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VOL. XIII. JULY 15, 1892. NO. 14.



Pittsburg has been kept prominently before public attention for some days past by reason of the rioting and bloodshed in the suburb of Homestead. While all lament the sad state of affairs, great diversity of opinion prevails regarding the responsibility, some taking sides with the Carnegie Steel Company, and others with their former employees who have practically taken posession of the works and declare that none others than themselves shall operate them, and they upon their own terms.

At first it might appear that not only the law, but also justice, is upon the side of the Steel Company, since the men admit that the wages proffered them are as good or better than is usually paid for similar service: namely, from $2.14 per day for "sweepers" to $9.45 per day for chief "rollers." But there is another side to the case: although the firm offers no objection to their employees being members of "The Amalgamated Association," it refuses any longer to recognize that union or to be controlled by its rules and regulations. This is the real difficulty. The officers and members of that association, although not claiming that present wages are "starvation wages," do claim that, had it not been for their organization, past and present, wages would be much less than they are. And their fear now is that if the dignity of their association is permitted to go down, in this, the largest works of the country, the result would ultimately be to their disadvantage, which, no doubt, is true.

With this brief summary of the situation it is the less difficult to appreciate the frenzy exhibited in the attack upon the three hundred watchmen sent by the Steel Company to take possession of and guard the works. It is no doubt true that much of the fiendish work was done by common laborers whose wages were not at all affected by the proposed changes, and who are not even admitted to membership in the Amalgamated Association. Being mostly Hungarians, Slavs and Poles, they, of course,

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understand the language, laws, etc., of this country but poorly, and know no law but force. These got the impression that non-resistance meant starvation for themselves and families, and so fought like savages to keep possession of what they would not claim to be their property in any sense of the word.

We mention this matter not to take sides in the controversy, not to endorse or to exonerate either party; for usually, in all struggles of which selfishness is the basis, rights and wrongs are to be found on both sides. But we desire to remind our readers that this last development is exactly in line with what we have been pointing out for the past sixteen years as the Scripturally predicted evidences, showing that we are living in the "harvest" or end of the Gospel age, which is to close, and to be merged into the Millennial age, with "a time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation."--`Dan. 12:1`.

When we reflect that many of these Homestead

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workmen are professed Christians--Presbyterians, Methodists, Catholics, etc.--who not only believe that "no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him," but who also believe that those who were shot down not only departed this life, but went to an eternity of torment, we ask ourselves--If self-interest and excitement lead to such excesses now, what can be expected when superstition gives way and Churchianity shall fully lose its already vanishing influence upon the masses? Then what has just shocked the world will seem tame--the Scriptures intimating that the scenes of the French Revolution were but a prelude to and illustration of the coming universal trouble.

While recognizing in these troubles some of the events marking this Day of the Lord, let us not be premature. Much remains to be done before the great and awful climax of these troubles is reached, when human selfishness will be fully arrayed against human selfishness and equally matched. Then widespread anarchy will demonstrate the necessity for the reign of the Prince of Peace, whose first work will be, in the culmination of this struggle of human selfishness, to dash the nations to pieces as a potter's vessel, and to rule them with a rod of iron--of unbending and just retribution-- until their pride and their power are humbled in the dust, and they shall learn in the depths of their humiliation to be still and to recognize God, and Christ who will be exalted in the earth as king over all the earth, to lift up and bless all who love righteousness and peace.--`Psa. 2:9`; `Rev. 2:27`; `Psa. 46:10`.

But first and chiefly the intervening work will be the sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads. (`Rev. 7:3`.) And each should ask himself --What am I doing to assist in sealing others since I received the intellectual sealing of the knowledge of the truth? And each should resolve that whilst others are battling for earthly advantages and willing to lay down their lives for the same, "We ought also to lay down our lives for the brethren"--in carrying the present truth to all who have an ear to hear.

Without taking either side in the selfish struggles which will from time to time come with increasing violence, without assuming that all the right is with one party, and all the wrong with the other, let us have charity for both the parties to these struggles--for the rich in their morbid selfishness which takes pleasure in hoarding millions, while some of their employees (laborers at $1.48 per day) have scarcely enough for the bare necessities of life for themselves and their families;--for the workmen in that while they are lately tasting of the advantages of education and home comforts, and even luxuries, they fear lest they should let slip advantages now possessed. They fear lest labor should become degraded as in by-gone days, or even to the European level of to-day. And who could blame them for having these sentiments, seeing that selfishness is the law of "this present evil world?"

The entire trouble between labor and capital centers in selfishness! The mechanic wants from three dollars to nine dollars a day, and thinks the laborer well paid at one dollar and a half, because of his inferior skill, and yet unreasonably expects his employer to act upon different principles--to risk capital and invest still greater ability on philanthropic principles. Like all the rest of the world, he recognizes the royal law of Love, which Christ taught, and would like to have it in force toward himself, but is not ready to exercise its principles toward others. The great trouble will be gradually precipitated by this very conflict of the principles of Selfishness and Love--the masses longing for the blessings that would flow from the operation of the principle of Love, yet unwilling to submit themselves to the same, because they see no way of enforcing that law upon all. Many, who name the name of Christ only in blasphemy, are selfishly ready to quote to others the words of the great Teacher: "Do unto others as you would that they should do to you" and "Love thy neighbor as thyself" but are wholly unwilling to obey these commands toward others. It will be their attempt to realize for themselves their ideal of true Brotherly Love that they have not yet learned to practice toward others which will, as the Scriptures show, eventuate in anarchy-- "a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation."

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How different is and should be the attitude of those who, realizing that they were bought with a price, have surrendered their own selfish wills and plans and committed their interests, present and future, to Christ. To such the Lord makes known the mystery of his will-- that though in the world, they should not be of it; that they should not seek to amass wealth, but rather to spend and be spent in his service; that they should not share the world's fear, but entrust the entire matter to their Lord's overruling providence. To such the Lord now gives, as "meat in due season," the assurance that he is about to set up in the earth the long-prayed-for Kingdom of God, whose will, the law of Love, shall be enforced for the blessing of all the families of the earth, after this trouble is over. Such, while deprecating violence and sympathizing with both sides of the controversy, are to avoid taking any part in the conflict, but rather to counsel peace and a reliance upon the Lord for the ushering in of the Golden Age in his own time and way.

