in time for Pastor Russell to fill his regular British engagements.

The International Bible Students Association assembled in general annual convention at Mountain Lake Park, Maryland, Sept. 1-11, 1911, appointed General Win. P. Hall, U. S. A. ;Robert B. Maxwell, Mansfield, Ohio; E. W. V. Kuehn, Toledo; Prof. F. H. Robison, Ontario; J. T. D. Pyles, Washing ton, D. C. ; Dr. Leslie W. Jones, Chicago, and Pastor Russell, as a committee to investigate the subject of Foreign Mission Work--as to the present conditions, methods employed, doctrines taught,, disbursement of funds, etc. The first six gentlemen named go as contributors and laymen. At the first meeting of the committee, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, Sept. 25th, for organization and adoption of plans of procedure, Pastor Russell was matte chairman, and Prof. Robison secretary. The International Bible Students Association expects this committee, upon their return, to report without fear or favor all important facts that would properly have a bear ing upon their policy respecting future support in person or by purse.

The special sermons by Pastor Russell while on this tour will be stirring "copy," containing much valuable information interestingly commented on from his, an independent, standpoint. We beg leave to venture the one assertion that this "Round-the-World Tour'" will be instrumental in bringing from Pastor Russell's Pen the most remarkable and valu able writings of the age on past and present "Christian Endeavor in the Foreign Mission ary Field. On page fifteen detailed information is given showing how Pastor Russell's writings reach the Press and the people.




FEW indeed are those that realize the opportunities and the power of the Press in this the twentieth century. Sogreat is this power that the generally ac cepted opinion of a nation upon a subject may be completely reversed within a month. This was not so fifty or one hundred years ago. Under former conditions it would have taken a century to crystalize public opinion on such a matter as the recent Dr. Cook and Com modore Perry North Pole controversy. "['his case was, through the Press, placed on trial before the "Tribunal of Public Opinion," and consequently was readily settled, furnishing an excellent example of how the people of the whole world take knowledge and settle matters in this our day.

A case of a thousand times greater importance is now up for trial before this same "Tribunal of Public Opinion." Sectarianism has, within the very recent past, been placed in the balance. Shall she be found wanting~

We see denominational prestige and influence being shattered on the right and on the left. Seemingly, thinking people have suddenly awakened to an individual responsibility and are examin ing the teachings of the past, and are inquiring, "Why so many divisions among professed Christians So general is this awakening that a reasonable answer to this question must be forthcoming.

Many clergymen, realizing the personal advantages of sect preservation, and of keeping the masses under some sort of religious influence, are now willing, even under protest, to exclusively advocate simply a brotherhood among men, insisting only upon the retention of a few fundamentals, such as the Fatherhood of God, the Saviourhood of Jesus, and the Brotherhood of Man.

Momentous indeed are the consequences, and de cisive will be the verdict in this issue. In the face of the radical sectarian teachings of the past centuries, we may wall ask, "What will the verdict be?" Will the people allow venerated doctrines of their fathers to be covered up or abandoned without explanation? We think not. The "first impressions" received in childhood are perhaps still with us, no matter how unsatisfactory they may be. They cannot be forgotten nor wiped out of the mind, unless something more reasonable is offered and accepted in their stead.

To the minds of many, religion and politics suggest a similar picture. As political party doctrines are seldom praised by adherents of an opposing party, or vice versa, so it is with clergymen of every community. Sectarian preach ers, in order to retain their pulpits, must do a denominational work, and therefore cannot extol, or even admit, the good points of competing denominations.

Not satisfied with this condition, the general public, by the aid of the Press, have figuratively raised themselves up above the heads of both stump speaker and sectarian preacher. The masses refuse longer to be bound by party or creed bonds or ties, and consequently are "freethinkers" and "independents." This fact is fully attested by the admitted great falling away from the churches and the enormous independent vote cast in the recent State and National Elections of the various countries.

Independents now constitute the big congregation and can be influenced by, and will pay sincere respect to, only an independent. It matters not how able, as a writer or speaker, one of your local sectarian ministers may be, he can hold as a following only those of his own congregation, which is, at most, only a small portion of what should be the constituency of any representative newspaper.



Thus is manifested an unprecedented opportunity for the Press. Will it be grasped? Yes! The Newspapers at present constitute the only channel through which the solution of this mighty problem can be speedily disseminated among the people. The clergymen have waited too long; they once had the public ear and confidence; they now have neither. As to doctrines they now stand repudiated. The Daily and the Weekly Press of the present day are the sole source of information for millions of families, and these families assuredly will, through the Press, learn a harmonious, complete and satisfactory explanation of heretofore incomprehensible doctrinal questions.

