::QB Flyleaf::

To the King of Kings and Lord of Lords



------------- This Work is Dedicated -------------

"To make all see what is the fellow- ship of the mystery which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God." "Wherein He hath abounded towards us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of HIS will, according to HIS good pleasure which He hath purposed in Himself; that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things, under Christ,"

`Eph 3:4,5,9`; `Eph.1:8-10`


The Birth of This Question Book

AFTER waiting nearly all summer, for the friends to let me know whether or not they desired copies of the 1916 Souvenir Convention Report, I placed an order with the printer for what I thought would be an ample supply, based upon the orders on hand.

The presses started and about one half of the book was printed and the type disposed of when Pastor Russell died. Immediately the friends began to send in their orders for the Reports, stating they MUST have Brother Russell's words, especially the reports of the various Question Meetings. The result was, that all the available supply was quickly exhausted, and no prospect of another edition. What to do for the friends was the question, until we believe, the Lord impressed upon our mind to compile all the questions and answers as they have appeared in the various Souvenir Convention Reports for the past twelve years, with other questions answered by Pastor Russell, making a classified list of all, according to the year answered, and binding them in a substantial book form.

The result is the birth of this present volume of about seven hundred pages, which we pray, and trust will be to the glory of God, to whom it is dedicated, and for the blessing of His consecrated children, for whose use it has been prepared.

Several of the friends have assisted in the work of preparation;in connection with which our hearts have been greatly blessed.

If others get the blessing from the use of this book, which we believe is in store for them, we will feel well repaid.

May the Lord's blessing go with it.

Yours in HIS service,


page 5

WHAT PASTOR RUSSELL SAID This Book Consists of Hundreds of Questions Answers by Pastor Russell Only, Covering about Twelve Years of the Convention Reports and Several Years of the Watch Tower. Wherever a Question is from the Watch Tower the Letter (Z) Follows the Year. Otherwise it is from a Convention Report.