How long the present spasm of trouble may last, and how great the proportions it may yet assume, no man can foretell; but that it is merely a spasm, and not the final catastrophe which will utterly wreck society, we are confident. It will probably result in a general back-set to labor organizations and to greater confidence on the part of the capitalists. But the world is longing for a government based upon Love, and does not realize that such a condition is beyond the grasp of selfish human beings and can come about only through the interposition of Christ's Millennial Kingdom. Ah! little do they realize that their own failures are to be used of the Lord as his instrumentality in setting up his kingdom--that the pent up fires in selfish breasts will eventuate in the destruction of society, and that upon its ashes the Lord from heaven will establish the Kingdom of which the law will be Perfect Love.

"Go to, now, ye rich men, weep and howl for the misery that shall come upon you....Behold, the hire of your laborers, who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept back by fraud, crieth...into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth." --`Jas. 5:1-8`. Even though all rich men have not done so, even though some of them in this our day have been no more selfish and grasping than others--perhaps, indeed, much more generous, giving liberally for the endowment of Hospitals, Colleges, Libraries, Homes for the Blind, for the Deaf and Dumb, for Incurables, for Orphans, for the Aged, etc., etc.-- yet they will be judged as a class in this day that shall try every man's work--this day of trouble which shall "burn as an oven, in the which all the proud, as well as all that do wickedly, shall be as stubble." The judgment of the masses will be that those who possess great wealth never justly and rightly obtained so much more than their fellows, even though imperfect laws and social customs may endorse as honest the methods used for its accumulation. And upon the wealthy class of this generation shall be visited the penalty due to those thieving Barons of past centuries who kept their dependent neighbors in serfdom and grew rich at the expense of those who reaped their fields--of much of whose proper wages they fraudulently deprived them. This will be on the same principle as that of `Luke 11:50,51`; `Rev. 18:5-7,24`. A realization of the wrongs done by the rich toward their poor brethren in past times should, under the light of this day, lead the same class to the greater sympathy for their less fortunate fellows. And if it does not, the relentless argument of the masses soon will be--Your class defrauded our class in the past, and now our class will defraud your class to even up matters.

At present all is quiet at Homestead, with the Volunteer State Guard in possession. But the socialistic flame is spreading amongst various other labor organizations, in all parts of the land, some of which have passed resolutions of sympathy for the workmen, and some have contributed funds to enable them "to fight capital." (The Amalgamated Association, however, claims to have $250,000 in its treasury.) Some Labor Unions propose that now they must arm themselves, with improved weapons, to defend their rights. Mr. Powderly, president of the Knights of Labor, is quite revolutionary: he is publicly reported to have said:

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"This fight is but the rumbling of a coming revolution, that is to say whether Wall Street [the financial centre] shall or shall not control the country. It is the fight of labor; and the labor organizations of the country should stand firmly at the back of these men who are fighting

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at Homestead."

So strong and so rapidly growing is the animosity toward millionaires, even though they pay better wages and pay more promptly than others, that they will "weep and howl"--be in misery in this great day of the Lord. But in the outcome --when Anarchy shall have blighted all human hopes and destroyed all human government --the Lord will set up his kingdom under the whole heavens; and, under its beneficent rule, all shall be blessed and brought to a knowledge of good under the law of Love, as they now have a knowledge of evil under the law of Selfishness. Then, at the close of that Millennial Kingdom, will come the final test to all --to manifest whether, with full knowledge of the two laws and their respective workings, they prefer Love or Selfishness. Those who choose Love shall be granted life--everlasting. Those who prefer Selfishness shall be esteemed unworthy of further life and shall die the Second Death.


How wise, and how beneficial in the end to all classes, it might prove for the masses to adopt a different principle of dealing with this question: If they should enact laws providing that whenever any man dies possessed of over one million dollars worth of money and property all the surplus above one million should be divided equally between funds for public secular education, for the improvement of public highways and water-ways and for charitable unsectarian hospitals and homes for unfortunates.

The effect of such a law would be rapidly experienced: wealthy men would at once give away their surplus millions without waiting to have it forfeited at their death. Such a law would scatter capital, and, without destroying the energy of the world's active minds, would turn that activity to good account--for the ambition to make a name and leave enduring monuments in colleges, hospitals and public benefactions would take the place of the ambition to be the richest man.

If necessary the limit could afterward be reduced to half a million dollars (as each member of the family could hold, and transfer at death, an equal sum). And lest some should hold their millions until near death's door, the law could provide that transfers of property by a sick man or woman made within thirty days of death should be invalid and void.

But while some such law would be beneficial, we have no expectation of seeing so simple a method for all adopted. Both sides will evidently fight the matter out to the wrecking of the present social system. Thank God for the higher than human government, long promised and now at hand--even though it come to men through a baptism of bloody trouble--the breaking of present imperfect systems with the "rod of iron."--`Rev. 2:26,27`.


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Good servant, enter in:
Thou hast been faithful found
In righteous stewardship
O'er the entrusted pound.
The honor of my house,
My Kingdom, thou hast sought;
Thy life thou more and more
A sacrifice hast brought.

In nothing hast thou had
Self-interest for thine aim.
Naught seemed too small nor great
To glorify my Name.
My yoke hast easy called,
My burden took on thee,
And every day with joy
Hast borne it after me.

Good servant, enter in,
And faith's reward now share;
With me upon my throne
A crown of life now wear.
For he who, without fear,
In small the great hast traced,
O'er few things faithful here,
O'er many shall be placed.
A thousand years full soon
Thou mayest reign with me;
Thee will I also grace
With priestly dignity,
Till all the tribes of earth
Claim God to be their Lord,
To whom I then return
The Kingdom at his word.--J. KUEHN.


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LESSON V., JULY 31, `ACTS 4:1-18`.

Golden Text--"There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved."-- `Acts 4:12`.

This lesson continues the narrative of the preceding one, and shows how the glorious doctrine, of redemption and restitution through the death and resurrection of Christ, was received by those who heard. We learn that so many of the people believed that the number of disciples who openly espoused the cause of Christ was greatly increased. (`Verse 4`.) This manifestation of power, to influence the people to believe in the crucified Jesus and in the doctrine he taught, greatly incensed the priests, who resolutely refused the truths of the new dispensation, and were determined, so far as lay in their power, to hinder the people from believing them, and thus to retain their own former prestige and honors and influence.