Hundreds of Editors, realizing their responsibilities and possible opportunity, sought a solution and found it. They, after many experiments, were forced to acknowledge that their sermon or .religious department, even though edited by a high class local minister, would not secure for their paper the personal influence of Christians belonging to congregations served by other ministers, nor could they interest the large non-church going element of their community. Invariably, to publish the "copy" of a local man was to invite criticism from either the clergy or laity of other denominations.

Finally the solution was found. Hundreds upon hundreds of editors have since demonstrated that the best way to completely fulfil their responsibility to the public and to successfully cater to the active Christians of all denominations is to publish "copy" prepared by an "independent" who is not endeavoring to build up any particular denomination at the expense of another; "copy" emanating from some outside city; "copy" that will appeal to the heart of not only every Christian, but also to skeptic, Jew or Gentile; "copy" prepared without malice, but with an abundance charity for all; "copy" written by a man who ably shows forth from the Scriptures a logical basis for true Christian unity amongst Christians of all denominations, in addition to the desired general brotherhood of man. This sort "copy" was found in the weekly articles prepared by an "independent," Pastor Russell of London and Brooklyn Tabernacles.

That you may know something of this man, who can satisfactorily serve you in the capacity of Editor of your weekly "sermon" or of your "Sunday School Department," we are sending you this little booklet, which is dedicated to our friends, the editors of the more than fourteen hundred newspapers at present publishing Pastor RusselI "copy" weekly. So notable testimony was never before accorded by editors to any religious writer, past or present.

Pastor Russell, London and Brooklyn Tabernacles,

Chairman I. B. S. A.


General Win. P. Hall,

U. S. A., Washington, D. C.

I. B. S. A. Committee.

Prof. F. H. Robison, Linguist,

Secretary I. B. S. A.





Charles Taze, second son of Joseph L. and Ann Eliza (Birney) Russell, was born in Pittsburgh, Pa., in 1852, and is shown in the accompanying portrait at the age of three years. At about this time the Russell children began to receive their "first impressions" on religion, some of which have since been shattered, notably those relating to the supposed literal lake of fire as a place of eternal torment for the unsaved.

The strong resemblance between the portraits of Pastor Russell at sixty, and Charles Taze at three, is unusual, and the character lines indicating determination rather suggest the explanation for his subsequent independent evangelistic work.

Up to the age of fifteen he believed, as gospel truth, all and only such doctrines as his sectarian ministers had taught him. To learn to understand doctrines at that period was very difficult, as the clergy usually discouraged individual Bible research, and the asking of questions on doctrines was then considered equivalent to doubting, and "to doubt was to be damned."

The dissipation of this superstitious reverence and fear only awaited such time as he should attempt to defend by the Scriptures his particular sectarian views, and subsequent events justify the thought that Providence had decreed that just at this juncture young Russell should attempt to reclaim an infidel acquaintance to Christianity.

By skillful questions, which were unanswerable by either minister or laymen from their sectarian standpoints, and by the maneuvering of many seemingly paradoxical Scriptures, the infidel completely routed young Russell, who within a few months became an admitted skeptic. Here as in nearly every similar case, the Bible was discarded together with the doctrines of the creed. Few, indeed, under such circumstances, study the Scriptures to see whether they had been properly interpreted, and Charles Taze Russell was no exception.

As he desired to learn the truth regarding the hereafter, the next few years were devoted to the investigation of the claims of the leading Oriental religions, all of which he found to be unworthy of credence, hence we see him arriving at manhood's estate with a mind unsatisfied, a mind which, de spite all efforts to the contrary, was still subject to its occasional bad hours on account of its "first impression" on the eternal torment theory.


At twenty-one Mr. Russell was possessed of much knowledge and voluminous data on "religion" as believed in and practiced in all parts of the world. Apparently these were to become of no value to himself or others because of large business responsibilities that were placed on him at this time. Days grew into weeks and weeks into months and he found less and less time to devote to theological research, and the solace for heart and head so diligently sought for seemed as remote to him as ever.

The question that here confronted him was, "Shall I try longer to find the truth on religion? Or shall I smother the .hope of finding it and strive for fame and fortune along the financial and commercial captains of the time." The latter he was about to do, but fortunately he decided first to search the Scriptures from a skeptic's standpoint, for its own answer on hell-fire and brimstone.

Amazed at the harmonious testimony, proving an unexpected but satisfactory answer, he undertook systematic Bible research, and was brought to a complete confidence in the Bible as being inspired by an all-wise, powerful, just and loving Creator, worthy of adoration and worship. Thus a sure anchor for a fainting hope was found, and an honest, truth-seeking heart was made glad.















THE unfulfilled promises to the Jews, spoken of hundreds of times by the prophets of old, and reaffirmed in the writings of the New Testament, attracted Pastor Russell's early attention, and consequently the time of the restoration of the Jews in Palestine, as a Nation, became a question of almost paramount importance to his mind. In order to verify or disprove certain claims or supposed facts, Pastor Russell visited the Holy Land in 1892, verifying much valuable information contained in his third volume of "Scripture Studies," wherein he interestingly treats the complex Jewish racial problem, past, present and future.