The Sadducees also, a large sect of the Jews who denied, not only the doctrine of the resurrection and a future life, but also the existence of spirit beings, were greatly annoyed by this teaching, and joined with the priests and the captain of the temple in an effort to put an end to it. Then Peter and John were seized and put into prison, and afterward brought before the rulers and elders and scribes to answer for this heresy.

Evidently they appreciated the privilege of thus enduring reproach for the cause of Christ. With great boldness Peter again affirmed before the rulers that this miracle had been performed in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom they had crucified. They were so filled with the spirit of the glorious message they bore, that prisons and persecution and even the possibility of sharing their Master's fate did not deter them from speaking boldly in his name, and of the blessed tidings of his coming kingdom and glory. "Be it known unto you all," said Peter, "and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him, doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at naught of you builders, which is become the head of the corner [the chief corner stone in the divine plan of the ages]. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

How differently the truth affects men according to the attitude of their hearts with reference to it. Here was the man who had been healed of his lameness gratefully acknowledging the favor of God by accompanying God's accused servants to prison and to judgment, bearing his witness to the truth thus by his personal presence with them, and willingly enduring with them whatever of reproach or persecution this testimony might bring. And how eloquent and convincing was the silent testimony of his presence; for these priests and rulers, the enemies of Christ and his doctrine, "beholding the man which was healed standing with them, could say nothing against it." Then there were numerous others who openly identified themselves with the Church, ready and willing to bear whatever of reproach or persecution it might bring to them. On the contrary, there were those priests and rulers, the professed leaders and teachers of the people, forced to admit in their own hearts the truth of this miracle, yet, blinded by prejudice as to the teaching, secretly plotting and scheming as to how they might be able to hedge up its course and stamp it out, and secretly conferring among themselves, saying, "What shall we do to these men? for that indeed a notable miracle had been done by them is manifest to all them that dwell in Jerusalem, and we cannot deny it." And they finally decided that it would not be advisable to rashly antagonize the numerous followers of the apostles who had been so impressed by their teaching. And therefore they let them go after strictly charging them to speak no more in this name.

To the one class the truth brought peace and joy and the blessed hope of everlasting life; while to the other class--the prejudice-blinded rejectors of God's truth, though professedly his chosen leaders and teachers of the people in the truth--it brought only condemnation, and deepened and intensified their darkness. "Ye serpents, ye generations of vipers," said the Master, "how can ye escape the condemnation to gehenna" [symbol of the second death]?-- `Matt. 23:33`.

Those who cultivate a spirit of opposition to righteousness and who plot and scheme to withstand

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God are trifling with a dangerous propensity to evil which will sweep them on to destruction with almost irresistible force, rendering it next to impossible for them ever to turn to righteousness and truth. How great is the responsibility, then, of those who hear and understand the truth, both toward themselves and toward their fellow men. We cannot trifle with God's truth with impunity: when it is testified to us it is our part to receive it into good and honest hearts, to act upon it and to let it have its proper effect upon our lives; and then, with grateful hearts toward God the giver, to bear its precious testimony to others in whatever way we can. If, like the man that was healed of his lameness, we have no talent of eloquence, we can at least company with those who love and serve the truth and let others see what the Lord has done for us, and in simple language we can tell how we who were once lame with ignorance and superstition and doubt and fear have been healed of our lameness and can now run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint; and how that through faith in the crucified and risen Lord Jesus the great work has been accomplished.

Let all who have heard the blessed gospel of redemption and a restitution of all things, and of the precious promises to the Church of being made co-workers with the Lord in bringing to all mankind the blessings of restitution, and of being made joint-heirs together with him in his kingdom, be faithful to the truth--faithful in esteeming it of highest importance, faithful in complying with its conditions of life, faithful in declaring it to others, faithful in standing up with and for those who publicly proclaim it, and faithful in holding it firm to the end.

The `Golden Text` of this lesson deserves more than a passing notice; for too many seem to lose sight of its import. As it was "through faith in his name"--the only name given,

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whereby we can be saved--that the impotent man was healed, so it is and is to be with all men and with all diseases of body and of soul. Only through the channel of faith in Christ flows the blessing of God. Not through faith without Christ, and not through Christ without faith, but through faith in him whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation [satisfaction] for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.--`1 John 2:2`.

As men's hearts expand and as they come to realize that but a very small proportion of humanity, now living or dead, ever heard of the ONLY NAME WHEREIN IS SALVATION, they rebel against this text and either twist it or deny it, because they hold as truth the human teaching that the present life ends all probation and all hope. On the contrary, how much better it would be for them to say with the Apostle: Let God be true though it prove all humanity to be in error; and, affirming with Peter and all the apostles that there is no salvation without faith and no other name in which faith will avail, they should seek for the Scriptural solution of their difficulty. They would find it in the words of all the holy prophets and apostles, as well as in our Lord's words: that as the man Christ Jesus gave himself a ransom for all, this glorious gospel must be testified to all in due time (`1 Tim. 2:6`), and that this "due time" is coming in which the knowledge of the Lord will fill the whole earth. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. (`Isa. 11:9`; `35:5`.) Then all that are in their graves shall obey the voice of the Son of Man and come forth--and they who then obey him shall live in a sense and to a degree that they never lived before --an everlasting life.--`John 5:25,28`.

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LESSON VI., AUGUST 7, `ACTS 4:19-31`.

Golden Text--"They spake the word of God with boldness."--`Acts 4:31`.

`VERSES 19,20`. Here Peter and John called upon the rulers and elders and scribes in council to judge for themselves whether it would be right in the sight of God to obey earthly rulers rather than God, and boldly declared their own convictions and purpose to continue to declare the things which they had seen and heard, notwithstanding their command to the contrary; for, said they, we cannot do otherwise: we are so full of the spirit of this glorious truth that we must give utterance to it. The basis of their confidence was not superstition, but a knowledge of the truth--of the sacrificial death of the Lord and the clearly demonstrated fact of his resurrection, which was to them a pledge of the promised resurrection of all the redeemed race of men. "Ye shall know the truth," said our Lord, "and the truth shall make you free" --free from ignorance and superstition, and bold to declare the whole counsel of God.

These opposers of the truth, be it noted, were not professed infidels, nor worldly people: they were the greatest religious teachers of their day; and one was the great high priest. According to God's own arrangement for the Jewish nation during the Jewish age, these were the appointed guides of the people; but now a new dispensation was dawning, and these professed teachers, who had been unfaithful to their trust, and who had grown proud and self-righteous and out of all harmony with the spirit of

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God, were entirely unprepared for it, so that when the glorious gospel of the new dispensation reached their ears they could not receive it. Their learning and their leisure to devote to the study of the divine Word were of no avail to them in finding the truth, for their hearts were not in the proper attitude of humility before God. Consequently the lowly and untitled --the humble fishermen, yea, and the publicans and reformed harlots--went into the kingdom before them.

And so it has been ever since those days: the most determined opposition to the truth has always come from the recognized religious leaders in whom pride and ambition were fostered and cultivated. And these were nearly always followed by the multitude, while the few who dared to be true to God and his Word have always endured persecution from them in some form. This is none the less true of our day than of the past. It is the clergy to-day that offers the most strenuous opposition to the truth; and it is only here and there that a few faithful souls are found brave enough to believe and teach the truth as the Lord is now unfolding it to us in the dawning light of the Millennial day.

It is indeed the right and proper course to believe God rather than men, to declare his truth with humble boldness, and to be ready always to give an answer to every man for the hope that is in us, with meekness and reverence. This we can do if we keep filled with the spirit--filled with the truth, and with love of the truth, and with the joy and peace and comfort that the truth alone can give, and with the zeal for God and for the blessing of our fellow men which the truth alone inspires.

`VERSES 21,22`. So strong was the evidence of the truth that the masses of the people disregarded the opposition of the clergy; and the latter, unable to deny the testimony, were obliged to let the apostles go.

`VERSE 23` shows the beautiful bond of sympathy that existed among the various members of the early Church. They shared each others joys and sorrows and comforted and encouraged one another to be firm and true to God in the midst of the severest trials.

`VERSES 24-30` record their prayer of thankful acknowledgment of the favor of God in the deliverance of these two faithful witnesses, thus showing that they did not attribute their success in convincing the people to their own eloquence or power, but to the favor and blessing of God. As the beloved Apostle Paul wrote (`1 Cor. 3:5,6`), "Who is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed. I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase." All praise is due to God; but we may truly rejoice in being honored as servants of his truth.

The reference in `verses 25,26` to David's prophecy (`Psa. 2`) had a proper application, not only upon that occasion when Peter and John were brought before the rulers, but also upon many subsequent occasions all through this gospel age. The prophecy, however, has special application to the time indicated in `verse 6`, when Jehovah is about to set his king upon his holy hill of Zion--when he is about to establish his kingdom and set up his Anointed as king over all the earth--when, as other scriptures show, there will be "a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." We are even now upon the eve of this great time of trouble, which will ere long culminate in the complete and final overthrow of all the kingdoms of the world and the full and permanent establishment of Christ's kingdom.

While the kings and rulers, civil and religious, set themselves in determined opposition and take counsel together against the principles of truth and righteousness that are now being brought to the front and urged upon the attention of all mankind in the heated disputes between capital and labor, between rulers and subjects and between the clergy and the laity of all Christendom, they little realize that they are arraying themselves against the mighty power of the Lord of hosts, who will surely lay justice to the line and righteousness to the plummet, and effectually sweep away every refuge of lies. --`Isa. 28:17`.

`VERSES 29,30` are a petition for special grace and courage, in view of the threatenings of persecution, that they might not grow faint-hearted, but, being filled with the spirit, might speak the truth with great boldness, regardless of the consequences to themselves; and for such miraculous endorsement of their teachings as he would be pleased in his wisdom to grant.

What a sweet, Christlike spirit was manifested in this prayer. Mark the love and harmony and sympathy among the brethren; the love and zeal for the truth which was evidently paramount to every other consideration, their gratitude and humble recognition of the divine favor, and the realization of their own weakness and desire for more and more of the power from on high and for special aid to enable them to endure hardness as good soldiers of the cross. Such is the proper attitude of the Church at all times; and such a spirit and such a prayer are sure to bring to the Church now as well as then the same answer of peace and joy. It is written that they were all filled with the holy spirit, and they went forth from that place of prayer and spoke the Word of God with

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boldness. The place also where they were was shaken while the blessing of the spirit came upon them. This, like the gifts that were then given, was evidently to supply what was then needed--an aid to their faith--in an hour of trial just at the beginning of their great work.

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LESSON VII., AUGUST 14, `ACTS 5:1-11`.

Golden Text--"Be not deceived: God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap."-- `Gal. 6:7`.

The lesson of this sad narrative is one of special warning to the whole Church. It is the only case in the Church on record where the penalty of wilful violation of a covenant with God met with summary punishment. Many since that day have doubtless similarly violated their covenant and no such results followed. With great boldness many have not only done so, but they have gone still farther and made merchandise of the interests of the truth; and still judgment tarries. Nevertheless, the Lord's eye is upon every one of the consecrated household, and no inequality will be seen in his dealings when his work is completed.

We have seen from the preceding lessons that the Lord's dealings with the early Church were peculiarly adapted to the needs of the inception of so great a cause, and different from his dealings after the Church had been fairly set upon her course for the prize of her high calling. The particular lesson which the Lord in this case desired to impress upon the whole Church from then till now was the solemn obligation involved in our covenant with him of entire consecration to his service.

While this property remained in thy hand was it not thine own? said Peter; and after it was sold was it not in thine own power? Why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God. The complicity of the husband and wife in the deception made very manifest the wilfulness and deliberate intention of both; and the penalty which followed was a warning of God's righteous indignation against all hypocrisy and deceit and the holding of the truth in unrightness. --`Rom. 1:18`.

We are not called upon to decide in this case whether the death of these two was the final or "second death" or not. If they sinned wilfully against sufficient light and ability to walk in it, the penalty must have been final; for it is impossible to renew in righteousness and holiness those who have once enjoyed and then abused the full measure of divine favor. (`Heb. 6:4-6`; `10:26`.) And indeed these words seem to imply that such a deplorable condition may be reached before the fullest measure of light has been received; but such a one must at least have tasted a considerable measure of the heavenly gift and of the powers or advantages of the coming age.