This trip was the real beginning of a campaign to attract the attention of the world to the future inheritance of the natural "seed of Abraham."

During the past twenty years, Pastor Russell has written much on Jewish topics and has addressed many Jewish audiences on Biblical Zionism, pointing out the significance of the many unful filled promises to them by Jehovah.

The wonderful stone building at the border, yet in the center, of Egypt stands strangely related to the hope of the Jew, and Pastor Russell has most interestingly treated the measurements, angles, shape, size, weight, passage - ways, King's Chamber, Queen's Chamber, etc., as positive corroborative evidence of the time prophecies of the prophets of old. His findings, as explained in the symbolic language of "Holy Writ," read like a remarkable piece of fiction, when in reality it is a plain, yet entrancing narrative of Jehovah's Plan as respects the various ages and His dispensational dealings with the human race, terminating with the full restoration of the Jewish people in the land of their fathers, during the "times of restitution of all things."

Prof. C. Piazzi Smith, F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., Ex-Astronomer Royal for Scotland, in a letter written from Clova, Ripon, England, Dec. 21, 1890, commenting on Pastor Russell's interpretation of the Pyramid, said in part" "At first I could find only slips of the type-writer, but as I progressed through the pages, the powers, the specialties and the originalities of the Author came out magnificently; and there were not a few passages I should have been glad to take a copy of for quotation, with name, in the next possible edition of my own Pyramid book. But of course I did nothing of that sort, and shall wait with perfect patience and in most thankful mood of mind for when the Author shall choose his own time for publishing. So I merely remark here that he is both good and new in much that he says on the chronology of the various parts of the Pyramid, especially the First Ascending Passage and its granite plug; on the Grand Gallery, as illustrating the Lord's life; on the parallelisms between the King's Chamber and its granite, against the (Jewish) Tabernacle and its gold; and generally on the confirmations or close agreements between Scripture and the Great Pyramid."

The late Dr. John Edgar, M.A., B.So., M.B., C.M., F.F.P.S.G., of Glasgow, Scotland, with his brother Morton, in 1909, visited Gizeh to critically test Pastor Russell's deductions. Their verdict, after a most elaborate investigation, was a thorough endorsement of Pastor Russell's interpretation of the Great Pyramid, the greatest of the world's wonders.




The AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION of: 225 W. 39th St., New York City, holds the exclusive right in the United States for the Pastor Russell three-column sermon service, when furnished in Stereotype place form.

The CENTRAL PRESS AGENCY, of Toronto, ' Canada, holds the right for and furnishes the three-column sermon service in Stereotype plate to papers throughout the Canadian Provinces.

The NATIONAL PRESS, White Friars' Bldg., Carmelite St., London, England, furnishes weekly, as their regular single-column sermon feature, in Great Britain and Ireland, a fourteen-hundred word report of Pastor Russell's sermons, in Stereotype plate, either 14 or 15 ems.

The CASSELL'S CO., LIMITED, London, England, holds the British right for the Stereotype plate service of the Brooklyn Tabernacle articles on the International Sunday School Lesson.


For the United States and Canada--Manuscript copy, in printer's proof form, of Pastor Russell three-column weekly sermon and the one-column report of this three-column sermon and the one-column Brooklyn Tabernacle International Sunday School Lesson, is furnished to papers in the United States and Canada by the Pastor Russell LECTURE BUREAU of 4030 Metropolitan Bldg., New York City. Orders sent them for any of these in stereotype plate are filled by the AMERICAN PRESS AS SOCIATION of New York.

GREAT BRITAIN--Manuscript copy of the single-column "Sermon Report" is furnished by the LONDON PASTOR RUSSELL LECTURE BUREAU, Thanet House, 231 Strand, London, W.C. Manuscript copy of the "International Sunday School Topic" is furnished by either the CASSELL'S CO., LTD., or the LONDON LECTURE BUREAU.

GERMANY--Manuscript or plate service of the one-column "Sermon Report" is furnished by the Barmen Branch of the Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau of New York City.

AUSTRALIA--Manuscript and plate services of the one-column "Sermon Report and the "Sunday School Lessons" are furnished by the MELBOURNE BRANCH of the London Pastor Russell Lecture Bureau, Flinders Buildings, Flinders St., Melbourne, Australia.


The data herein pertaining to the proposed Pastor Russell "Round-the-World Tour" was prepared primarily for the fourteen hundred editors now publishing the Pastor Russell weekly sermons or the Brooklyn Tabernacle articles on the International Sunday School topic. "We have endeavored to embody only.such other matter as is of value or interest to newspaper editors in general, either for immediate or future use,