We are told that in the Millennium the sinner a hundred years old shall be cut off (`Isa. 65:20`) without receiving all the benefits of the Millennial reign. Those who are obedient and who patiently submit themselves to the reformatory measures of Christ's government will go on and on until at the end of that age they will have reached perfection, when all will receive the final testing which will prove their worthiness or unworthiness of eternal life. But the sinner who dies at a hundred years of age will certainly not have enjoyed all of those advantages, simply because he refused to avail himself of them; and his cutting off from life will be because he has so hardened his heart by persistent opposition to the law and discipline of the Lord that it has become impossible to renew him in righteousness and truth.

If such conditions may obtain in the Millennial age, when the world is on trial for life, it is equally possible to the Church in this our day of trial or judgment. We do not count ourselves competent to decide on the case of Ananias and Sapphira or any other individual; we know not what extenuating circumstances God's merciful eye may see in their cases; but we would counsel all to take heed that they hold not the truth in unrighteousness. If we have consecrated all to the Lord let us ever bear in mind the solemn obligation of our covenant. This is the lesson which God designed to impress upon us all, and let us lay it well to heart. But while we would carefully heed the lesson, let us not fear that God will not patiently and tenderly bear with our weaknesses while our hearts are right toward him and while we strive to overcome them. God is just, loving and merciful--slow to anger and plenteous in mercy.

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LESSON VIII., AUGUST 21, `Acts 5:25-41`.

Golden Text--"We ought to obey God rather than men."--`Acts 5:29`.

This lesson is a continuation of the narrative of the Apostles' faithfulness, even under great persecution, and of the desperately evil course of the religious persecutors of that day. But the circumstances are so similar to those of Lesson VI. that further comment is unnecessary.

May the simple story of the zeal and heroism of these faithful witnesses of the Lord be emulated by all his consecrated followers.


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DEAR FRIEND AND BROTHER:--I have just received my outfit from the WATCH TOWER PUBLISHING CO., and shall commence the canvass in a few days. Will you please answer the following inquiry, which is made in all good faith: Is there any organization among those who espouse the doctrines and gospel truth as taught by you in the DAWN Series? and, if so, by what name are they known? I have been a minister in the Baptist ranks for about four years, and in love with a full Gospel; and with the bright light of the DAWNS shining upon me I feel like breaking away from all hindrances and spreading the truth from platform and pulpit and in all other proper ways. Please write me and in addition to above inquiry make any suggestions you may feel willing. Yours in love and work for Christ, A. McHAN.

REPLY.--DEAR BROTHER: I rejoice to know of your growth in the fulness and freedom of the truth as it shines in the face of Jesus Christ, our Lord.

To the majority of ministers, used as they are to a more or less easy living and to the honor and almost reverence of the people, to take a step away from these is a great trial. But considering that they have had more light, more opportunities for study, more advantages in every way than most people, it seems but reasonable that they should have greater trial --on the principle of more light, more responsibility. The truth has never been popular, and the one who would follow it must leave the approbation of the world and the worldly-minded nominal church.

We have, however, no organization into which to invite you, dear brother. The only one which we recognize is the one to which our Lord Jesus is the door, and the members of which have their names written in Heaven. It includes, probably, some in as well as out of all denominations--every consecrated Christian, known to us or unknown. We believe that you will already recognize yourself as a member of this one, true Church--our Church, because we are Christ's. But, while recognizing many in the denominations of Babylon as members of this true Church, it is our duty to re-echo the Lord's words, "Come out of her, my people!"--and then to assist them as much as possible by the truth which affords the necessary grace and strength.

I would, therefore, think it proper for you to use any opportunity or talent in any pulpit, etc., from which you can gain a hearing, so long as you are able to present therein what you believe to be the truth; and as long as you do not hide your light through fear of offending the worldly-wise. As the Baptists are professedly less sectarian and are governed more by pure Bible principles than most of the other denominations, probably your liberty there would last longer and your work among them prove more fruitful.

But the method from which, according to the experiences of others, best results are to be expected, and in which I see it to be your intention to engage, is the Colporteur work. As at the first advent, work from door to door, instead of pulpit preaching, seems to be receiving the Lord's special blessing. Then the disciples stood at the door with the simple message, "The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!"-- while now with the same message we can present literature (which they did not then have) showing why and how and when it is to be introduced.

In introducing the Dawns, however, it is better not to say much about the doctrines, except where a person is found who is ripe and ready for it, leaving it for the books to present them gradually, in a way not to excite prejudice before enough truth has been gained to offset it and to give a taste for more with the desire to search diligently for it. The suggestions already sent you, you will see are along this line of wisdom--speaking the truth in love.

A back number of the Watch Tower has been sent, in which you will find more concerning the true Church. May the Lord bless you in your service for him, and may you become more and more in touch with him and his plans. I shall be glad to hear from you whenever you feel like writing.

Yours in the Redeemer, --EDITOR.

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New York.

DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--Enclosed find $6.00, for which please send me 20 copies of Dawn, Vol. I., and a quantity of Tracts.

I would like to give you some experiences of our little "church" of three. Last week each of us withdrew from the nominal church--myself from the Presbyterian, Brother D__________, from the Baptist, and Brother F__________, from the Methodist. Although it was the most difficult step I have ever taken, yet the way was made very clear, and the Lord has greatly blessed me since, because new floods of light have come from his Word, and whenever I have occasion to speak about it, I always have Scripture given to me, to prove wherein I am right. How true is that promise that "The path of the just shineth more and more unto the perfect day." I see it so plainly since I have given my will completely to God.

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Many, many thanks for the Towers sent me in regard to Baptism and The Thief on the Cross. The proper mode for immersion is now very clear, and the light on the other came almost instantly upon reading the article. Thank God for a receptive mind!

I have been told that an infidel in this city was brought to Christ through one of the Dawns that we loaned, so you see the Harvest work is going on, and God gives his messengers plenty to do.

My constant companion is the Word of God, and his plan of salvation is scarcely out of my mind a moment. The light grows brighter every day. I received much good yesterday from reading the "Tabernacle Shadows." Believe me, dear Brother, although never having seen you, yet I feel very near to you.

Yours in Christian love,

REPLY.--DEAR BROTHER LEWIS: Your enclosure is applied as directed. Allow me to congratulate you and the other dear brethren on your new-found freedom from the Nominal Church. "Be not again entangled in any yoke of bondage," that you may render all allegiance to the one Lord and Master.

I very much appreciate the spirit of your closing remark. I think that is how all who truly love the Lord feel toward each other. We are one with him, and love binds us more and more closely to him and each other as we see his spirit, "the spirit of a sound mind," manifested in each other and working out in the life.

You have been growing very fast in the knowledge of the truth, dear Brother; in just a few months you have partaken of much "strong meat," in the three volumes of Dawn, all the back numbers of Tower obtainable, etc.; or, to use another figure, you have been putting on the "armor" very rapidly. All this is for a purpose: that you may have the strength and the proper armor to enable you to stand in this evil day; and not only to stand yourself, but also to protect and assist others. You must use the shield of faith to resist the fiery darts of the adversary, coming from many directions, and learn to handle skilfully "the sword of the spirit," which is the Word of God, as well as to have your intellect protected by the helmet of salvation.

Now I suggest that you re-examine your armor to see if you have on each necessary piece, in its proper place; in order that you may not be taken unawares when the battle grows hotter. In other words, that you go back and read again what you have received, so as to make it entirely your own. As in armor the shield does not change into the sword, or the helmet into the breastplate, or the one usurp the particular office of the other, so each distinct feature in the plan of salvation retains its own place and use in the general whole; and as there are only a certain number of pieces in a suit of armor, and when you have them on you need no more, only to see that they fit together and are tightly fastened, leaving no crevice for a stray arrow to penetrate, so with the truth: once a truth, always a truth, and needing only to be properly adjusted, secured and used; and no more can be piled on without disastrous effects, weighting one down with a multitude of pieces of unnecessary or poor armor which would permit the enemy to overpower and capture.

It is necessary to consider these things, because the Adversary, seeing that you and others cannot be hindered from studying the truth, transforms himself into an angel of light, and tries to lead such beyond the true light into realms of unwarranted speculation which in the end carries the expectant and eager student as far or farther away than the nominal church or some less subtle foe could at the beginning of

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his studies. A time will come when we shall know all things, even as we are known; and as we approach nearer to the end of our earthly course and apprehend more fully the heights and depths and lengths and breadths of our Father's plan, we must learn to take the same pleasure in its completeness that we formerly did in searching out "deep things"--just as God enjoys the grand and good and finished features of his work.

We should expect completeness now, so far as God's revelation is concerned, because such was the promise. For instance, Daniel was told, "Go thy way, Daniel, for the thing is closed up and sealed until the time of the end --then (1) many shall run to and fro, (2) knowledge shall be increased, (3) the [truly] wise shall understand,...and (4) at that time Michael [Christ] shall stand up...and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation." Here, then, we have an assurance that the truly wise will understand, or, as the Apostle says, speaking of the same class and the present time, "Ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief." And as our Lord promised (to his people throughout this age), "Ye shall know the truth," and "If any man will do my Father's will he shall know of my doctrine." Then again, we have the assurance that, "In the days of the voice of the seventh angel ['seventh trumpet']--when he shall begin to sound--the MYSTERY OF GOD [His plan and his Church] SHALL BE FINISHED"--matters "kept secret from the foundation of the world." --`Rev. 10:7`; `Matt. 13:35`.

I mention these points, dear Brother, because the tempter will sooner or later bring to you as to others suggestions of doubt and uncertainty upon the very points which now you see so clearly, and for which there is such abundant proof in God's Word. These suggestions will be human speculations, "May be" and "What if" and "Who knows," which finally end in the "outer darkness" of agnosticism, in which the worldly-wise have always wandered, and into which the nominal church is fast falling. These doubts will start with suggestions that, Perhaps if God is good and loving enough to provide a redemption for all, and an opportunity for all to escape the penalty which came upon all through Adam's sin, and to come to righteousness and harmony with him through Christ--perhaps he will force all to accept of his loving plans and thus ultimately force salvation upon all, by taking away their choice or free agency.

When these unscriptural suggestions of the Adversary (based upon purely human reasoning) come, the test begins. If your faith is built upon the wisdom of men, you will begin to say: My wisdom is just as good as that of Brother Russell or any other man, and I will think for myself. Then you will begin to imagine how things might be; and the Adversary will send you plenty of assistance in turning and twisting every Scripture statement seeming to interfere with YOUR OPINIONS. At first you might be disposed to base all such claims for universal, everlasting salvation upon the merit of Christ's redeeming sacrifice. But when you begin to reason on the subject you will see that --(1) God's law has held Adam and his race under its penalty, death, for these thousands of years; (2) The sinner could be released only by the payment for him of the death-penalty by the great Redeemer; (3) The new trial of all under the new Covenant by Christ the Mediator implies a possibility of failure and second death, as well as a possibility of success which would confirm the redeemed life and make it everlasting; (4) Since God's laws never alter, it follows that if, after being forgiven-- justified--from the Adamic condemnation, any shall sin wilfully after receiving full light and knowledge, and with full desire to do sin, the penalty, death (the second penalty--"second death"), would come against such as surely as it came against Adam at first; (5) Reason then urges that as surely as God's law required a ransom price to be paid before any could be released from the first penalty or first death, so the same unchangeable law would require another or second ransom before releasing any from the penalty of the second trial--second death. Reason says that it is scarcely probable that Christ would die again to give anyone a third chance for life, after he had been granted

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fullest opportunity under the second. And Scripture answers, "In that he died, he died unto [or because of] sin [our sin] once," but "Christ dieth no more!"

But the person infatuated with his own thinking and bent on making some new light for himself cannot be stopped by reason based on Scripture. So he is merely stunned by his reasoning. He hesitates but a short time, and then decides--my thinking must be right: all must be saved eternally, and not merely all saved from the first or Adamic death and granted a trial for life-everlasting. I must set aside the doctrine of the fall and its penalty, death, and the ransom from it by our Lord's death. I must make a new theory on this which will harmonize with universal salvation. And soon he begins twisting and turning language in every conceivable form to get rid of those statements so clearly set forth in Scripture, in which he at first delighted as the very bulwarks of the good tidings of great joy for all people --that "Christ died for our sins"--that "he died the just one for the unjust" that he might "open up for us a new way of life" and "bring us to God." He may or may not hold to the word ransom and affect to hold to the Bible's teaching, but in fact all such deny the ransom and the entire plan of salvation which God has revealed--whatever of their own or other men's wisdom they may adopt instead.

So, dear Brother, you see my solicitude for you and the reason for my urging that you study again and very thoroughly the subjects presented in DAWN, Vols. I., II., III., looking up every passage cited and noting the contexts. I would have your faith rest not in the wisdom of man--(neither my wisdom nor your own nor any other man's) but in the wisdom of God

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and in the power of God as revealed to us, his children, through his Word.--`1 Cor. 1:24`.

May the Lord bless you and your associates --"establish, strengthen, settle you," and fit you for usefulness in present "harvest" work.

Yours in our Redeemer, --EDITOR.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I feel that I want to do something in the vineyard of our Lord; but fear I may not be humble enough--or perhaps I am too ambitious, or may undertake "eye" or "hand" work, rather than that belonging to members of lower degree in "the body."

My health both physically and spiritually leaves me to a certain extent strengthless. Oh! how I do realize this--even more keenly spiritually than otherwise. The suggestions you gave me have found lodgment in my heart. I want them to remain there. I want to ponder over them. I do not know just what the result will be, but I want to loose my hold on business at least to the extent that it has overcharged me with this world's cares. My first work will be partly to regain lost ground. While getting business in shape to get more time to devote to the Lord's service, I will have time to study and exercise my senses, both in getting an understanding of, and in defending, the divine plan (which embraces the glad tidings to both Church and world).

For want of practice I cannot make as good "music" on my "harp" as I could a few years ago. Then I had great confidence, so that I did not fear to meet and fight with a Goliath; becoming rather an expert with the two-edged sword. How ashamed I have felt sometimes within the past year or two, when I realized that I was concealing my light, fearful lest some "Philistine" giant might get the better of me in discussion, if he saw and accused me of being "one of them." I am truly glad that I never denied my Lord, nor indeed ever denied being one of his disciples; but realizing that I had to a great extent lost my power to use the Scriptures in defense of my views, I often felt it prudent to keep quiet, when otherwise I might have improved a good opportunity for exposing error, spreading the truth, or putting to flight its adversaries.

How thankful I am for the vivid glimpses of truth I had at different times while attending the Convention. I do not know to what to compare them--unless to what I have seen at night, during a terrible thunder storm, as I lay in bed looking out of a window. A few flashes of lightning divided the heavy, choking darkness, and for an instant revealed objects such as trees, houses, etc. These glimpses of truth seemed very, very distinct, and the impression they made remains with me. If the presentation of truth to the mind may be compared to the brightness of the sun at noon-day, these glimpses or pictures seen might be compared to the clean-cut flashes of lightning, even more dazzling than the brightness of the sun.

The feeling that always followed was like this: Oh, that I could always, constantly, have such clear conceptions of truth. Oh, that this

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bright shining, with the confidence it inspires and the love it enkindles in my heart, would remain. Then, how I could with confidence go into the vineyard, knowing that I would succeed--that I could hold fast, that I could stand, that I could overcome, that I could win the prize and wear the crown.

How sweet to leave the world a while, to retreat from its busy scenes, and to seek the fellowship of our Lord and the wise virgins.

In Christian love, yours,



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I have been in the Christian ministry for twenty years, during fifteen of which I have studied the prophecies diligently --which resulted in bringing me to some of the same conclusions you give in Millennial Dawn. It would be difficult for any one to imagine my delight in reading your books. I am profiting by the information thus gained and I am talking and preaching it wherever I go; and it is wonderful to find so many people ready to receive new truth, however much it may differ from the old stereotyped systems of theology in which they have been reared. I was pleased with the copies of Tower sent, especially with the one containing your article on "The True Church." I intend, by the help of God, to proclaim all that I learn from His Word, believing it is perfectly safe. I am Pastor of the Christian Church here, it is in a prosperous condition, and I fancy I have the love and confidence of my people; but there is no sacrifice too great for me to make for the cause of God and humanity.

I have no doubt that you are asked many questions by your many correspondents, and I am aware that your time is too valuable to waste on those of carping critics; but if it is not asking too much I should like to know how you harmonize the doctrine of the utter destruction of the finally wicked (which I also believe) with `Rev. 20:10`; `22:15`. Believe me, dear Brother, that I ask this only for information. I make no secret of my nonbelief of eternal torment, and have a theory in reference to the scriptures referred to, but fearing it might not be the best I ask your views. [This question will be briefly answered soon in a tract--A Rejoinder to Mr. Ingersoll.--ED.]

I am studying these things with a view to devoting the remainder of my life to their proclamation, as soon as I can master the lessons. I am only forty-six years old, strong and vigorous, just in the prime of manhood and well inured to hard work; and hence I think I can do much in the name of Him to whom I belong--who bought me with His own blood. God bless you in your grand work.

Fraternally yours, N. G. MURPHY.



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--The time draws near again to send in our "Good Hopes." I am glad that I am permitted to help even so little in the work, and perhaps, as I long to be useful in the Master's service, if I am faithful in a little, he will give me more to do.

I am very much interested in the young boys of this neighborhood. There are so many temptations to lead them astray. With this end in view, of lifting up a higher standard of morality and truth, we canvassed the neighborhood for means to buy a tent and started a Union Sabbath School. We also hold Bible readings; but our way is encountered with many difficulties, and it is only by prayer and earnest zeal that we are enabled to keep up. I have a class of young boys which I long to start out in the world as little soldiers to battle for the right.

Pray the dear Lord to help us in our weak efforts to do good and to guide us aright; and may he bless all of the dear workers everywhere, and hasten the glad day when all shall know and serve him.

One who is trusting in Him,
MRS. H. C. P__________.

REPLY.--DEAR SISTER: Your enclosure has been applied as directed--and appreciated as your thank-offering to the Lord and as an evidence of your love and zeal. May it be blest in the service of our King, and may the sacrifices in earthly things, which it has cost you, be more than compensated for in spiritual blessings.

I am glad that you desire to be led of God into that service which will most honor him and put yourself in more nearly perfect touch with his will; yet I am not surprised that in the work for the boys of your neighborhood you find it very much up-hill. Ordinarily it would be a good work--better far than a bad or selfish way of spending or wasting the time--and accomplishing something for them also; but accomplished only with difficulty. And perhaps the Lord does not remove the difficulties, as you might like, in order to show you a better work--good though the present one is, and undoubtedly receiving his blessing on account of your earnestness and love.

Have you never thought that the Lord could,

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very easily, close the liquor establishments and other doors of temptation? and that the reason he does not do it is that his time has not yet come? When his time does come, in the Millennial age, humane work of reform will be far more successful, because evil will be restrained, temptations, etc., removed, and it will be his will that all shall be blessed.

So I want to suggest, as before stated, that he may desire to show you what his work is now, according to the times and seasons which he observes in all his dealings with us. This age has been for the selection of the bride of Christ, who is to be associated with him in the Millennial reign of blessing; and the work of the prospective bride now is to make HERSELF ready (`Rev. 19:7`)--not specially the blessing of the world, which her Lord designs shall be done after she becomes united to him.

Or, as pictured in a parable, this is the "harvest" of the age, when, instead of sowing the good seed, as you are trying to do in the case of the boys, the time for reaping has come, when the wheat (those who have already received the word of truth and been developed by it) is to be separated from the tares by the sickle of present truth. Surely there are many developed Christians within your reach in need of your sickle lest they be choked under the mass of tares.--See DAWN, VOL. III., Chapter vi.

The Lord said, as represented by the prophet, that he was anointed to preach the glad tidings to the meek. We, as the members of his body, have received the same anointing, and therefore must likewise seek THE MEEK. The meek are generally not found amongst wild boys or

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in the slums, but among Christians--those whose experiences in life have made them willing to seek refuge in Christ--whose hearts have been "broken." Surely if your boys were "meek" and willing your difficulties would be removed. But you are trying to force on them that which rightfully belongs to the meek, who are perhaps waiting and longing for your message of peace.

This is only a suggestion, dear Sister, inspired by the earnest tone in which you write.

May the Lord bless you and lead you to His praise and the accomplishment of his purpose.

Yours in our Redeemer, --EDITOR.

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MY DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I have read with great interest and, I trust, profit, the double number of TOWER in which you treat the subject of the "Trinity." It is a view that seems to harmonize with the Scriptures and sanctified common sense. I have also received the Quarterly giving an epitomized statement of the Plan of the Ages. I think this particularly good, and will be adapted to prepare the way for some busy people, who would not think at first that they could read 350 pages of matters ethical. I would like to have you send me fifty copies of it, and I will try to use them in a way that will help the great cause. I enclose my check for $5.00, which I think will pay for them and leave a little balance, which you may use in the Lord's work as you think he desires. I think "The Tabernacle and the Better Sacrifices" is excellent in pamphlet form.

Yours truly, R. P. CHAPMAN.

[Glad to know that our recent publications are giving so much satisfaction to you and others whose approval and co-operation we so much value.--EDITOR.]



DEAR BROTHER RUSSELL:--I inclose one dollar for a year's subscription to ZION'S WATCH TOWER, beginning with July.

My wife and I have lately read MILLENNIAL DAWN, and you will know it has changed our whole lives. With my brother in the flesh, we had consecrated our lives to the service of the Lord in heathen lands, purposing to support ourselves with the Lord's help. Now all is changed. I have given up my pastoral work: the Bible alone must receive my whole attention for a time at least. The way is not clear, but we trust the Lord to lead us. We pray, God bless Brother Russell, as a faithful servant in the Lord's house, for the meat he has given us "in due season."

My work, pastoral and evangelistic, has been quite remunerative (about $1200 per year); but even before I read the DAWN, I felt I could no longer work for a salary. I have ordered 12 copies of the DAWN, and shall use my opportunities to spread the light.

In the hope of immortality, E. R. BLACK.

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SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE, (INCLUDES ALSO A SUBSCRIPTION TO TWO COPIES OF OLD THEOLOGY TRACTS QUARTERLY) By Express Order, Postal Money Order, Bank Draft, or Registered Letter. Foreign only by Foreign Money Order.


N.B.--Those of the interested, who by reason of old age or accidents, or other adversity, are unable to pay, will be supplied FREE, if they will send a Postal Card each December, stating their case and requesting the paper.


::R1432 : page 226::



Many new laborers have recently entered the ranks of the Dawn colporteurs, and we are glad to be able to announce that they are generally doing excellent service. One sister who gave up a good situation as a school-teacher reports that she has been able to average twenty books a day, even during the recent extremely hot weather.

Whilst there is still plenty of room for more workers in this part of the harvest work, which our Master is so abundantly blessing, we are impressed with the necessity of making the work done more thorough than heretofore. And we desire to impress this thought upon all the Colporteurs. Make thorough work of every town you touch and pass by no town of one thousand or more population. Indeed, experience is proving that the small places are amongst the best, except where affected by some local labor-strike.

In the interest of all and of the work we are now laying out specific routes for the colporteurs instead of allowing a promiscuous running about. Any colporteur not having received such an outline route will please correspond with us some days before ready to leave his present field.

In view of the fact that we sometimes refer to the Colporteur work as the "harvest work" some have inquired whether we mean that it alone is "harvest work." We answer, No. Although it seems to be the work that the Master is chiefly blessing and using, in gathering his saints into oneness and harmony with himself and each other through the knowledge of the truth, and therefore the work that all desire to engage in who can do so, it is not the only way of serving. Some are using their voices publicly, some privately. Some are using their pens publicly, some privately. Some are using the tracts and some the DAWNS--some publicly, some privately. Any way that you can best serve the Lord and his true sheep by circulating the present truth, "meat in due season," is harvest work; and if done with a pure, unselfish desire, in the name of the Redeemer, it is acceptable service. God bless all the co-laborers. Go on and on, from grace to grace and from service to service! His grace is sufficient for you,-- each and all.


::page 226::



Letters containing money or orders should be addressed to the Tower Publishing Co. Private letters to the Editor may be enclosed, sealed, in the same envelope. Make no allowance for our remembering previous orders and explanations. Make each letter complete in itself. When changing your address give the old as well as the new one. Remit by Draft, Money Order or Registered letter. Give your full address at the beginning of each letter.




Tract No. 1, "Do the Scriptures Teach that Eternal Torment is the Wages of Sin?" has been translated into Swedish, which is Tract No. 9; and into Norwegian, which is Tract No. 13. We do not send these out except when specially ordered. Any who can use these judiciously are welcome to order them--freely. These, as well as Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 and 14, are supplied in quantities without charge-- out of the Tract Fund.
